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7147 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
I could use some help with this issue. No data below the map and no symbols on the map when pilots are flying. I recently changed over to HTTPS if that matters and we do use SmartCars for our ACARS system. All other functions of the website and ACARS works in regards to PIREPS and PIREP submission. Any guidance into the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Ray
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
Good Day, We use phpVMS Version simpilot 5.5.2 It seems our CAVacars has stopped communicating with our website. The "Live Flight Board" and "Live Flights" on our homepage are empty and there are no "Top 10 Landings" being displayed. PIREPs submissions have stopped coming into the Admin Panel as well. In the Maintenance options I have tried "Reset ACARS" with no luck and "Optimize Tables" gives the following errors... canadaai_phpvms.phpvms_acarsdata - Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead canadaai_phpvms.phpvms_acarsdata - Invalid default value for 'lastupdate' canadaai_phpvms.phpvms_acarsdata - Operation failed canadaai_php…
Last reply by CanadaAirVirtual, -
- 0 replies
Hello All, Installed PHPVMS on PHP7.1, installer works great now that I have my DB issues resolved. When I login to the new site and go into the Admin section, none of the admin modules work. I keep getting errors like: An Error Was Encountered The module "SITECMS" doesn't exist! Same for all of the other modules. Any thoughts as to what I am doing wrong?
Last reply by jessferguson79, -
- 2 replies
Hello All, Running PHP7.1 with MySQL 5.7.24. When I run the installer it fails creating several tables. I tried to recreate one manually but am getting the following error mysql> CREATE TABLE `phpvms_acarsdata` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `pilotid` varchar(11) NOT NULL default '0', `flightnum` varchar(11) NOT NULL default '0', `pilotname` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `aircraft` varchar(12) NOT NULL default '', `lat` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', `lng` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', `heading` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `alt` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '', `gs` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `depicao` varchar(…
Last reply by jessferguson79, -
- 17 replies
Hi there, I have been trying to install PHPVMS 5.5 on my web server and can't seem to get past the installing tables part, what I get is just a blank screen, I have all the files on the domain I have listed, have looked at the install checker and its saying files are missing yet I see them clearly in the ftp browsers. Ive been at trying to get this on my server for the last 3 hours and its not happy with me any help would be great, thanks.
Last reply by jessferguson79, -
- 0 replies
Hello Folks, I ve been dealing with my first Va website and I want to add an image slider instead of a steady banner on my front page. I ve tried several manners to do it (like jquery or bootstrap) but no solution. Here is my websites front page . I would like to have a slider instead of my B777 image. I ' ve tried to add some codes in my layout.php file in the skin folder and also have dealed with style .css files but couldn't get any result. If you can help in this point. I d really appreciate. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by ERDEM, -
- 0 replies
Hello I Buy Hosting Package And Etc From TfDi Design I Have Done Many Thinks And Try To Install PHPVMS v5.x In It But It Still Show Error, What Should I Do? Fatal error: Class 'mysqli' not found in /home/emirate3/public_html/ on line 97 Thank You
Last reply by ChairmanEKv, -
- 0 replies
Hello: I just started my VA but I do not have much knowledge in PHP At the time of loading the skin, I have to delete some parameter in one of the important folders and now I can not get it. (Public_html / Core / classes / Templateset.class.php ) Can someone send me the original, or help me correct my mistake? Warning: include(/home/ibevirt1/public_html//lib/skins/ela/header.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ibevirt1/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 236 Warning: include(/home/ibevirt1/public_html//lib/skins/ela/header.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or d…
Last reply by aimarferg16, -
- 1 reply
Im the owner of the Virtual Israeli Air Force and i need to make a crew center, i installed phpvms and icrew, now i dont know how to skin the icrew, if somebody has any knowledge of icrew and is willing to help me out, i would be very greatfull. My email is:
Last reply by LeonardIGO4036, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
helllo guys i tried to install all freeware acar like xacar kacar ccacar all i tried and i get some error in all acar , is it wrong with my website ? i tried alll so can anyone tell me why this is happening thank you
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Our pilots can fly ANY aircraft in our inventory, regardless of pilot rank - but we want to restrict aircraft to specific routes. We have aircraft assigned to specific categories, and assign one or more categories to a specific flight number. This allows our pilots to fly a range of aircraft available for a given route. Ideally, having the aircraft names and/or aircraft category show in the schedule and having a drop down box listing only those aircraft available for a specific flight on the 'File a Flight Report' page is what we are after. Is it possible to assign multiple aircraft types to a given route? For example: Route - KPHX-KDEN, Route number 740, Aircraft - B738…
Last reply by thunder175, -
- 18 replies
Hello, I have installed phpvms and installation worked fine. However, pages are not displayed correctly. Here is what I mean: I use PHP 7. I am on shared hosting. Any advice? Cheers
Last reply by bbuske, -
- 6 replies
Hello guys I have installed the icrew crew center looks really good but I want to add some more pages like for weather map then Downloads ,fleet etc so pls tell me how to do it and in icrew there is no option to go to admin panel directly so if anyone can make a code for that also would be great thank you
Last reply by sayedzaafir, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
When the CRON job runs the following error happens: A non well formed numeric value encountered in ..........VMS/core/common/StatsData.class.php on line 171 It continues running and does the following" Reset PIREP Counts Updating Total Hours Count (question is always shows "found 1 flight hours for number" regardless of number of hours a pilot has - is this correct?) Now counting from PIREPS - Found 125774:08:00 total hours, updated Any fixes for the error?
