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Updated to 2.0 3/1/2012 - Now includes pagination ScreenshotCenter 2.0 phpVMS module to create a screenshot uploading and display system for your phpVMS based VA. Developed by: simpilot www.simpilotgroup.com Developed on: phpVMS 2.1.940 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in the distribution in your root phpVMS install. -use the screenshotcenter.sql file to create the tables needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar. -make sure that the file has created three tables in your database - screenshots, screenshots_comments, and secreenshots_ratings. Create a link for your pilots to get to the ScreenshotCenter <?php echo url('/Screenshots'); ?> -Be sure that the "pics" folder ends up in the root as it is structured in the download and has write permissions. -Templates are generic and will need to be skinned to your site, they do how ever depend on the native phpVMS "error" and "success" divisions, you need to have them in your css or replace them with your own. There may also be a few odd html tags in the template files as I stripped this out of my VA, I had never really intended for it to be released so I never made a plain template structure. Functions Available. To display the newest approved screenshot on your site: <?php Screenshots::show_newest_screenshot(); ?> To display the newest screenshot by a certain pilot on your site: <?php Screenshots::get_pilots_newscreenshot('pilotid'); ?> To display a random approved screenshot on your site: <?php Screenshots::show_random_screenshot(); ?> The links to upload, rate, and add comments are only available to logged in members. The screenshot approval link in the gallery is only available to administrators. Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.35 points
Module creates a schedule search form that includes the ability to choose the airline, aircraft type, arrival field, and departure field. You can choose one or all of the parameters to find what you are looking for in your schedule database. To install Download and unzip Place the files in the proper paths as structured in the download No new sql tables or anything needed. Point your browser to mysite/index.php/FrontSchedules and start searching. Enjoy! Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.18 points
First Beta Release - EXAMCenter Developed using phpVMS ver 1.2.778 and ie8 Features: 2 Levels of Administration -Administrator -Staff Member Exam and Question creation and editing Optional "Assign Only" system Installation: 1 - Download Package and place files in your phpVMS install in the proper paths 2 - Load the exam_center.sql file in your phpVMS database using phpMYAdmin or similar 3 - Place a link to the EXAMCenter in your menu -> <a href="<?php echo url('/Exams') ?>">EXAMCenter</a> 4 - Place a link in your menu for the Admins and Staff Members of EXAMCenter -> <?php $admin = ExamsData::check_admin(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid); if ($admin->admin_level >= '1') {echo '<a href="'.url('/Exams_admin').'">EXAMCenter Admin</a>';} ?> 5 - Start building exams! Some Notes: 1 - EXAMCenter Staff Members have the ability to assign & approve exams, author exams and questions, and create revision reasons. 2 - EXAMCenter Administrators have all the abilities that a staff member has plus the ability to open and close the center, add/remove staff members and admins, edit static messages for the EXAMCenter, change the assign/purchase option, and edit revision codes. 3 - The system automatically assigns the pilot with the database id of "1" as the first administrator. DO NOT un-assign this pilot as an admin unless you have at least one more admin assigned, you will not be able to log back into the center as an admin. I am still working on a check that will not let you do this but wanted to get the beta out. 4 - There are two exams already in the database to give some guidance on how things work. Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.15 points
AirMail 3.1 phpVMS module to create a messaging system your phpVMS based virtual airline. Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Developed by: simpilot www.simpilotgroup.com Developed on: phpVMS v2.1.934-158 php 5.3.4 mysql 5.0.7 apache 2.2.17 This system is not compatible with any earlier versions of AirMail New Features: -Delete All function in inbox and all message folders -Individual pilot setting to have email sent to pilot when new message is received -Threaded messages -Cleaner templates to help with site integration Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. -use the airmail.sql file to create the tables needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar. To Use the "You Have Mail" function place the following code where you would like the notice to appear, it will only appear if the pilot is logged in. <?php MainController::Run('Mail', 'checkmail'); ?> -Create a link on your site for your pilots to access their AIRMail <a href="<?php echo url('/Mail'); ?>">AIRMail</a> File Updated 9/2/2011 files changed: core/templates/sentitems.tpl core/common/MailDataClass.php File Updates 9/26/11 core/common/MailDataClass.php - NOTAM bug fix Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.15 points
