This organization houses any published phpVMS Addons
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147 topics in this forum
- 30 replies
Airport lookup update to work with same API as used by phpVMS v7. Restores ability to lookup airports for airport table. Adds additional fields to airport table for use in your templates. I've been sitting on these files for a while to be sure the beta testers didn't have any issues. Read the README_1ST.txt file for info. Works with phpVMS 5.5.2 and - not tested with phpVMS 2.x - will not work with phpVMS v7. You will need to manually update each existing airport in you database after installing this mod to get all the new data in the airports table - use EDIT from airport page, click LOOK UP, click Edit Airport. It will not au…
Last reply by cfitz619, -
Unless otherwise indicated, all addons fall under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License A quick summary: You can sell addons you've created, but do not sell add-ons which are not wholly yours, or you've gotten community input on. That's in bad taste, and is not good! You can however charge to setup an install, and customize. If add-ons are included in that 'customization', ask the addon author first and get their permission for being able to include their customization in your service. Remember the license is non-commercial and can only be waived with express permission of the author. So to recap You…
Last reply by stuartpb, -
- 1 reply
We have quite a few addons, which is great, but the problem starts happening with keeping the latest versions, and sometimes people have stuff uploaded to different places, and then hosts go down or change, and some of the stuff is lost. I ask everyone who is writing an add-on to please go down this route. I would like addons to be uploaded to Github or Bitbucket (whichever you prefer, though Github is better for reasons you'll see), as a public repository. It's not too much extra effort, but it ensures that: Your code is available (especially after the forum crash) If people want to improve your code, or help fix a bug, it's easy Every knows what the latest v…
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 2 replies
With the application of rotacım , you can easily create your route for your departure destination, get up-to-date metar information and calculate your fuel.In addition, you can access the relevant chart information of the airport you want.. Download link
Last reply by polirom, -
- 7 replies
View File Auto Accept/Reject Pirep Are tired of accepting or even rejecting pireps ? Then do not worry Auto Accept/Reject Pirep is here to help you It has a admin interface so you will be able to add 1. The VA's admin pilot admin that declines the PIREP 2. Function that searches the pirep log for custom criteria and decline the pirep 3. Functionality that adds the reason why it was declined in the PIREP's Comments. 4. Custom Reason why the pirep was decliened For Example Your Pirep has been rejected because you " Custom Text" 5. Function that send an e-mail to admin and or to pilot when pirep rejected …
Last reply by MarlonM, -
- 0 replies
View File Download List redirect to External URL - phpVMS 5.5.2 Hai all, actually this is simple coding but for me im really annoying redirect to same browser while open download list to download addon on our va. I try find in any mod in phpvms but not find anywhere so i just create and upload to share with you all. Thanks and Hope it will help. I've implement this code to StislaSkin Just replace your download_list.php in /lib/skins/StislaSkin/ Submitter fardly83 Submitted 05/05/20 …
Last reply by fardly83, -
- 0 replies
View File Export Pilot List This is just an edit to the import module in the admin side, that allows you to download the pilots list in CSV format, without the need of going to phpmyadmin. Submitter Strider Submitted 05/11/20 Category Addons
Last reply by Strider, -
- 0 replies
View File Radio Module The Ability to add a radio station to your VA, all you need is the Radio Stations web player URL Submitter Strider Submitted 02/25/21 Category Addons
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
View File Ranks This module albeit simple, pulls the list of ranks your VA has, and gives the ability to show what aircraft are within said rank so pilots can tell when and at what rank aircraft they want to fly can be flown. Submitter Strider Submitted 04/24/21 Category Addons
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 15 replies
Hello! A simple destination module has been created and published on Zumeweb. Have a look! Demo Link: Download Link: There's a credit link at the bottom of the module, however we take no harm if you remove it. How to change the style of the Map In the file destinations.tpl found in /core/templates look for the line containing var _styles = You can modify the options that are on there, or visit and pick a style you love. Then, Copy&Paste the style code right after the equal sign. How to change the airport icons The icons can be found in /lib/images/mapassets…
Last reply by SmarticleCo, -
- 1 follower
- 46 replies
Hey, I noticed that the "demand" for this thing seems to be quite "high". I created a tool that pulls data from flightaware's api and stores them into a csv file which phpvms can accept There is still plenty to do (I need to add so you can quickly change airline to pull data from). You need to create an account at fligthtaware and then change the variables in the index.php file, then you're good to go! How does it work? Well, unlike some other services, it doesn't use AirlineFlightSchedules query in the api since that is a paid service, we want to keep it completely free. It uses AirportBoards and then adds the parameter of only including t…
Last reply by bbuske, -
- 3 replies
I'm posting to let everyone know of a new module that is available for phpVMS. It is a full ticket system solution. Features included are: Opening/Closing Tickets Three different priority settings – Low, Medium, High Commenting on tickets Email Notifications – Users can select which notifications they went to receive on their email. (Three settings – When ticket is updated/edited, when a ticket is commented on, when a ticket is assigned to a staff member) Administration Settings – Option to override user settings, so they always receive emails. Administration Settings – Choose which group is in charge of tickets. Members of the group will be available for…
Last reply by Sava, -
- 11 replies
deepBlue View File This a deep blue skin with a 3 column blog style layout. Includes a custom public profile as-well as a pilot dashboard. This skin only works with phpVMS 5.5.2 Submitter flyalaska Submitted 05/06/18 Category Skins
Last reply by bbuske, -
- 155 replies
Hello fellow VA Admins, I am taking a very great pleasure to announce that iCrew LITE is finally hitting the arena. I initially planned to have this as a payware release, but i wanted to give back something to the community which helped me gain alot of knowledge in coding. Seriously, i owe you guys big time That is why i have released this as a freeware release. This Crew Center was designed using the Twitter Bootstrap framework, by far the best platform which works spectacularly on all your devices, and such devices include your PC, Tablet, iPad, iPhone, Android mobile phone etc. I have tried my best to make sure this Crew center is dynamic, which means everything…
Last reply by Killerp51, -
- 3 replies
Hello, Again I cant find a module released here for free for the events. It is still present here on the forum, only it is not availabable anymore on the repository from github. Anyone still has the link? rick
Last reply by ncd200, -
- 25 replies
This addon shows the 3 latest NOTAMs of both your departure and arrival airport. A readme is included in the zip file. Its possible to display more NOTAMs than 3, for this, just check out the code of notamdep/arr.tpl.. Its self explaining. Download here
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 15 replies
I have made a neat little tweak I made to my site, it may come in handy if anyone wants to enable FS flight plan downloads like I did for each scheduled flight. Basically, I use vRoute to create MS Flight Sim flight plans, and then put them in a folder on my server. I wanted other member pilots to be able to download these, so they could just load them up in the flight sim. The way I done it is probably very rough and ready as I am a newcomer to PHP and SQL. First I added a new field to the phpvms_schedules table in the database. I called this table 'flplan'. The field type was set to text. Next I thought about how to add the flightplan to the database, and decided that…
Last reply by Angel Air, -
- 5 replies
could someone explain what I am doing wrong here please I'm using latest version of VMS. Thaks in advance
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 14 replies
This module lists all your aircraft under its own airline that operates it. It is great for VA's that have multiple airlines under the one name. Download: Demo: http://malaysiava.or...ex.php/Aircraft I expanded the module it now includes a better way to insert the aircraft code into the module in the admin side, and it now allows you to list the aircraft that are under your codeshare agreement. It lists them in a seperate page. This is version 1.1. Thanks to all who helped me with this module. You can modify this module as much as you like, but please retain the copyright at the bottom of the pages. You will have to edit the a…
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 7 replies
Hi all, Just a quick post to ask does anyone know if there is an Aircraft Order or 'Lease' module available for phpVMS? - Ie. an admin can place an order (based on current VA financials and then after a set amount of time the aircraft then displays and can have routes assigned to it) If not I think I will create a set of modules (or separate system to integrate with this fantastic software) the reason behind this is that I have a couple of friends who would personally love the whole aspect of running a VA but don't actually have the hardware or any intention of actually flying any aircraft but would want to make decisions such as ordering new aircraft, signing contracts…
Last reply by bobsta63, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys! Remember SimPilotGroup's Airmail Module available at ? I've been doing a few additions to the module lately, specifically those we have set up as our milestones. (Viewable at ) With the most recent one being a contacts addition (Pull Request #6 ) Here is a video demonstrating the new additions: This is already in production over at Wings on Air ! Stay tuned for more updates to this module soon! A ton of thanks to SimPilotGroup for creating the original airmail module and making this neat little addition possible.…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 47 replies
