Simpilot Group Addons
Addons and Modules
168 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
All simpilot modules and updates are now hosted at Github.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 reply
If you have this error in your phpVMS system it is one of two things. #1 - The file is simply not where it belongs. Follow the path in the error and make sure the file is in that path. If it is not in the correct folder it will not be found. #2 - If you are downloading any of my modules from GitHub most likely you are downloading the newest version which has template files using the .php extension instead of the .tpl extension. I have changed this so the modules will work with the latest development versions of phpVMS which uses the .php extension as well as some other items to try and help secure the system. If you are running an older version that is still using the .…
Last reply by tkfeeny, -
- 19 replies
While I’m willing to come to these forums and help people out from time to time, I’m no personal helpdesk in any way, shape or form. This goes for stuff I’ve contributed myself as well as for the complete out-of-the blue support questions. If you have a question or need help: ask on these forums. Either find a related topic or start your own. Don’t PM me. Don’t email me. I won’t respond. Never. This isn’t because I don’t like you or because I think you don’t deserve help. This is because I have work and a life of my own that I find infinitely more important. I will help out when I can, and I’ll especially keep track of the topics for code I’ve contr…
- 0 replies
If you are in need of support of a module purchased from simpilotgroup please start a support ticket request here -> The support ticket system is monitored and the ticket will be responded to in a reasonable amount of time. Any requests for support for a payware module here in this forum will not be answered and deleted to preserve the open source nature of the forum. Thank you for your consideration.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 13 replies
Hi Everyone, Thought i'd just let you know simpilot's released a great new module avaliable for purchase on his site. A demo can be found here:Entrance Exam Demo Regards Jon
Last reply by gio1961, -
TouchdownStats 1.0 Module to extract and display landing rates from your PIREPS table ---------------------------------------------- A visible link to must be provided on any webpage utilizing this script for the license to be valid. ---------------------------------------------- Developed by: simpilot - David Clark Developed on: phpVMS 2.1.935 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. To show all the landing stats currently in the datbase create a link to www.yours…
Last reply by md82, -
- 0 replies
Any help with this error Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/www/myairline/core/modules/FrontSchedules/FrontSchedules.php on line 16 Using Current 5.5.2 release stable on php 5.6 environment Thanks
Last reply by CFVA, -
- 1 follower
- 264 replies
TOPPilot beta 1.0 phpVMS module to extract monthly flight statistics for individual pilots from your phpVMS based virtual airline. Developed by: simpilot Developed on: phpVMS 2.0.874 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Included files: readme.txt top_flight.sql TopPilot.php TpPilotData.class.php tp_index.tpl tp_previous.tpl Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. -use the top_flights.sql file to create the table needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar. -after the initial install point your browser to yoursite/index.php/TopPilot/ref…
Last reply by Jiko, -
Timetable 1.0 1 2 3
by simpilot- 63 replies
Timetable 1.0 Module to create a timetable type listing of your phpVMS powered VA schedules. Developed by: simpilot Developed on: phpVMS 2.1.934 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. Create a link for your pilots to get to the Timetable <a href="<?php echo url('/Timetable'); ?>">Timetable</a> Thats It! Example Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 14 replies
Can anyone point me to which file I would modify to increase the number of pilots shown on a tour detail page when signed up for a tour? For example, I have tour that has 30 pilots signed up, however the tour detail page only shows 15. Any ideas? Regards
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
Updated to 2.0 3/1/2012 - Now includes pagination ScreenshotCenter 2.0 phpVMS module to create a screenshot uploading and display system for your phpVMS based VA. Developed by: simpilot Developed on: phpVMS 2.1.940 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in the distribution in your root phpVMS install. -use the screenshotcenter.sql file to create the tables needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar. -make sure that the file has created three tables in your database - screenshots, screenshots_comments, and secreenshots_ratings. Cre…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 3 replies
Is it possible to put the add to bid on the listings of the tours (on the tours page) ?
Last reply by Thomasha, -
EVENTBooking beta 1.0 phpVMS module to create and manage fly-in events for your phpVMS based virtual airline. Developed by: simpilot Developed on: phpVMS 2.1.921 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. -use the event.sql file to create the tables needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar. -create a link in your admin navigation panel I put it on line 54 in admin/lib/layout/header.tpl <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/index.php/events_admin">Events</a></li> -crea…
Last reply by djtiger76, -
- 3 replies
Hello all, Ive searched through this forum for some newbie type questions, but none of these questions answered my question... I added a lot of addons to my install, but I cannot see any of them when I visit my site. How do you get the addons live on the website? I am not that familiar with PHP, however I can figure it out if pointed in the right direction (i have done lots of edits on a PHP site through trial and error).
Last reply by ProAvia, -
First Beta Release - EXAMCenter Developed using phpVMS ver 1.2.778 and ie8 Features: 2 Levels of Administration -Administrator -Staff Member Exam and Question creation and editing Optional "Assign Only" system Installation: 1 - Download Package and place files in your phpVMS install in the proper paths 2 - Load the exam_center.sql file in your phpVMS database using phpMYAdmin or similar 3 - Place a link to the EXAMCenter in your menu -> <a href="<?php echo url('/Exams') ?>">EXAMCenter</a> 4 - Place a link in your menu for the Admins and Staff Members of EXAMCenter -> <?php $admin = ExamsData::check_admin(Auth::$userinfo->p…
Last reply by GKT001, -
- 29 replies
Is there a way to edit what the tour page looks like on the site?! I mean the layout of the different tours on the page. It seems it is always just one row, then another, then another. Whereas, rows and columns might be nice. Just wondering.
Last reply by servetas, -
- 3 replies
hi i have installed it but i get this error any idea to fix it thank you Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/gulfairv/ on line 21
Last reply by LionHo, -
Hi guys, who uses the Simpilots Pilot Rewards module? do you have the operating manual by chance? (mine can not find it anymore) Thanks for a possible answer.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 0 replies
Hi there! I'm trying to create an event. I was successful, and people are signing up for it. But I'd like to ask how it actually works in terms of schedule assignment. So do people all have to book the same schedule at the same time or does everyone that signed up get their own schedule. If they get their own, do they have it automatically bid, or not? If it's automatic, when does it get bid on? Questions like these I'd like answered. My event doesn't start until the 19th, but I do like getting things done as quickly as possible. Thanks everyone!
Last reply by Wordpress, -
- 149 replies
AirMail 3.1 phpVMS module to create a messaging system your phpVMS based virtual airline. Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Developed by: simpilot Developed on: phpVMS v2.1.934-158 php 5.3.4 mysql 5.0.7 apache 2.2.17 This system is not compatible with any earlier versions of AirMail New Features: -Delete All function in inbox and all message folders -Individual pilot setting to have email sent to pilot when new message is received -Threaded messages -Cleaner templates to help with site integration Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the pac…
Last reply by gio1961, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, In the full timetable the flights are in the opposite order (from 66 to 1), In the timetable search result instead they are shown correctly (from 1 tot 66). How can I make that on the full timetable also the order is correct ? And so the first flight will also be the first flight number ! Thanks for your replie and help ! Stof
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 18 replies
Hi guys, I have ran into a problem with the tour module. The first hop (EHAM - EGGP) went fine. after accepting the pirep, the tour was updated. Now a week later we fly the second hop. as you can see on the website me and a friend flown it and the pirep has been accepted. The weird part is that the tour has NOT been updated. I checked and double checked that i did the correct flight and i/we did ! Hopefully you guys can help me figure this out. check so you can see we did the flight... Lucas
Last reply by Cor, -
- 24 replies
phpVMS Vanilla Forum Bridge phpVMS module to login users from your phpVMS based virtual airline to a Vanilla Forum install. Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License ---------------------------------------------- A visible link to must be provided on any site utilizing this script for the license to be valid. ---------------------------------------------- Developed by: simpilot - David Clark Developed on: phpVMS 2.0.874 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Install Instructions:…
Last reply by Yash, -
Module creates a schedule search form that includes the ability to choose the airline, aircraft type, arrival field, and departure field. You can choose one or all of the parameters to find what you are looking for in your schedule database. To install Download and unzip Place the files in the proper paths as structured in the download No new sql tables or anything needed. Point your browser to mysite/index.php/FrontSchedules and start searching. Enjoy! Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.
Last reply by Imanol, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I am not very well up on php. We have a current site and are in the process of creating a new site and would like to bring a few of our paid modules over ie PilotManager, Tour 1.3, and few more.Isthis possible. Thanks
Last reply by servetas, -
- 3 replies
We just found out that last December the Top Pilot mod was not adding all the flight. When we counted the pilots hours manually for the month, he was 10+ hours off. The Top pilot mod shorted him the hours. This happened to many pilots. I have already noticed it happening this month already. The pilot in the screenshot is short two flights. Any idea what may have caused this? Look at the flights for Charles Prowse - AKA1631. You will see Top Pilots shows with 6 flights so far this month. Now look at his PIREPS for this month. You can see that there is 8 showing.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 3 replies
phpVMS Build Number: simpilot 5.5.2 Checking PHP version [OK] PHP version is 5.5.38.x ASP Tags [OK] ASP-style tags are disabled Checking connectivity... [OK] Can contact outside servers Checking for SimpleXML module... [OK] SimpleXML module exists! Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Reports/Reports.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /admin/modules/PilotRanking/PilotRanking.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Import/Import.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Dashboard/Dashboard.php did not…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 6 replies
The pagination on the Screenshot is messed up. This happened from the start. I never touched it. Ran a fresh copy and got the same problem. Any ideas what is causing this?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
SMFRegister 2.0 1 2 3
by simpilot- 1 follower
- 65 replies
SMFRegister 2.0 phpVMS module to automatically register a new pilot in your smf 2.0 forum. This is simply an auto registration feature for new pilots, not a bridge. Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Developed by: simpilot Developed on: phpVMS ver 2.1.934-158 smf ver 2.0 php 5.3 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Included files: readme.txt license.txt SMFRegister.php SMFRegisterData.class.php Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. -your structure should be: root --core ----…
Last reply by Adel, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Just wondering if David Clark is still around. I dont want to air my dirty laundry but I submitted a ticket on 24 March and got a "sorry been away" email 26 March. Ive sent 3 emails back since then 26 March, 4 April and 23 April and have had NO reply to any of them. I purchased a module and can no get it working, so hoping for a little bit of a hand, however its been 2 months and im running out of ideas
Last reply by shakamonkey88,