TOPPilot beta 1.0 phpVMS module to extract monthly flight statistics for individual pilots from your phpVMS based virtual airline. Developed by: simpilot www.simpilotgroup.com Developed on: phpVMS 2.0.874 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Included files: readme.txt top_flight.sql TopPilot.php TpPilotData.class.php tp_index.tpl tp_previous.tpl Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. -use the top_flights.sql file to create the table needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar. -after the initial install point your browser to yoursite/index.php/TopPilot/refresh_pilot_stats one time. This will populate the database table with any data available. -to view the main TopPilot index create a link yoursite/index.php/TopPilot -everytime a pirep is filed the module will recalculate the pilot stats and update the database There are three main display functions within the TopPilotData class that you can configure to use in various parts of your site. Flights flown - TopPilotData::top_pilot_flights($month, $year, 5) Hours flown - TopPilotData::top_pilot_hours($month, $year, 5) Miles flown - TopPilotData::top_pilot_miles($month, $year, 5) $month should be the two digit month id of the month you want data from – ie 06 = June $year is the four digit year you are pulling – ie 2010 5 – can be changed to how many records you want returned. Excluding PIREPS that are not accepted yet. TopPilot.php line 52. Uncomment the trailing section and the module will not include unapproved PIREPS. Doing this will cause the module not to display any newly accepted PIREPS in the TopPilot data listings until after another PIREP is filed although you can refresh the stats at anytime using – yoursite/index.php/TopPilot/refresh_pilot_stats Although this script carries no limits of use a link back to www.simpilotgroup.com would be greatly appreciated! Have fun! Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.13 points
13 points
EVENTBooking beta 1.0 phpVMS module to create and manage fly-in events for your phpVMS based virtual airline. Developed by: simpilot www.simpilotgroup.com Developed on: phpVMS 2.1.921 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. -use the event.sql file to create the tables needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar. -create a link in your admin navigation panel I put it on line 54 in admin/lib/layout/header.tpl <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/index.php/events_admin">Events</a></li> -create a link in your main site nav bar <li><a href="<?php echo url('/events') ?>">Events</a></li> This is a VERY BASIC BETA version of this module. It only includes basic functionality and is currently under further development. It is only being released in this BETA form for community input on further options. The Slot Limit determines how many open slots are available to pilots for signing up beyond the slots that are already reserved. - I would suggest not editing this after you have created the event and have signups. The Slot Interval is how many minutes are between each Slot Reservation. This is not editable once you set the number in the creation of the event. Bug tracker and feature requests here - http://bugs.phpvms.net/browse/EVB Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License EVENTBooking beta 1.1 update -removed datepicker calendar and added date dropdown to support all browsers -added news post function during initial creation of event -added function to delete an event and all signups associated with it -changed sql field size for event description from 250 characters to 2000 characters New Install Same as 1.0 install above Update Overwrite existing files for EVENTBooking with the new 1.1 files Run event_update.sql in your events table in your phpvms database EVENTBooking beta 1.2 update - phpVMS ver 929 -fixed small date bug when editing event -new function to automatically add the link in the admin panel for the events module. It should show up under addons->events. (only functional with build 929 and beyond) You no longer need to put the link in your header for the admin side and it will not get overwritten in updates. New Install Same as 1.0 install above Update Overwrite existing files for EVENTBooking with the new 1.2 files If you are updateing from 1.0 -> Run event_update.sql in your events table in your phpvms database EVENTBooking beta 1.3 update - phpVMS ver 930 -added pilot rankings for number of events attended. New Install Same as 1.0 install above Update Overwrite existing files for EVENTBooking with the new 1.3 files If you are updating from 1.0 -> Run event_update_1.1.sql & event_update_1.3.sql in your events table in your phpvms database If you are updating from 1.1 or 1.2 -> Run event_update_1.3.sql in your events table in your phpvms database Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.12 points
You can post your feature requests here. Check out the about page (link above), those are the basic features that will be included.FSACARs and potentially FSPassengers support will also be included, as add-ons.Thanks!12 points
I've been thinking for some time now about making a search engine for virtual airlines, but before starting development I'd like to have some feedback what I have in mind is a phpvms based site where VA's can register and upload their schedules file. From this the site then knows where the VA flies and with which aircraft. Apart of this there would be a small questionnaire to fill out about the features they provide eg is there a jumpseat system, type of simulator, cargo or pax, how many minimum hours, free to fly any aircraft or restricted by rank... you know, the kind of stuff that really matters to a pilot who chooses an airline I haven't found anything like this on the web. IMHO vacentral isn't useful for pilots who look for an airline and I personally had no registrants from there. From my experience and reading the forums, pilots select an airline based on the airports/region and aircraft they can operate at that va, and of course the general "idea" of the airline.. not whether it has a certain rank in relation to other va's I personally think this could be a useful site both for va's as well as pilots, but maybe im the only one Let me know!12 points
Few shots from landing in Amsterdam on VATSIM with full ATC a few days ago. http://i.imgur.com/kw4vNQo.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RYvURRz.jpg12 points
Follow this topic for updates, and Please like this post if you are using my file... phpvms_navdata 1902: UPDATED 20 February 2019 | 23:59 Hrs US Central Time | 05:59 Zulu PHPVMS_NAVDATA_1902.SQL Above Sql Link not working? Try Zip File Download Also available at Modding Unlimited Network (Requires an Account) Download the sql file from above links.... Empty phpvms_navdata table Import ".sql" file with database editor... (phpmyadmin, Navicat, Sqlite Lite, etc).... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Or you can also run the parse from a browser with file tree as SITE FILE STRUCTURE: your_site_root/navdata/fsbuild/required_fsbuild_.txt_files_here (See original airhaul post in this forum) RUN FROM BROWSER: http://site_url_here/navdata/fsbuildpharse.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PHPVMS_NAVDATA TABLE MUST BE EMPTY FOR SQL IMPORT, OR BROWSER PARSE TO WORK Follow this topic for updates, and Please like this post if you are using my file...11 points
What's everyones favourite airport to spot at? I am currently situated near Toronto Pearson which has many available spotting locations. Just curious to see where people like spot! My experience at CYYZ: @flightspotphoto www.flightspot.net11 points
I think it would be really cool to get postcards from phpVMS users - I can post them up on the site. I know there's a worldwide user base, it'd be cool to see it, though It can be from your country or your town or whatever. I'll make a giant mural and post them online! This project is coming up on 5 years almost! Anyone interested? I'll post an address to send them to!11 points
Is anyone using ArrowChat, and able to get it to use the phpvms database? - http://www.arrowchat.com10 points
Does anyone use SMF 2 and is the SSI to show latest post on your frontpage_,main.php? I had a code that worked years ago, that doesn't work anymore. I am downgrading from IPB. Now I remember why I left SMF...lol I can't seem to get it too work. As shown in the SSI example I have this code on the top of the <html> <?php require("/home/flyakaco/public_html/forums/SSI.php"); ?> and have this to display the latest post, on my frontpage_main.php <?php ssi_recentPosts(); ?> I get an error and my site is all whacked. Fatal error: Call to undefined function ssi_recentPosts() in /home/flyakaco/public_html/lib/skins/flyalaska_1.0/frontpage_main.php on line 26310 points
Spotted this and thought it would be of interest. The site its self is, frankly, awesome! http://simbrief.com/home/10 points
Hello all i was woundering what are your hobby's outside the flightsim world. mine is keeping snakes i currently have 2 young Boa constrictors. when they are old enouph they will be bred and then i will get myself some more constrictors10 points
I have been experiencing an onslaught of registrations from members with names in all capitals that all resemble each other on a number of sites I manage. I am not completely sure what they are up to but I do not think it is anything that would be considered beneficial to your virtual airline. They most prevalent seem to be: ADEREMI MARTINS BELLO OLUJIMI EZEKIEL FATIMIRO NURAIN IDOWU BELLO LATEEF AKINOLA IBRAHIM IGHODALE NELSON OKHADE YETUNDE O ADIATU IGHODALO NELSON OKHADE TEMIDAYO PAUL AMOSUN SUNDAY RACHEAL KOLO AL MUNIRU AJIBOLA OYELOLA They all register with various VATSIM id's, none of which are legit, various hub choices, and various countries. As fast as they are deleted they are registered again. IP blocking is useless as they are using proxy services or spoofing. Most sites also get a response to every email sent to the pilot, ie - the registration and approval notices. Most of the responses are just a copy of the email that went out, but some do include the classic "THANK YOU SIR!!!" I have yet to find any of them trying to gain access to the sites beyond that of a regular user. If anyone else is experiencing this and has had an issue with site security or some type of exploit used by any of these users please share it with the community so we can apply the proper patch to avoid any future issues.10 points
10 points
What does your Pilot Center look like? I need some inspiration.... Thanks, Edmund K.9 points
