Code Snippets
Pieces of code you can use around your site
314 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hello guys, I would like to ask if you can display your IP on a page of the site. Every driver, when you plug should see your ip. Can anyone help me?
Last reply by Tato123, -
- 2 replies
Wondering if any of the folks out there know code i can use for my registration to take all the airline options away but one? There is a dropdown on the registration form where pilots can choose an airline and i want to get rid of that and make to where, when they all join its under the same airline identifier. Thanks for any help Tyson
Last reply by tdohrer, -
- 2 replies
Can anyone share there pilots page that separates by Airline?
Last reply by Strider, -
- 2 replies
Hi folks, If anyone could lend help with this, I would appreciate it. Per this post, I was able to modify the download_list.php file get the image added. What I am trying to figure out now is how to make a link out of the IMG tag so that if a person clicks on the reduced size picture (reduced due to the width attribute), they would be able to see the original full size picture (in a separate window of course). <li style="overflow:hidden;"> <a href="<?php echo url('/downloads/dl/'.$download->id);?>"> <?php echo $download->name?></a><br /> <img src="<?php echo $download->image?>" style="width:150px; vertical-alig…
Last reply by natcret, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, A few months ago I found a script on this forum to show all the awards next to each other instead of in a row below each other. I cant find it anymore on the site. So can anyone tell me how to create the profile in a way that all the awards will be shown with 4 in a horizontal row, then the fifth is starting on a new row? Kindly regards, Rick Winkelman
Last reply by ncd200, -
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Hi guys, wondering if there is any tweaks out there to change fleet page. Is it posssible to seperate all fleet by airline?
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
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Hi, is there a code snippet available for the following, a pilot joins and receives BBB002 then leaves another pilot joins, they are given BBB003 by the system, instead of the lowest available number. thanks in advance
Last reply by shaun105, -
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Hey folks, This is the code for showing the money on your PROFILE page: <?php echo FinanceData::FormatMoney($userinfo->totalpay) ?> I was wondering what is the code for the MAIN PAGE... It is not the same code!
Last reply by Royzzzz, -
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Hey guys, I'm not sure about you but I got a lot of fake BS messages through my contact form, and I got really tired of it so I looked for a solution. The fix was fairly simple, and with the same technology you can also stop fake registrations! Since this forum is visible to everyone, and therefore also to those who might be behind these messages, I decided to not share it here directly. You can only view the solution on my blog: when you are logged in!
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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This is half and half a code snippet post and also skinning however putting it here. Im using SimPilot's screen shot module, and was just wondering if there was a way of using the screen shot as a random image on the main page? I have an image that is 819 X 311 on the main page, and while I have the random image call working, I cant seem to make the image any larger. <?php Screenshots::show_random_screenshot(); ?> The actual code im using is : <center><?php $allpics = new Screenshots (); $allpics->show_random_screenshot();?></center> Adding any height= or width= seems to throw an error. Of course, in the past, ive made…
Last reply by topher2880, -
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You need to edit the MainController.class.php. You'll find it here: \core\classes\MainController.class.php In line 96 there's a function called loadModules(). Edit this function to the following: public static function loadModules() { global $NAVBAR; global $HTMLHead; self::$ModuleList = self::getModulesFromPath(CODON_MODULES_PATH); if(empty(self::$ModuleList)) { Debug::showCritical('No modules were found in module path! ('.CODON_MODULES_PATH.')'); return; } self::$listSize = sizeof(self::$ModuleList); self::$keys = array_keys(self::$ModuleList); ksort(self::$ModuleList); foreach (self::$Modul…
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
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Is there a code out there that can hide content by rank? For example I only want certain links to show on for pilots above a certain rank. Is this possible? My site is phpVMS 5.5.2
Last reply by flyalaska, -
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Hello! I'm hoping someone can help! I'm looking to use a search text box instead of a dropdown menu on our Schedule Search page ( I'm smart enough to realize that the file I want to play around with is schedule_searchform.php I am NOT smart enough, however, to mess around too much without breaking something. I'm good at editing and building off of someone else's start - but I for the life of me can't start something new (if that makes any sense, lol) The area of code I'm looking at changing to allow a pilot to enter a ICAO code instead of searching the never-ending dropdown menu is lines 16 thru 45: …
Last reply by Dyl1103, -
- 1 reply
Hey, This is my first release for PHPVMS (and I forgot to spell and grammer check the instructions) so this is BETA 0.9 as it is almost complete. If you would like to add a tell a friend link to your site, this code should do exactly what you want :-) available as a popup, link, or embed. You can even create Skinned PHPVMS Pages to use with this Module/Code. The fields can be changed easily having on basic knowledge of HTML. If you experience any problems Use the forums because everyone may benefit form your question. Instructions are included. Enjoy
Last reply by VIP AIR Virtual, -
- 1 reply
Every time one of my flights prices should show something like 151.70 it always removes the 0 on it and it shows up like 151.7 Is there a change I need to make for it to show up as 151.70? If the number is even (ex: 151.00) is comes up like 151
- 1 reply
Hello This is my first release.Everyone specially who is using the IP Board forum must be looking on how to display recent forum posts on your PHPVMS Home Page. Well here is how to do that. YOU NEED TO HAVE IP CONTENT INORDER TO USE THIS. STEP 1: Login to your admin cp. STEP 2: Create a block through the IP Content. STEP 3: Follow what to do in these screenshots which i am attaching. STEP 4: After creating the block near the block where all the blocks are displayed there must be a small sign and wgeb u will put your mouse on it it will say "Get code for widget" copy that code and paste it where ever u want to display RECENT FORUM POSTS. Enjoy! IP BOARD SCREENSHOT…
Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Just thought this would be really useful to a lot of people wanting to integrate phpVMS with other software. This is a code snippet that will allow you to logout of phpvms regardless of where the script is or where it's called from. Just make sure the directory to you codon file is correct and everything should work fine . Here is the code below (basically the logout function of the auth class but written out instead of referenced to avoid execute problems): <?php require("../../phpvms/core/codon.config.php"); #self::remove_sessions(SessionManager::GetValue('userinfo', 'pilotid')); # Mark them as guest Auth::update_session(Auth::$session_id, 0); # "Ghost" e…
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 1 reply
If any are interested in adding an image for each member on your site on the pilots list page, here you go. Add the table header that will hold the image headline: <th>Image</th> Next add the table data that will call for the image: <td align= "center"><img src="<?php echo fileurl('/images/members/'.$pilot->pilotid.'.jpg'); ?>" width="50px" height="75px" alt="<?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)?>" /> You will need to change this: ('/images/members/' if your images are located in another directory. You will also need to change this: pilotid.'.jpg' if you are using another type …
Last reply by mark1million, -
Mass Email Validation Form
by Guest lorathon- 1 reply
Replace the admin/templates/mailer_form.tpl with the one located in the ZIP file. It uses a validate script to stop you from submitting the email form without a subject. Minimally tested
Last reply by freshJet, -
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Hello, I'm trying to create a code that alter the condition of the aircraft when a pirep is been submitted. it looks to the landing rate, so when the landing rate is below 200 than 0.5% off the condition. when a landing rate is higher than 200 than 2% of condition. when a landing rate is higher than 500 than 50% off condition. so far i have: $pos = find_in_fsacars_log('TouchDown:Rate', $log); $landingrate = str_replace('TouchDown:Rate', '', $log[$pos]); $count = preg_match('/([0-9]*:[0-9]*).*([-+]\d*).*/i', $landingrate, $matches); if($count > 0) { PIREPData::editPIREPFields($report->pirepid, array('landingrate' => $matches[2])); } PIREPData…
Last reply by Jakes, -
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I've got an arrivals board with latest flights but I want it to display whether it's early, on time or delayed. Here's my code: $actualtime = $pirep->flighttime; $schedtime = $schedule->flighttime; if($actualtime < $schedtime){ echo '<td>Early</td>'; } elseif($actualtime > $schedtime){ echo '<td>Delayed</td>'; } else { echo '<td>On Time</td>'; } It only shows it as delayed at the moment though. Anyone help?
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
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Would like to see what the code is to show the number of pending pilots.
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Please help me, i want to limit access to specific module. Probably via .htaccess and password. Please help if you know how ... P.
Last reply by simpilot, -
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I am a web designer and would like to build my own VA website, do you guys have all the codes that i would need to add different functionality to my site and is there any video tutorial that explains step by step how to go about adding such scripts in for some who may not know who are beginners....reason i ask is because i have many folks here who is into aviation looking to start a VA and get their sites up but i have to first get clearification as to building one and teaching them how i got it done.
Last reply by Sava, -
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Hi, i hope that anyone can help me. i search for a code that pilots can schedules on time. example: Select An Airline Select your departure airport: Select your arrival airport: Select aircraft: and than: schedule time: i hope that anyone can help greets michael kraan
Last reply by Tato123, -
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Does anyone know the code or what I have to do to be able to add notes to the pilot center for the pilots to see?
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 1 reply
Anyone have the code or know how I can add like something showing our Team Speak Server?
Last reply by servetas, -
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Hey guys so I installed the Pilot Shop Add-on nothing appears in it and it tells me PilotHome No products have been bought! that's in the pilot home page. Then via the admin center when I try to add some products it saids " An Error Was Encountered The module "SHOPADMIN" doesn't exist!" Anyone know how to fix it?
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 1 reply
Hi! This is my first post here =) I've been working on a module where the central idea is to dynamically update airports visited and divided by country and continent. Just follow the template module. If anyone wants to help me, any help is me.
Last reply by nabpp, -
- 1 reply
how would i set my site up so it says welcome guest when ur not logged in but ur name when u are logged in?
Last reply by flyalaska,