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623 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
App development has been mentioned before and I'd really like to do some more iOS work, so I wanted to gauge the interest for phpVMS VA apps on iOS. So far the best ways I see of going about this are: Generic phpVMS utility/administration application which gives access to standard functions, this would be free to the VA but probably have to carry a small cost on the app store White-label application which can be customised (based on pre-built modules determined by demand) to the VA style, with an up-front cost to the VA but free on the app store. What do people think to these ideas? Which method would be most appealing to you guys? Also, any and all ideas for what …
Last reply by Tom, -
- 7 replies
Did vasolutions go under or what I need some work from there. But when I try going to there site its blank. Thanks
Last reply by JustinRomaine, -
- 0 replies
Hi everybody my name is Mctair Grant and I am starting a virtual airline which is expected to be released in June 10th 2014. We are looking for a livery designer who can design aircraft and logo's for any of the listed simulators Flight gear FSX and some other simulators We're also looking for a negotiable price. If you feel that you are up to the challenge free to email me at for more information. You must be able to design atleast 3the following types Chrome Pearl Stripes Dynamic writing Hy dimension imagery
Last reply by Dalvin121, -
- 8 replies
Hey there everybody I'm currently trying to be focusing on the main foundation of my virtual airline which is the website. I am currently seeking someone who will either 1-Design our website or 2-Join my Web Development team for my virtual airline. The kind of template I'm looking for is something abit like in terms of content and we would also be paying for -Custom ACARS -Team Speak Set up. We'll be dealing with domain payment and also we would prefer if our custom ACARS wen't with a departure board like the one at the bottom of this website The price range I'm looking at is betwee…
- 8 replies
-> BUY HERE <- Description: New module for systems based on phpVMS. This module is to display the Virtual Airline routes on a map. To display the routes you must enter the ICAO airport of departure and he exhibited routes inserting a marker at the airports of arrival. It also inserts a polyline for each airport. Clicking on any marker it displays a list with the names of all destination airports. There will be future updates of this map, and updates will be free to buy this module. You can view the live map here. PS.: On live map some routes in my virtual airline are: SBGL SBGR TNCM SBGO SBMO
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 10 replies
HI i'm looking for a price for a promotional video for my VA. Please PM me for details
Last reply by yorgosGK, -
- 7 replies
i was wondering if there were anybody out that that knows the system like the back of there hand and could help me out with a mod of the system...basicly what i want to do is use it for anther game.....i am starting up a virtual Trucking Company and would like to try and convert this from being used for FS to being used for my Trucking Company..if anybody wants to have a go at it please post here or get in touch with me in a pm or msn and yahoo...thanks
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I looking for promotional video maker. Thank you very much,
Last reply by yorgosGK, -
- 6 replies
I'm currently starting a virtual airline and is looking for a webdesigner for my upcoming fictionally based virtual airline which will be released in June of 2014. We have already decided the name which will be Golden wings airways. Now we are currently looking for a web designer who is good with css and phpvms. This webdesigner will be paid at a reasonable price. If you're up for the job just email me at or just leave a comment below and I'll get back to you.
Last reply by Sava, -
- 11 replies
Hey guys, I am looking for a talented person that can create a customized skin for my VA, AirTran Virtual Airlines. I am now free to any messages and emails unlike last time when I was very inactive. I am searching for a great offer on a customized skin! Website: Thanks for your time, - Alex
Last reply by AlexS, -
- 4 replies
Hey Guys, because some of you had asked about my modules i have decided to share some of the modules that i have created for hellenic airways as payware. Currently the following Modules are released: Company Routes Search Vacancies Administration Executive Flights Division I'll release a few more modules within the next day when i get the chance to have the Hellenic Airways styling removed from the templates and to change some functions to make it work on standard phpVMS installations. Besides that i'm still offering phpVMS skinning at You can get the stuff at Crazycreatives. Please understand that all modules are payware as i originally h…
Last reply by biokemisten, -
- 11 replies
One of the major hurdles when setting up a virtual airline from scratch is the amount of data that has to be input to get a working airline. How many hours do you need to spend input airport data , aircraft data , flight data etc. If you say you had just 4 airports that you start off with as 'HUB' airports i.e. A B C D then the number of flights you would at least expect to create are. A-B , A-C , A-D , B-C, B-D and then C-D that's already 6 flights needed. But in reality you may obviously want to fly outside of just the hub airports and typically you 4 airports may require the input of say another 200 airports as other destinations so the number of flights starts getti…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I am looking for someone to do some skinning on my VA website, basically just to make it look a bit better. Contact me if interested, and please include an estimated price. Kim.
Last reply by Hammerhead, -
- 7 replies
Hello Everyone, Over the past 4 years or so, it has been an interesting road in virtual aviation. I have had the privilege to collaborate on many different projects and meet various people. Over the past year or so, I have lost interest in the community as I move into larger business endeavors in IT. As a result, many of your emails requesting schedules have fallen on dead ears, as I simply haven't had the time to reply. With this being said, as many people can attest to, I have provided many members of this forum with schedule pulls for phpVMS, and I am one of very few with the knowledge to provide these services. As I have no future plans to retu…
Last reply by StartVM, -
Good evening gentlemen, I and my friends have an little va TFL-Virtual. ( But we want an crew area/pilot area we want something like that (see picture) Of course, we want to pay you can always send me a pm email:
Last reply by tani019, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I am looking for a developer to work on our airline to introduce a custom briefing package for our pilots. We have an API key for simbrief and would like to use this service. We would like to include a package which creates a flight plan such as how PFPX outputs theirs. Any input from the developer would be appreciated. We use real schedule lite for our flight booking. Future projects in mind so looking to build a relationship with the coder to implement future paid services. Thanks Martin -
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 reply
Out of Date
Last reply by Thurnher, -
- 1 reply
Hi Clever program designers. I Am seeking a developer who can design an ACARS system to run on a non fsx/msfs based Flight Simulator. Flightgear Flightgear is a FREE OPEN SOURCE sim running on a GPL licence so everything is available, It is xml based and has at least ten multiplayer servers worldwide. I could afford to pay only upto $50 if someone would be willing to give up thier time to assist. Alex
- 5 replies
Today marks the opening day of afrdesigns. We provide services mainly for phpVMS including skinning and single page customisation.Prices are affordable and can be negotiated for exclusive discounts including those who are active members on the phpVMS forums. If any of these services appeal to you, please use the contact page to request a quote. Pricing All of our designs are individually quoted depending on the complexity. phpVMS skins start from a price of GB £10. Each of our customised pages start from a price of GB £5 Payment We only accept payments via paypal. A deposit of 50% is required before the project is started and the product will be installed on your we…
Last reply by FlyFloridaVA, -
- 5 replies
Hi there, I am looking at creating my own Virtual airline, but have no experience atall when it comes to creating a website and installing VMS etc.. I have Adobe Dreamweaver yet dont know how to use it, and dont have a clue what to do with skins and codes. Sorry to be such a pain! any help with this matter, or even a web designer willing to create me a website (I will pay if required), would be greatly appreciated, many thanks, Jetstream Virtual.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 3 replies
Hello folks ! I was wondering if any of you fine gentlemen who have created custom acars in the past or are VA developers would be able to create a custom ACARS system for my virtual airline. More info given when needed. I look forward to recieving a reply soon Thanks Anthony Edwards Flex Virtual Airlines
Last reply by vicsimvp, -
- 5 replies
Hey Gents, Its been a while since I have posted here. I've run in to a lot of free time recently so I am able to start designing and creating VA website again. If interested feel free to message me here. Past websites - Cheers!
Last reply by Soundman9, -
- 5 replies
I have looked through the listings here in the paid services for someone to build the visual design portion of a phpvms site for me and they all seem to be no longer online or offering services of this kind or fighting amongst themselves. The one that I found that still seems to be accepting work has it posted on their site to expect at least 48 hours for a response which does not appeal to me. Does anyone have any suggestions for designers that are familair with the phpvms system?
Last reply by jeffking, -
- 5 replies
Hello I'm looking for somebody who can design a virtual airlines sites more info contact:
Last reply by smokey68, -
- 4 replies
I'm pleased to announce the VRTS - Virtual Remote Training System: the most complete VA training system to date! The Virtual Remote Training System, or VRTS, is a complete training system built especially for virtual airlines. The VRTS runs separately from the main website, but is heavily linked to it. It uses the VA's user accounts and trainees won't even notice that the VRTS is a separate system. Currently the VRTS is compatible with the IPS CMS or phpVMS. The main feature of the VRTS is the VRTS Live system which allows trainers to track their trainee’s aircraft live via their browsers; they can see the position of the aircraft on a map, along with the posi…
Last reply by ChrisTaylor, -
- 4 replies
Hello Everyone, Is it ok if i put a link in my signature for a web host i am with? The Reason I would like this is that I have been with about at least 6 different hosting company's and this is the best so far. When i Submit a ticket i would get a reply within 10 mins and loads more.. Please let me know if it ok and thanks. Best regards, Daniel
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys, I am a Freelance web and applications developer specializing in PHP, Android and iPhone OS. I am offering my services to you for your development needs. I am based in Scotland, United Kingdom and can provide you a quote if you PM or E-mail me your needs. All code that I provide to you as my client will be copyright to you or your VA. I will only reserve a copy of the code for Maintenance and Modifications. All light code modifications will be provided free of charge. Contact Details : - E-Mail : affix_at_affix_dot_me - Skype : fiveswitch
Last reply by tonyblue31, -
- 3 replies
Hey there, We´re currently searching for skilled php and Web-Developers to support uns creating new Mods and Modules using PHPVMS. If your interested, contact us at Thank you CEO
Last reply by Jasper Bussemaker, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys, I'd like to have a skin completed for a VA of mine, under the "Oasis Group." Here's my idea: Some of you may remember "FlyOasis," and here's the concept for the integrated partner "Izi Airways" as found here that I'd like to incorporate under the "Oasis Group". In exchange for your services I will paint aircraft/ graphic assistance. I can paint most payware and freeware models, and produce quality work. Screenshots available. Shoot me a pm or email me at shaiganmarten[at]hotmail[dot]com if interested. Thanks in advance!
Last reply by caribbeanflyboy, -
- 6 replies
To whom it may concern, Virtual ValuJet Airlines has returned with a new look! At this time, the website is the final component to re-launching. 70% of the website has been designed and integrated with PHPVMS. Requesting that a qualified developer complete the website and be available during operations in order to make necessary changes/updates. Required Knowledge: - Prior web development experience - HTML - CSS - Javascript - Flash The website can be found at Thank You, The Virtual ValuJet Team
Last reply by freshJet,