Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
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Hello, Thanks for reading this post. I am the Chief Executive Officer or British International and I need help skinning! I have tried all sorts of templates etc however I want to start a fresh, new one. I need some tips and handy advice and even someone who would be willing to help me free of charge. Many thanks! Jason
Last reply by BITCEO, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys, I have downloaded Obsessblue, changed a few bits and uploaded to my host, as I have not got a clue about coding, please for a simpl person how do I make this my default skin? I have been looking at the forums and they are full of good info but for a simple person like me I get lost. Is there or can someone make a dummies guide to skinning, with practical advice and screen shots for other folk, not just me, or if anyone has the time help me out. Thanks for all the support. Deano 5SA0001 5 Star Virtual Aviation CEO
Last reply by bravo27, -
any idea or help why this happens when i resize the window of my broswer???
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 reply
I have found a hosting company and have been talking to the CEO who is an aviation fan himself, so I now have free hosting for 3 months for the VA and then if I have enough traffic after 3 months funding will hopefully continue and my VA will be a partner with this web hosting company, well a different company owned by the same man I think. But I have watched all the skinning tutorials and have some graphic software but neither dreamweaver or virtual studio/basic or what ever software the admin was using. And have no CSS or coding skills really. I wondered it somebody could kindly make one for me, I have no idea on how they work so I will post some things up if anybody co…
Last reply by Jordan Delaney, -
- 4 replies
Hello you guys! I have found these 2 sites that have the same exact template. and , They have almost the same template , my question is where did they get it? I saw this on a free template site before but can't seem to find it. Does anyone know where i can download it. I know it is a Css Template and that i will have to convert it so it can be used with Phpvms! Thanks! Just out of curisoty
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 2 replies
How do i change the color of the Obsess Blue like the MENU box etc.. or can I?
Last reply by ace92nd, -
Hello guys I am trying to make some phpvms templates in order to share them with others 1 of the problems that i faced is the google map size i tried to read the google map api but no succes so i would apreciate any help my problem is that the google map is out of the center of the page to the right Example so if anybody can explain to me how can i resize the map it would be nice Thanks in advance
Last reply by Michael, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone... The " acars_map_bubble " is editable? and where can I find the css to edit it?... Thanks
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by zubeek, -
- 1 reply
Where is the file to edit the acars map and it's size? Is it in the skin folder or somewhere else?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 reply
Good morning all i am manager for Virtual i want to know how can i active the slide show to show some images for our virtual thanks
Last reply by CapitalConnectVirtualGroup, -
- 6 replies
Found this whilst browsing the web. Will have a look into it and see if I can get this master piece working with PHPVMS Have fun !
Last reply by Josf, -
- 6 replies
Ho guys any one can tell how do i add flash banner swf file to the footer.tpl ?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hi, i want add a new image in frontpage with peronalized layout. In my style.css i have .art-article img, { margin: 10px; } I want add this: .art-article img, { height: 10px; margin: auto; width: 8.2px; } But in frontpage there is other image, and if i edit css i change layout fot all image... How do I change only my layout image? Thanks Mario
Last reply by ziomaruo, -
- 6 replies
Hello Im trying to find out were I could put the code for me to show my Favicon. Thanks
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 2 replies
Hey, Just to ask, im intresting in inserting a drop down menu instead of the one i got now, please let me know of way of doing this and a guide.. Thanks J
Last reply by KZR005, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, I have been looking round to see if I could add an image to the background of site, I have been reading the skinning forums but I think my eyes have gone funny as I cannot see any links, This is from the style.css from the top of the page. ===================================================================================================== body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial; background-color: navyblue; /***This is the entire site background color**/ } img { border: 0px; } .size { width: 950px; margin: 0px auto; ==========================================================================================…
Last reply by 5SA CEO, -
- 1 reply
<?php if(!$lastbids) { echo 'FOF pilots at the bar'; echo '</p><img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/lib/images/nobookedflight.gif" width="80px" height="99px" /></p>'; return; } foreach($lastbids as $lastbid); { ?> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td>Flight</td> <td>Pilot</td> <td>Departure</td> <td>Arrival</td> <td>Aircraft</td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo $lastbid->code.$lastbid->flightnum ;?></td> <td> <?php $pilotid = $lastbid->pilotid; $pilot = PilotDa…
Last reply by Jerry, -
- 6 replies
Can anyone tell me how I add a map that shows the latest 10 or whatever flights that were done?
Last reply by Marmus, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I'm currently creating a theme for a VA. In my menu, I use: <div class="btn"><a href="#" title="Thing" style="border-color: #831029;">Thing</a> for making the menu (Without phpVMS). How can I intergrate it so phpVMS's menu works with this? Thanks.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 3 replies
I have been adding pages for my site and of course as I add them, they are added to the menu. I was under the assumption that the code for the menu was being added to the core_navigation.tpl, but it has not changed at all. Where are these links being coded in. Not all of the pages I build do I want to appear in the menu, so I need to be able to take them out.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 14 replies
is there any way to integrate sliding images instead of the banner in vairline template?
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 0 replies
Pls can someone tell me how to adjust table of showing pilots, pireps and so on, regular html codes or? And another request, where can i fix that only new pilots and new pireps are shown only on main page, like this now its shown on every page, and also how to adjust those tables. Thank you
Last reply by shiljo, -
- 2 replies
I noticed that there is a file called 'layout_dark' in the (admin/lib) folder, anyone know how to get this working other than the default skin? I have this in the 'index.php' Dylan
Last reply by Dyl963, -
- 10 replies
there is still a couplt of things i cant find to edit like side bar colours and then on main page i have oragne boxs i want to change them as well any ideas what im missing
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi Guys, I was wondering if the Administration Center for PHPVMS can be skinned? Or can I Echo information onto a different skin which only Administrators Can see? Thanks, Callum
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 15 replies
Hi all, I am intrigued to find out if its possible to skin the admin centre. I have seen LA92's version and its pretty awesome, But unfortunetly was taken down due to copyright infringement. I am willing to do this and release it to the phpVMS community free of charge if it all goes well. I look forward to hearing your responses, Thanks, Josh
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 2 replies
Anyone have any luck using a admin dashboard as there pilot dashboard?
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 2 replies
Hi , I have been searching where to remove a button from the admin side panel, im looking to remove the reports and Expenses button. from the admin sidebar, Any help would be much grateful Karl
Last reply by sev, -
- 6 replies
Hello Everyone, I have currently been working on a admin skin for the backend of PHPvms for my virtual Airline. I have attached an image to show that is it is still in early stages. I am just wondering if people would be interested in this skin once finished for their on Virtual Airlines free of charge. Regards Michael Note: Package cost includes a personal license to any base template required for your custom package. Client will be provided with the license terms prior to files being transferred. License will be included in final package.
Last reply by YusufBudi,