Paid Services
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623 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I look good and not too expensive acars! Thanks!
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 5 replies
Hello community, I am here to offer skins development services for better customization of your website. I work with developing skins since 2013, and I learned everything by own account to achieve a good level of development. For now I have to offer two demos of my recent projects: If anyone is interested in knowing the price for the development of a new skin send a private message
Last reply by dinometal24, -
- 5 replies
Anyone has a service that offer a schedule pull... We need to get schedules off 7 different airlines for my multi-alliance VA.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 5 replies
Hello all, If you are looking for any of the following services for a very small price, please consider sending me a message via the forums. The services I provide are: Virtual Airline Coding Custom Crew Center Aircraft importation Web Hosting Graphic designs (Logos, banners, etc) Note* These are all my services and I am willing to offer extremely low prices for what is in offer. The first 5 customers get all of above free (Except hosting for obvious reasons). Please send me a message if interested. And i hope to hear from you TropicaDesigns.
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I am the owner of which is a fully functioning virtual airline. The website was originally built by Sava Markovic from my design. I require someone with experience in PHP/SQL to help make changes and modifications when and where required to Scoot Virtual. This would be paid work obviously. You can contact me on skype " Scoot Virtual " or leave me a message if you are interested. Thanks.
Last reply by smokey68, -
- 5 replies
Hello I'm looking for somebody who can design a virtual airlines sites more info contact:
Last reply by smokey68, -
- 5 replies
Hi, Is there anyone that can make a custom ACARS tracker for my VA for a cheap budget? Thanks
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello Can someone help me solving the no route passed error. I can't find the error. Website Kindly regards Rick
Last reply by LeonardIGO4036, -
- 4 replies
Good Day I´m searching for an developer to create the following add-on / module Aircraft booking: The add-on should link aircrafts to the flight shedules. That means - if someone book a shedule like eddf - eddt (frankfurt Tegel) with an Airbus 320 - 200 ICAO / Callsign Heidelberg If a pilot klicked on the "add-bid" button the aircraft is booked only for that flight - so all the other flights with that aircraft are not available untill the bid is released I hope you get what i meen - if so contact me via pm - wit informations about your work - skills and of course your payment whishes Thanky Nagelfar
Last reply by Ephendi, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I can make install packages for your VA like aircrafts, whatever you need for FREE! Since phpVMS is a open source software which that's why i want to help out here! If you need anything to be installed package, just PM me here and i will get back to you soon!
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 4 replies
I am looking for someone to design me a skin for my virtual airline Designer/Website Requirements - Previous Experience - Must design in at least PHPVMS compatibility - Easy Interaction/Functionality - Web Browser Friendly - Quick Developer, Easy to work with, Very easy to Contact Anyone Interested In developing for us MUST accept Paypal for payment. Please email, PM me, or add me on msn, skype or yahoo which are all on my profile page. Regards
Last reply by david thompson, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone! I have started a VPS Teamspeak 3 server which has unlimited slots. I am selling you a teamspeak 3 server with your own connection address and unlimited slots for just £2.50 a month complete with maintance support. If interested or you would like more information please get into contact with me via WLM / MSN - Skype - bfs.davidt Email: Regards, David
Last reply by amcpilot, -
- 4 replies
Hello Everyone, Is it ok if i put a link in my signature for a web host i am with? The Reason I would like this is that I have been with about at least 6 different hosting company's and this is the best so far. When i Submit a ticket i would get a reply within 10 mins and loads more.. Please let me know if it ok and thanks. Best regards, Daniel
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, Does anyone do repaints here and are willing to do a couple for me? I am after the default 747's in fs9 /fsx and the PMDG 747 repainted for easyjet Let me know if we can do business, Cheers.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 4 replies
I would like to know i want is able to create a new repaint for my virtual airline. This repaint must be like this unfortunately it is for Boeing 737. Firstly i would like to have one repaint for an Airbus 320 Wilco Edition. After that and if i find a good repainter i will request another one for Airbus 343 Wilco. Standing by for your answers.
Last reply by airmermaid, -
- 4 replies
Hi there, I am looking at creating my own Virtual airline, but have no experience atall when it comes to creating a website and installing VMS etc.. I have Adobe Dreamweaver yet dont know how to use it, and dont have a clue what to do with skins and codes. Sorry to be such a pain! any help with this matter, or even a web designer willing to create me a website (I will pay if required), would be greatly appreciated, I also need a few repaints done, I have taken time to create a ZIP file with all the details needed including my logo and a design templeate, colours and everything else you require to make the reapints. Please get back to me via email southwest.exoti…
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
Hello is anyone willing to make our Virtual Airline a skin? Will be Paid!
Last reply by vader21, -
Hello Phpvms users! I am now able to get extremely accurate flight schedules for most airlines around the whole world! This is a great service for Virtual Airline CEO's that don't have the time to sit there any put in them one by one. Once purchased you will receive them in CSV format for easy import into the Phpvms service. If you have any questions, or would like to inquire on a price. Please do not hesitate to PM me! Thanks, Edmund K.
