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623 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Hello guys, I am proud to represent the VA System by vCrew Sys. What it does? It helps you to host a VA in no time with a highly customised skin! What is the base of this System? Ofcourse, phpVMS. How will the VA be hosted on my personal host? Oops! It's not hosted on your personal host but on the host of vCrewSys. But don't worry, you will get a private subdomain of yours! What does that mean? You just need to redirect your homepage to our link! Also you have an option to opt for subdomain of your choice from Hosting Dashboard. What are the features available to me? Well the features depend on whi…
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
- 0 replies
I'm happy to announce a new phpVMS module: OnlineCheck for phpVMS This module uses the IPS (Integrated Pirep System) to keep the IVAO/VATSIM data feed up-to-date and then uses this data to determine if a flight is logged online or not. Features: - Detect if flights are flown on IVAO or VATSIM - Display network on live map - Display network in client field in pirep - Add comment to pirep stating that flight was flown online and on which network For just €40 it's yours and we will do the installation for you (if you want)! Please contact us via our website if you are interested.
Last reply by Jasper Bussemaker, -
- 3 replies
Hi Everyone, I am looking for a repainter to repaint a fleet for us. Limited budget Fleet ATR 72-500 737 AB320 A330 If interested please PM me Thanks
Last reply by Ashj24uk, -
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Starting a new VA. Have years of upper level management experience, virtual and real life. I used to be decent with HTML/Dreamweaver, but never bothered to learn PHP (doh). Anyways, I'm looking for a simple, yet effective skin/website for Rocky Mountain Connection and am willing to pay the standard rate for someone to set everything up. Please email me at appwx86@GMAIL.COM or PM me. Thanks, Sean
Last reply by Rocky Mtn. Connection, -
- 0 replies
So, we had a friend make a skin and layout for us, then he decided he didn't want anything to do with us. We then updated the phpVMS and it messed it up horribly. I would like to get a new site made from scratch pretty much. If anyone can help us, please PM me or email me. I am willing to pay. Thanks
Last reply by CaribSky, -
- 3 replies
I am looking for someone to hand build the fleet for our VA (Shadow Airlines) and paint them for us for X-Plane 10. We have 10 aircraft we need to have done but aren't trusting of freeware. We have a $250 budget so please contact us below and give us an example of your work. Thanks Brad
Last reply by joeri, -
- 2 replies
I'm looking for a system for hub managers to manage pilots. it would go along the lines of having a different group for the hub managers in our system. And if you have the hub manager group permissions, you have access to something like the admin center but different. In the hub manager center, all you'd have to do is add/delete pilots, and change the pilots group from active and inactive. In addition the hub manger would have access to the fleeting and routing section of their very own center. Who can design such a system? I think it would be fairly easy for a seasoned PHP/MySQL programmer. I'm willing to pay anywhere for $20-$80 dollars on such a program for m…
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 2 replies
Hey all, Alright, first off, I know this is probably an impossible request but I figured I might give it a go. Second, I know nothing about coding in phpVMS or any other web coding type stuff, only bare basic HTML. So needless to say, I am in desprate need of somebody who knows how to work with phpVMS to help me with a few things. Now, I already have a template to use, so full website making is NOT needed. All I need is someone who can take said template and customize it to the needs of my airline. I have a logo and can make the majority of the graphics nessacary. Here is a basic rundown of what I need done: Change logo's and graphics/background to the graphics I p…
Last reply by AndrewOne77, -
I am looking for someone to design a new skin for my Virtual Airline. Designer must have experience in this field and can provide me with work that has already been completed. It needs to be user friendly and browser friendly. If anyone meets the bill please send me a pm with your work. as well as expected pay rates. Thanks to all that apply.
Last reply by Jon, -
- 1 reply
Hello, We´re currently searching for skilled php and Web-coder to help us finish our web site using PHPVMS. we pretty much having everything in place but we cant figure out how to code in our links and add things to our website. this will be paid services. If your interested, contact us at Thank you Ohio Express Airlines President & CEO Justin Caughenbaugh
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I'm in need of someone who has extensive PHP/MySQL experience who would be willing to create a notification aspect of our site. To provide example: We would use Gritter jQuery framework for the notification and calling of the notification itself: We would use it for example if an administrator approves your PIREP and you're on the site (no matter where on the site) a small fading Gritter notification pops up stating "Your PIREP has been approved". We're looking for a programmer with experience who can achieve such a thing for our virtual airline a short amount of time. So to sum it all up: …
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
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To Whom It May Concern: Pixel Webs is a website development business based out in the United States, which is expanding to phpVMS. We are going to be taking care of phpVMS by updating and adding exciting features to it continuously as well as developing modules for it. Also, we are offering our custom-made development services for virtual airlines: Logo Design: Our professional team will design a custom logo for your airline within 48h maximum, 2 revisions and all for $15(USD). Pilot Centre: Custom-made pilot centre for your virtual airline, with unlimited custom pages, and up to 10 rounds of revision. It will be delivered within 2 weeks. Price $250(USD). Basic W…
Last reply by PixelWebDesigns, -
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Hi, I'm looking for somebody who could be create & design in new project of our website. Regards, Vahid
Last reply by Vahid, -
- 1 reply
Webdesigner / Coder needed ASAP i have already got the skin but just need help adding stuff to it and changing some stuff pm me or email to work out a price EMAIL
Last reply by tweatherford, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I am looking for someone to help me create a route map for my Virtual Airline. If interested, please email me at Thanks
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone! I'm Carlos Eduardo, DEV of FSvas. For those who do not know, FSvas is an airline company. In it we have vPrime, vEnergy and soon will be released the American Airways. But I'm not here to talk about it. I am here to talk about the new project that FSvas is announcing today, on this Thursday. This project is ElixarCode. ElixarCode is a project consisting of sales of skins and modules for phpVMS, UI Designer, Web Designer and more! We're just starting out with a developer, me. Jobs for developers are open to everyone. ElixarCode has tried to accept all developers who send an application (This application can be found here: CLICK…
Last reply by CarlosEduardo2409, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys I need the Services of a professional website designer.
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, I am looking for someone to convert this template to work with phpVMS. I am willing to pay $30-$40. Drop me an email at if interested. Thanks!
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I am looking for a aircraft painter to paint 2 type of aircrafts. Please email me at Thanks
Last reply by airmermaid, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Haven't been on here in ages and not sure if this is the right place exactly... I'm in need of a custom ACARS by a developer with experience. I'm aiming for something that can be used without bugs interfering, in addition to it having a nice interface and good features/functionality. The catch is: We use a custom system very similar to PHPvms and if you're a good coder then it should be as easy to accomplish it. Don't criticize because I don't use it, there is nowhere else to find someone experienced to do it and I need it soon. Give me a price, I'll pay it, you make it, and we'll be done. (be reasonable, money doesn't grow on trees )
Last reply by Shepred, -
- 2 replies
Hello, Looking for a repaint for your airline. The please feel free to message me for more details. I am able to paint any aircraft you could possibly desire. Latest offer from the 28th November - 24th February $1 aircraft paint sale..any aircraft any livery
Last reply by SKBv, -
- 2 replies
Anyone looking to buy a domain name for your Airline or what ever else use "WOWCraftUK" at the checkout on and get 20% off
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 1 reply
Do You need web hosting for your virtual airline? Freedom Host specialise in hosting virtual airlines of all sizes. Our hosting packages are competitive prices starting from just £1.50 Per Month. We have a 99.9% Uptime record and provide around the clock assistance to those who require it at no extra cost. If you add to the notes page, then we will install PHPVms For you as well! plus, if you register before 11:59PM On Wednesday 4th January 2012, enter promo code 'NY2012' and you will receive a 50% Discount! So what are you waiting for? Head over to now and get your virtual airline into the sky! Kind Regards Lewis
Last reply by Zishan, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I am offering my Support to new people who want help setting up there VA's i have set up 4 Va's for people over the last few months as well as learning how to skin and do php code i will be offering this to the first 3 people who ask PM me for more information
Last reply by servetas, -
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During the last year, PHP-Mods Team has started offering web hosting services. What is better than offering something free for the phpVMS community? For a limited time only, we have decided to share with you a total period of nine months of free hosting on our Standard Web Hosting Plan. Three clients will receive three months of free hosting. The first three who will get in touch with us at info@php-mods or via pm to my account will receive the 100% discount. Below you can see the list of the requirements: You should have already registered or register a new domain name (no free domains allowed). It is not required to register or transfer the domain to PHP-Mods. You sh…
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 reply
-> BUY HERE <- Hi folks, I'm here again, For skin based on phpVMS systems. This skin is a low cost, so that it can be accessible to all users phpVMS. You can view the skin live HERE. This skin has a great acarsmap suspended on top. The intention of the acarsmap at the top of the page that the user is already entering the site will see the flights available at the time. Therefore, when using this skin you must remove the link live map of your phpvms. On live map link, you will not see the aircraft in flight, since this is an inactive section of my site. If you find any error in the script should, if possible, take your questions to the forum so everyone can bene…
Last reply by simpilot, -
Hey! Happy new Year!
by Guest- 1 reply
[Retracted] Thanks for all the interest!
Last reply by simpilot, -
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Cheap and affordable phpVMS Skinning Services I am offering the phpVMS community an affordable phpVMS skinning solution. All designs I offer are unique and are not sold on to any other customer. Prices start from $25 USD and upwards. About me I am a freelance web designer who is interested in helping out the phpVMS community with freeware skin releases and an afforadable payware service. Currently my website is under a major revamp but as soon as it’s back online I will notify the community. Recent work Fresh by miniarma - Fly Scandinavia – Quote me If your interested in my servi…
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello, We are looking at trying to find someone to make us an custom ACARS. We'd like a detailed flight logging client with maybe a chat and a custom design. We want something different to smartCARS. Regards, Myles
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
Hello I am currently looking for a graphics designer for a simple project. They will need to make awards images/banners and come up with a neat award idea for each image at the same time. I would need 25-50 awards done with the option for more. The payment will be negotiated between client (myself) and the graphics designer. An example of what i am looking for would be like this: I could very well do this myself, but i am very busy with work now, so my time is limited. Thank You
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit,