This organization houses any published phpVMS Addons
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147 topics in this forum
- 38 replies
A module to view the on line traffic on IVAO/VATSIM networks. One at a time you can't see both at one table. Currently data access only from IVAO, in case you use it for VATSIM without approval you should explain them why you did it and face the consequences. Developed and tested on: phpVMS v2.1.934-153-g822a0b9 Please read readme.txt for instructions. See post #17 for updated version. Thanks!
Last reply by buraktiftikci, -
Here's something I created for my VA and I thought it might be useful for others. It displays your flight schedule as a timetable. Installation: Copy the Timetable folder to /core/modules Copy timetable.tpl to your skins folder Create a link: <a href="<?php echo url('/timetable'); ?>">Timetable</a> Note that much of the table style is hard-coded, so if you don't like the way it looks, you're SOL (just kidding, you just need to edit the timetable.tpl to your liking). timetable
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 36 replies
Hello every one! I m proud to say that the first version of Staff members list is here ! This version is not editable table from the admin center but is editable direct to the . tpl file. 1)Download the files ( 2)edit the staff.tpl file and insert your own data (staff members, jobs, mails, images) 3)Upload staff folder to your modules folder 4)Upload staff.tpl to your templates folder 5)Make a link to your website: Remember is not editable from the admin center! only manual direct to .tpl Regards Dimitris446 EDIT: File removed.
Last reply by Sava, -
- 35 replies
[move]phpVMSBooking[/move] ----------------------------------- FEATURES: Flight Search Easy-To-Customize Add To Bid Feature INSTALLATION: 1. Download attached .ZIP 2. Upload booking_results.tpl, booking_form.tpl and booking_confirm.tpl to your core/templates or lib/skins/[sKIN NAME]/ 3. Upload 'Booking' to core/modules 4. Go to www.[yoursitename].[com or whatever]/index.php/booking COMING SOON: Confirmation Page Small Form you can put on home page Enjoy! Mitch
Last reply by jusromaine, -
Tourcalendar V1 1 2
by Strider- 1 follower
- 35 replies
This is just a mod for Simpilots Events module which is required for this to work. Demo: download:
Last reply by skyguyt, -
Airport Tables 1 2
by Adamm- 33 replies
I suppose this could be called version 1.0? Basically this will generate a table which contains all your airport details. A readme file is included and it's pretty simple to set up. - Preview - I'll more than likely make some changes to this in the coming days, make it more interactive and add some new features, etc... So please post feedback and anything suggestions below. Cheers, Adam. Airport List
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 follower
- 29 replies
A little module in admin center for those who want to send a PIREP warning email. Install: 1- Unzip in the order of the folders. 2. Add this to your core_navigation.tpl in admin/templates for the access: <li><a href="<?php echo adminurl('/pilotmanager');?>">Pilot Manager</a></li> 3. Cahnge your local.config.php this part: Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true); Config::Set('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 90); To your desire days like this: Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true); Config::Set('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 3); 4. Access it by clicking on "Pilot Manager" under "site & settings" Pictures: *There's been an upd…
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Developed and Tested on: phpVMS 2.1.934 php 5.2.6 By: dimitris | phpVMS module to allow pilots submit sceneries (hosted on other locations) to create a database. Each scenery need to be approved by an Admin before the public view. Create a link at: <?php echo url('/Scenery'); ?> To view the scenery list and admin. See post #4 for updated version
Last reply by Tato123, -
- 27 replies
As per this thread: http://forum.phpvms....pplication-v10/ I grabbed a copy of this module from Chase and been working on it tonight. What I have done is the following: Converted it to work with the newer .php template system. Simpilot version compatible. Dropped the template files in a folder instead of leaving them to fall in the default templates folder. Fixed the emailer script to show the subject, pilots name, pilot id, all 3 message areas and the position being applied for. (Email needs styling) At this point in time, I have not touched the .tpl version of this module nor do I plan on it for right now. We need to move forward not backwards. Also at this poin…
Last reply by treygeboy, -
- 26 replies
Hey Everyone, Someone had requested me to show how to make a advanced pilot status so here's it is. Pilot Status - Advanced Follow this carefully so you don't hit a brick. AND BACK UP YOUR FILES BEFORE DOING IT! 1) Go to core/common/Auth.class and go to the following line /*if($userinfo->retired == 1) { self::$error_message = 'Your account was deactivated, please contact an admin'; return false; }*/ 2) Replace that to..... if($userinfo->retired == 1) { self::$error_message = 'Your account was marked inactive, please contact to Human Resources for more information.'; return false; } if($userinfo->retired =…
Last reply by Jonathan, -
- 25 replies
This addon shows the 3 latest NOTAMs of both your departure and arrival airport. A readme is included in the zip file. Its possible to display more NOTAMs than 3, for this, just check out the code of notamdep/arr.tpl.. Its self explaining. Download here
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 22 replies
Okay this is what you have at the moment: a couple of weather maps but only for U.S. And this is what my script does: It recognizes, from what country you are flying and will output a weather map for the departure area and same for arrival area so if you fly from EDDF to KJFK, it will show a map of europe and its winds and same for U.S. (And in this case also a NAT map for westbound flights/on return flight, it will show NAT map for eastbound flights). With a bit php knowledge, it should be easy to customize this script to add other maps or whatever is required. I by myself work for a german airline and i try to improve it later so it looks like what we have. Instruct…
Last reply by Rickisani, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Hey guys! I am excited to share yet another release by me. This time it is the completely custom PilotShop addon, currently still work in progress but to be released soon. What is currently done is the admin panel part of the addon, complete with the database structure behind it. What is left to be done is the front-end bit, but I am satisfied with what I have now so I am gonna give you guys a teaser. The addon gives you the possibility of creating shop item categories, and then adding various items to them. Every item has a name, description, image and a price. Once completed, pilots will be able to purchase these items from the front end and have the purchases displa…
Last reply by McWilliams, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
This is a flight duration calculator. The results are of course estimated but with this you could have an idea of how to manage your schedules when adding them. This is an open source module, so feel free if you want to make changes. Install: 1. Download the zip. 2. Unzip & upload in the order of folder structure. 3, Make a link to access it by <?php echo url('duration') ;?>. Pix: Download at Github:
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 21 replies
Is it a bit like the simpilot mod for the news?
Last reply by Tom, -
by Tom- 1 follower
- 21 replies
SimpleNews SimpleNews is a basic module which builds upon the default functionality of the phpVMS News system, allowing you to show a list of links to latest news items, a paginated view of news items and an individual page per item. No attribution or link back is required (see Licence). Installation To install, simply extract the contents of the zip archive and drag the contents into the root public folder of your phpVMS installation. Usage To display a list of latest news items anywhere on your site, call the following: <?php SimpleNews::NewsList(); ?> By default the list will show the 5 latest items, however you can configure it to show however many you w…
Last reply by Kapitan, -
- 20 replies
Hey everyone! I am still new to PHP but I will have some free time during the next few weeks and might just be able to contribute to the community and develop an addon or two. Nothing complex but some small staff rather. Leave your suggestions on what you would like and I will take a look and see if I can do it
Last reply by SouthwestVA, -
- 19 replies
Hello, me and My Friend( Almost All My Friend ) Create A Little script for a VMS. He put a topic in forums but Not explained correctly. Discounts To Subtract From Pilot Salary V1.0 Well this addon remove the pilot's salary according to his flight log. For example, the limit of TD in his VA is -300 and the driver exceeds this limit, is much more constructive and interesting actually used the system's finances vms than simply delete the log. So if Exed the limit of touch, flaps, gear down or up, will be deducted from the pilot's account as follows: Every 100 FT / M Exed (Default is -300, but you can change) is removed - $ 1,200, the same way with the flaps and gear, bu…
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Email individual pilot. Current version: v1 Tested on: 2.1.93 Email individual pilot is a module that allow you to send a mail a a certain pilot to his email address from inside the phpVMS admin panel. Installation: 1. Upload mailer_mailpilot_form.tpl to your /admin/templates folder on ftp. 2. Insert the following lines at your MassMailer.php file located at /modules/MassMailer on your ftp. #------------Individual Pilot Mailing------------------------------------------------------------ #Copyrights dimitris phpvms forum public function mail_pilot() { $this->render('mailer_mailpilot_form.tpl'); } public function sendmail_pilot(){ echo '<h3>Sending em…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Last reply by gian1992, -
- 18 replies
Hi All, This is my first post here - love the place and love the software and wanted to give you something that I have been working on this evening. Its a Custom Pilot Centre Layout. Nothing amazing, but it looks a lot better than the default. Hope you like it Instructions: - Download the attached file (Custom Pilot Centre) - Extract and upload icons folder to: lib/images/ - Make a backup of your profile_main.tpl (core/templates) - Upload the profile_main.tpl in the attached file If you have done it all correctly then it should look something like below:
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 18 replies
Hello everyone. It has been a while since I had joined the phpVMS community. While it is the best software out there for VAs by far, the lack of realistic flight tracking has always bothered me. I am considering creating this kind of module and I am interested in how many of you would like to use somthing like this. The "bad" news is that I will most probably be releasing the module as payware. I still haven't decided on the price but it will be around the price some of SimPilot's modules are selling for, depending on the amount of work it will take. how the module will function and what it will do has been described by me in an another topic. So, who would be int…
Last reply by ahughes3, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
This one is a module for your pilots to directly search for their routes from your website rather than going to the actual website. Don't worry I checked that website and it's free to use. Install: 1. Unzip the folder anywhere you want. 2. Upload in the order of folders. 3. make a link to the module like this <?php echo url('/rfinder') ;?>. 4. Enjoy. Screenshot: Download at Github:
Last reply by TheVynysto, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Hi guys, I'm making this module available for free. Enjoy! Bug report: Feel free to contribute improvements! 😉 Download: /** * SMPirepValidator v.1.3 for phpVMS (tested under PHP 7.4 and phpVMS v5.5.2.72 by @ProAvia) * @description This module aims to validate if the pilot made his flights online on the IVAO and VATSIM networks * * SmartModules addon module for phpVMS virtual airline system * @link * * SmartModules addon modules are licensed under the following license: * Creative Commons Attr…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
This is a new release compatible with phpVMS 5.5x by Simpilot. Install: 1.Create SQL table using the one provided in the folder(flightbookingsystem.sql) 2.Upload the files in the order into the PHPvms software. 3.Copy the following to core/local.config.php : Config::Set('JUMPSEAT_COST', '.25'); //0.25 is the cost. 4.Access it by: <?php echo url('/FBSV11") ;?> 5.Enjoy Download: FlightBookingSystem V1.1
Last reply by Michael2015, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hello, I am trying to install SimBrief module from Baggelis mod. On install instruction: 5. Add this line before </head> tag in layout.tpl <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('lib/js/simbrief.apiv1.js');?>"></script> The problem is that I don't find the "layout.tpl" file in PhpVms neither in SimBrief file. I've search in all folders without any result. Could someone be kind to tell me where is this file?? Thanks a lot for your help. Alex
Last reply by Alexair, -
- 15 replies
I have made a neat little tweak I made to my site, it may come in handy if anyone wants to enable FS flight plan downloads like I did for each scheduled flight. Basically, I use vRoute to create MS Flight Sim flight plans, and then put them in a folder on my server. I wanted other member pilots to be able to download these, so they could just load them up in the flight sim. The way I done it is probably very rough and ready as I am a newcomer to PHP and SQL. First I added a new field to the phpvms_schedules table in the database. I called this table 'flplan'. The field type was set to text. Next I thought about how to add the flightplan to the database, and decided that…
Last reply by Angel Air, -
- 15 replies
Hi guys I created an autoreject PIREP system when the landing rate is greater than..... and when in the log find crashed or fs reloded ... with automatic comment fully editable
Last reply by mattia, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
phpVMS REST API A basic REST API module for access to phpVMS data and functionality, for example in third party clients & other sites. Note: This is very much still in development. It isn't very thoroughly tested or remotely complete in functionality, however it is a start and I'm putting it up to allow others to contribute and speed up development. Use with caution. Current Features: Username/password user auth for all requests via Basic Auth Only available to confirmed registered users Removes sensitive information from responses (encrypted password, salt, emails, IP addresses) All PUT/POST data is expected to be JSON Get paginated news list (requires Simple…
Last reply by Nascoli, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
This module is built so pilots can send a staff application through a built in form. Note: Module built from default contact form download:
Last reply by TAV1702,