Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
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Before I take the plunge and move to the latest version, are there any caveats I should know of. I figure it is better to ask first, rather than get grumpy later. ;D
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 10 replies
Boy I tell ya, I have a snow day from work today and I am sitting at home, drinking a home brew, fiddling with my VMS install, and dj'ing on the air. Fun times eh? No body told me there would be days like these. Happy flight simming all!
Last reply by piper338, -
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Hey, Guys i liked the Charter center that simpilot made on NE. I like to have one of them for my site. Do you have any plans for making as a add-on for phpvms, simpilot?
Last reply by tutmeister, -
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Guys Guys Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just saw this that Microsoft is releasing a new Flight Sim. Here's the link, also wacth the video too!!!!
Last reply by giorgi, -
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Quick question, Im making a repaint (project opensky 737 paintkit) and in photoshop it looks good but once i put it into fsx it looks blurry! Its ment to be saved in a .bmp format but how do i make them good quality? Thanks - IF you need images of it, ask and ill upload them and give the link EDIT: Never mind, i was saving it as a dxt3 file..
Last reply by joeri, -
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As we know, there are several spammers lurking in the community who will do everything to ruin the work put into creating phpVMS sites. I thought it'd be useful to create a blacklist, where we can post the details of the pilots who are spammers or suspected to be. Go ahead - lets hope this cuts down the number of spam attacks. I've got about 300 on my forum... currently looking for the two I recently deleted.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Anyone else have issue with POSKY's 747-400 v4. When I taxi and need to turn the wheel, it wont turn. The wheel turns but the plane slides. Anyone know of a fix for this?
Last reply by hollinst, -
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I've seen a few people making and distributing IFE systems for VA's to offer to their pilots, but I don't buy into the concept. I understand that a long haul flight can be boring, but I don't see a need for an IFE. Those I've seen being advertised here are just glorified iframes with media being streamed from external sources inside them. There is no integration with the flight sim software, so it's just as easy to run the sim in a window, and watch media stored on the PC in another window. costs nothing, and almost certainly works better than some of these IFE's. Another thing to consider if the media being streamed is stored on the VA's server, is that streaming media i…
Last reply by mischka, -
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Hey everyone I'm currently starting a virtual airline and I'm wondering if you can rate and critique these liverys. The harder you crutique the better. And thanks for your consideration.
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
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I have been experiencing an onslaught of registrations from members with names in all capitals that all resemble each other on a number of sites I manage. I am not completely sure what they are up to but I do not think it is anything that would be considered beneficial to your virtual airline. They most prevalent seem to be: ADEREMI MARTINS BELLO OLUJIMI EZEKIEL FATIMIRO NURAIN IDOWU BELLO LATEEF AKINOLA IBRAHIM IGHODALE NELSON OKHADE YETUNDE O ADIATU IGHODALO NELSON OKHADE TEMIDAYO PAUL AMOSUN SUNDAY RACHEAL KOLO AL MUNIRU AJIBOLA OYELOLA They all register with various VATSIM id's, none of which are legit, various hub choices, and various countries. As fast …
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
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[Content Removed]
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
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I am working on a virtual airline directory...well...actually I am just working on it as a hobby but I do need some input. You can see it by going to . You can also see what the submission form would look like by just selecting the Submit New Listing and choose category Virtual Airlines link without registering to get an idea of the information you can input at this time. I have purposely made it that you are only required to enter the basics for new airlines, like title, and summary. As your airline grows you can add information to it by editing your va. I need to know what to change, add, or delete that's not needed. The unique thing is the Cl…
Last reply by in2tech, -
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One stupid question, Is there a timeout for the live map and flights online ? Because I tested fsacars yesterday with fsx and it crashed... My flight is still shown even if the status is "FSCARS closed". Imagine 50 flights a days, the map would light up like Xmas tree ;D Cheers !
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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what about automatic route scheduling. Something like all you have to do is enter all of the airports you serve and then the program does the rest. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to progrma something like this. Just an idea though!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I have Something to say: First Off Sorry to Wayne And AirEast for what My Webmaster Did. It Will not Happen Again. Second I didn't mean for that To Happen at all. all I wanted to do is look at it and maybe get an idea in my head on how I want My Site To Look Like. I am not Copying Anyone's Site just Graping Ideas form Them for My OWN LOOK. Wayne I did do What You Ask in the Pm that You Sent Me.That particular thing is no longer on my site and My webmaster is no longer working on my site or My Virtual Airlines . but all in all I AM REALLY SORRY TO WAYNE AND AIREAST. I hope you will take my Apologize. Wayne Please Post A Reply If you Do accept My Apologize Signed by, K…
Last reply by G-NEWC, -
- 9 replies
I am having issues with XAcars. Well I am not but a pilot helping me test site is. First, I notice it has a server password in the setup. Do we need to put pilot info from our website in here like pilot ID and email used to register on site? I am not real sure how to use this thing. I went to the website and viewed their documentation and all it shows is how to setup to use their test server. Lots of good that does me for my website ;D Other then that, I guess it is pretty cut and dry on how to use. Also, when this guy used XAcars it auto filed a pirep like it should have, but it did not add any pilot pay, nor did it have a place to add any pilot pay to the pirpe or a…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
by Guest N402KC- 9 replies
Howdy Yall, Alrighty, I've got the Acars layout about completed, and Basic functionality. Right now alot of things arent working, But alot of things are working on the other hand. Everyone is free to help testing. I will be constintly updating this, So everytime you open it, The acars will check for updates and once there is one, It will automatically install it, So this is a download once program . Anyways Here is the information **Please PM Me if interested in Testing. I will have to create you an account so that all features are available** IF Nabeel does not mind, Please keep all questions, comments, and Bug reports in this thread. Remember, The more people to help…
Last reply by Nagelfar, -
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Another U.S. Merger.....Its going to be interesting New United Airlines
Last reply by Matthew Talbot, -
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Just wondering, how many va's has IP Board. The poll is up top.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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I was just wondering if anyone has any phpVMS 88x31 buttons or anything like that. Maybe a freckle bigger but not much. I could really use a couple if anyone has one or two and cares to share. This is one thing that is missing from this forum is some useable images. If there is, my apologies. I must have been overlooking them for 5 or 6 months now.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Hey, i need a little techie help, I have windows 7 in my hard drive installed and i want to go back to windows XP, is there a way i can do it? Any help would be great......
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Hey everyone here at phpVMS, HAPPY NEW YEAR OF 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last reply by piot757, -
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Dear all, Firstly I would like to introduce myself. My name is Connor Sullivan and I am the United Kingdom country manager on Virtual-Skies. Virtual-Skies is a network like no other to date, it offers a free service to all virtual enthusiasts. Virtual Skies is commonly compared with VATSIM, IVAO and other common networks when in fact Virtual Skies strives to be in no way related to these networks. I write to you all today to make a proposal to yourselves, my aim is to offer other simmers an alternative, a new network, a change or even just another network to fly/control on. If you are a Virtual Airline we offer a VA partnership scheme where owners can join us and have…
Last reply by Connor1994, -
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Hello All, May i know what tool is used in Aircraft Repainting on both FS2004 and FSX. Can any one suggest website for Aircraft Re-painting? Regards, Arvind AV
Last reply by Strider, -
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This was in the news when I woke up this morning and is quite interesting. It would appear Mr.Stelios is planning the launch of his own airline in competition to Easyjet. Fastjet it's called and the website says coming soon: Read it here: Good luck to anyone asking permission to start a virtual airline under that name!
Last reply by Cor, -
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If your in the xmas spirit or it is snowing where you live like it is here in Ohio, then I found an easy to use snow script that uses no images and thought I would share.. <!--Simply copy and paste into <BODY> Just above the </BODY> tag. --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* Snow Fall 1 - no images - Java Script Visit for this script and many more */ // Set the number of snowflakes (more than 30 - 40 not recommended) var snowmax=35 // Set the colors for the snow. Add as many colors as you like var snowcolor=new Array("#aaaacc","#ddddff","#ccccdd","#f3f3f3","#f0ffff") // Set the fonts, that…
Last reply by Toyuko, -
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Hi guys, I know this is a bit broad but I was wondering how most of you VA owners configure your flight prices against your fuel prices. For example, this evening I did a flight from Stansted to Jersey and lost £8,000 due to fuel prices to that of the ticket prices. I ideally want to setup my VA to have realistic finances, I believe that the live fuel prices only work in the US and as my VA is only going to fly within the EU I assume that I cannot use the fuel prices so could someone recommend a good or semi realistic fuel price to setup in phpVMS. At the moment I left it as the automatic 5.10 but changed my fuel measurement to KG maybe this has something to do with …
Last reply by vcal, -
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For those who want to flash up their site a bit, but don't know much about php I found a nice website with some basic stuff that can help out a bit flashen up your site There are probably numerous of those sites, but i found this one worth mentioning
Last reply by edmundk, -
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Some storms pics from today (including radar shots of tonight in OK,TX)
Last reply by tutmeister, -
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I've just finished work on the new pilots profile layout and styling for my site, and would welcome any feedback on it. There are a couple of things I'm not entirely happy with, but I'll wait and see if anyone picks up on them. Cheers, Stuart
Last reply by stuartpb,