This organization houses any published phpVMS Addons
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147 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
could someone explain what I am doing wrong here please I'm using latest version of VMS. Thaks in advance
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
All. I am trying to install VMS3 *phpVMS-3-master" winhost-php 5.6. I copied the files; when I go to my URL I get the welcome page When I click this link I get a 404 error - page not found? What should I be doing? any help Thanks, Bill
Last reply by fleanbilly, -
Step 1 Aircraft buying Mod Version 1.00: You need only a beta PHPVMS version! Now all Features are fully functional!!!! Buying/ Repairing/ Landingdamage and many ohters... It was a dream - now it is reality. When u have Questions... ask here. And thanx for many help here! By the way i started a openoffice calc database for prices, we can update it altogether?!? And post it here. Rename it as *.xls and open it with openoffice or similar. When you insert a plane or correct one please upload with a new date in the name 2013.04.19 Aircraft Databasexls.txt Step1 Aircraft buying Mod
Last reply by Melli, -
- 5 replies
Hi ALL, After reading a tutorial on creating flags I gave myself a try and the result became a complete replacement of the default phpVMS flags which I use on pilots page and on my airport list image is attached! and if you like to see more flags that are not shown on attached preview image you can do it LIVE on my Airport Info Page comments are more than welcome as I am not on Github so I have uploaded it to my VA's page http://www.flyeurope...ter/category/18
Last reply by web541, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
This module is built so pilots can send a staff application through a built in form. Note: Module built from default contact form download:
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 38 replies
A module to view the on line traffic on IVAO/VATSIM networks. One at a time you can't see both at one table. Currently data access only from IVAO, in case you use it for VATSIM without approval you should explain them why you did it and face the consequences. Developed and tested on: phpVMS v2.1.934-153-g822a0b9 Please read readme.txt for instructions. See post #17 for updated version. Thanks!
Last reply by buraktiftikci, -
- 3 replies
Hello, Again I cant find a module released here for free for the events. It is still present here on the forum, only it is not availabable anymore on the repository from github. Anyone still has the link? rick
Last reply by ncd200, -
- 67 replies
Okay, finally the script is running like it should... Instructions: 1. Put the fuel.tpl file into your /core/templates/ folder. 2. Put this line somewhere into your schedules_briefing.tpl: <?php include('fuel.tpl'); ?> 3. Customize the fuel.tpl file. I used the aircraft name which you can see in your adminpanel under "Airline Operations" -> "Add & Edit Fleet" -> "Name/Type". Just change my existing fleet in the fuel.tpl with your fleet and delete what you dont need. This requires some knowledge of php. (Just watch the code until you notice how it works Also, i included automatic extra fuel for mid/long range flights. You can edit the values in line …
Last reply by OWA001, -
- 3 replies
I'm posting to let everyone know of a new module that is available for phpVMS. It is a full ticket system solution. Features included are: Opening/Closing Tickets Three different priority settings – Low, Medium, High Commenting on tickets Email Notifications – Users can select which notifications they went to receive on their email. (Three settings – When ticket is updated/edited, when a ticket is commented on, when a ticket is assigned to a staff member) Administration Settings – Option to override user settings, so they always receive emails. Administration Settings – Choose which group is in charge of tickets. Members of the group will be available for…
Last reply by Sava, -
- 1 follower
- 133 replies
To display various stats per hub: Readme + File available on GitHub: I think that pretty much covers everything? Enjoy
Last reply by jrodosu, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I have installed the SimBrief module and followed all the instructions regarding the installation and changes that needed to be made to the various files. I have the button on the bid screen but when I click on it nothing happens. Attached is the screenshot of the bid screen.
Last reply by Dwight, -
- 0 replies
to make flights below 10,000 ft? error if you change the altitude to below 10,000 feet
Last reply by GabrielILC101, -
- 0 replies
Hello averyone, Need help again: I have installed SimBrief/Baggelis mod in PHPvms but it doesn't appear anywhere in PHPvms pages. Is there anything alse to do in order to activate this option in PHPvms ?? Thanks for your help. Alex
Last reply by Alexair, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hello, I am trying to install SimBrief module from Baggelis mod. On install instruction: 5. Add this line before </head> tag in layout.tpl <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('lib/js/simbrief.apiv1.js');?>"></script> The problem is that I don't find the "layout.tpl" file in PhpVms neither in SimBrief file. I've search in all folders without any result. Could someone be kind to tell me where is this file?? Thanks a lot for your help. Alex
Last reply by Alexair, -
- 1 follower
- 44 replies
Hey guys, I have now released v1.00 of the cACARS Free flight tracking client. The module and client can be downloaded here: Also the first pack of custom options are available. You can find prices and available options here: Further options will be added in the future.
Last reply by mseiwald, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Developed and Tested on: phpVMS 2.1.934 php 5.2.6 By: dimitris | phpVMS module to allow pilots submit sceneries (hosted on other locations) to create a database. Each scenery need to be approved by an Admin before the public view. Create a link at: <?php echo url('/Scenery'); ?> To view the scenery list and admin. See post #4 for updated version
Last reply by Tato123, -
- 1 follower
- 29 replies
A little module in admin center for those who want to send a PIREP warning email. Install: 1- Unzip in the order of the folders. 2. Add this to your core_navigation.tpl in admin/templates for the access: <li><a href="<?php echo adminurl('/pilotmanager');?>">Pilot Manager</a></li> 3. Cahnge your local.config.php this part: Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true); Config::Set('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 90); To your desire days like this: Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true); Config::Set('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 3); 4. Access it by clicking on "Pilot Manager" under "site & settings" Pictures: *There's been an upd…
Last reply by Parkho, -
by Tom- 1 follower
- 21 replies
SimpleNews SimpleNews is a basic module which builds upon the default functionality of the phpVMS News system, allowing you to show a list of links to latest news items, a paginated view of news items and an individual page per item. No attribution or link back is required (see Licence). Installation To install, simply extract the contents of the zip archive and drag the contents into the root public folder of your phpVMS installation. Usage To display a list of latest news items anywhere on your site, call the following: <?php SimpleNews::NewsList(); ?> By default the list will show the 5 latest items, however you can configure it to show however many you w…
Last reply by Kapitan, -
- 3 replies
Hi All, This is just a query of mine, and wondering if people would want it. I have been thinking of creating a desktop NOTAMS system, where staff can send NOTAMS out to fellow pilot's of their virtual airline, and then the NOTAMS will be displayed in a windows application. I just wondered as to whom would be interested in this, if anyone. To send a NOTAM out to the software, there would be the functionality within the phpvms admin panel to do so (with an additional module) which would come as part of the software. Anyway, let me know if you like the idea or not. Cheers, Jord.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
This one is a module for your pilots to directly search for their routes from your website rather than going to the actual website. Don't worry I checked that website and it's free to use. Install: 1. Unzip the folder anywhere you want. 2. Upload in the order of folders. 3. make a link to the module like this <?php echo url('/rfinder') ;?>. 4. Enjoy. Screenshot: Download at Github:
Last reply by TheVynysto, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I am now receiving an error with cACARS. When I file me pirep at first I get a Bad Gateway error then I try again and get a operation has timed out error. What I find strange about this is that it successfully filed on the site but the program has not registered that. Also when I have completed a flight it dose not come out of my booked flights on my site or on the cACARS client.
Last reply by TechAttax, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I am now getting this error on the launch of cACARS. When I click ok send me to change settings When I press save settings it wont launch. I have tried re installing
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 18 replies
Hello everyone. It has been a while since I had joined the phpVMS community. While it is the best software out there for VAs by far, the lack of realistic flight tracking has always bothered me. I am considering creating this kind of module and I am interested in how many of you would like to use somthing like this. The "bad" news is that I will most probably be releasing the module as payware. I still haven't decided on the price but it will be around the price some of SimPilot's modules are selling for, depending on the amount of work it will take. how the module will function and what it will do has been described by me in an another topic. So, who would be int…
Last reply by ahughes3, -
- 26 replies
Hey Everyone, Someone had requested me to show how to make a advanced pilot status so here's it is. Pilot Status - Advanced Follow this carefully so you don't hit a brick. AND BACK UP YOUR FILES BEFORE DOING IT! 1) Go to core/common/Auth.class and go to the following line /*if($userinfo->retired == 1) { self::$error_message = 'Your account was deactivated, please contact an admin'; return false; }*/ 2) Replace that to..... if($userinfo->retired == 1) { self::$error_message = 'Your account was marked inactive, please contact to Human Resources for more information.'; return false; } if($userinfo->retired =…
Last reply by Jonathan, -
Weather Maps (Europe)
by Guest KaliKeira- 6 replies
Paste this code into your schedule_briefing.tpl (/core/templates/schedule_briefing.tpl) <h3>Weather</h3> <div align="center"> <p><img src="" /></p> <p><img src="" /></p> <p><img src="" /></p> <p><img src="" /></p> <p><img src="" /></p> <p><img src="http://i…
Last reply by Arctiq, -
Here's something I created for my VA and I thought it might be useful for others. It displays your flight schedule as a timetable. Installation: Copy the Timetable folder to /core/modules Copy timetable.tpl to your skins folder Create a link: <a href="<?php echo url('/timetable'); ?>">Timetable</a> Note that much of the table style is hard-coded, so if you don't like the way it looks, you're SOL (just kidding, you just need to edit the timetable.tpl to your liking). timetable
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 35 replies
[move]phpVMSBooking[/move] ----------------------------------- FEATURES: Flight Search Easy-To-Customize Add To Bid Feature INSTALLATION: 1. Download attached .ZIP 2. Upload booking_results.tpl, booking_form.tpl and booking_confirm.tpl to your core/templates or lib/skins/[sKIN NAME]/ 3. Upload 'Booking' to core/modules 4. Go to www.[yoursitename].[com or whatever]/index.php/booking COMING SOON: Confirmation Page Small Form you can put on home page Enjoy! Mitch
Last reply by jusromaine, -
- 39 replies
Hello every one ! I don 't know if someone got it but i figure it and i like to share with you Ok the basic idea was to display a list of all rank of the company and a list of all the awards of the company to separated pages: test/develop and works with phpvms version 2.1.934 Download the attachments To install: 1) upload the contents of modules to your phpvms module file on server 2) upload the contents of templates to your templates folder on phpvms server 3)to view your rank list make a link to 4)to view your awards list make a link to thats it ! you are ready ! How it …
Last reply by servetas, -
- 14 replies
This module lists all your aircraft under its own airline that operates it. It is great for VA's that have multiple airlines under the one name. Download: Demo: http://malaysiava.or...ex.php/Aircraft I expanded the module it now includes a better way to insert the aircraft code into the module in the admin side, and it now allows you to list the aircraft that are under your codeshare agreement. It lists them in a seperate page. This is version 1.1. Thanks to all who helped me with this module. You can modify this module as much as you like, but please retain the copyright at the bottom of the pages. You will have to edit the a…
Last reply by poole3003, -
Fleet Table 1 2 3 4
- 117 replies
Version 1.0 Outdated A table which contains your full fleet information. Preview: 1. Add the folder 'Fleet' to your core/modules folder 2. Add fleet_main.tpl to your coretemplate folder 3. Go to: (Replacing with your site URL of course) Download Link: (only download link as earlier version) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.1 Released 1.1 Features: All previous 1.0 information Total Hours Total Flights Custom SQL (FleetInfo) 1.1 Will come …
Last reply by chilemugriento,