Hello community, I been thinking of build an IFS or in flight entertainment system for pilots, which can be used to view videos listen to music and chat. I wanted to see what would be the demand for it if any. So am starting this topic to see how many of you would actually use something like that or how many would like to have it. Feedback is most appreciated.9 points
My site got hacked aswell My site is based on joomla and phpvms i would like to mention how important it is to update your software, i am writing this so that few members that are not so expirienced with code and website can see that also expirenced users can get hacked Thats my 2cents of advice9 points
9 points
Hi, I have build a Computer with great specs which can be seen below. My problem is that I get constant lag with a $1000 computer and it makes no sense. Running on Ultra High give me around 5-10 fps its stupid please help! Intel 3rd Generation Core i7-3770K CPU (4 x 3.50GHz, Ivy Bridge, Socket 1155, 8Mb L3 Cache, Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0) 8GB Ram GTX 660 2GB9 points
9 points
Charter Flight System (Using PHP-VMS defult Temps and Modules) [updated V1.1.0] By Reza Farzam Hello dear webmaster; To be honest, just noticed that this madule is a developed version of the PHP-VMS defult temps and madules which used in order to add and edit SCHEDULES from the Admin Panel . So first of all I am going to admire the PHP-VMS Board! We all know that there is already a pay-module owned by PHP-VMS Board that worths more than any charter modules! But I believe this Charter Module is the Best Free-Module ever! I think this module covers 80 precent of your demands! This module works by giving access to your pilots to add and edit the limited number of flights. These flights will be added to an specific airline which Its name is “Charter Flight†and its code is “CHâ€! These flights can ONLY be ADD or EDIT by its owner (Specific Pilot)! and also ADMIN of site! Means that all pilots have a list of their own flights and have no access to others’! Inorder to keep this activity onder control of ADMIN, I put the range limitation for flight numbers! So we have work to do! I appreciate all of you if help to improve this module ____________________________________ UPDATED! change log : - graphics added and images attached - instructions modified - module modified - .tpl files modified - error templates added Charter_Flight_System_v1.1.0by.Reza.Farzamupdated.zip8 points
PilotLogins_V1.0 What this module does, it captures every login that your pilots login and it enters into the database table. Even you can view all login in the admin panel with the JSON Table. This module will be handy for all phpVMS users, so you can ban all IP's that the pilots used. Created Under: http://creativecommo...s/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Completed By: Vansers Thanks To: lorathon (For Helping to understand, and fixing the SQL Query to grab the pilot's info from another table) I take no credit from this module, this module is just to help you guys and you are free to expand it, but please respect to whoever completed it. Screenshot of Module: How To Install: 1) Download the file that is attached here... 2) Unzip the file... 3) Upload/Import the SQL file called phpvms_pilotlogins.sql into the database that your VMS install sits. 4) Upload the files same as the structure as your phpvms files. 5) Go to "core/modules/Login/Login.php" after the following lines..... (Line 131) PilotData::updateLogin($pilotid); After that code, add the following code to Login.php PilotLoginsData::AddLogin($pilotid); This function will run and it will grab the login info when they login 6) Then, go to admin/templates/core_navigation.tpl..... After the line... <li><a href="<?php echo adminurl('/pilotadmin/viewpilots');?>">View All Pilots</a></li> Add this... <?php } if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, FULL_ADMIN)) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo adminurl('/PilotLogins/');?>">View All Pilot Logins</a></li> Then your done! Login, and then head to Admin, and go to View All Pilot Logins. Then your done! ------------------------------------------------------- Also, I have a request, if you could let me know if it really works, if it is capturing your ip address correctly, compare it from yours in the list, to that link. http://www.whatismyip.com/ Let me know if it works. If you have any questions or requests (sometimes it may be filled or not), let me know! Enjoy the new tool. Removed:[attachment=689:PilotLogin_V1.0.zip] Download Here8 points
http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#urgent8 points
Hello i have a problem that has been bugging me for a long and while flying on VATSIM. I have been unable to use VOICE on my laptop in FSX. It starting to really bug me now, because its not realistic to use text only and makes it hard for the controller. Basically i can transmit audio but i cannot hear it, this also applies to other programs too not only FSX, lets say i want to skype with someone and watch a YouTube video, nope i cant do that. So to put simply i cannot multitask with audio between two different programs. This is really really starting to annoy me now as i have been deal with this for months and months, please help.8 points
