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- New Module Proposal - Schedule Builder [jSchedule]
- Last reply by opsman,
285 topics in this forum
- 27 replies
The current situation with vaCentral is as follows; I took over the hosting and maintenance of both the phpVMS and vaCentral sites in January of 2015. Nabeel's career has continued to move him to higher positions requiring more and more attention which in turn made it very hard for him to maintain any consistency with these projects. My intentions in taking over were (and still are) to continue the development of a version 3 and keep the websites up and running. As they say, good intentions never go unpunished. Since taking over, the database for phpVMS has been hacked and corrupted, the site has been the victim of 2 major DDOS attacks, and I have received close to 100 h…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 26 replies
The source field for all pireps sent to vaCentral has been missing in all versions of phpVMS. If you are using version <= 936 you will need to add the following line to CentralData.class.php find (appx line 387) $pirep_xml->addChild('revenue', $pirep->revenue); and add $pirep_xml->addChild('source', $pirep->source); Final config should look like $pirep_xml->addChild('revenue', $pirep->revenue); $pirep_xml->addChild('source', $pirep->source); } If you are using one of my 5.x versions you will have to make a slightly different change which you can find here -> This will allow vaC…
Last reply by Mickey, -
- 9 replies
The vaCentral API is being permanently changed to . The URL will cease to operate by 9/15/15. You can tell what server your airline is currently hooked to using the live flights page on the vacentral site. Please change your api url in your local.config.php file prior to 9/15/15. Your config should look like this Config::Set('VACENTRAL_ENABLED', true); Config::Set('VACENTRAL_API_SERVER', ''); Config::Set('VACENTRAL_API_KEY', '----------Your Key--------------');
Last reply by joeri, -
- 29 replies
Every phpVMS install can be linked to a central stage - bringing everyone's profits, finances, passengers, loads, all into account, to a central area for ranks and more, to build a virtual airline industry. There are rankings based on flights and financials and pilots, eventually leading to virtual stocks and market worth. This will hopefully bring about some real, tangible competition, and some consolidation of everything that's out there. Several VAs are testing and whatnot. The site is:
Last reply by El Macara, -
- 14 replies
Hello, I would like to know a code with which the network in which a pilot has flown or is flying online can be detected (IVAO / VATSIM or OFFLINE). In my airline, taking into account the current regulations, pilots who do not fly ONLINE in IVAO or VATSIM their flights are rejected. We use smartCARS but I have detected that even if they select fly "ONLINE IN IVAO", for example, they are not flying in IVAO and I want to prevent that. I really appreciate the help! Best Regards, JULIO
Last reply by a7c12a5, -
- 4 replies
Hello! I wonder if anyone still has Jeff's module, which was the Random Itineray Builder. For those who do not know, unfortunately Jeff is no longer developing and the site that was the download link also closed, so there is no way I can download it. Module: Random Itinerary Builder Created by: Jeffrey Kobus Topic about the module: Any help I am grateful for. Thanks, Carlos. 😉
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hello, grabbed a module from crazycreations for Auto Assign. I installed it. It works but when I hit Generate routes this pops up: Deprecated: Non-static method AutoAssignData::getstartitineraryid() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /core/modules/AutoAssign/AutoAssign.php on line 201 CC forums are quiet dead so that’s why I’m posting here. Seems more a PHP issue than their mod. Many help is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 3 replies
Hello All.... I had a problem with Auto Assignment Module by Crazy Creatives. If pilot bid the assigned schedule, the phpvms system recognize that the pilot had a bid, but the bid won't show on the pilot's bid page. Instead the bid appears on the smartcars. Further investigation, i found that the module did not send aircraft registration to the phpvms_bids table (the aircraftid is 0/zero, not blank). As the module is payware, would someone kind enough to help me on this via PM? The developer is no longer replying for their customer's communication. Regards
Last reply by YusufBudi, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi Guys, Does anyone know what goes on with CrazyCreatives? I have not been able to get answers about support. So, did anyone have any problems like image bellow? I´m running under locahost, phpVMS Version simpilot/php7.2.
Last reply by LesJar, -
Fltbook v2
by Mickey- 16 replies
Hi, Please can somebody help? I have searched all over and cant find the answer to resolve my issue. I have the issue of when I try to book a flight through this, the pop up box to select registration of aircraft quickly flashes and disappears. I have tried various of recommendations on other topics and none help?
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 1 reply
Quick question with the fltbook system. Is there a way to make charter bookings made through smartCARS appear in the bids page? The bid appears in smartCARS and shows in the general bids page in the admin panel, but not through the fltbook system. Cheers!
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I am using a module of CrazyCreatives, however couple of months ago, there is no support anymore, I would like to know if you can help to fix an issue with Event center. The event center closes event at 00 Midnight of the day of the event, ex: if my event starts today at 14:00z, normally in the same day people still can book and see the event as upcoming event before 14:00z. However, the module recognize the event as past event early morning at 00:00 of the same day before the event starts yet. Thank you in advance,
Last reply by SmarticleCo, -
- 4 replies
Hi, Im new here so if this is the wrong place I apologise in advance, I just tried to install the popupnews plugin for my va via the plugin manager for the iCrewLite skin and followed the installation manual and the the plugin works locally but when deploying it live I get this problem showing, Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting ')' in lib/skins/iCrewLITE/popupnews/popupnews_list.php on line 17 and it completely destroys the dashboard but when I disable it the styling comes back as intended. any ideas what I have to change to make it work? Thank you in advance. Have a nice evening.
Last reply by SimR, -
- 6 replies
Hello folks, i am not sure if this is the right section to showcase my module that i am currently developing. If im at the wrong section do help me move to the right one. Let me start, i am not sure if there is any Group Flight Module out there but here i am would like to showcase my first module. Group Flight Module features - more to add Ability for Admins to create/delete group flight Award or give pilots recognition for joining Customization of options Track pilots who have signed up More to come ! Feedbacks & suggestions are always welcome so you can PM me or comment in your opinions. Preview be…
Last reply by PikoSim, -
- 5 replies
Hey Guys I Need Help With This Error I Get No One Can Sign Up On My Virtual Airline Because Of reCAPTCHA
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 9 replies
good afternoon, i just installed phpvms, i find the error that when we are recording a flight the position of the aircraft is not shown, i have checked the acars tables but it shows latitude 0 longitude 0. My accommodation is at, it is paid. php 7.1, I would greatly appreciate if someone can help me, I have tried different acars, cacars, Kacars and ccftraker but I encounter the same error.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
Hello there, This code shows the pilot's latest flights. But I have a problem and gives fatal error to the person who has no flight. How do I fix this. Example; <?php PIREPS::publicroutesmap($userinfo->pilotid,10)?> public function publicroutesmap($pilotID,$limit='') { $this->title = 'Flight Map of'.$pilotID; $pireps = PIREPData::findPIREPS(array('p.pilotid' => $pilotID),$limit); if(!$pireps) { $this->set('message', 'There are no PIREPs for this pilot!!'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $this->set('allschedules', $pireps); $thi…
Last reply by mahir, -
- 1 reply
Greetings all. Im wondering if anyone can help me integrate a decoded metars table to run on a WP front page. I know about CheckWX and although I can get it working on php I cant seem to sort it on WP. Any help would be great.
Last reply by mahir, -
- 3 replies
Anyone using this module? How do you clear the forum requirement if your forum is not an external forum? edit- I can do it through SQL, but it should recognize a pilot visited the forum after setting the forum website address in the settings
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 35 replies
Hi, I have been trying to get CCFTracker set up with my VA ( I have downloaded and installed the module to /core/modules, but when I login using my pilot ID and password, I get this error: For those of you incapable of following links, it says "Login error: the connection to the VA site has timed out!" How can I fix this?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi folks Does anybody knows how to change the url in the application ? I have change my VA url and now i'm facing problems to change it. I have uninstalled and reinstalled but the application doesnt allow me to change anything on settings, I've got the login screen. Its a customized Acars I do believe that is not the problem Any tips please, appreciate regards
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 5 replies
Is there a way to increase the interval of updating the acars data on phpvms? I think the current intervall is 15 seconds. Thank you all!
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 0 replies
I use Charter flight on my virtual airline. But there's a problem, it seems to be coming to 0 company. If the expense is too high, why income 0? Isn't there a way to fix this? Please help me.
Last reply by GKT001, -
- 9 replies
hello agian i was wondering if it was anyway to get auto pirep system in to my phpvms simpilot 5.5.2 becuse the tpl moduels dont work for php the most of the if it is anyway to install them let me known becuse i dont wanna sit here and click accept on every pirep i got i knwon i have to do it on some of them but i dont wanna do all if i dont need to , or could someone give me a code there i can input how many feet thats not allowed to have
Last reply by Yash, -
- 1 reply
Phpvms 5 module installed but I get an error please help me with this Thank you
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Hello, in the admin navigation is a variable to show the addons installed on the page: $MODULE_NAV_INC It will echo this: <li><a href="http://xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xx/admin/index.php/FAQ">FAQ</a></li> Is there a way to change the content's design? Like removing the <li></li> or add classes to the <li>? It's defined in the "admin/index.php": Template::Set('MODULE_NAV_INC', $NAVBAR); But I dont find more... Or is there a other way to get the addons (url and name) of the site? Thanks!!
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I've most likely missed the topic for this but I was wondering if anyone could help me with some coding. I'm currently using phpVMS 5 with the FireCrew theme, within the pilot dashboard I want the pilots to be able to see their stats. If anyone could help me that would be wonderful!
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 1 reply
Is it possible with the "viewreport" page to display individual custom fields? I just need only a specific custom field, not all custom fields.
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
At this moment we are using the flightboard made by Jasper Bussemaker but this is running on Flash, so not usefull anymore within a year. What are the users here using as a flightboard. I saw a very nice one at but have now idea which one thats is. Regards, Cor
Last reply by Cor, -
- 0 replies
Hey pilots and devs! I'm watching an issue with an acars system and it says that an error occurs in the "DoWork" function. I found this function in the past and know that it exists, but I can't find it anymore. Does anyone has an idea where I can find the php function called something with "DoWork" or "filepirep_DoWork"? Thanks!
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel,