Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
Dear Fellow Flight Lovers, First off, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Scott Clawson, I am a retired UPS manager who worked in both their operations and security departments. I have just recently aquired a VA, and am very new to this hobby. What I am not new to is the fact that we have folks who like to steal. Whether it is packages, other peoples ideas, work or just something as silly as a phrase without giving them credit, it is still theft. This is my first post here and I am a bit on the sad side because I was expecting better from this group. Yes we all like to play in the dirt from time to time but wouldn't the easiest approach be to just surgically remov…
Last reply by clawsonsa, -
- 13 replies
Hello guys, i am thinking of rebuilding my download center but i cannot find any idea of how it could be. Have you ever edited your download center and if yes, is there any screanshot where we could get some ideas?
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 13 replies
can i use PHPVMS as a CMS platform for things other than flight sim?
Last reply by nabpp, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Dear Fellow members i am writing this not to offend anyone so please do not take it personally. During these days i see many of the airlines working on phpvms system which is good sign but the disadvantage for all of beginners in coding stuff as well its good to have many good developers around making some nice modules but when phpvms started when ever anyone requires help regarding any website layout or any coding stuff or anything related to modules people do come to take support from other members who have coding skills and people do help them as well but now its very sad to see when ever someone needs help he/she comes for help and post here in phpvms forums but almo…
Last reply by Topgun, -
- 13 replies
Just wondering can we do something with the spam posts?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 12 replies
Can you guys make a quick PHP script with this in it, and paste the output here. <?php echo(date_default_timezone_get()); I wonder how many hosts have properly set it up. It seems like I'm running into issues where the time is not being in the right timezone with some data I'm getting back to vaCentral. So I'll have to manually fix this... but I'm wondering if any hosts have this set properly in the first place. I'll manually do it...and I guess GMT is the aviation standard?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
I started a web design company with my friend now we are both amateurs at it and I was hoping I could get some answers here or something basiclly this is what I want to know: Should we have all our sites from CMSs like joomla and drupal? Or should we just have static websites were everything is basic and has to be done manually? If we do it manually is making a simple admin panel hard?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Beta Testers Needed for ACARS Development
by Guest N402KC- 12 replies
Hi Guys, I am re doing the acars I have been developing and am going to re code the acars from scratch. Why am i recoding it? Answer is simple, I want better features. Some Major features that will be in this acars are as followed; In Flight Information Flight Announcements (Pre Taxi, Safety, Departure, etc...); Load Bidded Flight Chat Penalty's Who's Online (Google Maps, Vatsim Integration, etc..) If you are interested, Please post on here and also in PM. From their i will send you a link to where you will download it. You will only install it once, And everytime you re start it, it will check for updates. So what you see is what i see. Let me know ASAP. Im begi…
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 12 replies
Hey guys, I am thinking about building a new computer and just wondering what would be some good stuff to get CPU/Video Cards ect. maybe where to get them from. It's been a long time since I've built a computer and a lot has changed since then so what do I need to get a system that will run FSX well and can take a beating? Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by joeri, -
- 12 replies
Dear all hi i need help please guide me through this. ok now the question is i have changed my virtual airline side menu last night and have installed some good menu here is the code <? print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td width='190' height='100%' bgcolor='#B7CEC7' valign='top' style='border-right: 1px solid #004800'><br>"; ?> <?php if ($logged=="yes"){ print "<a href='logoff.php'><b>Logoff</b></a>"; } else{ print "<a href='logon.php'><b>Logon</b></a>"; } ?> <div class="urbangreymenu"> <h3 class="headerbar">VPIA </h3> <ul> <br> <img src="…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 12 replies
Ok, when i am on FS2004 and when i am at CYYZ and i was taxiing or landing and taxiing or while i am at CYYZ, then what happened is my Video Card stopped working and it recovered, but it still stops working again while i'm at CYYZ. But it does not do that to me at any other airports. My FS2004 version is 9.1 And my video card is a ATI 2040HD XT I do not have anything downloaded or add-on secnerys in my FS2004. Any solutions for this?
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 12 replies
Hey all. I have been simming online for years but refused to ever fly at VATSIM. Well, I have had a change of heart and as we speak, I am logged on to VATSIM monitoring radio COMS. Anyone have any friendly advice for a Vatsim virgin? Are charts mandatory to fly there? I know how to use SIDS and STARS so it is no biggie, was mainly curious. Any advice I can get I would love it. I would hate to log on and get banned my first flight for doing something wrong. I have heard time and time again about how picky they are there. Thanks Ray
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 12 replies
Hey all, I've opened a new graphics site to the public. It's not supposed to be all singing all dancing, just a basic site for requests. I do accept requests for phpVMS signatures and/or VA logos. Best of all, it's free! Check it out:
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 12 replies
There have been a number of comments in the shoutbox regarding the delayed approval of posts and comments from new users. Unfortunately, the forum's spam blocker has expired and the forum is being overcome by the spam posts and new spam members. The only way that we could combat this at first was to lock all new members down to have to have their first 5 posts approved by a moderator prior to allowing all the posts to be automatically visible. This was a valid solution for a while but at this point it is very time consuming to dig through all the new posts and comments that need approval, especially when the topic titles are not on point. I have attached a few images to…
Last reply by pupsyaus, -
- 11 replies
- 5.5k views We are live and filling up Thanks Nabeel
Last reply by Adam., -
- 11 replies
Post any problems or feedback about the new site here! Known problems - Tutorials aren't up yet - I'm reorganizing on the backend Docs aren't up yet either, debugging as to why the rewrite rules aren't working
Last reply by CTB001, -
- 11 replies
Would it be helpful to have a full table dump of every airport? Over 6000 airports, which you can just use phpMyAdmin to import them?
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 11 replies
A quick inquiry to all of your - I'm introducing navdata into phpVMS, for routes, just mainly a cosmetic thing. But it's quite a bit of overhead, to be honest. Here's how I've worked it out - Navigation data - fixes, waypoints, etc are on the API server. On first "use" they'll be retrieved, and stored in your database, though I'll make it available for you to load completely, locally. The reason I did this was because it's over 200,000 rows - about 6mb worth of data. It's also indexed, so that brings it to maybe 12mb size - quite a bit. But again, I'll have the .sql dumps available for download, in case you do want to load all of it locally. It doesn't do anything excep…
- 11 replies
Could someone help me get my date picker working? Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 11 replies
I had one yesterday under the name "Baegwedd Baegwedd" which google confirms is false, and another today "Caehildad Caehildad" (clearly the same person) Watch out for them!
Last reply by Tom, -
- 11 replies
Hopefully this will be the last update for a while but right now I am looking for anyone's comments on Much appreciated, James
Last reply by James142, -
VA Base
by Guest- 11 replies
Does anybody think they could help me figure out VABASE, i have already bought it and i am extremely confused... Message me if your interested ... thanks
Last reply by Strider, -
- 11 replies
Hello everyone. I am thinking of creating a virtual airline internet radio of which owners of va's would be able to embed my stream into there sites. Would any of you guys be interested in this idea? Jw what you think?
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 11 replies
Anyone have a suggestion where I can rent a TS3 server in the US?
Last reply by sahana, -
- 11 replies
I have IPB and not many use it, is there a way to get pilots to use the forum? If so what is it?
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Is anyone else getting an https warning on their Android device? Or a "Cannot Verify Server Identity" on iOS? Does this have to do with the transfer of hosting from Simpilot to Nabeel?
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 10 replies
Has anyone successfully installed phpVMS on a site hosted by
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 10 replies
I need some ideas for the simplest way to disolay rosters, hubs, fleet and routes on our site. As administrator, I can see all these things, but to diisplay the information on the site, I need to do something that someone who is no a php proficient person can cobble together. Any suggestions. or have I missed something really obvious?
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 10 replies
Hi Folks, I was just wondering how many of you are using the live fuel pricing? If you are using it, how do you find it is working out? To date, I have been using a generic fuel price but would like to move to the live pricing. I just was wondering if it seems to be going alright at this point or what is there that I need to watch out for. Thanks, Chuck CYXU
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys, Just pondering the thought today and was wondering if (in the future) you were planning on releasing a version that doesn't require FSPassengers/ACARS to file PIREPs? Just a general question.. I think that'd be a nice idea as I know lots of people don't like to use ACARs/Passengers and just like to file the flightplan using a form. Just wonderin'.. Happy New Years, Austin.
Last reply by AustinWilliams,