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285 topics in this forum
- 19 replies
Hi We are having a problem where the "Airline Latest Events" section of our airline is not updating on vacentral. this can bee seen here http://www.vacentral...eo_geoairlines Although the last updated date on the page shows that updates are happening the data in the Airline latest events section is not updating and staying static. All PIREPS are getting filed with vacentral and can be seen on the last 100 flights page so it just seems to be a problem with this particular section. As I am quite a noob can someone give me any advice on what to check so that I can track down why this is not working. Thanks
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 2 replies
I am having issues with Crazy Creatives Executive MOD. I have posted on his site too. Hoping someone here had the same issue and can help me out. I have recently installed the Executive MOD. Have everything working, with the exception of the flights that I have added . It will not show in admin or on the exec page. I do get the flight added successfully message. It will show in the main schedules page. I have imported the sql. I have installed this a few times, and deleting everything, with the same results. Any ideas what’s going on?
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 5 replies
Is there a way to increase the interval of updating the acars data on phpvms? I think the current intervall is 15 seconds. Thank you all!
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I am using a module of CrazyCreatives, however couple of months ago, there is no support anymore, I would like to know if you can help to fix an issue with Event center. The event center closes event at 00 Midnight of the day of the event, ex: if my event starts today at 14:00z, normally in the same day people still can book and see the event as upcoming event before 14:00z. However, the module recognize the event as past event early morning at 00:00 of the same day before the event starts yet. Thank you in advance,
Last reply by SmarticleCo, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible that when we change frequency on FSX the frequency becomes moldy in mumble? Thank you
Last reply by massilia68, -
- 8 replies
Hi i'm trying to change the image in the profile but it doesn't change!!! Can you help me? Now i have two image, but i want to change it!!!
Last reply by Bluemax, -
- 0 replies
Hey pilots and devs! I'm watching an issue with an acars system and it says that an error occurs in the "DoWork" function. I found this function in the past and know that it exists, but I can't find it anymore. Does anyone has an idea where I can find the php function called something with "DoWork" or "filepirep_DoWork"? Thanks!
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I've most likely missed the topic for this but I was wondering if anyone could help me with some coding. I'm currently using phpVMS 5 with the FireCrew theme, within the pilot dashboard I want the pilots to be able to see their stats. If anyone could help me that would be wonderful!
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 6 replies
Umm, I lead merlion Virtual Airlines in FlightGear Flight Simulator and so far we've been doing comparatively great. We also have a phpVMS website Over here but it's a shame that we can't get on vaCentral. My host doesn't provide me with cURL and when I check the phpVMS install, it says that cURL is required for communication with vaCentral. Is there any other way for our VA stats to go on vaCentral? Thanks a lot! EDIT* - To get cURL, we need to pay and my dad's not letting me.
Last reply by Zeusking19, -
- 5 replies
Hi does anyone have any idea how to solve this error? [17-Feb-2019 16:39:54 UTC] PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::addChild() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /home/*****/public_html/crew/core/common/CentralData.class.php on line 198 [17-Feb-2019 16:39:55 UTC] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/*****/public_html/crew/core/common/CentralData.class.php:198) in /home/*****/public_html/crew/core/modules/kACARSII/kACARSII.php on line 644
Last reply by Mickey, -
- 10 replies
Hi all, We have been looking at vaCentral for quite sometime and finally opened an account and setup our VA. On the home page of vaCentral it says "you can implement your code to talk to vaCentral through XML." When registering, there was a link to a user guide, but it was a dead link and we have a couple of questions: 1. As we are not using phpVMS, but another automated system our pilots use for sending flight reports (currently FSAcars, but will be updating to our own inhouse system later this year), where do we need to place the XML code? 2. We do not have fixed routes. We have what is called a Free Flying Policy where pilots can fly any route that they like. How …
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 12 replies
In the Admin Center there is a thing saying When i click here I get this. Is it a problem from my side or is it VaCentral! thanks
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hello, grabbed a module from crazycreations for Auto Assign. I installed it. It works but when I hit Generate routes this pops up: Deprecated: Non-static method AutoAssignData::getstartitineraryid() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /core/modules/AutoAssign/AutoAssign.php on line 201 CC forums are quiet dead so that’s why I’m posting here. Seems more a PHP issue than their mod. Many help is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
It’s a long shot but is there anyway I can obtain the module for rewards? I’m desperately in need of this module for my site.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Is it possible with the "viewreport" page to display individual custom fields? I just need only a specific custom field, not all custom fields.
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 1 reply
Phpvms 5 module installed but I get an error please help me with this Thank you
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 16 replies
Hi, I've noticed that I now have 4 PIREPS waiting to be sent to VACentral. When I try to send it manually it will not work. I get the below errors. FAILED exporting PIREP #42 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #41 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #40 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #39 - No response from API server Completed Some people have stated that even though people are getting this error the PIREPS are showing up on VACentral. This is not the case with mine. It was working fine so I have no idea what went wrong. I'm on the latest beta and my airline is…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 14 replies
Hi guys, I was just wondering.. will there be a server where all the virtual airlines will fly together? I mean, we can see eachother on the live map at but we don't really fly together. I know that there is vatsim of course, but i was just wondering if there will be a phpvms dedicatied server in the future.. :-) Thanks guys! Lucas
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
I had to pull my logo off one of my VA's to adjust the contrast. When I try and upload it again, I get this message. This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting had a server problem which prevented the webpage from displaying. For more information about HTTP errors, see Help. I changed the text and saved, no issue - but attempting to re-install the logo and save, this is the issue. Nothing has changed except I gave it a little more contrast as I mentioned.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
by Cessna1234- 8 replies
Hi again, i have looked at all the help/support forums on upload award images and they all seem not to be my problem. I have created a folder "awards" in the lib/image and put my award image and when i go into the admin panel pilots and groups click on awards, then click add award i put in the Name, description, and then the Path or URL, which is and when i click add award there is no image it is only like a error type image which looks like a piece of paper with white, blue, and red and a cut through it. Am i doing something wrong? This is what another forum post said but it isn't working for m…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 7 replies
Hello, I would like to know how I can solve the problem for this error when i send de Flight plan "No Log File For that company/pilot". Here is the stages which I make on fsacars : --select company --aircraft on departure airport -- Flight Plan --START LOG --Start Flight dump When my flight is finished : --stop log --send log (checked my VA ID-pilot number) --I received an error message as "No log file for that company/pilot" Thank You !
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 3 replies
Anyone using this module? How do you clear the forum requirement if your forum is not an external forum? edit- I can do it through SQL, but it should recognize a pilot visited the forum after setting the forum website address in the settings
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Greetings all. Im wondering if anyone can help me integrate a decoded metars table to run on a WP front page. I know about CheckWX and although I can get it working on php I cant seem to sort it on WP. Any help would be great.
Last reply by mahir, -
- 1 reply
Quick question with the fltbook system. Is there a way to make charter bookings made through smartCARS appear in the bids page? The bid appears in smartCARS and shows in the general bids page in the admin panel, but not through the fltbook system. Cheers!
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 10 replies
Hi, there are some issues about vacentral that i do not know how to fix: 1. the logo and/or other images do not upload 2. in the VA details page, the graph of daily pireps is inactive 3. when a pirep arrives, it is counted in the VAs list, before it is accepted. So, sometimes the flights number is not correct. If a pirep is declined, it still counts in vacentral, i think this is wrong Any help on these please?? and: * A mistake in vacentral: in the profile page, the explanation of symbols is wrong, the "PI" is the pireps, not the pilots number also: * a question: as i can understand that some airlines fly offline, i think the online flights (VAs) should be awarded…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
I use Charter flight on my virtual airline. But there's a problem, it seems to be coming to 0 company. If the expense is too high, why income 0? Isn't there a way to fix this? Please help me.
Last reply by GKT001, -
- 8 replies
Hello, is API on vacentral out of order? All our airlines said: FAILED exporting PIREP #229 - No response from API server Thanks.
Last reply by Colin, -
- 4 replies
Hi Have just register our VA at VAcentral. The site url must match your SITE_URL in your core/local.config.php. But we have a combination of PHPVMS and Joomla and when you then click to come to the site it`s really not the site but the backend Could it be possible to get another field for site url and then use the first fiel (that is there today) as a url for configuration Hope you understand what I mean
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
Hi Nabel Each time we tried to send our Pireps or Shedules, it say´s here was an error, server said "Unauthorized access!" We got the newest Beta installed - also i insert the "code" into the local.config Any help?
Last reply by EWG018, -
- 5 replies
why do I drop from 121 to 216 in ranking and from 545 to -144 in score (in one day)? best regards and thanks in advance Thomas
Last reply by Nabeel,