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623 topics in this forum
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I am looking for a developer familiar with the FlightAware data service ( ) and can integrate the flight schedules data into phpVMS.
Last reply by jeffking, -
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I need somebody to skin for me, I'd like it to match - contact me for details and price negotiation. Thank you!
Last reply by PilotJordan, -
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We need a graphic designer able to take care of some awards for various parts of the website. I will provide sizes, ideas and eventual material needed to have an idea of what I want. We are not maniacs, but if you look at our website it looks nice, clean and professional and we want to keep it that way. I have no problem paying a few dollars more for a job well done instead of being cheap and get quick stuff thrown together. I already work with SimPilot (since a long time), Jeffrey Kobus, Joeri etc. and I'm looking for a long term relationship for all the graphics that I need. If you are interested please contact me at or through the forum pm …
Last reply by joeri, -
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Hi everyone, after a few months after starting i have not found the time to tend to my VA, as a result i no longer need my hosting. unfortunately (because i got a discount) i signed up for three years of hosting. Would like to sell it...the hosting is through ipage and i have never had any problems with them, great support and customer service. Shoot me a price!! Thanks, Theo
Last reply by VirtualIntegraAir, -
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Anyone looking to buy a domain name for your Airline or what ever else use "WOWCraftUK" at the checkout on and get 20% off
Last reply by edmundk, -
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Idea is in the title, any idea if one: Does HTML5 work with phpVMS? if so, is anyone willing to design us a new HTML5 VA? Regards, Joe
Last reply by Toyuko, -
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Last reply by avdesigns, -
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Hello, I would like to have a new logo for my airliner.only I have no idea how and what.I been busy with photoshop, but always came to the desired result. I hope someone wants to make a logo for me. of course I pay for!
Last reply by bteixeira, -
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Hello. I am usually the one offering services, but this time I am requesting some help in the area where I am not so proficient. Anyhow, I am looking for the following repaints. Digital Aviation Fokker 100 LevelD 767-300ER iFly 737NG Flight 1 ATR 72 PMDG MD 11 All aircraft should be painted for both FS9 and FSX. From what I understand, it is just a matter of exporting it in a different way from PhotoShop. You will be provided with an NGX paintkit already in our colors, the logos and colors to use. Your job is to recreate the livery from the NGX paintkit on the mentioned addons. You don't have to make a new design, just repaint the one we have. I am looking for a…
Last reply by reachva, -
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Webdesigner wanted for my Virtual Airline, KLM-v. Paid, but at a reasonable price. PM me for more info's...
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I'm looking for somebody to create me some paints for my virtual airline. I have the livery design already done for some other aircraft, thus you would only need to replicate the existing design on other models. I'm looking for paints for all of the following models, all of them for FSX: PMDG 737-700W PMDG 737-800W Aerosoft A320 Extended Leonardo Maddog Flight 1/Coolsky DC-9 Captain Sim 767-200 Captain Sim 727-200 Captain Sim 707 Majestic Dash 8-Q400 Black Box A330-200 & A330-300 I would be willing to pay about 35 dollars / livery, of course we can negotiate about this. Please contact me eiher through PM or to my email LivingFS(at)
Last reply by ukmil, -
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Hello Who should I conact if I want to get custom booking system and Acars? Thanks
Last reply by Strider, -
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-> Shop with 50% off! <- From today until day 26, lbx the whole store will be 50% off. ENJOY! Simply enter the following coupon code in your shopping cart: 2713phpVMS. Take it for a limited time. I will also be giving some point that can be redeemed for modules and skins.
Last reply by levicosta201, -
- 1 follower
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I am looking for someone to create a module which will allow for additional aircraft data to be inputted from the admin interface, this module will need to include roughly 10 extra fields along with a notes section which can be edited from the admin section but viewed from the front page of the website. This module does not need to be exclusive. Budget: negotiable Timeframe: one week once project has started Payment: through paypal Feel free to contact me with any questions at tbergman (at)
Last reply by t_bergman, -
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Hello everybody, We created a new Italian Virtual Airline, but need an help with coding the phpvms platform. We don't ask you to do it for free, but I hope you will not be very expensive We will insert a "donate" button so we expect to pay for these services. If you want to apply, please contact me via private message. Thanks for reading. Sincerely, Andrea
Last reply by PausNefzen, -
- 1 follower
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Hello all, So I've been running a website for the past few months and it has gone great. If you want to check it out here: I'm looking to upgrade it now. I want to make a better download section where it is easier to find the repaints I make and put up for the public to have. What I'm really looking for is someone who knows how to set it up kind of like the Avsim download section. Where you need to register to download. Currently I want to make it so only I can upload files for download. Does anyone know how to do something like that here? Thanks, Michael
Last reply by flightsimcreator, -
- 1 follower
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Hello, I am looking for someone to convert this template to work with phpVMS. I am willing to pay $30-$40. Drop me an email at if interested. Thanks!
