This organization houses any published phpVMS Addons
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147 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
I am using Simpilots Group Schedule Search. All of the airports show up, along with aircraft and that when on the menu page. I select the airline, or aircraft, or departure airport, don't matter which one, the results come up "No Routes Found"
Last reply by Strider, -
- 7 replies
Hey, i have a doubt, there are some way to limite the vacancies with the PHPVMS ??
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 18 replies
Hi All, This is my first post here - love the place and love the software and wanted to give you something that I have been working on this evening. Its a Custom Pilot Centre Layout. Nothing amazing, but it looks a lot better than the default. Hope you like it Instructions: - Download the attached file (Custom Pilot Centre) - Extract and upload icons folder to: lib/images/ - Make a backup of your profile_main.tpl (core/templates) - Upload the profile_main.tpl in the attached file If you have done it all correctly then it should look something like below:
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Some time ago, I released a module that added airport information pages to phpVMS, with the help of some other members. I'm looking to release version 2 within the next month, with more features. One of these I've already sorted out, and that's runway information, as shown below: It's pretty basic at the moment, showing only the runway Idents, surfaces and lengths. I'm going to be adding elevations and whether they have runway lighting or not next. Not sure there is any other data I could include here? I'm also adding NOTAMs and METARS with these ready to drop into the existing scripts. What else would be worth adding though? I could add real world data, such as dela…
Last reply by Felipe, -
- 3 replies
Can anyone tell me where I can get the latest copy (error free) of the sql in order to update my database. I'm not sure but I think i've used an old or bugged one and it's causing me all sorts of probs. Thanks
Last reply by ahughes3, -
- 3 replies
I would like some help finishing off my website for my VA and would like a custom pilot centre if someone would like to offer thee free services and time
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 2 replies
This one is a module for your pilots to directly search for North Atlantic Tracks (NATs) from your website rather than going to the actual website.Don't worry I checked that website and it's free to use.Install: 1. Unzip the folder anywhere you want. 2. Upload in the order of folders. 3. make a link to the module like this . 4. Enjoy.
Last reply by Tato123, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Hey guys! I am excited to share yet another release by me. This time it is the completely custom PilotShop addon, currently still work in progress but to be released soon. What is currently done is the admin panel part of the addon, complete with the database structure behind it. What is left to be done is the front-end bit, but I am satisfied with what I have now so I am gonna give you guys a teaser. The addon gives you the possibility of creating shop item categories, and then adding various items to them. Every item has a name, description, image and a price. Once completed, pilots will be able to purchase these items from the front end and have the purchases displa…
Last reply by McWilliams, -
- 0 replies
The following module will allow you to see a list of every pirep submitted throughout the history of your airline. It is under the Creative Commons Attribute. Enjoy!
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 4 replies
Hello all, I'm a new user of the great phpvms. But the thing i was not happy with was the way to create a timetable in excel, everytime i was forgetting to put something between the comma. So i have created a new document where creating the timetable offline is working realy great and it makes it very easy. So i've add a download with a new excel sheet that can be imported. One tjhing to mention is that with importing you will recieve this message after the succesfull ones. Airline with code ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; does not exist! Skipping... This is because he is trying to add about 800 flights with airline code ",,,,,," This is something i have done to make it easye…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 13 replies
Dear, Worked to develop a system "SITA" using schedule_briefing page, the system populates all information and calculates the fuel used on the route. System Function The navigation is a navigation that SITA is intended to help the pilot in its own navigation and control fuel and time during the flight. Print I am by posting some pictures of my work so you can see how this development. * White = Written text * Yellow = Populated by the system What is navigation SITA = SITA navigation is navigation that aims to assist the pilot in his own navigation as well as to control fuel, ZFW TOW TFW TPW, MTOW etc. all information of a flight, your virtual airlines more real I…
Last reply by mitcheinfo, -
- 36 replies
Hello every one! I m proud to say that the first version of Staff members list is here ! This version is not editable table from the admin center but is editable direct to the . tpl file. 1)Download the files ( 2)edit the staff.tpl file and insert your own data (staff members, jobs, mails, images) 3)Upload staff folder to your modules folder 4)Upload staff.tpl to your templates folder 5)Make a link to your website: Remember is not editable from the admin center! only manual direct to .tpl Regards Dimitris446 EDIT: File removed.
Last reply by Sava, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
This is a flight duration calculator. The results are of course estimated but with this you could have an idea of how to manage your schedules when adding them. This is an open source module, so feel free if you want to make changes. Install: 1. Download the zip. 2. Unzip & upload in the order of folder structure. 3, Make a link to access it by <?php echo url('duration') ;?>. Pix: Download at Github:
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 90 replies
[move]New version being released this weekend on: 02-13-2010[/move] Current Un-stable Version: V.0.1 Latest Commit: 014 as of 02-04-2010 Nightly build: Click here Stable download: Click here Feature list: -add, edit, remove types -add, edit, remove shops -add, edit, remove products -full featured admin module -user side plugin -buy and list products -and more! Requested features: -associate downloads [ added ] -e-commerce -edit, remove purchases -sell products from user to user -simplified interface and functionality [ preview for the user side here] Do you have a bug? Well then, report that sucker to me at! …
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 0 replies
Hello guys, come on, I have a big question that comes to me taking the time, I have VA's almost two years and in all that time had big problems with the routes, after all, do everything by PHPvms but when someone reserves a scale that route is deactivated and can not be flown by another pilot you need large number of routes in the site all the time. Already tried using CSV for a while but it is very complicated, I'm doing some research on using cronjobs or crontags, but tell me how to do routes? use their own PHPVms, there is an easier way to get a large number of routes without much effort? I await replies from you friends And heaven CAVOKS everyone.
Last reply by gabrielfava, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Dear, Worked to develop a system "SITA" using schedule_briefing page, the system populates all information and calculates the fuel used on the route. System Function The navigation is a navigation that SITA is intended to help the pilot in its own navigation and control fuel and time during the flight. Print I am by posting some pictures of my work so you can see how this development. * White = Written text * Yellow = Populated by the system
Last reply by Fernando, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys! Remember SimPilotGroup's Airmail Module available at ? I've been doing a few additions to the module lately, specifically those we have set up as our milestones. (Viewable at ) With the most recent one being a contacts addition (Pull Request #6 ) Here is a video demonstrating the new additions: This is already in production over at Wings on Air ! Stay tuned for more updates to this module soon! A ton of thanks to SimPilotGroup for creating the original airmail module and making this neat little addition possible.…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 0 replies
Hello to all, I would like to ask you for help to structure a system of independent ranks. Let me explain what I want to create. My virtual company uses a rank refers to kacars but I would also rank reported at an online fly on VATSIM and IVAO. I have created in the data base "pilots" a field called online hours. I wish I had the opportunity, when manually increment this field, it is assigned a rank or award. I tried to duplicate the pilot current rank, but I still see only the rank of totalhours. when I delete the cache of my site from administration panel, I see the new rank, but I no longer see the original. I could also solve going to give an award that increa…
Last reply by Tato123, -
- 15 replies
Hi guys I created an autoreject PIREP system when the landing rate is greater than..... and when in the log find crashed or fs reloded ... with automatic comment fully editable
Last reply by mattia, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
so i am entering <?php PopUpNews::PopUpNewsList(5); ?> and im getting this in a return from my site Notice: The template file "/public_html/phpvms//lib/skins/templatemo_362_gift_red/Screenshots/screenshots_random.tpl" doesn't exist in/home/phpvms/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.phpon line 248 ​Any bod ever had this error before im trying to get this skin all working correctly before i put it on my paid host?
Last reply by Affix, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
So after tanking on my last few flights because of fuel prices im beginning to ask myself. Why cant we either buy fuel in bulk or use what was leftover from our flights prior? so lets say you fuel up a full tank in KSAN and pay the live fuel price there to fill the tank and pay one big sum of cash to the airport for the fuel and proceed to all the airports you want with out paying for fuel at each destination Or just buy like 2 million dollars of fuel for a bulk deal. Maybe i have missed a module release or something but if anybody has an idea on how this could be made that would be great. Now i have no knowledge on php coding just basic type html but if i see a large gr…
Last reply by mischka, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hello everyone. I 'm looking for a module to display with a pop up (or any other way) a note to a pilot when he reaches X hours or X flights. Example: 1) When a pilot reaches 50 hours an exclamation mark appears in pilot center. 2) The pilot can click the exclamation mark and then a message appears (pop up or redirect to a specific page). It can be say: "Hello Captain. Now you are an experienced pilot and maybe it's time to use an exam. Click here to see the available exams." * The message need to be active until he click the exclamation mark. * I want to use this for several messages, not only one. * Admins can add messages and must have an option to display it to…
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 1 reply
While I was trying to find some old files on my server I came up to the awful 404 error page of Apache... Then I made my custom one which(I Think) looks much better Steps: If .htaccess not exist go to step 1.2 1)Edit .htaccess file and add the following line: ErrorDocument 404 Save, close and upload to your root directory. 1.2)Create a .htaccess with the following contents: ErrorDocument 404 Save, close and upload to your root directory. 2)create a folder in core/modules named "notfound404" and make a php file named "notfound404.php" with the following…
Last reply by mrredbeard, -
- 13 replies
Replace the simple default phpVMS text editor, with our advanced one! VMSEditor integrates tinyMCE into your virtual airline, to add an amazing and easy to use text editor 1.1 version adds the editor to Admin - Add a new page - Add news - Mass Mailer - Admin PIREP Comments Core - User PIREP Comments Please read the installation file enclosed in the downloaded file VMSEditor allows you to add: -Styles -Fonts -Colours -HTML -Images -Videos -Emoticons -Anchors -Custom Characters And Much More!
Last reply by warpennys, -
- 1 follower
- 64 replies
This id a little module you could use to calculate fuel for your trip base on distance you're flying. Try it out and let me know if there is any problems. Install: 1- Download the zip file 2- Unzip and place the files in the order. (You need to make the folders in the specified roots exactly the same name or it won't work) 3- Create link to the module like this <!--?php echo url('FuelCalculator) ;?--> 4- Enjoy Pix: Download at Github: >>>>>>>>>>MODIFIED<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 4 replies
This Mod Requires Simpilots Screenshot Center - http://forum.phpvms....nshotcenter-20/ This is a small mod that allows you to show a users uploaded photos in a jquery slideshow. It also lists each photo that the user uploaded in a table, including a jquery photo preview (Mouse over the file name) DEMO: Installation 1. Download the attached file and upload it to your server 2. Add the code below to core/common/ScreenshotsData.class.php public function get_pilots_screenshots($pilot_id) { $query = "SELECT * FROM screenshots WHERE pilot_id='$pilot_id'"; return DB::get_row($query); } 3. Add the code below in core/m…
Last reply by gian1992, -
- 20 replies
Hey everyone! I am still new to PHP but I will have some free time during the next few weeks and might just be able to contribute to the community and develop an addon or two. Nothing complex but some small staff rather. Leave your suggestions on what you would like and I will take a look and see if I can do it
Last reply by SouthwestVA, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, I'm kinda new here, but I just made my first add-on for phpVMS, Developed on phpVMS Version v2.1.934-171-gbc02380 It's an addon that allows you to upload files such as images and junk. I've found it handy when creating Awards, Ranks, Adding aircraft and things like that in the admin panel. I plan to distribute that when I finish aswell. The github repository is at:
Last reply by Oxymoron290, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi all, I am try to stop flights being diabled when a bid is put on them. I had it that way before by using # If someone places a bid, whether to disable that or not Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', false); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', false); I have since put on Front schedule lite and I think there must be a setting in there somewhere but i cant find it. Thanks in advance
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 2 replies
Hello Guys, i´ve registered my own VA. I have my own website, but I need help with the template. Maybe someone thinks its really easy, I think it too, but it would help me a lot when I would speak with someone who knows how to do it. I want just to edit the design a little bit, maybe if there are free templates it would be another choice. So if you know some free, good free templates, please post it down here. If you know how to edit, custom things on the website, you can PM me and I give you my contact. We can speak via Team speak or Skype. Its youre choice. I hope, I will get some good guys and edit my website. Thank you Thomas Owner/Founder Europe Connect Airlin…
Last reply by Grassi,