Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 21 replies
Hi guys, Just thought I'd post about my open-source project of which I am the head developer and project leader on, ZPanel which is written in PHP and supported on Windows, Linux and UNIX is an opensource alternative to the likes of cPanel and various other control panels. The latest version 6.1.1 is fully tested on Ubuntu 10.04, CentOS 5.2 and FreeBSD 8.2 as well as all versions of Microsoft Windows. Maybe this may be of some help to some people out there that are thinking about purchasing a VPS for running their VA on but don't have that much experience with Linux or FreeBSD or simply don't have the money to rent a Windows VPS. I'm not spamming the forums to try and…
Last reply by twelka3, -
Is there a legal age limit to join a va ? I don't wanna get hit with any legal mumbo jumbo
Last reply by Conor, -
- 20 replies
Me and my COO were sitting in our teamspeak earlier discussing things when a random user named Colin Woody popped in. We have never given anything about our website or teamspeak out. He claimed to be a web designer working for Boeing and Mcdonald Douglas and coded a majority of their website. He claims to have done a lot of work with PHPVMS and actually had a fair amount of knowledge about the system. Now he wants to be a web designer for my VA. What should I do? He also has a VATSIM ID. Should I let him join or is he a little too suspicious? Cody
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 19 replies
Currently I'm on shared hosting and so far it is working fine but I know as my airline grows I may need to move over to a dedicated server. I'm asking any who have dedicated hosting plans what they would recommend. Thanks!
- 19 replies
I have just (15 minutes ago) received an email from under the display name It seems totally random to me, see quote: Any ideas what this is about? :s
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 19 replies
I haven't bashed MS in a long time. (a week) That is about to change. I went to the MS online store and got Outlook 2010. I downloqded the 64 bit version, which promptly told me since I had Office 2007 32 bit, I couldn't install it. Gotcha #1. I downloaded the 32 bit version, which refused to install because it thinks I still have one of the prerelease versions installed. I uninstalled it months ago. I would tell Steve Ballmer to go to hell, but hell hasn't caused me any trouble, so why should I bother hell.
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 18 replies
I'd like to setup a chat server so our pilots can talk to each other. Can anyone guide me on how to learn more about this. Two criteria. #1 it has to be free #2 I'd like to be able to integrate it somehow with phpVMS Thanks
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 18 replies
I was wondering if anyone out there could teach me how to paint aircraft. My graphics skills have never been good and I am not real good at images. I do have adobe photoshop 8 and adobe photoshop elements as well as paint shop pro 9. I have tried to do aircraft before but never could figure it out. If anyone wished to teach me that would be awesome. Oh I also have some converter that you have to have to do it as well. I even tried to follow along with the tutorials at Not sure what I could ever do to return the favor as I am a broke college man with 3 kids to take care of, but I am always good for something. Let me know. If not that's cool too.
Last reply by James142, -
- 18 replies
Anyone know of any Virtual Stock websites that can be used for my VA?
Last reply by OA01, -
- 17 replies
Hi Nabeel. I was just wondering, with the coding the way it is now, how hard would it be to make it so that awards name and description is a tooltip ( Alt Text ) when you mouse over an award image instead of it appearing beside the image. I think it would simply be for asthetics of course. I'm not asking for this to be a built in feature, was just a thought I had. I was going to take a stab at it, but I decided against it. Reason: Since I am on Beta, I hate to come back and report something broke after I altered it. That is not fair to waste your time like that on something that might be my fault.Â
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 17 replies
Just wondering what is your favourite airlines. post them here!
Last reply by James142, -
- 17 replies
So a competitor has came out with a system much like phpVMS in it's own kind of new way. They claim they are superior to phpVMS because phpVMS is all full of bugs. Here is my take on it. 1. I love their software has a bootstrap template. 2. They have some awesome features that are integrated in or being worked on that others here are charging for. 3. It is actively being developed. Their cons: 1. No one is developing templates for it or modules. 2. It has a few bugs it self. Not even going to lie. 3. Their support forum is .... Well, meh. Great if you speak Spanish. If you are speaking fluent English, forget about it. 4. Typos galore! As far as it being superior…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 16 replies
I am considering implementing FSFK into phpVMS, but only if there is sufficient interest. It's a paid ACARS program.
Last reply by goldenairways, -
Free hosting for phpVMS
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi all, Do you know of any free web hosts that offer compatibility for all of the phpVMS files and functions? Could anyone do free hosting for me? Thanks very much.
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 16 replies
Well here are my va stats. * Total Pilots: 39 * Total Flights: 87 * Total Hours Flown: 164.22 Flights just started to pick up the other day.
Last reply by wrenchca, -
- 16 replies
Hello i am trying to get help with the PHPVMS i am not that good at it i am asking if someone can help me setup my website thing. its
Last reply by llju1, -
- 15 replies
I get this Idear recently - How about a FSD Server for alle the Pilots and Airlines flying on VA Central? I think it would be fun to see other "real" People around while flying. If a Server is needed the EUV Root has plenty of ressources left:-)
Last reply by fsvirtual, -
- 15 replies
Currently over the Rockies
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 15 replies
I've been looking around the code in app.config.php and spotted this. Config::Set('DAYS_COMPACT', array('Su', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'Th', 'F', 'S', 'Su')); Config::Set('DAYS_LONG', array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday' ) ); I know as much about PHP as I know about quantum mechanics, so I am curious as to why Sunday/Su is in the array twice. Sorry if this is a dumb question.
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 15 replies
I have a question: What Aircrafts did you have in your VA? Eventually with an Link to the project (when this is coming from one) to help other new VA's to find the perfect Aircraft for his VA. We use the following Aircrafts: Fokker F28 Mk-4000 (Project Fokker) Fokker F100 (Project Fokker) Airbus A319-100 (IDFG - I think) Boeing 747-400ER (MSFS) Boeing 747-400ERF (MSFS) CRJ200 (Project Opensky) Boeing 737-800 Beoing 767-300ER Airbus 340-300 ATR 72-500 Cargo McDonnell-Douglas MD-11F And you? Regards Basti
Last reply by ACVA_CEO, -
- 15 replies
I've made the build scripts public: There is a rudimentary README file. But yeah, fork it, download it. It has to be run on the command line. If you point the db.php to your phpVMS install, it'll populate there.
Last reply by hurkulez, -
- 14 replies
So far, I'm about 75% through the coding for financials. While this next update won't include the monthly reports (yet, I think, depends, definitely the update afterwards), I've written out (from my docs) some of the innards of how it will go. Open to comments and suggestions:
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 14 replies
Fellas, I am in a world of hurt here. I am taking a class on VB and personally I hate it. I have a project to do that has to do with using constants, functions and sub procedures. It is due by tonight (Tuesday) at 11:59 pm EST If there is anyone at all who knows VB and would not mind helping me out, I would REALLLLLLLY appreciate it. The project is all over the net, but the code to me is useless because I do not know if it is right or wrong and if I do not name my buttons and such exactly like they did, the code will not work anyhow. I am in a real bind here and rarely to never ask for help doing my school work. Taking this course on VB made me realise something REAL …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 14 replies
Hello. I have spent a while searching for a JavaScript code to remember what a user has clicked on in their last visit on the internet for what I am looking for what I need but I cant find it. So I was wondering if anyone here has ever came across such a code online before? To make things a little clearer, what I am looking for is a JavaScript code that will save information on a cookie about what link a user has clicked on in their last visit and keep redirecting them to that link everytime they visit the page. So if they go to and click on a link that says Link-1, it will redirect them to everytime they visit www.yourwebsit…
Last reply by James142, -
- 14 replies
We’re thrilled to announce that the Microsoft Flight Beta is scheduled to kick-off in January 2012 and we are now accepting applications to participate in the beta program. We will be sorting through your applications over the coming month and will get back to qualifying participants with additional details throughout our beta phases in January. As we taxi for takeoff, we will continue to provide intriguing updates about the future of Microsoft Flight so please keep checking in on our website or on our Facebook Fan Page. Fasten your seat belts, return your tray tables to their upright and locked positions, and get ready for Microsoft Flight to takeoff! The Microsoft …
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 13 replies
i reason i am asking is becuase i don't know how to Must -Be a Full Page -Info's on a sidebar -Easy To Skin For Me -Have Side Bar Left AND/OR Right -Have images I HAVE My OWN if you can do this please pm me
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 13 replies
Ok sorry I did that to get your attention ;D Offering free beer and not following through is just plain wrong. Anyone here good at graphics? I need a simple fix to my sig background. All I need is some text put on it that would look ok. I'm not picky at all and would be very greatful. All it needs is my VA name but every time I try it, I jack it up. Graphics and Ray do not belong in the same sentence together If not that's cool too. I can live with it for now. Thanks for Reading.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 13 replies
This is beyond ridiculous! It's disgusting that nobody can create anything around here without some fool claiming its been stolen! You have no rights over an idea! People here need to understand that seeing as we're all here to do the same thing, we're probably going to end up doing the same things! In addition to that, HTML and CSS are designed to be written in a certain way, and that way only. To create a valid HTML table, for example, you need certain tags in a certain order. Two people who are inevitably pursuing the same idea will no doubt end up writing the same code, if they write valid code. It's driving innocent people, who are bringing creativity and product…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 13 replies
Hello Everyone! I am delighted to announce the beginning of a new help website for Virtual Airlines. Today seems like a busy day, I already see two other Design sites opened up (I was putting finishing touches to mine this morning, honest!). Who Are We? Virtual Airline Management Solutions/Services (Or VAMS for short) is a brand new site in which is made up of a small group of professional flight simulator enthusiasts just like yourself. We decided after a bit of thinking that we really wanted to give something back to the world of Virtual Aviation in a way that we can help other Virtual Airlines to really get going. Most of our team have worked in senior VA mana…
Last reply by MBrown, -
- 13 replies
Hey. I just got a new computer and was wondering how fsx would work and about how many fps i would get. Intel Core i3 Processer CPU M 370 2.40 GHz 4 GB Ram 500 GB Hard Drive 64 Bit Windows 7 Home Premium