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285 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible that when we change frequency on FSX the frequency becomes moldy in mumble? Thank you
Last reply by massilia68, -
- 5 replies
I am flying at the moment, and using xacars, it is showing on my VA web site, but not on vacentral. I have not changed anything in xacars.[solved]
Last reply by crnjola, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello All guys, My virtual airline unfortunately is not developed by PHPvms , its developed by another framework (jBussemaker Web Development and IPS ) It was not a problem for me , i saw this documentation ( , and it was really helpful. I managed to connect to the website's API and send the XMLs that contains the data. Problem is , since then , my score is always 51 ( even that the virtual airline is active ) , many pilots fly every day. I am sure something is wrong. bec. yesterday score is always 0 . I send my va data one time every day ( contains my number of pilots , no o…
Last reply by ahmed30, -
- 3 replies
Hello All.... I had a problem with Auto Assignment Module by Crazy Creatives. If pilot bid the assigned schedule, the phpvms system recognize that the pilot had a bid, but the bid won't show on the pilot's bid page. Instead the bid appears on the smartcars. Further investigation, i found that the module did not send aircraft registration to the phpvms_bids table (the aircraftid is 0/zero, not blank). As the module is payware, would someone kind enough to help me on this via PM? The developer is no longer replying for their customer's communication. Regards
Last reply by YusufBudi, -
- 2 replies
Hello I was just thinking that how is the news at our site sent to VAcentral database of the va? if we want to update it how can we do that? Thanks & Regards Ahad Imran CEO PIAS Virtual Group PIASVIRTUAL.ORG
Last reply by P.I.A.S Virtual, -
- 4 replies
Signed up for vaCentral a few days ago and no email has been sent to confirm membership. Tried a few more times and it says resending, but nothing. UDATE: vaCentral's registration systems is broken and there doesn't seem to be a way of contacting anyone. Also becoming clear no one checks the forums ether. Anyone know of a way to reach these guys? Randy
Last reply by Jakwilinkevin, -
- 5 replies
Hello guys, in past months our flight was regularly shown in va central live map, but from about 10 days it doesn't work. What can be happened?
Last reply by bteixeira, -
- 7 replies
Hello, I would like to know how I can solve the problem for this error when i send de Flight plan "No Log File For that company/pilot". Here is the stages which I make on fsacars : --select company --aircraft on departure airport -- Flight Plan --START LOG --Start Flight dump When my flight is finished : --stop log --send log (checked my VA ID-pilot number) --I received an error message as "No log file for that company/pilot" Thank You !
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 27 replies
I added my VA (SouthwestVirtual), to vaCentral, but it says I have no PIREPS or hours! What do I need to do to get them to show up? Thanks! -Carl Klinker (
Last reply by mattia, -
- 9 replies
good afternoon, i just installed phpvms, i find the error that when we are recording a flight the position of the aircraft is not shown, i have checked the acars tables but it shows latitude 0 longitude 0. My accommodation is at, it is paid. php 7.1, I would greatly appreciate if someone can help me, I have tried different acars, cacars, Kacars and ccftraker but I encounter the same error.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 10 replies
Hi all, We have been looking at vaCentral for quite sometime and finally opened an account and setup our VA. On the home page of vaCentral it says "you can implement your code to talk to vaCentral through XML." When registering, there was a link to a user guide, but it was a dead link and we have a couple of questions: 1. As we are not using phpVMS, but another automated system our pilots use for sending flight reports (currently FSAcars, but will be updating to our own inhouse system later this year), where do we need to place the XML code? 2. We do not have fixed routes. We have what is called a Free Flying Policy where pilots can fly any route that they like. How …
Last reply by CXA001, -
Not able to Upload a Logo
by Guest- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I've recently registered on vaCentral and I was trying to upload a logo, but it doesn't work. When I go to gallery, browse and click on Save, it gets stuck. Please tell me how to upload the logo.
Last reply by VAEA, -
If you've registered on there, you'll need to do "forgot password" in order to get your login back. After doing that, edit the airlines you've added, to generate the 'slug' which is needed. This is an entirely new codebase, so hopefully should be much faster, and progress should go along pretty quickly. There will also be a few vaC client updates in the next few phpVMS versions. I'll add a thread into here when that's available. Thanks!!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 14 replies
Hi guys, I was just wondering.. will there be a server where all the virtual airlines will fly together? I mean, we can see eachother on the live map at but we don't really fly together. I know that there is vatsim of course, but i was just wondering if there will be a phpvms dedicatied server in the future.. :-) Thanks guys! Lucas
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 4 replies
Here is a pic: Any Ideas? Kindest Regards, James
Last reply by James142, -
- 4 replies
i recently payed and havent received my software to run my va so whats going on
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 3 replies
I'm trying to sort out the email issue. I am not sure as to why Forgot Password emails are being sporadically lost. If you have requested a password reset and have not gotten the email, wait for some time (hours, day) and try again, and see if you get it.
