Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
Hey guysm I was wondering to make real airline virtual but to make it far away as possible for example: Monarch Airlines, Wanted to make a virtual, called it MCH Virtual and has used fs pictures of the aircrafts and no logos. Had no word of monarch in my va but had the same schedules and fleet.. If i were to do this, and had no permission, Would i be allowed to do something like this?? Please give me your thought..
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 27 replies
As the title says, Im starting on a project on PHPVMS and make a very good website as i can... Any intrests reply or add my msn: Thanks
Last reply by truemo9, -
- 3 replies
What do you all think? I love the Switch to Europe/UK feature! Here's the code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Image Change Demo</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function changeIt(objName) { //The image object accessed through its id we mentioned in the DIV block which is going to be visible currently var obj = document.getElementById(objName);…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 30 replies
If you're using, or planning on using phpVMS, send me your airline logos, and a link to your site!I'm going to post them up on a logo board. As for the size, something decent, which I can size down if I need to. Email them to nabeel at phpvms dot netThanks!
Last reply by fsx, -
- 5 replies
I started advertising for positions with my VA last week, and I've had a steady trickle of applications for those positions so far. One thing I've noticed from most of these applicants is that they seem to be more after the staff jobs, purely because of the status of staff jobs, and aren't really interested in helping running a VA. Some even seem to be not interested in taking advantage of the flights and everything else that the VA offers. It's a shame really, because the positions available offer up the chance for those who take them to have a real say in how the VA develops. I would have jumped at that chance when I started getting into VA flying. I've now stated that …
Last reply by Capt. Ho747, -
- 2 replies
How do you Fire or delete a pilot from the system. I have a few that I need to delete and I can figure out how, Thank You
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 5 replies
Hello All, I just noticed that I do not have a local.config.php file. I'm not sure what happen to it. I have a app.config.php and a codon.config.php file but no local.config.php file. Not sure what to do. Thanks
Last reply by David Stokes Douglas, -
- 3 replies
Never knew the devil could like a VA Have fun guys.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 3 replies
With the help of my new flights ops director, we have finalised the rework to our fleet. Now though, we need to have the aircraft repainted, and my skills are definitely lacking in this area. So does anyone have any recommendations for people who are offering repaints as a service? Please only recommend if you have used their services personally. Thanks in advance Stuart
Last reply by stuartpb, -
- 14 replies
Hello. I have spent a while searching for a JavaScript code to remember what a user has clicked on in their last visit on the internet for what I am looking for what I need but I cant find it. So I was wondering if anyone here has ever came across such a code online before? To make things a little clearer, what I am looking for is a JavaScript code that will save information on a cookie about what link a user has clicked on in their last visit and keep redirecting them to that link everytime they visit the page. So if they go to and click on a link that says Link-1, it will redirect them to everytime they visit www.yourwebsit…
Last reply by James142, -
- 13 replies
This is beyond ridiculous! It's disgusting that nobody can create anything around here without some fool claiming its been stolen! You have no rights over an idea! People here need to understand that seeing as we're all here to do the same thing, we're probably going to end up doing the same things! In addition to that, HTML and CSS are designed to be written in a certain way, and that way only. To create a valid HTML table, for example, you need certain tags in a certain order. Two people who are inevitably pursuing the same idea will no doubt end up writing the same code, if they write valid code. It's driving innocent people, who are bringing creativity and product…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 11 replies
Hopefully this will be the last update for a while but right now I am looking for anyone's comments on Much appreciated, James
Last reply by James142, -
On our home page I switched to FS Pilot Shop Advertising. Problem is that the ads are bigger than the square they're supposed to fit in. I changed the size in the url: <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="300 x 250 Rotation 1"></a> I changed the 300 x 250 to 150 x 125, but the banner size didn't change. Any ideas?
Last reply by reed0427, -
Hi all, Just letting everyone know I might be on hiatus for a bit - I've just got too much stuff going on at once in my personal and professional life, and it's now too much for me to keep up. As for the last beta, there are some things still broken, I will try to get those fixed as soon as I can. I didn't just want to run out without a heads up. Thanks for understanding I'm not completely disappearing, I just won't be on as often as I have been. Just too much going on and I need time to recharge. fivedev people - no worries, I'm still handling support 100%, and there's a backup for when I'm not around.
