The forum for the kACARS application
347 topics in this forum
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- 10 replies
Dose anyone know where I can download kACARS free. I have tried this - http://www.fs-products.net/index.php/kacars-free/downloads-2/category/2-kacars-free but the download button just refreshes the page. Dose anyone have a link to the download? Regards
Last reply by ProAvia, -
ALT&GS data
by st852- 10 replies
How to read "rawdata" data
Last reply by Yash, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I get a CONNECTION ERROR when trying to acces the login, I am running as ADMIN, I do have installed the module (it was there by default), It just keeps saying that!
kACARS - Translations
by Guest lorathon- 9 replies
I have been working with Artjom to translate kACARS_Free into Russian. I am now looking for anyone else who would like to have their language included in the next release. If you do please PM or email me and I will send you the text file containing what needs to be translated. I will also include your name on the about page. I appreciate all of your help. I would like to get as many translations as possible before releasing the next version. Thank you all, Jeff I would like to thank Artjom for his time. He has been extremely helpful in getting this going.
Last reply by Topgun, -
by Guest lorathon- 9 replies
FIXED - Ignore all site problems or connection problems (this is only true with "View Site Errors OFF") ADDED - Charter flight checks (Check flight number entry, Aircraft entry, DEP/ARR ICAO entry, Load Entry) FS-Products
My KAcars showed this in the log: "[08:08] - Mid Air Refuel! 29094AGL" Now, there was NO such refuelling. Just wonderring what would possibly trigger that? Also, it showed a negative fuel use as well, for the entire flight?! I assume this is somehow a PMDG incompatibility of some sort!? Anyone else have odd logging issues? That is the FIRST and ONLY one I have seen so far, with KAcars.
Last reply by savagegrave, -
- 9 replies
Hi, how can i change it, that kACARS send every 5sek the flight info? I find it better.
Last reply by BastiDE, -
- 9 replies
Message for the dev, with X-plane growing, is there any chance to support X-Plane one day ? I might not be a coder but I know a few things about X-plane... Cheers !
Last reply by maxwaldorf, -
- 9 replies
I am Getting this error when trying to login and other people are getting Connection Error! any ideas? Thank you Very Much Daniel
Event Log Timestamps
by Guest Duckydoo- 9 replies
Hi Just a suggestion: I think it would would make the timestamps more useful if kACARS used either FS local time or UTC system time for flight phase logging instead of using local system time. Thanks
Last reply by FiveStar, -
- 9 replies
I am a kACARs newbie but certainly no new ACARS user, this ACARS application is certainly much simpler in what it does than the other one I have used. But that is beside the point, here are some of the problems I found during my first flight: Don't really know what the "Select Aircraft" accomplishes, how would it know which of the many a/c should it load? I mean, For example for this flight could have used my freeware (PAD) DHC6 instead of the Aerosoft DHC6. It forgets to clear out the red "Connection Error" from the status bar, thus leading the user to believe that there is still a problem. It does not check for the actual Flight Simulator Time at which the flight …
Last reply by joeri, -
- 9 replies
For some reason i am able to run xacars, but kAcars_free does not work, and i am following instructions. Got it configured right, running as administrator. And when i try to login it gives me an error msg. kAcars_Free can not continue! Contact your administrator to fix this issue! I have googled and found nothing and i cant find any previous post here either. Os: Win7 64 bit Latest phpvms version. Any one have a easy fix for this? Thanks in advanced! -- Topgun
by MrAmsterdam- 9 replies
OK guys, maybe i have found an kAcars error... or not... i dunno. problem is this: I have got one airline that works like a charm. landing rate ok, finances are ok... no issue at all. Now. I have added a second airline (cargo division). I select a new flight that i created for this airline.. i fly it using kAcard (custom !) and when i finish the flight, the landing rate is shown but the finances are at ZERO. I did select the cargo capacity of the airplane when adding it. i also selected "cargo" flight for this specific route. Does anyone know about this or can help me solve this issue? Thanks Lucas
- 9 replies
Hi I am having a slight problem when i add my details into va profiles under options i click the disk icon and all my details vanish except the newly named template that i created and the settings windows doesnt dissappear so i have no choice but to click the cancel/exit icon. Then when i try to log in it keeps saying not logged in. I have even had the CEO of my va looking at my pc through Teamviewer for over an hour but he cant figured it out either. Any ideas as to why it wont let me long in? Using W7 64bit and running as admin Regards Martin
Last reply by Strider, -
- 9 replies
Hi,, one of my pilots have a problem: the problem is that on every pirep landing rate 0 is, (only 1 person has this problem) does anyone know how this can be solved? Greets, michael
Last reply by servetas, -
- 9 replies
I have correctly configured my VA profile in the latest kACARS FRee client. I have also selected that profile (my only profile) but when I click on the Login button I get "Not Logged in" in red. I have used the same username/password combination on the website and I can login without problems but somehow the client fails.
- 8 replies
When i click on start flight in kacars i get this message: I have used kACARS for a few days now and never got this message?
- 8 replies
Hi Lorathon, let me start out by saying thanks for the script. It is great! Several of us on my very little va site use KACARS error free. Works a treat. I got a guy that just got windows 7 and We solved one problem for him by making KACARS as administrator. Then it let him save the va profile but in the main controls when he attempts to login with his username and password, it simply says Connection Error in red letters. I then told him lets check the .net framework. Sure enough it was current and yet he still has the issue. I have went through hoops trying to get it to work and nothing yet. Any ideas of where I can have him go from here? I promise you I have read ever…
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 8 replies
Hi, How to install kACARS phpVMS to make it work with? I have a problem, every time I enter my password and PilotID comes up "Connection Error", I wonder, should I put some files in server to make it work properly?, I looked for some guidance but I have not found anything (maybe because I have a fever: D), at least someone I can help out with the installation?, I need it urgently because I've put on hold the drivers for change system to phpVMS, exchange forum, website and dell'ACARS, and not I think in five days I can do everything without the help of someone you who installed it!, Thanks in advance!
Last reply by Blu-Express VA, -
- 8 replies
Hello !! We have problem showing our flights on VA Central live map when we use kAcars free. When we use old xacars , everthing working fine. It free version limited for show our flights? Very strange, I sent a few emails and posts on this forum, but nobody respond. Thanks for any replay
- 8 replies
My Kacars is not logging, already changed the Kacars_free Module, nothing happens, still without logging in, like to know how to solve it! thank you
- 8 replies
hey jeff i just moved hosts and now i have folowing error on kacars free when i then choose ok i get a switch error website is www.citybirdva.be regards joeri
Last reply by vcal, -
- 8 replies
Hello everybody, I suspect couple of my VA pilots are using some tricks to edit their flight log recorded by kACARS before filing PIREPs to servers. There is a guy who used to have super bad landing rates & too many over-speeds in his flight log. He was very desperate to get in Top 10 Landing List. All of the sudden he began reporting absolutely perfect PIREP with no over-speed, no sim-paused & landing rates always below -100fpm. Now he tops in landing list with -14fpm & 4th spot with -20fpm. Me & many of my VA members suspect if he is using some tricks to edit his flight log before filing PIREPs. We decided to perform research on internet & one of ou…
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 8 replies
Hello guys,is there a video of how i can setup kACARS with PHPVMS and my website or whatever? cause like i want to complete the pilots roster page, add and complete the HUBS page, etc. stuff of that sort. and possibly some assitance on the search flight modules and stuff? you'll have to excuse me i am 100% new at this, and this website http://skybahamasva.co.cc/index.php/ is what ive manged to do on my own. It is a still under construction so ignore the pilots signing up and stuff. Thanks !!! Curshad
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 8 replies
Hello, i know that i must contact directly Jeff but now i can't do it, So, i've got this error (sorry it's in italian language) **See the attached image** Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attemp to continue. If you click Quit the application will close immediatelly. Acces to the file C:\Program Files\FS Products\BlueACARS\send.xml is negated. How can i resolve it? Thank you so much !
Last reply by CarlosEduardo2409, -
- 8 replies
I downloaded the latest version to use in a brand new installation of phpVMS. I uploaded the module to the site. On the client side I checked that the URL, username and password for the VA profile are good too. However I have noticed few problems with the PC application. When I click on the save button after selecting the proper VA profile, the main screen does NOT update the PilotID field and probablythe password either. Even when I manually fill the PilotID and the password and click Login, I get a connection error saying itreceived nothing. I can login on the site using those credentials. I checked the SEND.XML and it Is sending good credentials but it is not…
Last reply by avp, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi, Anybody experiencing this problem ? "maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in "......\core\classes\codonwebservice.class.php" on line 236" Thx, Regards,
Last reply by NadRush, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
At the almost end of 2015 there seems to be a problem with Kacars. As most people are dutch in our VA i have use google translate to get the message in English. I don't know if it is the right error message kAcars - V -Bird VA has found a break point defined by a user It seems the last security update of the 30th of december is the evil one. Regards, Cor
Last reply by lorlandi, -
- 7 replies
Hey, I keep getting this error all the time and it pops up all the time. I have some internet problems which i can't even fix the interent problem becasue this muliptle error keeps popping up all the time Can you add this fix to keep the multiple error into one time? It annoys me while i am fixing my interent problem.
- 7 replies
Hello Apologies if this has been asked before , what would be the right way to allow pilots to fly Routes/Destinations which are not in the Schedule . So Far with FSAcars we would just put in any city pair and the Pilot ID as the Flight Number , on ending the flight the log would be accepted . where the City pairs or ICAO City was missing in the DB , most would get added auto or via a manual entry before the pirep manager accepted the Pirep . Would Like very much to have the option to fly off sked routes if at all possible with KAcars , thanks in advance
Last reply by joeri,