Last reply by wordfly567, -
- 5 replies
Hi We have an issue when a new pilot signs up on our website their account automatically gets created in PHPVMS.I have checked the following lines in both local.config.php & app.config.php # Automatically confirm pilots? Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_CONFIRM', false); We would like it so that the new account only actually gets created once an admin has clicked "accept registration" in the admin panel. Any help please ? Thanks Darryn
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 4 replies
Hi All, I'm just learning the system still, please could someone let me know how I format on the CSV file the lon and lat for each airport, I have done for EGLL 512839 for lon and 0002741 for lat? should I show the ( . ) in between and the N,E,S,W as shown on site wikipedia? Coordinates 51°28′39″N 000°27′41″W The distance between EGLL and EGJB ( Coordinates49°26′05″N 002°36′07″W ) is appx 152nm but its showing 2882? Would this be in nm also or measured in a different way? Thanks for support
Last reply by Relja12, -
- 4 replies
hi people and today i start of with a big problem with phpvms or is it my site? basicly i know how to install phpvms so i installed everything then i went onto install page entered all the database stuff etc , all is right.Now , it goes onto the 'create an admin' page where i create my info user etc. its complete now i go onto my site: and im ranked: New Hire not Admin? can you help me please if you can help me over msn thats great; sorry about my typing it;s a notebook i got for x-mas its small keyboard alot of getting use to!! thanks and hope you can help! offering: co-owner on my site (if wanted)
Last reply by jake, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I am trying for 2 days to solve the code for the connection with all the Aiports and the Map. Where is the mistake? // Print out rows <?php $airports = OperationsData::getAllAirports(); /* Above <td> You have to put it */ foreach($airports as $airport) { "svgPath": targetSVG" ',' echo ' "title": ' . $airport->name . ',' echo ' "latitude": ' . $airport->lat . ',' echo ' "longitude": ' . $airport->lng . '' echo " }"; } ?> So I bring at least one airport ... { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "<?php echo $airport->name; ?>", "latitude": <?php echo $airport->lat; ?>, …
Last reply by Miggel, -
- 1 reply
phpvms isnt sending any emails version is simpilot 5.5.2
Last reply by Boogace, -
- 0 replies
When i generate an OFP via the module i get an extreme high fuel for FINRES like this example: <OFP> <params> <request_id>10260159</request_id> <user_id>17411</user_id> <time_generated>1541968879</time_generated> <ofp_layout>lido2</ofp_layout> <airac>1703</airac> <units>kgs</units> </params> <general> <release>1</release> <icao_airline>NS</icao_airline> <flight_number>3113</flight_number> <is_etops>0</is_etops> <dx_rmk>LIMITES DA NORTESUL VIRUTAL</dx_rmk> <dx_rmk>PAYLOAD/CARGO LIMITED BY MLW</dx_rmk> &l…
Last reply by ArthurHetem, -
- 3 replies
How can I be a developer of phpVMS 4? I have experience in Laravel
Last reply by levicosta201, -
- 2 replies
hello everybody im quite new to phpvms i have it up and running with 2 logged flights. i have a quick question though is there a way i can limit a pilots location for example "jon fly's from ksan to klax in a crj700 with the tail sign NCRJ7" is there a way i can make it so he can not leave klax unless he fly's to another airport in the aircraft he got there in or like buy a ticket to a new airport. i am more interested in the aircraft location stays at destination airport than the pilot location because i want my pilots to have the ability to fly where ever they want.
Last reply by PlumbBum, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, Can someone tell me why my VA's pilot count on VACentral did not update since January 26th? Thanks!
Last reply by EricThePanic, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I've most likely missed the topic for this but I was wondering if anyone could help me with some coding. I'm currently using phpVMS 5 with the FireCrew theme, within the pilot dashboard I want the pilots to be able to see their stats. If anyone could help me that would be wonderful!
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 1 reply
With the pilot store with PHPVMS. What kind of thing you can buy with the money??? i can not find anything about it?? Thank everyone Brian
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 3 replies
Hi, just wondering to know how the system count the quantity of pilots on the VA site, by the last pilot ID or the real number of pilots in the database. I´m asking this thing because reading an old post why the VaCentral ranking is calculating the quantity of pilots versus quantity of flights are important, using that information i´ll proceed to delete all inactive pilots (inactive by a year) from the database. For example, total pilots 200, just pilot 001 and pilot 200 are active, deleting 198 inactive pilots whow many pilots will appear in the VAcentral system. Thanks for de answer. Regards
Last reply by lorlandi, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I know there is a Live map with the actually flight route of the plane but my question is if there is something like that but after the flight is sent (PIREP) in the pirep page you can see the actually route of the plane there is something like that here ?
Last reply by CarlosEduardo2409,