After receiving several requests by PM, I am releasing the addon I use to show the airports in the phpVMS database, with a separate page for each airport with various bits of data. First though I would like to attribute the work which I did not complete and is part of this addon. The Airport Table Page - This was originally created by Adamm, and I just removed some of the columns and added the link to the seperate webpage for the detailed airport info. The Last Arrival and Last Departure Fields - I asked for help on this forum, and Jeff (Lorathon) gave me the code to enable this feature. The Flight Counts - Simpilot posted some code to show the flight count. I exp…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Some time ago, I released a module that added airport information pages to phpVMS, with the help of some other members. I'm looking to release version 2 within the next month, with more features. One of these I've already sorted out, and that's runway information, as shown below: It's pretty basic at the moment, showing only the runway Idents, surfaces and lengths. I'm going to be adding elevations and whether they have runway lighting or not next. Not sure there is any other data I could include here? I'm also adding NOTAMs and METARS with these ready to drop into the existing scripts. What else would be worth adding though? I could add real world data, such as dela…
Last reply by Felipe, -
Airport Tables 1 2
by Adamm- 33 replies
I suppose this could be called version 1.0? Basically this will generate a table which contains all your airport details. A readme file is included and it's pretty simple to set up. - Preview - I'll more than likely make some changes to this in the coming days, make it more interactive and add some new features, etc... So please post feedback and anything suggestions below. Cheers, Adam. Airport List
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 18 replies
Hi All, This is my first post here - love the place and love the software and wanted to give you something that I have been working on this evening. Its a Custom Pilot Centre Layout. Nothing amazing, but it looks a lot better than the default. Hope you like it Instructions: - Download the attached file (Custom Pilot Centre) - Extract and upload icons folder to: lib/images/ - Make a backup of your profile_main.tpl (core/templates) - Upload the profile_main.tpl in the attached file If you have done it all correctly then it should look something like below:
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 20 replies
Hey everyone! I am still new to PHP but I will have some free time during the next few weeks and might just be able to contribute to the community and develop an addon or two. Nothing complex but some small staff rather. Leave your suggestions on what you would like and I will take a look and see if I can do it
Last reply by SouthwestVA, -
- 355 replies
Hello finaly i finished it and sharing witht he comunity Are tired of accepting or even rejecting pireps ? Then do not worry Auto Accept/Reject Pirep is here to help you It has a admin interface so you will be able to add 1. The VA's admin pilot admin that declines the PIREP 2. Function that searches the pirep log for custom criteria and decline the pirep 3. Functionality that adds the reason why it was declined in the PIREP's Comments. 4. Custom Reason why the pirep was decliened For Example Your Pirep has been rejected because you " Custom Text" 5. Function that send an e-mail to admin and or to pilot when pirep rejected 6. I…
Last reply by masmas, -
- 15 replies
Hi guys I created an autoreject PIREP system when the landing rate is greater than..... and when in the log find crashed or fs reloded ... with automatic comment fully editable
Last reply by mattia, -
- 67 replies
Okay, finally the script is running like it should... Instructions: 1. Put the fuel.tpl file into your /core/templates/ folder. 2. Put this line somewhere into your schedules_briefing.tpl: <?php include('fuel.tpl'); ?> 3. Customize the fuel.tpl file. I used the aircraft name which you can see in your adminpanel under "Airline Operations" -> "Add & Edit Fleet" -> "Name/Type". Just change my existing fleet in the fuel.tpl with your fleet and delete what you dont need. This requires some knowledge of php. (Just watch the code until you notice how it works Also, i included automatic extra fuel for mid/long range flights. You can edit the values in line …
Last reply by OWA001, -
- 22 replies
Okay this is what you have at the moment: a couple of weather maps but only for U.S. And this is what my script does: It recognizes, from what country you are flying and will output a weather map for the departure area and same for arrival area so if you fly from EDDF to KJFK, it will show a map of europe and its winds and same for U.S. (And in this case also a NAT map for westbound flights/on return flight, it will show NAT map for eastbound flights). With a bit php knowledge, it should be easy to customize this script to add other maps or whatever is required. I by myself work for a german airline and i try to improve it later so it looks like what we have. Instruct…
Last reply by Rickisani,