Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
- 15 replies
Hey, Just to let you know that I have opened an Air Malta Virtual... Check us out, and yes we do have Permission from Air Malta Plc. Enjoy!
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 15 replies
I have noticed that there are several times on this forums, where certain people are accuse of copyright infringements, they are given notices to stop and remove such material but they keep on breaking the rules. It is people like these that is causing much hardship for the Va's that are trying to have fun and enjoy our hobby. There are Va's out there that have been shut down by their real world counterpart for just having their website(s) full of copyrighted material. If these people don't get stopped then the rest of us had better find a different hobby. Before you know it, our hobby will be no more. I feel that if any Virtual Airline is caught and proven of copyright …
Last reply by VAA CEO, -
- 15 replies
Hi, I want to make a Thomas cook virtual but I obviously need there permission, can anybody give me any ideas of what I should put in the letter Thanks
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 15 replies
HI Guys Just wandering if there is any virtual airline alliances out there as I feel that Virtual Airline Alliances can revolutionize the Virtual airline world and make it more realistic. Please Reply! Thanks EjDj99
Last reply by brianatc30, -
- 15 replies
A new VA Has been formed. We are in need of staff and pilots. We will hire anyone who asks. Contact me at and sign up at We are also looking for a person who will complete a basic skin and pilot center for us for free. Anyone who is interested can contact me at Thanks,
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 15 replies
It is finally that time; Hawaiian VA is finally open, for those of you who do not know the site is please be aware that over the coming hours the site will experience heavy load but please keep trying as we have waited ages to get you all onboard For a number of months now Hawaiian Virtual has been nothing but dreams of the people waiting to join, the time has gone by, seconds seemed like minutes, minutes seemed like hours and hours seemed like days, but finally the 1st of January 2014 came around much to the delight of the pilots in the queue to join. We have 3 different classes of aircraft, Island Hopper, Medium Range and Long Haul, consisting of Boeing 7…
Last reply by maddog93, -
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I had an idea this morning........What if all of us who are active pilots get together and help one another out. My Idea is we join each others VA's so that all of us can enjoy some activity..I'm sure most of the quality VA's here have something that you like.....What do you guys think??
Last reply by RogerB, -
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Last reply by Ephendi, -
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PLEASE check out We need pilots and staff now! Check us out on TeamSpeak 3! Address: We would love to make this to the best it can be Thanks a lot, and PLEASE join and spread the word!!!!!!!
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 14 replies
MPK Airways is a UK airline based at Liverpool (eggp). We fly between various airports in the United Kingdom and also Ireland. We currently have a fleet of Airbus A319's and ATR72's. We are a very easy going airline. So if you like making short flights around the UK then please join us! MPK Airways
Last reply by mattsmith, -
- 14 replies
Sorry if this has been asked previously. Is there a Virtual British Airways that uses phpVMS? I search google and I can really only find 3 virtual British Airways. 1 uses simmiles which I'm not sure about, the other 2 do not use phpvms AND are full. 1 of them requires a credit card to even apply, when they are accepting applications. The other is accepting applications but has 180+ applications in for 21 openings. Are there any others out there that want pilots? Don't require a credit card, and you have a realistic shot at flying for? Thanks.
Last reply by Jalio, -
- 14 replies
Hey guys im the PResident of We are currently using kacars as an acars but were looking to change and buy a custom acars. We are willing to pay a reasonable amount for a custom acars that can have the following. -Php coding for websites. -Live tracking -Pilot Roster -Individual pilot logbooks for all crewmembers for the website(that shows rank, hours,last flight flown etc.) -Mission/Tour Module -Checkride capability -Fuel Planning -Flexible admin settings(able to change anything we want) We would prefer something that is compatable with Fsx, Fs2004, and possibly X-plane if possible. Our current website is My contact informati…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 14 replies
I would like to announce the Grand opening of Alaska Airlines VA. Our VA opened June of 2012 and s accepting pilot applications. We offer current route and schedules as well as retro schedules such as the convair, Q400, DC-3, MD80, and B727. This VA was created to stand alone from the other VA's. HHMMMMMMMMM Like What? Well our VA has a fully interactive weather center, you can watch live weather reports and view updated weather radar. We also offer a In Flight Entertainment Center. Here you can watch full movies that shows a different movie each week, also a game room. Here you can play online game such as 3D Pool all you need is flash player installed. Unfortunately yo…
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hello to all of you, Have you ever though of joining a Virtual Airline Alliance? Why did you joined it or why not? What kind of (dis)advantages do you believe that there are? We are thinking of joining a va alliance but we want to know more about how they generally work... Servetas
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 14 replies
During the last month, we are working in cooperation with Jeffrey Kobus a new ACARS system for our virtual airline which is Greece Airways Virtual. These are some screenshots: I think that the result is pretty good! Jeffrey is a person who i want to work as he is very cooperative and helpful! I wish that you liked the result of our work... Kind Regards, Servetas George Greece Airways Virtual Chief Operations Officer
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi there! Im helping in a va airline, to webpage, and other techical cuestions, with the help of phpvms forums people too. Recently we move to pay hosting, and some pilots have issues with send log database error, others not. Then, what is the advantages and disadvantages of: Fsacars: Old, send in live flight status data, detailed report, Kacars: Customizable, pay or free version, favorite of phpvms comunity, send in live flight status data Smartacars: Customizable, pay version, "features like the playing of the safety demonstration at pushback, global and airline chat, plus a more in depth flight log." Xacars: Xplane compatible, FSFK: FspassengerX: creates atmos…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 14 replies
Hi All, I've been working on a project for my VA, and I had an idea to make it bigger. You know how VAs, especially new ones need routes. It takes time and energy to make them. Well, my idea is a Give and Receive Route Project. It is basically where VAs share all their routes in a large route import file, and that file is free for anyone to use with their VA. The only few rules are that every time a VA uses the routes in the file, that they put all of their (freeware) routes in that file. In return, they may download and use all/any of the routes as they wish. No one may in any way sell this file. All routes put into this file are to be freeware, or made by the VA. …
Last reply by tobyrice01, -
- 14 replies
Hello People! Some of you may remeber my last, failed VA, using free hosting. That, has gone to god and much like the mystical phoenix, a new VA rises from the Ashes, Impulse Virtual, We are a startup VA based in Germany, currently, we have 5 pilots, but we are hoping to expand. Unlike last time, our VA is being hosted by a friend, on his privete hosting computer. Our VA Currently is not concentrating on the fancy stuff of Skins, repaints and pilot manuals, we are concentrating on good, honest flying. We hope to see you there soon, The Impulse Virtual Team
Last reply by joeri, -
- 13 replies
Hiya peeps, I have created a new VA called Robin Hood Airlines. It can be found here: Robin Hood Airlines It is in its infancy but I am looking for new members. Within the airport database there is 1,100 airports that you are able to fly to. The flight schedules will be getting added to on a daily basis. Also the fleet will improve over time. The look of the website is getting there, however it does need improving which I am doing but learning phpvms from scratch is not easy. The actual workings within the website is up and running, everything works that you can see, however the actual layout does need some work. I also have a Teamspeak 3 server for you to us…
Last reply by dale0404, -
New Thief on the block -
by Guest lorathon- 13 replies
Keep one hand on your hat and the other on your wallet. Jeff - His Site - Has stolen not only images from Phoenix Virtual Airways but also our schedules. I do not write this lightly. We are consulting with a lawyer and are planning legal action for infringement of our intellectual property. Evidence His Rank Images - Our Rank Images - Schedules His Flight BP1 - Our Flight BP1 - His Flight AC1 - Our Flight AC1 - I could go on and on......... look for yourself Not only this b…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 13 replies
Anyone make good promo videos for free or know anyone who does? Don't give me a link to VA Hosting by the way...
Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
- 13 replies
Hello Guys! Check it out, and this is the latest feature at Air India Virtual. This might be the first virtual airline to keep a much more better boarding pass for pilots! Hope to see more Pilots @ Visit Air India Virtual on Facebook Thanks & Greetings from Afsal Zain
Last reply by saamirkarimi, -
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Look out people our Skin has been stolen by The CEO is known for using other va's skins Plus can anyone help us get them to remove it?
Last reply by mark1million, -
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Aloha, Just to start off this post on a positive note i would like to congratulate ourselves on a whopping 25 flights in one day only having 20 some pilots. Below are some things we have done in our 10 days of service: 1. We have contacted the real world Hawaiian Airlines asking permission for our VA to run. 2. We have partnered with and 3. We have a few people beginning to fly on the VATSIM Network. 4. We are planning to get our own custom ACARS System within the year of 2011. 5. We have had a steady number of applications coming in daily (Usually 2-3!) Thanks …
Last reply by HawaiianAirVirtual, -
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-- NA --
Last reply by freshJet, -
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Orlando, FL - July 18, 2012 AirTran Airways Virtual - Official News Release Contact: brian (dot) newman (at) AirTran Airways Virtual announced the launch of all flight operations on the date of August 10, 2012, at 1000Z. AirTran Airways Virtual is now a fully functional virtual airline, and is seeking virtual airline pilots to fill first officer positions for AirTran Airways Virtual's Boeing 737-700s and Boeing 717-200s. Interested applicants are encouraged to visit for more information. AirTran Airways virtual was founded in May of 2012 by two flight simulator enthusiasts. The virtual airline officially launched all operati…
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 13 replies
Promotion Video, Please Watch JAL Virtual Re: Launch! December 25, 2012 JAL Virtual Re: Launch! Today JAL Virtual re-launched, with the biggest overhaul in the history of JAL Virtual. This is the response to Japan Airlines own rebranding about 1.5 years ago. As you can see from our new logo on the top of the PR, we are fully embracing the Tsurumaru or crane circle logo. This logo has had a long history with JAL, and became an icon of the airline for a very long time. So when we at JAL Virtual heard that they were bringing it back we were delighted! We knew then we would have to work on a response to it and JAL Virtual decided a complet…
Last reply by hollinst, -
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Victor Virtual Airlines is currently a work in progress. I plan to open by the end of December, hopefully sooner. We will have a custom website, fully custom ACARS system, and much more! We will operate all the major airlines around the world to guarantee there are no limits. We also plan to become VATSIM ATO Certified. Keep tuned for more info coming along the way! We are looking for more people to join our staff team now! If you are interested please join us in our TeamSpeak3 server. Address: There currently is no password
Last reply by Taran, -
- 13 replies
Hi All, Our team will build a Virtual Airline, but we vacillate between two options, using the server host or the web host. Roughly how the best? We think the number of member will be great and we will also provide teamspeak3 for this VA. Give me the specification minimum and maximum for build the VA. King Regrads.
Last reply by TennShadow, -
Phoenix Virtual Airways
by Guest lorathon- 12 replies
We feel that we've created a truly unique virtual airline that exemplifies exactly what a VA should be; a laid back enviroment where each pilot can choose how they serve their hobby. We strive to maintain a VA that is free from drama and politics that seem to permiate the flight sim community. Our primary goal is for our members to enjoy flying and have some fun, period. We want our members to be comfortable, no matter what their experience level is. In the coming weeks and months, we will be rolling out various programs to help train the inexperienced and challange the most experienced virtual aviator. It is our intention to offer something for everyone! Our custom…
Last reply by hitanshthakur,