Last reply by Vangelis, -
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Hi, I'm looking for a VMS addon which will allow only specific hub managers to manage PIREPs which were flown in their hub. For example, as a Director, I assigned Pilot ID 20 to only have the ability to manage PIREPs that have been flown in the VIR airline. Any way a plugin like this can be coded, and if so, how much? Regards, Daniel
Last reply by PlumbBum, -
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I'm looking for a system for hub managers to manage pilots. it would go along the lines of having a different group for the hub managers in our system. And if you have the hub manager group permissions, you have access to something like the admin center but different. In the hub manager center, all you'd have to do is add/delete pilots, and change the pilots group from active and inactive. In addition the hub manger would have access to the fleeting and routing section of their very own center. Who can design such a system? I think it would be fairly easy for a seasoned PHP/MySQL programmer. I'm willing to pay anywhere for $20-$80 dollars on such a program for m…
Last reply by Vangelis, -
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Sup mates! (sorry for my bad english) I need a design/coder for my VA's website. Also I need someone who can code the schedules to work like a real airline (locking the plane when someone is flying it and locking the plane in the last arrival position untill someone fly it again (like the realschedule lite). I have other ideas aswell... PM if you interested AND HAVE GOOD PORTFOLIO
Last reply by tweatherford, -
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I want a simple and cheap app Already have the template and design just need the coding who can help me here?
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
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Hi all, First thing to start off with is that i am a new member to this forum and also with phpvms. I have been sim flying for a number of years now with a couple of VA's but i want to take the plunge and create my very own VA. With so many VA's flying around the web at present, i know it's a challenge but a challenge i will relish! Right....i have phpvms but i am struggling with it to be honest. Not entry wise but web designing wise. I currently have the domain which is also hosted with TFDI Design. I really could do with some expertise with this please, so if there are any web designers who can help me setup i would be very grateful. Thankyou …
Last reply by NYC74, -
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Hello everybody, does anyone do web designing cheaply? I mean for like £10-25. PM me and we'll talk further. Cheers, Myles
Last reply by miniarma, -
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Ok Im looking for a repait for my aerosoft airbus a319 using this as the paint different and will pay extra for the added stuff lol I know its for the 737 but rather it for the airbus thanks I can send repaint kit if needed
Last reply by jusromaine, -
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As the title suggests, best part of the site is done, a few things that I can't quite figure out how to tidy up need finishing. Not much work involved, someone who knows phpvms like the back of their hand could probably finish it off in A few hours at most.
Last reply by servetas, -
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Good evening, i'm Italian, and i want create a Virtual Airline. But i need a Web Designer, for create the site (via phpVMS). Do you know any web designer who makes websites to virtual airline? Thanks. Bye. Ciao a tutti, voglio creare un'aerolinea virtuale, ed ho bisogno di un web designer per sistemare la grafica, i temlplate e tutto, tramite phpVMS. Conoscete qualcuno che fa questo tipo di lavoro? Grazie ciao.
Last reply by magicflyer, -
Hello All, I wanted to price up someone to do a Electronic Flight Bag for my va. At the moment, i'm only looking for prices! Regards, Myles
Last reply by jusromaine, -
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I have started a new VA and already have the livery designed. I need a painter that can help me paint my livery on the aircrafts. I am willing to pay for these services.
Last reply by tobyrice01, -
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I am looking for a weather module for my VA. I would like something that would basically show the winds aloft map, Temperature map, Weather Radar Map, Turbulence map, etc. Is there anything like this out their currently?
Last reply by citationx, -
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Hi guys I need the Services of a professional website designer.
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit,