Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Hello everyone! Just wanted to post here and get your opinion on my new redesign for the Air Serbia Virtual website. I have put a lot of work into it and I am satisfied with how it looks like! I will be putting some other improvements doing the following days but that is the general idea. P.S I know that the frontpage news need a bit of adjusting
Last reply by mischka, -
- 0 replies
Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots to join us for our October fly-in on Saturday, October 13th at 21h00edt (01h00z) where we will fly to Saint Maarten which is well renowned for its plane spotting. Departing from Miami (KMIA), we will fly Princess Juliana International (TNCM), for a visual approach to famous runway 10 over Maho beach! This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network. More information regarding this event including operational details, charts, optional add-on scenery and the Canadian Xpress SB Model Set can be viewed by visi…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 0 replies
We would like to present you our new Official Promo Video! NOTE: It is suggested to use 1080p Quality! "We give you wings to fly!" Greece Airways is a virtual airline which developed inside IVAO and VATSIM networks. Our goals are to enhance the simulation of our hobby and serve the community. Moreover we are trying to create a friendly environment between our members. Our schedule is updated in a regular basis with new routes, we provide you all the information you need before you start a flight, we organize monthly events etc. Join us today and become part of one of the best European Virtual Airlines. You can visit our website at http://www.greeceairw…
Last reply by servetas, -
- 9 replies
Here is the result Thanks for topics, helpers, I continue my research to improve the site. So your opinion?????????
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
September 10th marked Alaska Adventures 5th year anniversary. We still have some of our original pilots that joined back in 2007. Alaska Adventures has filed over 9,700 PIREPS with over 14,000 flight hours. Alaska Adventures started with FSACARS and merged to phpVMS in late 2009. Alaska Adventures wouldn't have been around as long as it has without our pilots and everyone from the community here that gave me a helping hand. Thank you everyone, you are the best. Our original DHC-3 Otter Hopefully many years to come!
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
Continental Airlines Virtual has been around since October of 2011, However, we've have had good times, and bad times with Staff Members. (Most likely because Friends, can't really run things Perfect). So we are looking for a BRAND NEW Staff Team. Here is a List of ALL the positions that are available: ALL APPLICATIONS NEED TO BE SENT TO in order to be eligible for a Staff Member. Each, and every staff member on this list WILL Receive their own "" email address that can be used for any thing you desire. (xxx being the Staff members first name) Executive Positions: **APPLICATIONS DUE BY 09/30/2012 , 0000z** - Vice Chief Execu…
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 13 replies
Orlando, FL - July 18, 2012 AirTran Airways Virtual - Official News Release Contact: brian (dot) newman (at) AirTran Airways Virtual announced the launch of all flight operations on the date of August 10, 2012, at 1000Z. AirTran Airways Virtual is now a fully functional virtual airline, and is seeking virtual airline pilots to fill first officer positions for AirTran Airways Virtual's Boeing 737-700s and Boeing 717-200s. Interested applicants are encouraged to visit for more information. AirTran Airways virtual was founded in May of 2012 by two flight simulator enthusiasts. The virtual airline officially launched all operati…
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 15 replies
HI Guys Just wandering if there is any virtual airline alliances out there as I feel that Virtual Airline Alliances can revolutionize the Virtual airline world and make it more realistic. Please Reply! Thanks EjDj99
Last reply by brianatc30, -
- 1 reply
VroomJet Virtual is the future of virtual online flying. We provide fast, convenient, and good value for money flight for the professional businessman and the holiday maker; putting the vroom into your flying! With our ever growing route network, modern fleet of aircraft and professional website you can take your virtual pilot career to a whole new level by choosing to fly with VroomJet Virtual. Interested? Well please standby because we are coming soon!
