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623 topics in this forum
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Need paint scheme designed and then the aircraft mentioned below painted. Willing to pay for service. Thanks! The Fleet: C172SP - Trainer PC12 - Island Shuttle Piper Seminole - Trainer / Multi Transition Learjet 45 - Corporate Travel / Jet Transition C141 - Cargo C130 - Cargo A300-600ST - Cargo
Last reply by uaso, -
- 1 reply
PHPVMS Website skinning services offered I have been skinning phpvms websites for quite some time now and have got quite good results. I am currently designing a websites for a other virtual airlines. All websites are priced depending on the complexity. I design websites from £9.50 This includes the layout for the website and all pages which you want on your website. Single page designs from £5.00. Pilot centre from £6.00. Installation of phpvms is from £4.50 Links to my work are below:…
Last reply by chris2, -
- 1 reply
Generation Host offers an exclusive service known as “CDN†to any website whether you are being hosted with us or not. CDN is a new technology that allows aspects of a site to be loaded from the nearest server to the visitor. This not only decreases the loading time but reduces the amount of bandwidth you’ll be using. A faster website will really help your virtual airline make a quick,long lasting impact on your pilots. For only $4.99/mo you’ll gain a great asset to your virtual airline's website. Not only increasing the speed, but reducing bandwidth. For more information, visit or send a PM to myself. Jon
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
Hi i am looking for someone to create me a custom phpVMS skin for $55 or less. If you are able to please PM me!
Last reply by vader21, -
- 1 reply
Do You need web hosting for your virtual airline? Freedom Host specialise in hosting virtual airlines of all sizes. Our hosting packages are competitive prices starting from just £1.50 Per Month. We have a 99.9% Uptime record and provide around the clock assistance to those who require it at no extra cost. If you add to the notes page, then we will install PHPVms For you as well! plus, if you register before 11:59PM On Wednesday 4th January 2012, enter promo code 'NY2012' and you will receive a 50% Discount! So what are you waiting for? Head over to now and get your virtual airline into the sky! Kind Regards Lewis
Last reply by Zishan, -
- 1 reply
We are now accepting requests for modules/skins/acars. The prices are listed below: Modules - Start at $10.00 ( depending on complexity ) Skins - Start at $25.00 ( depending on complexity ) ACARS - $60.00 Base ( extra features are $10.00/per feature ) Take a look. at our past sites: Thank you! Orriginal post made by tylerj (just to get it open again without the other posts in there)
Last reply by tylerj, -
- 1 reply
Looking for someone to reprint a Virtual Airline Fleet- paid Sent out emails to three reprainters and never received a response. This only entails reprinting the default FSX 208 and a freeware Beechcraft 1900C. A good job will guarantee repeat business. If possible also looking for someone to repaint Carenado A/C All services will be paid for. If anyone here has experience building or modifying FSX aircraft I would also pay for a VC improvement for the 1900C. Send an email to if you can help me out!
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys im the PResident of We are currently using kacars as an acars but were looking to change and buy a custom acars. We are willing to pay a reasonable amount for a custom acars that can have the following. -Php coding for websites. -Live tracking -Pilot Roster -Individual pilot logbooks for all crewmembers for the website(that shows rank, hours,last flight flown etc.) -Mission/Tour Module -Checkride capability -Fuel Planning -Flexible admin settings(able to change anything we want) We would prefer something that is compatable with Fsx, Fs2004, and possibly X-plane if possible. Our current website is My contact informati…
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Looking for some one to make me a new skin southwest airlines kinda like not saying to copy or anything but I love the happy and let's go flying feel shoot me an email at thanks
Last reply by William, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I am looking for someone to help me create a route map for my Virtual Airline. If interested, please email me at Thanks
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 reply
- 1.7k views Willing to pay to have the website fixed by a pro. There's allot to be done, email me at
Last reply by Talisman57, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I'm in desperate need of some repaints. Willing to pay. I need: B738 NGX PMDG PMDG T7 200 Level D 767 Maybe an Aerosoft A320 and or 19? Regards PS: Skype: mylesgc Email: Or PM Me on here
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 1 reply
The airline we model, releases the complete seasonal program in excel spreadsheet. These are for the hole seasons, and we want to try make a script to extract flights for a given week/period within the season, for example, 1 week in May, 1 week in July, 1 week in September. This would save us a great deal of manual labour, and would free up time to do other stuff with our airline. For the season we are in now, I manualy removed duplicates, adjusted for active/inactive within the season etc. I want to make this more effective. Anyway, the format for the spreadsheet is like this: FltNo From To Freq STC ACT DEP STD ARR STA Config DY118 30MAR12 30MAR12 5 J 73H BGO 18…
Last reply by MBrown, -
- 1 reply
Hello Folks, I am looking for someone to make a simple acars system with just the Virtual airline logo. Nothing special. Please PM with the price you can do this for. Thank you
Last reply by flyalaska, -
Hey! Happy new Year!
by Guest- 1 reply
[Retracted] Thanks for all the interest!
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
Hey there. JAL Virtual is looking for someone who has talent in making videos in flightsim. JAL Virtual has a tradition of releasing a video to accompany a major event at our VA. Payment is a available option. PM me or email Thanks
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 reply
Due to a backlog in work and my personal life status I am looking for a motivated freelance graphic designer(s) that is(are) capable of producing graphic images, psd templates, and advertising banners for use on business web sites as well as virtual airlines. This person needs to be able to communicate in English and in a reasonable amount of time. Work is available immediately. Prompt payment via PayPal when any work is completed or goals are reached. If you are in the USA any income you receive will be reported by my company and a 1099 will be sent to you at the end of the year. Depending on your situation you may or may not have to claim the income at the end of the ye…
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi all, i search someone they would help us integrate Template to our Side admin and frontend, and we need someone else who can help create a Briefing imput and outputfile for Simbrief API. I have special for this setup a Testside: Most Problem we have are we not able to setup right the Javascripts to working Correkt, we have now written the Layout.tpl much times without get this fixed. Maybe did someone outside know what to do and can fix that. i know our Budget its not high its only between 50 -100 EUR. but we really need Help
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, My name is Amer Lawand and i'm the Chief Executive Officer for Qatar Virtual Airways. I recently purchased web hosting but now in order to import phpvms onto my website, I want a custom made template the duplicates or something that looks relative to the actual Qatar Airways website. I also really liked Air Malaysia Virtual's website template ( I want it to look professional and modern. Additionally I don't want something pricey. Please be reasonable. Thanks.
Last reply by servetas, -
New News Module - FSP News
by Guest lorathon- 1 reply
FS-Products is announcing a new module that is available for purchase. A News Module that has commenting ability and also rating ability. This module comes with a user friendly settings page that allows customization without having to change the code. If you don't want ratings than you can shut it off. If you don't want comments, shut it off. No template changing necessary. More information available at
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Mile High Hosted Shared Hosting | VPS | VPN | Shared Exchange | Dedicated Servers Our Website: **50% off offer!!** Right now when you use the coupon code : UHFMW0YM2TIS34IA you will get 50% off any of our shared hosting plans for the life of your account! Locations offered: Chicago, IL Dallas, TX Montréal, CA Starter Hosting - 2.95 per Month : Order here! 5GB RAID Storage 25GB Bandwidth cPanel Softaculous Business Hosting - 4.95 per Month : Order here! 10GB RAID Storage 50GB Bandwidth cPanel Softaculous Preimium Hosting - 6.95 per Month : Order here! 15GB RAID Storage 75GB Bandwidth cPanel Softaculous Ultimate Hosting - 9…
Last reply by Sammy, -
- 1 reply
Good day! Please contact me if anyone is available to build a VA site. Cheers!
Last reply by Sava, -
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We're working on two projects for two regions. I have logos and design mostly set for one project, and I have logos and an incomplete design for another project. I'd like a skillful painter to create these starting with the PMDG 737-800WL and the PMDG 777-300ER with other aircraft to follow. I will also be needing someone to help out with a skin in the near future.
Last reply by ncd200, -
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Hello! My name is James, and I own a virtual airline known as GoCal. As part of the process of establishing itself, GoCal requires a custom skin for its website. I am willing to pay around $20 for a skin, though this guideline is flexible. If anyone is interested, please contact me at I am available any time and will respond as soon as possible. Many thanks, James Thompson
Last reply by poole3003, -
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I am looking for someone to create a passenger load factor module which will allow for a more realistic approach to passenger loads. The module will need to be able to specify passenger loads on a per flight basis in both percent and number of passengers. Budget: negotiable Timeframe: one week once project has started Payment: through paypal Feel free to contact me with any questions at tbergman (at)
Last reply by t_bergman, -
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Hello, If you have a lot of experience with PHP and know your way around the phpVMS system, and are willing to help us free of cost, please step forward. I am looking for people like you. We are a professional airline looking for skilled web developers, specifically PHP. If you do a very satisfactory job, we will most likely pay you. If you're interested, please reply below and I will PM you.
Last reply by levicosta201, -
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I am looking for someone who can convert a Template I already have to a PHPVMS skin. I am really not on a high budget here so please post your prices.
Last reply by StartVM, -
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Hello, Is there anyone that can help me with converting a psd Template to phpvms. Off course i am willing to pay for it. Kindly regards, Rick Winkelman
Last reply by joeri, -
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Last reply by BaRBeR, -
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Looking to create a new look for our website and I need someone who can create a new website in phpVMS for us. David Reed
Last reply by BaRBeR,