Last reply by Cor, -
I know I know, someone's sure to say I'm asking too many questions :-P Anyhow, is there a way to integrate or add in the SMF forums ssi? I'd rather post news in the forums and have them show up on the website (instead of the built in news). I've tried and I get a ssi error. Go ahead and yell at me for it, but I added the require ssi.php to the htmlhead.tpl and the code for the board on the frontpagemain.tpl . I'm not going to run it, cause as I said, it throws an error and I'd really like my website up instead of the error. Thanks ya'll.
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, A question which I am sure has been asked and answered but here goes..... How do all you fellow VA owners attract pilots My VA angelair currently has 9 pilots which I would like to increase of course. where do you go to advertise? are VA's in alliance with each other which helps? or is my website not up to scratch if not what do I need to change to make it more attractive? thanks Scott
Last reply by Angel Air, -
Ok, so in the main. tab via admin, you'll find this: php -f /home/.../public_html/admin/maintenance.php (... for my sanity) Cpanel cron setup: Minute Hour Day Month Weekday 02:00 * * * Except one final part: Cron field not formatted correctly. So, learning from my mistakes, I went in search of that it meant. For those that aren't tech savy, the minute place must have something there. Can't be blank. Just thought I'd share.
Last reply by BBuchanan, -
- 3 replies
Something that might be quick and easy: (I hope it is) Is there a way to group awards ( or add groups) to later sort them out?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone I wanted to remove the news from the frontpage_main and add something else. But I dont know what to put in its place. Would anyone like to suggest any ideas that I could use for my main page ( Thanks guys! James
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 2 replies
Ok, This morning, I logged into my VA and I got the error when I go into my VMS Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'njva' And then, WTF! I log into my phpMyAdmin and I don't have any access to my njva databases or others. I had like 12 databases but now I don't have any access databases. Now I went into the privileges tab, and then I got the error No Privileges Now seriously, I can't lose those databases. Can anyone help me please. Thanks.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 7 replies
I was looking at VA reports and I noticed that it says to use % for wildcard. Can anyone tell me what this does and how to use it? I tried a couple different things and it tossed errors all over the place at me. Thanks. Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 72 replies
According to site referrals, it seems as though there about 60+ VAs now using phpVMS in one form or another. I would like to build a list, but make it voluntary to add your VA to the mix. This list will be automatically aggregated on another page. Put your entry as: No other comments please, just the name and address
Last reply by jantorre, -
- 7 replies
I am a little confused to what the latest build is, I am running version 2.1.934 is this the latest? Thanks,
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
We have numerous flights in our database. The flight numbers are generated by us, but occasionally a pilot may want to fly a trip using an historical timetable. How can he submit a pirep using a flight number that may not be in my database? Is it possible? Thanks!
Last reply by Thomas Rozanov, -
- 0 replies
Pontchartrain Virtual Airlines-Help Wanted Two and a half years ago I came up with an idea to develop a virtual airline that would work as a business lab for my high school Free Enterprise students. In that time Nabeel has worked very patiently with me to help me bring this idea into reality. Hence I owe him a debt of thanks that I wish to make public here. Moreover, Pontchartrain Virtual Airlines would not even be on the drawing board without Nabeel’s help, guidance and understanding. The Readers Digest explanation of the concept is as follows. When the VA goes on line, it will be as though it were the early 1950’s. As a result we will fly the DC-3 only. I have a …
Last reply by big red 1, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, as we are a business va we don't need a scheduling system in which you have to fill in a detailed departure and arrival time. Our pilots should be free in their choice of day and time. Is there any module which solves the problem that you have to fill in the date and time? All we need is a date on which the flight should at the latest be done. Hope you know what I mean! And is it possible that our pilots can create a schedule on their own, so that the pilots can book exactly the flights they wanna fly? Thanks!
Last reply by Sascha (DCS299), -
- 8 replies
Hello, can I add pilots manually? I have some problems with my database, so new users can't register new accounts so I tried to add pilots in the backend but there was no option! Regards, Sascha
Last reply by Sascha (DCS299), -
- 4 replies
Anyone know i good place to get good rank images? Im a too busy to make them in photoshop right now thanks
Last reply by James142, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys, great work! I was wondering if there is a chance to get some other language files. Maybe someone already did the translation work?! If not in which file can I find all the parts to translate? Thanks! Sascha
Last reply by Sascha (DCS299), -
- 1 reply
So after some help from the good people on here and google and a few other forums here is a repaint I am quite proud of. with weathering effects and logos. Check it out tell me what you think. Angel Air VA repaint Scott
Last reply by joeri,