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Ok, this is the second part of my guides. I got a lot of questions about them, how to define, how to make them compatible with SimBrief, how do the real companies handle different types or configs etc. etc. And unfortunately I see some PhpVms friends having struggle with defining them. So what is it ? All airlines do have aircrafts, we call them fleets. But most of the airlines do have different types of aircrafts under their fleets, imagine like having both Airbus A320 and Boeing B737-800 at the same time flying for the same airline. Then you need some "Subfleets" to separate them during operations. And things got really messy when those aircrafts have differ…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 0 replies
Image says it all Source is Just a reminder; You can NOT change internal units in phpvms v7, so even if you want to have fuel units displayed in KGS this will NOT change the price you should be entering in admin area. Hope this helps
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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I do get lots of personal messages/questions about this, "ok I installed v7 what next ?" Here you may find your answer, if not do not hesitate to ask (not personally but via forum so everyone can benefit from the answer) 0. Which version should I download and install ? Definitely NOT beta4 or beta5 ! Please download and install LATEST DEVELOPMENT ( in short terms dev or latest dev) build, it is much more stable compared to any beta builds and have many improvements. If you install beta4 and have some errors (you will have them for sure), the first reply to your support question will be "install latest dev". 1. How do I install v7 ? P…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hi, this question is the most asked one and with the SimBrief improvements we have in v7 this matter become critical ... Here you can find the basics about the logic and how to setup your fares/subfleets/flights properly. 1. Main Fares You can define your fares in admin/fares. These will be your main fare types, which will then be used in your subfleets or flights. The main idea here is to define only the basics, so you can change them later when needed. Think fares like the seats in your plane (or cargo space), which can be sold as tickets. They are not in flight services or extended service types like WiFi, Hot Meals, Extra Snacks, Economy Premiu…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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I think, this will be the last of my guides for v7. Below you can see the pre-defined expenses or expense categories; Subfleet Block Hour Cost Subfleet Delay Cost (per minute) Fuel Cost ( 100LL , Mogas , JetA1 ) Ground Handling Cost Pilot Salary Fare Cost Ok, but what are they ? How realistic are they or how they can be used to get something similar to real world. Well, that's the main problem Subfleet Block Hour Cost Actually this is the aircraft block hour cost, it is the cost to operate an aircraft and for ease it is defined in subfleet level (like many other things) and entered hourly b…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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- 2 replies
Hi, This is technically not a guide, but an overall explanation of v7 systems related to automation and why CRON is needed etc. What is CRON ? Basically CRON is the name of "Scheduled Tasks" in Linux systems. Imagine it like a person executing tasks in behalf of you, a helper or an automation. Why it is needed and important ? Well, if you want to execute every single script needed for automation then you do not need it, but most of us do not have that much free time, specially we can not be online 24/7 to click some links every single minute or at best every hour. So CRON is important because it does exactly this…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 0 replies
Looks like it is a little bit hard to find download links for phpVMS v7 development builds. This topic aims to ease that process for everyone Do NOT download old beta builds (like beta 3 and beta 4) as they are really old (more than 3 years). At least a VA should be using beta 5 (which is more than a year old), best options is to use latest development build. Below links will give you LATEST DEV Build; Also do not wonder about the "potentially unstable" note about latest commit, it is far mor…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
As you may have noticed, phpVMS v7 comes with built in SimBrief API integration and aircraft can be configured in some different ways to achieve better planning results. Below you can find some key instructions and settings with their effects. Main Requirement is a valid SimBrief API key, to get one kindly check SimBrief documents (website/support forum) and complete your application, when you have your key ready, just insert it in settings. While waiting for your API key you can define your Subfleets and Aircraft as below; Subfleet Definitions; Here only important field is "SimBrief Type", when it is defined it will be used…
Last reply by a7c12a5, -
- 40 replies
Is there a demo on the new version that I can view and explore before upgrading? Thanks Adam
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
- 13 replies
I know that the version 7 is still being worked on, and have no idea when it will be ready for wide release but I have been learning the basic's of Blade Templating and converting an existing Bootstrap & HTML template to phpVMS v7. I am also trying to learn the basic's of Laravel for v7. I am not a coder by any mean's just enjoy making template's for the old version's of phpVMS and also learning how to make them or customize them for v7. I am making video's and was wondering if anyone is interested, while I work on them. My way is just the simple old school way similar to the older version's. Still have to learn SASS, Laravel, etc... but the basic's of the look of the…
Last reply by GodalphGames, -
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- 16 replies
I posted this in the older phpVMS thread. It would be sweet if we can connect flights using the same flight number. For example, Sun Country does a flight to PANC but stops as KSEA and continues on under the same number.... or did. I have not looked lately. The fatal TWA Flight 800 was a trip to Rome leaving new york but had a layover in between and carrying on to Rome under the 800 flight number. The way it is now, we have to screw schedules completely up and make up random numbers. I know it is possible to do. I ahve a VAM site setup and running and it works there fine. hoping we can do the same here.
Last reply by PikoSim, -
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- 26 replies
So I was using a 3rd party module for the installer, I decided to scrap it and just write it fresh from scratch. If you download the new nightly tarball, you should be able to just extract it, and then go to /install. Right now, it will create the database files, and then load the default "dev" data. Eventually it'll have the final step of creating the first user and stuff, but for now I just want to get the DB install stuff working. If you have issues, zip up the files in the storage/logs folders and add them to a post so I can take a look. I'm working on a solution for /public as well on shared hosts, so if you want to help test that, let me know as well.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 19 replies
Hello. Is there any news about stable version of phpVMS 7 release date?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 14 replies
Good day everyone, My virtual airline is doing a feasibility study and research of options for next year's migration plans. We have been using VAFS for the better part of a decade. We like phpVMS' stability, control and flexibility, in addition to being compatible with SmartCARS. However, starting the VA from scratch is out of the question, therefore migrating as much data over is a key consideration. To this end, I have searched but found no information on how to import existing PIREPs (not flight schedules) and pilot accounts into phpVMS. We have a programmer that can take VAFS PIREPs and parse them into any format, CSV or otherwise, requ…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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- 7 replies
Hallo, as I can see, you are using laravel, composer, artisan as a framework for the new phpvms. It is also possible to install and use the phpvms system on shared hosting product. I assume the most VAs are using shared hosting because of the more affordable price and with this product you will not get a ssh access to the server. It is possible to install all necessary php frameworks without ssh login? Florian
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Well I have successfully made a theme that works with VMS7. Might not be the prettiest but I got it sitting awesomely. Still cleaning up some stuff but you can check it out here. Please do not register as you are not planning on flying for the VA.
Last reply by Ghostfly, -
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I'm very apprehensive about eventually moving from 5.5.2 to v7. Although after playing with the demo version I'm really enjoying the new features. I did have a concern however. At least in the current state, I don't see many cargo/freight specific options as most everything looks to more for a passenger airline. How would we set the fares for freighters? Would we have a single fare class for general freight to the max payload of the aircraft? I don't know if this would have any advantages, but I guess we could set multiple fare categories for main deck cargo and belly cargo for dedicated freighter aircraft. Any thoughts or guidance about cargo only VA's running phpvms v7?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
We all can agree that HTTP is not secure and anytime you login your username and password is sent in clear text. There have been several people try to add SSL to PHPVMS but have had alots of issues. I'm not sure what can be done to make SSL easier to use in the next gen version of PHPVMS but I an for it. I would go SSL if I could.
Last reply by simpilot, -
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- 9 replies
When you create ranks, there is an option for "image link". Does anyone know the correct format to put here. I have looked through other files and tried to follow the url format for that image. I created a "ranks" folder inside phpvms/public/assets which I have several .png files. I have tried different combos of linking the image like (../ranks/ /phpvms/public/assets/ranks/ ) and many others with no luck. Will this new system accept png? Are the images for this suppose to show up in the profile page of pilot or somewhere else? Thank you for any help!
Last reply by in2tech, -
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- 8 replies
Hello. A simple question please, is it safe to delete an airline in the admin/and and edit airlines? In the case I want to remove Pan American Thank you, FSV1142 Kenny.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 11 replies
Would it be possible to add Departure and Arrival gates to the Flights and have them show when you place a bid on the flight.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I currently have a heavily modified phpvms 2.6 deployment running our VA site. It's been absolutely fine over the years and runs with kacars v1 but I'm wanting to start use kacars v2. Clearly v2 won't run on our phpvms version and because most of the core is heavily modified, upgrading the phpvms version in situ is not possible, so I'll be developing from scratch to replace what we have once I'm ready. I've got v7.0 running on a Xampp dev environment on my local machine and I've run the installer and have the example info pulling in from the local mysql db correctly, so far so good. However, I've imported all the tables from my existing site to the dev DB but none of the …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 4 replies
Hi guys I know phpvms 7 is still under development but something has been bugging me for a while now. When the time comes to port over to the new vms7 how are we going to import all of our aircraft schedules and pilots etc. I mean right now Luxury has over 800 schedules and around 75 aircraft etc il be there to christmas 2022 importing them over lol. That is without a database import or something like that. There's got to be something that can be done. The thing on the phpvms7 installer didn't work for me soo
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Add schedule with more than 1 aircraft type for the same flight and then the pilot can choose if he want to book the flight with i.e A320 ir A319 and display all registration of the aircraft avaible in the location airport. make a booking system where the aircraft and pilot stay in last position and he can book only if the pilot is in the same place with the aircraft (fs airlines system)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 6 replies
So I have been a member of a virtual airline that has been around since the tail end of 2000. I have been talking with them about a new website. The issues is, they have 1 main airline, 4 Divisions, and then hubs. How we are setup now in phpVMS we can create separate airlines and all kinds of hubs or an airline with as many hubs as we wish. So I am embarassed to say that as long as I have been with phpVMS (all but since day 1) I can not for the life of me figure out how to accomplish this task accordingly. I need 1 main airline. Under that main airline I need 4 divisions such as the Americas, Eupoean, Asian, then something such as over closer to Japan and dow…
Last reply by reed0427, -
- 9 replies
I try running the installer and I get this error: "SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'u122878635_users.users' doesn't exist (SQL: select * from `users` order by `created_at` desc limit 4)" I assume it's because theres not specific database in the u122878635_users But then I try to go make one but it need how many columns I want and such.
Last reply by ToastTheFourth, -
- 7 replies
Hi @Nabeel I am trying to install phpvms locally, however, the tutorial at: or on internet searches, are still very vague yet, I can't move forward. Could you please create a step-by-step for a local installation, or even on a shared VPS. For us beginners, the jump from 5.5.x to 7 is very difficult. thankful
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
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I been spending my time on upload the stupid phpvms 7 it’s really a cancer took me 2-4 years trying figure out to work after manage to install its give me 404 error and I decided to delete the whole file and give up please stop making life so difficult make it simple like php5 installation gosh
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 10 replies
hello we are creating our crew center but we have a problem when adding our fleet of airplanes since when making a pirep we cannot select the type of plane, someone could help us with this issue please PHOTO
Last reply by polirom, -
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there is this message in the administration panel There was a problem running the cron; make sure it's setup and check logs at storage/logs/cron.log. See the docs
Last reply by ProAvia,