Support Forum
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7147 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Google are removing the V1 recaptcha from use on the 31st of this month. Two questions, how do i recode for V2 or disable in the registrations. Has this been answered before?
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 0 replies
Hi All, We've had some issues with our routes table being wiped off somehow, our question is - is there anywhere we can get hold of a wholes airlines schedules already in csv format for importing right into the admin console? thanks in advance!
Last reply by UKVAG, -
- 0 replies
Good day ! I am using smartCars with phpVMS. I was dealing with creating a route map for the pirep view. I based myself on the default one. The default map processes the field "route_details" of pireps. I thought I was going to do the same, but all this field contains for every pirep is a:0:{} I think it is due to the ACARS we're using that is smartCars. Do you guys know how to fix that ? Thank you !
Last reply by VoltaCrew, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I come to you for help! I know that the subjects have already been treated but in spite of all that I can not stop tearing my hair. here I just installed PHPVMs 5.5 I finally managed to customize my template on the other handI encounter a problem with the recaptcha that does not work despite the advice and tutorial online and on the forum and now I just see that the addition airports do not work anymore. I am ready to give a ticket to the one who will help me to solve these problems. It is quite urgent because we have changed the system and the VA no longer steals because phpvms is not yet functional. Warning: require_once(/home/xxxxxx/public_htm…
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
- 0 replies
Hello all, i am doing something in my VA and i need to add new column \ filed in current table example table phpvms_pilot i am already new filed for example total_daily_flights i need to show the result of this filed in profile_main.tpl like <?php echo $userinfo->totalflights?> when i change totalflight to = total_daily_flights , there is NO Change ! please i know i should add new line in some files can you teach me like $this->set('total_daily_flights', $totaldailyflights); but where should be to add ? this is an example to be clear
Last reply by alyousufi, -
- 0 replies
Good morning I have a problem in the admin in the section viee all pilot I can not edit and has modifying options I am attaching an error screen help me I do not know how to solve Fatal error: Class 'AwardsData' not found in /web/htdocs/ on line 489
Last reply by Filippo, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Can someone just point out the differences between the various versions of phpVMS? What's the latest stable version?
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 0 replies
Hi All, I hope someone may have the answer to why the Recent Reports, Newest Pilots & User Online is now at the bottom of the page where it used to be on the right side with the news items on the left. Thank you Oz Flyer.
Last reply by OzFlyer, -
- 0 replies
Good day, I have a problem after every flight, I can not see my PIREP. That tells me "This PIREP does not exist !". While it has been sent via the smartCARS application. I Booking flights under the website is work. Someone would have a solution for this problem please. Thank you Regards
Last reply by Salem, -
- 3 replies
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have entered the schedule using days 0-6 however only day 0 is showing once I load this on the admin panel. could someone tell me what I've done wrong? Zipfile Pic 1 shows you how I have loaded my CSV file, ZipFile Pic 2 shows they aren't showing on the site. Zipfile Pic 3 shows you the same on my admin panel. on the CSV file we have 631 flights, however only 94 are being uploaded to the site. Today being Wednesday I'm only being shown Sunday flights but as a general thing we are only able to see Sunday flights (if i looked on Friday I would only see Sunday flights. I'm sure its someth…
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, The activity list only shows pilots that rank up. It doesn't show "Pilot X has filed a PIREP from XXXX to XXXX" There's nothing in the log. Any ideas? Regards,
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
- 6 replies
Hi There, Some of our pilots are starting to want to use X-plane, When I went to do some testing I found I could not select an aircraft type. In kACARS for FSX there is a dropdown list for aircraft type to fly. Can some tell me how to select an aircraft in Xacars ver 2.5.6 ( Or is there a better program to use? Thank you I await your reply David.
Last reply by OzFlyer, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I have updated to V2 but i notice that in the Admin panel it still shows 2.1.938
Last reply by Jimmy_S, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I am having issue with my main page slider, it is not loading. The loading emblem just sits there and thinks. I havent touched any the files in awhile. I was thinking of switching it to the windytv that i have seen on some other sites. Would anyone mind walking me through how to do this? <div id="masterslider" class="master-slider ms-skin-default mb-0"> <!-- first slide --> <div class="ms-slide"> <!-- slide background --> <img src="" data-src=""…
Last reply by tdohrer, -
- 3 replies
On the Admin Panel it says '5 Pilots Pending' but when I click on the link nothing shows up..
