Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hi, Anyone tell me how I can stop the Newfront from showing underneath every page you visit in the ObsessBlue skin? The echo page content is there as well as the show newsfront, but if I remove the shownews front, the news doesnt show at all when going to the home page. Thanks in advance, Graham
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 5 replies
I want to test a new CSS template without changing making the actual website different if you know what I mean. Is the only way to create a new install in a subfolder?
- 5 replies
Hey guys i am trying to display the route map, route_map.tpl in another template the profile_main.tpl, how can i call this please? I dont want to include, iframe or embed. Thanks.
Last reply by djtiger76, -
- 5 replies
Bit more interesting than the boring default listing.
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 5 replies
I am building a module for PHPVms which I wan't to be AJAX driven. When passing an URL through the to the PHPVms website by a XMLHttpRequest, I want my module's public function to 'echo' a variable to the Javascript. But phpvms send all the headers and the whole site again, even if the modules function only echoes out a variable. Is there a way to prevent phpvms to resend the whole page? I am using the open method with GET, url and async = true. And I am receiving responseText, which I only wan't to be an variable used in an innerHTML tag. The PHP function is just echo "blah blah blal"; Can anyone help me with this? Regards. Wingthor.
Last reply by Wingthor, -
- 5 replies
Hello I have customize my core navigation. But i have a litte problem look here Website All images shown correct but the Home Image not When i try <p>yourlink</p> its not working.Have anybody an idea.And the Same is with the Admin Area. I will add an image but its not show.Why? <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Frontpage"><img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/images/Home.png" alt="" /></li> <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { // Show these if they haven't logged in yet ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td><p><a href="<?p…
Last reply by Industrialshadow, -
- 5 replies
I'm on the finishing touches for my website now, and one thing I wanted to alter was the infobox on the live flights google map. I've managed to pull off a decent enough style for it, but it isn't how I originally wanted it. I learned that you have to apply width and height to the container in-line, I tried doing it with CSS first and the styling gets ignored. I think this is because the browser renders the script container first, and then the containers content. Once you have a decent sized container, you can style the contents up as normal in the CSS stylesheet. The file that needs amending is the acarsmap.tpl file, found in the core/templates folder. Here's my markup: …
Last reply by stuartpb, -
- 5 replies
Alright so I've got a template that I've been toying around that I finally like, the issue I'm having now is continuing to build the site. Use phpVMS? or just Integrate it? I'm not a coder but with a little brushing up and google, I can make stuff happen. I just don't want to have to go through pain of figuring out how to transfer a working design into a template for phpvms ( unless its easier than I think it is). So far it's just a Home page , but it gives you the idea of what it would look like. Any Ideas? A warning as I might be tech savvy, but as I said, not a coder Thanks,
Last reply by Strider, -
- 5 replies
Hello Can someone make us a FREE customized pilot/member profile center? Thanks!
Last reply by edmundk, -
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respected forum members i would like to ask here can i change skins to meet the criteria of my own VA or do i have to install them and use them as it is in other words asking permissions from respected authors. Thanks James Andy
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 5 replies
Cheap custom PHPvms templates - Starting from $20 - 14 Euro, £12. Please use the contact me form on my site and please supply me with any extra detials. All my previous work can be viewed on my website. Thanks
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I've decided to give my startup VA a unique look (after looking at some opinion polls) by starting from scratch. I am of a decent standard in HTML4 and CSS; so I am trying to make my VA website from scratch in Dreamweaver. I have some questions: Will I have to edit the .tpl files in the /template folder to make the site or is there a way to implement the individual phpVMS modules into my .php site? How would I get the admin center show on the navbar (custom made) only when I log in? and How would I get the new site communicating with the control panel? Thanks for your help, John Richardson Owner - Yorkshire Air
Last reply by Strider, -
- 5 replies
I am in the process of helping a friend create a custom skin. We were designing the front page one day when we noticed that the pilot roster wasn't there. It just disappeared. Do you have any idea? Everything else is there. Thanks, Edmundk
Last reply by twelka3, -
- 5 replies
Hi I am making a new websit. When i upload the origional fround page main file the "main" div tag re-sizes to allow the frount page to fit in, and my footer moved to the bottom of thr page. However, when i load my frount page, the footer, and main div tag moved up so it is like all over the top of eatch other. But when i select Compatibility Mode on internet explorer, it works how it should. On google chrome it does the same thing as explored does with out the Compatibility Mode on. Does anyone know what is going on? thanks chris
Last reply by chris2, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I'm have a problem with my menu in the brilliancev1 skin. I want to delete the standard menu and create a dropdown menu. I already read many topics about drop down menus. But it always fails. Can someone tell me how I delete the brilliance menu? I want to install a menu. The readme tells me that i've to insert this code into the headsection. (If I'm right that should be inserted in the "layout.tpl" <link type="text/css" href="menu.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="menu.js"></script> and then insert this in the "Core_navigation.tpl" …
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Hi guys and gals, I recently made a new site design,, and was looking on your opinions. I want to add a flightboard and such, but it might be too cluttered in my opinion Regards, David
Last reply by Talisman57, -
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Hey, i was wondering. What is the random image script used here on this site called: Thanks
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 5 replies
Hey, Its the first: and this is the second: And i add one more: have good week.
Last reply by Ariel, -
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I'd like to view the current flights on the frontpage in a box like the "Recent Pilots" & "Recent Pireps" Boxes, shown as "Flight number - Dep - Arr." I guess i have to get the code from the /acars page and simply exclude the map and all the stats (name, status, speed, dist/time remaining) i don't want to show .. ? If yes, where to get that code from ? And if no, where's my mistake ?
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
- 5 replies
Hi, i want translate the auto comments of phpvms, but i dont know were are the file. e.g: In ...pireps/view Thanks & regards!
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 5 replies
Hey all, I'd like to share with you a skin update that was made for JAL Virtual recently, i never formally announced it because it was a just a update to the already existing design, however i think that this update is vastly superior to the previous layout. Thoughts?
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello everyone, I am looking for someone willing to help me set my site in terms of graphics. Thanks
Last reply by Tato123, -
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Hello Folks, I have a problem after editing the skyline template .. the footer on home page looks weird, But on another page its not Anybody can help ?? Thank you, Regards,
Last reply by NadRush, -
- 5 replies
I am trying to make a link click able that will take a pilot to their Public Profile from their dashboard, Every attempt has failed. Any ideas. This is what I thought would work. <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>">View My Public Profile</a>
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I want to show the Facebook icons at my site ... When i see it at the google chrome/mozilla , its now showed , but when i see it at the IE .. It exist ... Why ? Hope somebody could fix this problem Thx, Regards,
Last reply by NadRush, -
any idea or help why this happens when i resize the window of my broswer???
Last reply by flyalaska, -
Any idea how do edit MY ROUTES MAP - /index.php/pireps/routesmap I thought it was route_map.php, the changes are not being made.
Last reply by web541, -
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Hello! In constructing my virtual airline's website, and I noticed an issue with the PIREP details page where the footer changes size and position and hugs the map. If you compare these two pages: Page with the problem: Page with how it should look: Anyone know whats causing this?
Last reply by web541, -
- 5 replies
Hello guys, I'm simply a novice when it comes to coding, I would like some help with a few things on my website, that being: 1. The frontpage design and layout. 2. Thing to have implemented on the front page 3. Metar/TAF request script If anyone would be willing to volunteer to help me out with any of these things, it would be greatly appreciated and credit will be given where applicable, if interested, kindly send me a PM. Thanks
Last reply by t_bergman, -
- 5 replies
hello i want change my VA skin but i get this massage Notice: The template file "/home/vapersia/" doesn't exist in /home/vapersia/ on line 248 and Notice: The template file "/home/vapersia/" doesn't exist in /home/vapersia/ on line 248 what i must do ? this is Templateset.class.php line 248 ( trigger_error('The template file "'.$tpl_path.'" doesn\'t exist'); ) plea…
Last reply by flyalaska,