What's with the high volume of notifications lately? Has anyone else been getting these? I imagine that this forum license has expired meaning the spam blocker is also expired. All these usernames have zero post and most of them joined yesterday. It's annoying!8 points
Hey everyone I'm currently starting a virtual airline and I'm wondering if you can rate and critique these liverys. The harder you crutique the better. And thanks for your consideration.8 points
Good Afternoon/Morning, For a period of time now, I have been thinking about a Virtual Airline Awards System. This is something that I was looking into creating, in a large scale. I am looking for your feedback, and if you think this is worth the time investing. Let me sum up my Idea: Basically, I want to have a third-party independent website that is coded in a way that every semester/quarter a group of virtual airlines are nominated by the public to receive various awards. These awards will vary from Best Fleet Design, to Most Active Staff. All of the awards require nominations, and final decision by judges(Therefore nothing that is recorded by phpvms in number, such as most landings, most pilots, etc...). Once these virtual airlines are nominated through the website, a group of judges shall come together to grade each virtual airline 1-10 in each award category. When a virtual airline, receives an award they will be put on the Front Page of this website(publicity), as well as receive a badge they can put on their website. I am looking forward to hear your suggestions and feedback. Also, If anyone would like to help out on this project please be sure to pm me. Ryan Rinaldi8 points
8 points
8 points
If your in the xmas spirit or it is snowing where you live like it is here in Ohio, then I found an easy to use snow script that uses no images and thought I would share.. <!--Simply copy and paste into <BODY> Just above the </BODY> tag. --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* Snow Fall 1 - no images - Java Script Visit http://rainbow.arch.scriptmania.com/scripts/ for this script and many more */ // Set the number of snowflakes (more than 30 - 40 not recommended) var snowmax=35 // Set the colors for the snow. Add as many colors as you like var snowcolor=new Array("#aaaacc","#ddddff","#ccccdd","#f3f3f3","#f0ffff") // Set the fonts, that create the snowflakes. Add as many fonts as you like var snowtype=new Array("Times","Arial","Times","Verdana") // Set the letter that creates your snowflake (recommended: * ) var snowletter="*" // Set the speed of sinking (recommended values range from 0.3 to 2) var sinkspeed=0.6 // Set the maximum-size of your snowflakes var snowmaxsize=30 // Set the minimal-size of your snowflakes var snowminsize=8 // Set the snowing-zone // Set 1 for all-over-snowing, set 2 for left-side-snowing // Set 3 for center-snowing, set 4 for right-side-snowing var snowingzone=1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONFIGURATION ENDS HERE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Do not edit below this line var snow=new Array() var marginbottom var marginright var timer var i_snow=0 var x_mv=new Array(); var crds=new Array(); var lftrght=new Array(); var browserinfos=navigator.userAgent var ie5=document.all&&document.getElementById&&!browserinfos.match(/Opera/) var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all var opera=browserinfos.match(/Opera/) var browserok=ie5||ns6||opera function randommaker(range) { rand=Math.floor(range*Math.random()) return rand } function initsnow() { if (ie5 || opera) { marginbottom = document.body.scrollHeight marginright = document.body.clientWidth-15 } else if (ns6) { marginbottom = document.body.scrollHeight marginright = window.innerWidth-15 } var snowsizerange=snowmaxsize-snowminsize for (i=0;i<=snowmax;i++) { crds[i] = 0; lftrght[i] = Math.random()*15; x_mv[i] = 0.03 + Math.random()/10; snow[i]=document.getElementById("s"+i) snow[i].style.fontFamily=snowtype[randommaker(snowtype.length)] snow[i].size=randommaker(snowsizerange)+snowminsize snow[i].style.fontSize=snow[i].size+'px'; snow[i].style.color=snowcolor[randommaker(snowcolor.length)] snow[i].style.zIndex=1000 snow[i].sink=sinkspeed*snow[i].size/5 if (snowingzone==1) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright-snow[i].size)} if (snowingzone==2) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)} if (snowingzone==3) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)+marginright/4} if (snowingzone==4) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)+marginright/2} snow[i].posy=randommaker(2*marginbottom-marginbottom-2*snow[i].size) snow[i].style.left=snow[i].posx+'px'; snow[i].style.top=snow[i].posy+'px'; } movesnow() } function movesnow() { for (i=0;i<=snowmax;i++) { crds[i] += x_mv[i]; snow[i].posy+=snow[i].sink snow[i].style.left=snow[i].posx+lftrght[i]*Math.sin(crds[i])+'px'; snow[i].style.top=snow[i].posy+'px'; if (snow[i].posy>=marginbottom-2*snow[i].size || parseInt(snow[i].style.left)>(marginright-3*lftrght[i])){ if (snowingzone==1) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright-snow[i].size)} if (snowingzone==2) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)} if (snowingzone==3) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)+marginright/4} if (snowingzone==4) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)+marginright/2} snow[i].posy=0 } } var timer=setTimeout("movesnow()",50) } for (i=0;i<=snowmax;i++) { document.write("<span id='s"+i+"' style='position:absolute;top:-"+snowmaxsize+"'>"+snowletter+"</span>") } if (browserok) { window.onload=initsnow } </SCRIPT>8 points
Joeri, I have shown nothing but the utmost respect for you on these forums and even helped you solve problems with various users on these forums. What would cause you to disrespect myself, and my business in this way? You are one of the people that is looked up to the most on these forums. But the main thing I see you doing is bashing other peoples work now, and embarrassing people for all of the phpVMS community to see. You obviously do not agree with the service/price and therefore should contact me directly (PM or even the email that I supplied in the original post) and share your comment instead of attempting to publicly "rip apart" yet another post on phpVMS Forums. I do thank you for showing interest in FSPremier however. I hope that you will think through your next few negative remarks before posting them to myself, or any other member on these forums. Thank you.8 points
TouchdownStats 1.0 Module to extract and display landing rates from your PIREPS table ---------------------------------------------- A visible link to http://www.simpilotgroup.com must be provided on any webpage utilizing this script for the license to be valid. ---------------------------------------------- Developed by: simpilot - David Clark www.simpilotgroup.com www.david-clark.net Developed on: phpVMS 2.1.935 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. To show all the landing stats currently in the datbase create a link to www.yoursite.com/index.php/TouchdownStats To show a limited number of stats from your database create a link to www.yoursite.com/index.php/TouchdownStats/top_landings/10 The "10" can be changed to however many you would like to see The most useful method of the data class would be to use TouchdownStatsData::get_all_stats() and TouchdownStatsData::get_stats('10') You can use these inside of one of your templates to bring back the data you want and display it as you wish. An example to fill a variable with data for use in your template you can use $this->set->('stats', TouchdownStatsData::get_stats('10')); in your module to pass the data to the template within the $stats variable. Then in your template use the $stats variable to do what you wish with the display. TouchDownStats Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.7 points
There have been a number of comments in the shoutbox regarding the delayed approval of posts and comments from new users. Unfortunately, the forum's spam blocker has expired and the forum is being overcome by the spam posts and new spam members. The only way that we could combat this at first was to lock all new members down to have to have their first 5 posts approved by a moderator prior to allowing all the posts to be automatically visible. This was a valid solution for a while but at this point it is very time consuming to dig through all the new posts and comments that need approval, especially when the topic titles are not on point. I have attached a few images to show what I am speaking of, cap1 is the first page of unapproved new topics, and cap2 is the last page of unapproved new topics. Yes, it is currently 379 pages long, which is just over the last two weeks. (379 pages x 10 per page = 3,790 items that need to be moderated) I can not speak for other moderators, but I do not have the time, or patience for that matter, to dig through these posts to find what is legit and what is not. I will offer that if you have a post that needs approval and can email me a link to the post directly, I will approve the post for you when I can. This may take a little while as I do not spend all my time patrolling this forum. DO NOT send me a PM here in the forum. I receive many every day including from spam users and have quit reading and responding to them quite some time ago. email: david <at> simpilotgroup <dot> com7 points
Unfortunately, i haven't seen any post where we can show our cockpit sets. So, let me start... It consists of two displays, the Siatek Pro Flight Yoke System, a Samsung Galaxy Tab II 10,1" as an FMC (using a specific application), two keyboards and one kneeboard which can be laced on my foot in order to help me write down the notes i want during my flight.7 points
im sure someone has a PPL so when getting fuel from the truck or pump how does it measure the quantity like is it pounds, liters, gallons or whatever and also does anybody know a good place to find the price of fuel currently at an airfield?7 points
I just saw this website... Do you know anything about that? http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/24960/7 points
Hello, When I receive a pirep from my pilots, the system don't do the good calculation for the fuel used. (See image) I have in my local config file the fuel in Kg. Look in image the flight details, 5.1€ unit, I suppose that this is for Kg. The fuel cost is more than the gross revenue... Can someone help me? Thanks, Alex7 points
Hi All It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the newest web hosting company on the net. iProHosting is a new web hosting provider of shared web hosting and domain name registration Based out of two locations the company opened its doors for business in February, 2013. iProHosting aim is to steadily become one of the world leading and industry recognized hosting providers, paying detailed attention to customer service needs. We have already begun to make a name for ourselves hosting several websites. Operated by several qualified technology enthusiast, iProHosting will be providing it's customers with several products and services to complement their businesses and their personal needs. iProHosting is currently serving customers in several territories and is hoping to broaden its client base throughout the globe. With today's global financial situation, iProHosting products and services are priced for the comfort of businesses of all sizes and shapes. iProHosting Customers ranges from complete novices to computer and technology experts. Our team at iProHosting is anxious to deliver its premium service and products to is distinguished customers, while maintaining a very high standard at a very affordable cost. Contact one of or sales Representative today to discuss your needs. Visit our website www.ipro-hosting.com to view our packages.7 points
Is Angel Air VA still around? If not I'm looking for another VA to join.7 points
Hello New Version is up Curent Version of APVacars is and module version is --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to present you APVacars. APVacars is an opensource Log/Acars System for PHPvms. APVA is created in Visual Basic 2010 and uses FSUIPC Client DLL for .NET By Paul Henty for the comunication between APVA and Flight Simulator software. Also APVA uses a modified module created by fs-products.net for the comunication with PHPvms . Below i have some screenshots Main Form Flight Information Weather Briefing If you are an admin at your V.A and something hapened with a pilot of your's you can resend the Pirep About Box APVA is licenced under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported That means you are free to modify everything except the About Box as it hold's all referenced to all modules and DLL's that i have used and also not making a profit by selling it. Source Code can be founded on GitHub https://github.com/vangelisb/APVacars PHPvms Module https://github.com/v...s_PHPvms_Module The Installer of the software if you dont want to mess with code APVacars.zip Please tell me what you think and what else would be nice to be added All recomendadions would be acceced and if possible implemented on next versions If you find any bug please let me know so i can fix it The only thing that you have to do is Copy the module that you have donwloaded from gitHub into your phpvms setup Open the software insert your information in the settings and you are ready to bid and fly.6 points
Thought some of you may want to use the news module I made so just the titles are displayed and are clickable to go to the full news item. It creates a list wherever you place it - and shows the full news item when you click on the title - PopUpNews Module to create a quick view news list on your front page of a phpVMS site. Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License ---------------------------------------------- A visible link to http://www.simpilotgroup.com must be provided on any site utilizing this script for the license to be valid. ---------------------------------------------- Developed by: simpilot - David Clark www.simpilotgroup.com www.david-clark.net Developed on: phpVMS v2.1.934-158 php 5.3.4 mysql 5.0.7 apache 2.2.17 Install Using Simpilotgroup Plugin Manager -Download the package -Upload the package to your site using the plugin manager -Use the auto-install from the plugin manager Install Manually: -Download the package. -Unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. Where you want to call the PopUpNews List in your site use -> <?php PopUpNews::PopUpNewsList(5); ?> The number "5" can be changed to however many news posts you want to show in your list.. Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.6 points
To display various stats per hub: Readme + File available on GitHub: https://github.com/t...erritt/HubStats I think that pretty much covers everything? Enjoy6 points
Hello every one ! I don 't know if someone got it but i figure it and i like to share with you Ok the basic idea was to display a list of all rank of the company and a list of all the awards of the company to separated pages: test/develop and works with phpvms version 2.1.934 Download the attachments To install: 1) upload the contents of modules to your phpvms module file on server 2) upload the contents of templates to your templates folder on phpvms server 3)to view your rank list make a link to http://www.yoursite.com/index.php/rank 4)to view your awards list make a link to http://www.yoursite.com/index.php/awards thats it ! you are ready ! How it looks: ranks and awards list.zip6 points
Totally agree with you here. Being a mod on the forum does not mean you have the right to critcise in the way you are which your comments all seem to be. You should be a role model for everybody who is a member here. Grow up and show some respect for the members of this community you should be setting an example to. Jon6 points
Auto Awards, It blows having to manually add awards for pilots. Especially if you have alot of pilots. Some get left behind.6 points