Last reply by anushpatel, -
- 3 replies
Hi is that possible to do the connection flight in virtual ? For example the main hub is Dubai and pilot want to fly from Paris to Sydney through Dubai ? for example when search for flight from Paris to Sydney it will show for him 1- EK1 from paris to Dubai 2- EK23 from dubai to Sydney i mean the result should be show the flight with connection flight to sydney is that possible or not if anyone have module or code please share with us
Last reply by alyousufi, -
- 5 replies
When I try to go to my website (, all I get is this: Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES in /home/historic/public_html/core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 436 Any ideas?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Hi chaps, I followed the Recaptcha v2 guide above and that worked, but when I run a test registration, I get the confirmation and I get the email, but the user is not added to the database?! My last working registration was 31/03, just before Recaptcha was deprecated. Anyone got an initial steer? I changed a few things trying to upgrade to v2 before I spotted the guide, but I reverted all those changes as far as I know (although it's possible I may have missed something...)
Last reply by neo2810, -
- 4 replies
I have a small space gap on my site: between the menu and the first news post and I can't figure out why that changed or how to correct it I know it is probably really easy, but I am spinning my wheels on this. Also, my menu now shows up behind some other items, like the flight map. Could someone remind me again how to correct both those things. Once you get away from doing this stuff and then you come back to it, it can be challenging for us older folk I have searched the forum, but am not getting the results I am looking for Bruce
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 0 replies
Hi All, I have set up phpVMS on a AWS LightSail Instance and all the features are working besides the mass emailer.. I have tried to enable SMTP and use gmail's (as a test) SMTP server with no luck. I do not know what is causing the mass emailer not to work. I have checked the Spam section of my Email and it is empty. I would appreciate any help I can get on this matter! Thanks. EDIT : I Fixed it! Google was blocking the SMTP!
Last reply by anushpatel, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I deleted the New Hire rank but when new pilots sign in my site they're assigned to "New Hire" anyway. I have created the initial rank as Primer Oficial de Fuselaje Angosto (Narrow-body First Officer) but it isn't working. Thank you!
Last reply by Imanol, -
- 4 replies
Hi i am doing some thing for out virtual i am create a form to search a flight in frontpage but i need to know how can i show all dep or arr airport ? below is example code i create it in frontpage but nothing show , like airport to select <div class="field col"> <label>From </label> <div class="inputText"> <tr> <td> <select class="search" name="depicao"> <option value="">All Departure Airports</option> <option value="BIKF">BIKF - Kefl…
Last reply by alyousufi, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by gio1961, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, This time, I have a new error. Look image: I do not know why this is happening. As you can see, when I enter the site the site gets all messed up, without css, with nothing. From what I saw is because of the scripts, this is saying that they are not safe, I do not know why, because I believe they are safe. The site looks all cute just if I click the blue "Done" button. Thanks. Regards, Carlos.
Last reply by CarlosEduardo2409, -
- 2 replies
please help i run crewcenter on phpvms and when i click add to bid i get no route passed thanks
Last reply by solosavage, -
- 0 replies
Í want to disable the phpvms to give a money tô pilots, The pilot ranks is 0 and routes the pay for flight is 0, but i set um mysql my totalpay to 7, but when my pirep os approved my money já automatic seted to 0. How can i disable this?? Thank you
Last reply by rKFabio, -
- 12 replies
Hello! When I try to install phpVMS 5 I keep gettin this error: Can some one help me with this? Thanks alot!
Last reply by Yessin, -
hello name its mishel and i need help to crate a va,i try a lot and work and i cant get it,and i try a lot,follw the tutorials and noting work for me,i am pratty new on this and if anyone can help me for free or 5$ i will be rly happy,i just went to do a va and that stuff,so thats it,thanks the manger of Cal cargo virtual! u can also contact me via dis and skype; discord -Call me mike-#9352
Last reply by MishelY, -
- 1 reply
So I have had this code on my site for a long time. Uploaded and downloaded and adjusted schedules via the spreadsheet with no problem. After the last upload they do not show up in this area? Only happened after the last upload. I had touched the code on this page before or after the upload! It's just now they stopped showing up! And what's even stranger is if I click on the Find Flights button they all show on on the next page. I never had to do this before. If you click Find Flights: This is what USED to show up when I just loaded the page on the Main schedule page? Now to further complicate things if I go into the Admin area and m…
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 0 replies
Hello to everyone! Firstly, im new on this forum, so if i m doing anything wrong, please tell me so i can change ut. Secondly, I run a VA in IF, and i want to upgrade the VA system (and website) using phpVMS. I have seen the video of the installation, and i get how to do it, however doesnt support mySql anymore, and i cant access file zilla, even though im using the info of my account. Does ayone know what to do? By the way, i cant pay for a payed domain. Can anyone advise me of what to do? I want (if possible) to build the system/site as soon as possible. Thanks
Last reply by joaosousa,