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 6 replies
Greece Airways Virtual would like to invite you to the Virtual Flight Event at Heraklion airport which is our first official VATSIM Event. The event is going to be held on Sunday 9th of September from 16:00(UTC) until 19:00(UTC). Everyone is able to book any flight via our booking system choosing any callsign he wants! During the event, we will expect full ATC services. The booking system can be found here! Charts Unfortunately, charts are not available due to Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority so you have to search for them (px on google etc). Scenery FS 2004: The scenery can be found here by HSP. FSX: The payware scenery can be found here by Aerosoft. You are sugg…
Last reply by servetas, -
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Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, September 15th 10h00edt (14h00z) for our September fly-in where we will fly between high altitude airports, over the Andes range. So check your weights on your aircrafts as performance is greatly affected on high altitude airports. Departing from Quito Equador (SEQU), we will fly south east to Tarapoto (SPST) and then to the amazing city of Cuzco (SPZO) perched on a high plateau at 11,200 feet!! Then if you want more adventure, you can take a helicopter ride to Machu Pichu! This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored eve…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 0 replies
Your airline, Star One Alliance Virtual Airlines, has been given the "10,000 Hours" award. come and join fast growing VA with over 11,000 and growing Welcome To Star One Alliance Virtual Airlines "THE ONLY WAY TO FLY" = Star One Alliance VA Welcome! Here at Star One Alliance Virtual, (also known as Jet-Star, or JTS), we strive to recreate real world airline operations as close as possible. We achieve this by the strong backing of pilots and staff, and their enjoyment being here, which in turn makes our airline what it is today. Star One Alliance Virtual is based out of many hubs along with its focus cities. We have a …
Last reply by brianatc30, -
- 6 replies
Hello fellow flight simmers, As CEO of ATA-Virtual I am pleased to announce the re-opening of ATA Virtual. ATA Virtual is under new management and new domain name. ATA Virtual is seeking pilots, Hub Manger (KIND), and other Staff Members to fill our Roster (see our Career Link in our Navigation menu). ATA Virtual’s site is up and going with a growing fleet and Retro routes that the once great ATA Flew. I would like to take this time and introduce myself. My name is Ron Sprinkel, the CEO of ATA Virtual. I understand there was once a VA named ATA Virtual and was saddened to see it close. Therefore I have decided to open up ATA Virtual under a new domain name. ATA Vir…
Last reply by ATAvCEO, -
- 0 replies
The Milk Run is the bread and butter of a flight schedule for an airline. Solid standard routes are usually guaranteed contracts that always make money. These routes are the back bone of an airline and their profits is what helps keep the low income flights operating. One of Canadian Xpress’ milk run flights is a twice daily cargo flight from Los Angeles to Toronto and is this month's challenge. Starting at Los Angeles (KLAX) load up your choice of Canadian Xpress® Cargo Aircraft which are available to all pilots regardless of rank, but only for this challenge at 80%-95% max takeoff weight (fuel and cargo) and head for Toronto (CYYZ). Join Canadian Xpress® today in…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 8 replies
Guys, Let me know what you think. Created by Joeri !
Last reply by Kyle, -
Phoenix Virtual Airways - Major Announcment
by Guest lorathon- 1 reply
PVA has updated our schedules. More info can be found at
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 3 replies
Canadian Arctic Virtual is pleased to announce phase 1 launch complete is now hiring. We cater to the Canadian Arctic and rest of the World Arctic from our three hubs CYXY, CYZF, CYFB. We also cover Antarctic and Pacific operations from our Australia Hub Alice Springs YBAS and our Satellite Queenstown NZ. In Green Bay KGRB is our Charter and Executive fleet hub, they'll pamper you or haul what ever you want. We strive to give our pilots as many tools as possible to challenge them and keep there morale high and curious. We do this thru Two divisions, the VA Central and VAFS5. Pilots also can be on both Div's except when the Div. Battle Royal event is called. We officiall…
Last reply by MPECEO, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 1 follower
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Alex Berezovsky and Matthew Shield founded Aerosvit Virtual Airline on July 6th 2006. In September 2009 the Virtual Airline was taken over by the V-Bird VA Group to try to give it a second life. The V-Bird VA Group is operated by a bunch of flight simulator enthusiasts with a lot of passion for the hobby. Our Pilot Education Center offers excellent learning opportunities, for not only new pilots, but also for those whom would like to expand their knowledge. Our online events have proved to be a great success with our members. The workshops we have available allow our members to sharpen their skills. We continually create new tours for our members to explore the world. O…
Last reply by Cor, -
Fellow flight enthusiasts, If you have a moment, please take a look at We are a new VA and would welcome anyone serious about flying TWA. We don't offer any new skins or planes. What we do offer is the chance to fly actual TWA flights from their timetables, using the proper aircraft from each. We also offer a nice history base of TWA. Our VP/COO was a Maintenance Manager for TWA so we have a great knowledge of what was truly used and how they should be flown. We also have a custom made KaCars available to our members. FS_Products did a wonderful job on this. If you have an interest, please read our info so there will be no surprises if you decide to joi…
Last reply by clawsonsa, -
- 1 reply
- 1.7k views We have implented a new system which allows all our routes to be updated on a quarterly basis. All passenger routes have been updated and are now current. Many airlines were added this weekend due to the ease of obtaining routes with our new automated system. Here is the list: KLM (KLM) EL AL (ELY) Aeromexico (AMX) All Nippon (ANA) Air Canada (ACA) Jazz Air (JZA) Horizon Air (QXE) Air New Zealand (ANZ) Air France (AFR) Qatar (QTR) Air China (CCA) Scandinavian (SAS) Singapore Airline (SIA) Frontier (FFT) Air Tran (TRS) ExpressJet (ASQ) Mesa (ASH) Compass (CPZ) Republic (RPA) Current Passenger Airlines: jetBlue American Delta Un…
Last reply by airhaul, -
- 4 replies
Come join vBlue!!! This is a Jetblue virtual airline. vBlue is quickly quickly growing. It hasnt even been open for about a month and a few days and we already have 80 pilots! WOW!! With an ALL NEW Acars system with IN FLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT, vBlue is the place to be. Some if the things you can do include: Play games Listen to music Look at yourself on the map to see where you are AND Watch Movies Our crew bases include TJSJ- San Juan, Puerto Rico-BRAND NEW CREWBASE SIGNED WITH JETBLUE AIRWAYS!! (Also my hub so you should join it to help build hours) KLGB- Long Beach, California KJFK- John F. Kennedy New York KBOS- Boston KFLL- Ft. Lauderdale …
Last reply by VirtualAirlineConsuIting, -
- 2 replies
Welcome to Virtual Express jet Airlines Virtual Express Jet Airlines is NOW excepting pilot applications. We are still going through our Vatsim process, but we still need more pilots to come on board. If you like flying the CRJ's & ERJ's regional jets we are the place for you. Please stop on in to take a look at our site. Express Jet Airlines is the largest regional airlines company in North America with over 2,000 routes to fly. We will simulate the real world operation of Expressjet Airlines as closely as we can to included Delta Connection, United Express and Charter Operations. We will feature a custom ACARS for all pilot repo…
Last reply by MikeG, -
Alaska Virtual undergoes a new look. This is of my own creation. The template is the Obsess Blue skin but I did all the editing.
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 18 replies
Jet Airways is the largest Indian airline based out of Mumbai, Maharashtra. It operates over 400 flights daily to 76 destinations worldwide. Its main hub is Mumbai, with secondary hubs at Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Cochin, Ahmedabad, and Bengaluru. It has an international hub at Brussels Airport, Belgium. Jet Airways is owned by Naresh Goyal. Please if me some feedback on what you think. There is no Jet Airways Virtual out there.
Last reply by Sava, -
- 0 replies
Hello fellow simmers! I'm pleased to announce the opening of various STAFF POSITIONS within the Alianza Virtual de Aerolineas Virtuales Españolas (AVAVE) one of the more unknown alliances. Some of the vacancies are mine and some I am a middle man for, just best to announce the openings at the same time For more information please PM me or email We are obviously looking for recruits with enthusiasm and the will to want to contribute to a virtual airline. Current Vacancies are: - Assistant Operations Manager - Temporary Assistant Operations Manager - Assistant Operations Manager - Assistant Operations Manager And of course o…
Last reply by MBrown, -
- 9 replies
Hi all. I'd like to welcome you all to join the all new emirates va here i know some of you will comment saying negative things but I do appreciate constructive criticism so feel free to give us some but please don't post hate comments! Thanks and sign on up!
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 5 replies
MarBo Virtual is looking for Event Coordinator Responsibility: * Organizes online events * Talks with vACC's for organizing events * Informing our pilots for events in our airline Requirements: * Have VATSIM Account * Be member of MarBo Virtual (if interested, join us) * Dedicate 1h-2h per week for MarBo * Previous experience in VA management is recommended but not necessary Applications should be sent to, and adding as CC The form you should apply with is * Full Name : * VATSIM ID : * Why should we choose you? : * Any other staff experiance? : There is no set deadline, so if we receive good number of ap…
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Caal Airways celebrates its first birthday this weekend with a flight from EGKK-EGPF-EGAA on Vatsim . Anyone is invited to join us from 1700Z on friday night. I would like to use this oppurtunity to thank all the people on here for their support and help during the year. Without you i dont think I would have got through it all as I had never worked on websites before. Heres to another successful year. Cheers, Alan Cooke CEO Caal Airways
Last reply by Petey, -
- 2 replies
Everybody have a look around and join. You wont regret it
Last reply by Heliguy,