- 4 replies
I know that DeltaVA has bascially the most advanced acars system out there but I have seen others that record exact positions of flights like this and a line that tracks where the plane actually was even on the ground like the shot here on this Delta VA pirep. So my question is can Kacars track exact position updates and show them in the pirep for all to see instead of just a straight line from departure to arrival like it currently depicts.
- 4 replies
Afternoon all, I've decided to start providing paid services again, and what better way to start it than with a 10% discount on all orders if you're a phpVMS user? I'm providing web design and module creation at affordable prices with professional quality that'll get your virtual airline noticed for the right reasons! Currently trying to source out all of the sites that I did do work for previously to construct a portfolio, I'll also have a few free modules up on the forums soon, so you see the work I do. If you're interested, please visit and contact me for a free quote. Cheers Jon
Last reply by Jon, -
- 4 replies
With over 15 years of interactive media, we can make your visions and ideas a reality. Our full time staff of designers and developers have the skills and tools to make any project a success. We have been involved in many types of projects including; Content-management systems, Social Networking, and E-commerce implementation for both big and small business. We strive to make every project as successful as possible. We offer amazing PHPVMS Skin templates, at very negotiable quote. Every design is built within 14 days guaranteed, or your money back! Visit our website today and lets get started on your design.
Last reply by vader21, -
- 4 replies
Hello Guys, We are looking for someone who is able to create a new ACARS program for my virtual airline. I know about kAcars but i am trying to make a market research . Thanks in advance...
Last reply by Stealthbird97, -
VA Images
by Guest- 4 replies
Hey! If anybody needs any Images created for there virtual airline, ranging from Banners, to Awards, to Events....let me know. As a holiday goft, i will give anybody up to 2 banners, FREE! Delivery in as soon as 24 hours. Please email me at if your interested. Please look below to see some of my recent vDAL holiday banners. I will post some more images here in the future. Thanks. I can also make VA Logo's. And cheap web designs. Web Designs starting @ $30. Web Mockups can be made in as little as 2 days. I can also do Fleet Repaints starting @ 6 dollars per paint. **Please note, if you need a logo created and it is based off a real world enti…
- 4 replies
Hi Guys, I am a Freelance web and applications developer specializing in PHP, Android and iPhone OS. I am offering my services to you for your development needs. I am based in Scotland, United Kingdom and can provide you a quote if you PM or E-mail me your needs. All code that I provide to you as my client will be copyright to you or your VA. I will only reserve a copy of the code for Maintenance and Modifications. All light code modifications will be provided free of charge. Contact Details : - E-Mail : affix_at_affix_dot_me - Skype : fiveswitch
Last reply by tonyblue31, -
- 4 replies
I'm pleased to announce the VRTS - Virtual Remote Training System: the most complete VA training system to date! The Virtual Remote Training System, or VRTS, is a complete training system built especially for virtual airlines. The VRTS runs separately from the main website, but is heavily linked to it. It uses the VA's user accounts and trainees won't even notice that the VRTS is a separate system. Currently the VRTS is compatible with the IPS CMS or phpVMS. The main feature of the VRTS is the VRTS Live system which allows trainers to track their trainee’s aircraft live via their browsers; they can see the position of the aircraft on a map, along with the posi…
Last reply by ChrisTaylor, -
- 4 replies
Hey Guys, because some of you had asked about my modules i have decided to share some of the modules that i have created for hellenic airways as payware. Currently the following Modules are released: Company Routes Search Vacancies Administration Executive Flights Division I'll release a few more modules within the next day when i get the chance to have the Hellenic Airways styling removed from the templates and to change some functions to make it work on standard phpVMS installations. Besides that i'm still offering phpVMS skinning at You can get the stuff at Crazycreatives. Please understand that all modules are payware as i originally h…
Last reply by biokemisten, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys i have a fully functional website but what it is i need a website designer to make me a flightboad who have arrival and departures and also if the flight is ontime or delayed?
- 4 replies
Hello. I am looking for any of you guys that have good/excellent experience in developing using the Laravel PHP framework. I have a project I am working on myself (a lot of stuff already done) and I'm in need of a helping hand. Would love to talk to you if you think you can help and maybe we can work something out People who don't have experience in Laravel, please ignore this.
Last reply by ctabuyo, -
- 4 replies
Click here to start your website now! WE NEVER SLEEP If you need us, we are always here. You can always count on reaching us 24/7/365. Just give us a call or visit our live chat. We are here for you. WE ARE AFFORDABLE When considering the highest quality of support, hardware, features, and unbeatable uptime; no-one comes close to matching our prices or our service! WE ARE VERY FRIENDLY We are not cocky, we have just been told numerous times that we are very friendly, and we just wanted to let you know! 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE We are confident that you will love our hosting services, but if for any reason it doesn'…
Last reply by Picowatt, -
- 4 replies
For pricing PM Here my first VA PROMO VIDEO
Last reply by GlobalOne,