Last reply by thunder175, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I’ve made my first CrewCenter! But I want to install a skin (ElaSkin - I’ve made a folder in ‘lib\skin’ called ‘ela’ but when I select the skin in my pHpVMS. It doesn’t work - I still see the default skin. Can someone help me?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone. My website is currently facing issue, me and my pilots will have a redirect page issue and it somethign to do with the cookie. This happens after we logged in, close the browser and access the website again. I'm trying very hard trying to solve this but cant seem to fix it. Did change the SITE_URL but it doesnt seem to change. Any help here?
Last reply by PikoSim, -
- 0 replies
Hi there, Does anyone know how I can ensure that all flight times in my schedule search show two decimal places? So currently anything other than a whole hour show as I'd like, but if the flight (in example is 2) is an hour long, how do I get the ".00" afterwards? Cheers
Last reply by Waters10, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I noticed our VA's disk usage increased from 2.15 GB to 2.24 GB in 7 days. We can have anywhere between 300 to 500 pireps in a week. Is it normal to use 92.16 MB in a week? Thanks
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm trying this function in a table <?php echo $flight->deptime; ?> But my server have NY time and I want UTC time or +6 hours, then I'm trying this: <?php echo $flight->deptime+'6 hour'; ?> But if for example in NY are the 16:38h I get 22h, not 22:38h I tried with +6, with +06:00:00, etc, but nothing. How I can get deptime in UTC or add 6 hours with minutes? Thanks! P.S: This is the source file (I think) to deptime funtion
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 1 reply
Hi. i installed Plugin Manager and was greeted by an error message reading Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in /home/s3jbak9vbf4b/public_html/va/admin/modules/Plugins/Plugins.php on line 514 i read all the current support topic's and have installed ZipArchive WARNING: "pear/Archive_Zip" is deprecated in favor of "pecl/zip" downloading Archive_Zip-0.1.2.tgz ... Starting to download Archive_Zip-0.1.2.tgz (19,606 bytes) .......done: 19,606 bytes install ok: channel:// i am using godaddy for hosting Please Help Kind Regards Kyle 🙂
Last reply by ItzKV, -
- 1 reply
Hi I'm trying to install the latest version of phpvms but i get this error after inputting the database details
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 4 replies
Hi all , Good day , I tried to Upgrade this problem but still theres no change , reCAPTCHA is still version 1 What should i do? Thanks for your replies
Last reply by saamirkarimi, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have been trying to install a free phpvms install, my website is and i wish to install the phpvms in to a sub directory /Pilotcenter. However After I upload the files 5.5.X to the folder and then go to it allows me to enter the infromation in to the text boxes. however I can not check the database connection. This is not the first time i have install PHPvms, However this is the first time I have installed in on paid hosting (TFDi Designs) my php ver is set to 5.5 and i have tried with 5.6. many thanks in advance for the help Regards Mike
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 1 reply
Hi folks, Can I to migrate PHPVMS 2 to 5.x? How I do that? Thank you!
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 0 replies
Hello Guys, I've stumbled across this issue only today while finishing up my VA production. I tried adding them manually and via a .csv file but I'm getting the same error: "There was an error adding the schedule, already exists DB error: Field 'route_details' doesn't have a default value" I set the default value for 'route_details' to NULL and caused an error in another field (payforflight) which I fixed by setting it's value to NULL, after I did that, the schedules were being added but they weren't showing up on SmartCARS or the Schedule Search page. These are the only two fields that were edited, screenshots were taken before I edited the ta…
Last reply by saj5020, -
- 5 replies
How would I go about setting up the below cron job, or can anyone direct myself to any tutorials on how. Our VA runs phpVMS Version simpilot 5.5.2 Cron If you have the ability, it's best to setup a cron-job to run the maintenance script. The command to add is: php -f /home/canadaai/public_html/admin/maintenance.php It's recommended to run this sometime between 2-6am (pick an artibrary time when you would least-likely have any flights). Also, remember to change in local.config.php, USE_CRON to true, so phpVMS doesn't try to automatically schedule these tasks to run. Note: If you setup the cron to run, it's recommended to also run it by hand …
Last reply by ProAvia, -
Hello, my problem is that I have installed version 5.5.x, I had to reinstall it 20 times already but I have the same error, when I enter the routes are not seen, and even the same thing happens with the aircraft. Someone else happens or is it just me in the desert?
Last reply by OWA001, -
- 7 replies
Why does my airport search don't work? It always says it's looking up and nothing happens.
Last reply by CanadaAirVirtual, -
- 0 replies
Currently when a pilot is market inactive/Retired they have to contact Staff to to change their status. Where is this set in the code? We want them to be able to file a PIREP and change their status back to active. The filing can be done either manually or via ACARS.
Last reply by DesComm, -
- 0 replies
TFDI database lost my airline and thru smartcars into maintanience mode. Just need help on how to properley input my smartcars script mine reside on my server in my httpdocs/core/smartCARS folder Any help plse
Last reply by Wildone,