326 topics in this forum
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I am in need of some guidance when it comes to enabling the SSL certs on the site. I feel like I am missing a step. Currently using Disposable Basic Pack v3.4.x on phpVMS v7 dev (latest as of 2 July 2023). In phpVMS v5.x it was just a matter of changing two lines of code in the local and global config.php files from HTTP to HTTPS. Based on the instructions during the setup of v7 it stated that the env.php file has the same capabilities as the config files from v5. I don't see a related option in the file and after looking around the documentation, I could not find any relevant materials. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone, I need help and don't know how to proceed. When I try to fill in a manual PIREP, I get the following error in the Aport column (Departure/Arrival) The results could be loaded The days it worked and once, I don't know what I did. But it does not work. I have packed all data from PHPVMS into the main folder. I suspect that this is not the fault. I suspect that it has something to do with these settings, but I don't know exactly where? ## DATABASE SETTINGS DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST='' DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE='phpvms' DB_USERNAME='phpvms' DB_PASSWORD=**my correct PW**…
Last reply by Christian, -
- 3 replies
I recently imported 4000 flights via admin/flights/imports. Only 3250 can be seen. What will cause the difference? What is the permiters or specifics that the import system uses to compare routes? Duplicate flights have been removed and all flights are marked as active prior to import on cvs exported from admin/flights/export. All flights are marked as visible. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Greetings, We have imported our information from the older php v5 and now using the latest php v7. The pilots who once had admin roles from the previous version are still admins. The challenge is, we cannot seem to remove that role from the pilots. When we go to the user page, click user, edit the role (remove admin), when it saved, the role comes back. Can you shed some light on that please? Further, we are having some issues with the pagination. Pages 1,2 and 3 work fine, then page 4 isn't, then page 5, 6, 7 works, then another doesn't. The one that does not, gives the 500 | Server Error Another question. In the ACARS, sho…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Hello So I began importing routes into my VA through the import CSV function. One batch of route is giving me problems though, every time I attempt to import them i receive a 500 error message from the VA website. When i refresh and check the flight table, about a little less of half of them make it through, i then tried splitting them up but still receive the 500 error and it is only for this specific batch of airport pairs as i am able to import other routes fine. I looked at the laravel logs, and the only errors i can see are from a seperate unrelated issue that was solved which had to do with duplicate airport submissions. I also have ended u…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Hello admin owner of newly installed VA using PHPvms7. install was performed by tfdidesign creators of smartcars3. I was given a password to login and told to change it once I logged in. Under the admin panel for my user I changed my password, I believe I did. I entered what I wanted my new password to be. I proceeded to attempt a login earlier and my password was incorrect, I tried all variations and it doesn’t work which leads me to believe that when I changed it; I may have mistyped a key and it’s not what I think it is. I went on phpadmin, through my cpanel to find the pilot table but there was none. There was a user table wi…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
I just manually brought the hours flown on the network, I wouldn't have to add the hours currently flown by the pilot, since the option is already enabled in the PHPVMS settings, or could it be that I'm entering it incorrectly, missing decimals, commas, periods?
Last reply by vFAB, -
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I have an issue with sending mail from my freshly installed site (version 7). And I looked where to change the SMTP settings in what file. In a friends installation I did some time ago, I found that I had edited the env.php file. So I searched in the new site for that same file, but I cannot find it. However I also did find a config.php in the bootstrap directory. I did add the SMTP stuff in there, but that seems not to work. Wrong spot? I am using a mailadres from my hosting company. Help is appreciated. RobB
Last reply by aarbee, -
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Hello. I kind of like the seven theme in version 7.0.3. I would like to change the theme logo at the top of page, but I can't find where to make the change
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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The only changes I made were i uploaded a new schedule and added new Fares. The pic is a little hard to see, but there appears to be 2 finance journals on the same page. One shows a zero balance and the main one. shows data, but its not updating
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Hello, This is a vanilla installation of V7.03 with default skin we have started to build & customize. We noticed the Pilot profile page is missing some information compared to another previous test-install on our server. The "dark mode" picture shows the issue-affected page where the API key & other info are not displayed, the second picture (light mode) is from the previous V7 testing instance we had. Any ideas and suggestions are always very much appreciated.
Last reply by PaintSplasher, -
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Hello Again! A while back I found documentation on how to have the phpvma v7 to send pirep notifications to a discord channel. Can't remember how I did it, but it was working, but the channel I had set up on discord to receive the prep notifications got deleted. Would anyone know where I might find that documentation? I would be thankful.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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Trying to fresh install phpvms 7 alpha2 and getting a blank white screen with the the following error in the apache log file. PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) in /var/www/phpvms/vendor/symfony/finder/Comparator/NumberComparator.php on line 42 PHP Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0 Here is the version of php I am using PHP
Last reply by asandor, -
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I need help updateing PHP to v7.2 from v7. I'm not sure if this is possable or how to do it. Can somone help please!!
Last reply by spkier, -
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In the administrator panel I get this message. New version 7.0.0-180423-29d206 is available! Where can I download it? In the forum I can not find the link for this download. In other versions of phpvms 7 there was an option to import routes in * .CSV format Now that disappeared. How can I import routes? Thank you
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Doesn’t fivedev has phpvms autoinstall anymore? I looked into cpanel files and didn’t find any phpvms file. Today, I bought the basic plan of fivedev. Can anyone Help me installing phpvms 7 into it?
Last reply by ViniciusQuadros, -
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Hi Guys I'm having problems installing PHPVMS7, I have installed it on my server it's giving me a 500 error...... I'm trying to install phpvms 7 it's a nightmare is there any difference to the other version 5.5 version any help would be fantastic. Thanks
Last reply by FiveStar001, -
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Hi, I uploaded the phpvms folder (version v7.0.0-180820-91a641) to my home directory by ftp, and I'm get this error message: My test shared hosting: My php info file:
Last reply by ARV187, -
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Not really sure what I did when creating a NEW theme for phpVMS v7, but some how I screwed up either a reference to a javascript file or something. Works fine in the default theme, but when I switch over to mine I get this console error, and I must say I don't really know how to read them I may just have to start over or walk through each step I took when I started working on this month's ago. Any ideas at all? Any help appreciated! I did look through the default theme and did not even see a reference to this so it may be something I have in the theme that does not even exist in the default one!
Last reply by in2tech, -
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How can i make a Update via Github What is the command Line for Linux
Last reply by chris2012nrw, -
- 2 replies
Hi ! I've just installed phpvms 7.0 and when i cliked on the install button i've this message : Error 404 - Not found Le fichier requis n'a pas été trouvé. Il peut s'agir d'une erreur technique. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement. Si vous ne pouvez pas accéder au fichier après plusieurs tentatives, cela signifie qu'il a été supprimé. My php version is 7.2 and i'm in 1&1 service for hosting .. Plz help me which folder i need to fowload on github ? Bye Baptiste Edited 2 hours ago by TheGmader
Last reply by bbuske, -
- 2 replies
Hey there, I recently downloaded PHPVMS 7 (Beta, Alpha 1 &2 and Master) and every time I try to install it, I get an error 500. I tried switching web hosting providers like 000webhost, InfinityFree and x10hosting and I keep getting the same issues. At first, when I tried installing via 000webhost I got a putenv error, so I switched hostings to Infinity, which is where the problem began. i deleted .htaccess from the root, no luck. Getting the same error again, so I switched to x10hosting, still. I decided to go back to 000webhost to see if it worked, yet I got a error 505. To make things more simple, no install page is shown, it's just given me…
Last reply by novatopps, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I wan to add new page on phpVMS 7. Is it possible? If it is, can someone explain how to do it?
Last reply by OmerAslan, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows how to set up a local development environment within windows as the instructions seem to be based for linux based operating systems. Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
I have been messing around with phpvms 7 for god knows how long now and I cannot fix this error. anyone have any ideas? You can also see it for yourself at
Last reply by magicflyer, -
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Hi, Getting a critical error when attempting to import flights CSV into Beta 2 Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Storage' not found
Last reply by Haru, -
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I have phpVMS 7 values in kg for fuel , but Manuel Pirep Formular has lbs on Input box.
Last reply by chris2012nrw, -
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Didn't have any issues with Beta 1, but for whatever reason with Beta 2... When i go to click on the "head on to installer" I get Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. It seems like it's not pointing to the right place, any suggestions to get it fixed. It seems to be pointing at /install Many Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hi all, I've just installed phpvms 7.0, the installation process went well, I am now trying to import the data from phpvms 5 simpilot. The import process starts and I get some data into my new database, but the pireps are missing: [2020-04-12T05:19:40.428021+00:00] prod.INFO: --- PIREP IMPORT --- [] [] [2020-04-12T05:19:40.436016+00:00] prod.INFO: Found 15724 rows in pireps [] [] [2020-04-12T05:19:40.436576+00:00] prod.INFO: Imported 0 pireps [] [] [2020-04-12T05:19:40.436823+00:00] prod.INFO: Using DSN: mysql:host=localhost;port=;dbname=mydbnamexxxx [] [] [2020-04-12T05:19:40.436923+00:00] prod.INFO: --- PIREP IMPORT --- [] [] [2020-04-12T05:19:40.443979+00…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
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Hi everybody got a little question. I like that the visitors of my Site first see News or a created Page when they land on my Website. Can any one tell me how i can realize that? Thanks to all
Last reply by BlindPilot,