Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
Welcome to the Air Bridge Cargo VA operating on Boeing 747-200F,747-300F, 747-400ERF, 747-800F. Our hub is on UUEE airport. New pilots are welcome!
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 7 replies
Arizona Regional Airlines, a new regional VA operating out of Arizona. We have grown enough in the last few months that we are now searching for new staff members and pilots if flying the small iron through some fabulous VFR scenery while learning the ropes of Airline flying and VATSIM sounds appealing to you, check is out at If seeking staff positions, send your resume to With your name , position seeking and qualifications. Positions open: KIWA Hub manager KSAN Hub manager
Last reply by Andrew17, -
- 8 replies
Hello one and all, I just got the Wilco A340 but have noticed the fuel planner is crap! I was wondering if you guys have any good ways of working out the fuel for this mamma! Regards Scott
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
- 16 replies
Thursday night, 11 August 2011, the Legend Air website became the target of an unknown hacker. Unfortunately, the website visually started to deteriorate and as of last night has been inaccessible to anyone without a "Malicious Content" warning appearing on the screen. Please do not attempt to pass this page as you will put yourself at risk of infection. If you have already passed this page, please make sure to run your anti-virus programs immediately. Currently, scripts are running against Legend Air servers and have made the pages of our site impossible to view. I have not been able to look yet but our coding even looks to have been altered. The databases are unharmed…
Last reply by BMI Baby HR, -
- 17 replies
Good afternoon everyone, My name is Gavin and I am the CEO and founder of a new VA called Alaskair Virtual. Taking our learnings from the original VA we launched, realizing that the direction we had chosen for that VA, along with the selected staff was not the right call. After much planning and a more thorough launch we are please to announce the launch date for Alaskair was 10th September 2016. Launch has been successful and well received. Similarly to the TV show "Flying Wild Alaska", our pilots and aircraft must endure harsh weather conditions, short take off and landings and demonstrate a high degree of skill. While we do also fly between large international …
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 12 replies
Fly United Virtual began planning for future opperation's on Thursday January 12, 2012. We began creating our custom ranking structure along with our fleet on the Friday Janaury 13, 2012. We will never give any checkrides or exams to fly a plane here at Fly United Virtual. "Where Ever We Fly, We Fly United." We have included all star alliance routes, and all of them are fairly accurate. We are looking for active staff and some active pilots. We hope that you enjoy Fly United just as much as we do here. You can find us at And i know that you all are going to say " Oh! He stole the other United's Skin!" Well guess what? I HAD PERMISSION FROM…
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone! I was just curious if anybody ran just a virtual regional airline (American Eagle, Pinnacle, Colgan, Expressjet). If somebody did could you please post a link? I'd love to join. If not, I do have some phpVMS experience and would start one if anyone else would be interested in one. I was thinking American Eagle, or Expressjet (new merger with ASA would be fun). Let me know what you guys think! Mark
Last reply by hellcat, -
- 20 replies
Anyone got any tips on recruiting pilots for your va? if you look at mine you can see that its going downhill fast thanks, james
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 18 replies
[July 23, 2011] - Seattle, Washington - Legend Air Virtual Corporate Offices Hello, Have you had a chance to check out Legend Air's new, fully phpVMS powered website? No? Well please take a moment to view what members have deemed "The best phpVMS powered website". Our website is located at: and offers pilots a new look at Virtual Aviation. With our very own 'SkyAcademy' on the brink of opening, our staff looks to provide top notch, grade A+ service to all of our members. We are also on the verge of becoming a "VATSIM Certified" Virtual Airline! Take a look around and let me know what you think! Also - Legend Air is now hiring for the followi…
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 14 replies
Hey guys im the PResident of We are currently using kacars as an acars but were looking to change and buy a custom acars. We are willing to pay a reasonable amount for a custom acars that can have the following. -Php coding for websites. -Live tracking -Pilot Roster -Individual pilot logbooks for all crewmembers for the website(that shows rank, hours,last flight flown etc.) -Mission/Tour Module -Checkride capability -Fuel Planning -Flexible admin settings(able to change anything we want) We would prefer something that is compatable with Fsx, Fs2004, and possibly X-plane if possible. Our current website is My contact informati…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 19 replies
My webmaster brought to my attention a very hurtful link this evening. Unfortunately, my webmasters hard work has been stolen and is currently trying to be used on another website. I will not release that website at this time as I am awaiting a response from the airlines CEO about this matter. It hurts to know that someone else's great and hard work can be just taken like this, in an attempt at making their website look as good. I am calling upon the VA community to put a stop to this, and stand up against this fraud. It's sad that the same person who has been found of stealing websites in the past, has Done this again and thought he could get away with it. Please kee…
- 8 replies
Malaysia Virtual Airlines is 1 year old this month. Sing Malaysia Virtual Airlines happy birthday. A lot has happened in the year of operations, we reached a very good milestone, 5000hours, and 2000 pireps. As it is 1 year since ops began, all new pilots get a free 10 hours when they file their first pirep within August, and all current pilots will get double hours for their flights. We are looking forward to the future, and hope all members and future members, a great time at Malaysia Virtual Airlines. To join please go to
Last reply by zenzero, -
- 14 replies
I would like to announce the Grand opening of Alaska Airlines VA. Our VA opened June of 2012 and s accepting pilot applications. We offer current route and schedules as well as retro schedules such as the convair, Q400, DC-3, MD80, and B727. This VA was created to stand alone from the other VA's. HHMMMMMMMMM Like What? Well our VA has a fully interactive weather center, you can watch live weather reports and view updated weather radar. We also offer a In Flight Entertainment Center. Here you can watch full movies that shows a different movie each week, also a game room. Here you can play online game such as 3D Pool all you need is flash player installed. Unfortunately yo…
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 13 replies
Look out people our Skin has been stolen by The CEO is known for using other va's skins Plus can anyone help us get them to remove it?
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 18 replies
City-Link City-Link description: City-Link is an airline based in the UK and offers low-cost flights to european destinations. Fleet description: The City-Link board have seen many aircraft is the process , and we at the moment have 10 aircraft on offer. Boeing and Airbus and prime aircraft manufactors and hopefully as we grow we will add further aircraft to our fleet. Destinations description: Our destinations are to every one's needs. We offer flights from UK to great european destinations , Madrid / Coppenhagen / Munich / Majorca and hopefully we can offer ftransatlantic flights. We realy hope that you enjoy your stay here and we hope that we offer the best st…
Last reply by jake, -
- 15 replies
Hey, Just to let you know that I have opened an Air Malta Virtual... Check us out, and yes we do have Permission from Air Malta Plc. Enjoy!
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 13 replies
Orlando, FL - July 18, 2012 AirTran Airways Virtual - Official News Release Contact: brian (dot) newman (at) AirTran Airways Virtual announced the launch of all flight operations on the date of August 10, 2012, at 1000Z. AirTran Airways Virtual is now a fully functional virtual airline, and is seeking virtual airline pilots to fill first officer positions for AirTran Airways Virtual's Boeing 737-700s and Boeing 717-200s. Interested applicants are encouraged to visit for more information. AirTran Airways virtual was founded in May of 2012 by two flight simulator enthusiasts. The virtual airline officially launched all operati…
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I thought I'd take some time to introduce our small virtual airline here in the forums. Since November 2012 we operate a fleet of Boeing 737-800, Boeing 737-700 and later on when we were ready steadily increased our variety of aircraft types to meanwhile Airbus Boeing 737-800, Boeing 737-700, A320-200, Airbus A330-300, Dash 8Q-400 and Boeing 777-200LR. We mainly operate holiday and business schedules throughout Europe but recently expanded our network to operate flights to American, Asian and other parts of the world. With our subsidiary sky GO! flying with a fleet of B737s we are home to a low-cost carrier fleet as well providing a perfect mix while still follow…
Last reply by maddog93, -
- 13 replies
Hiya peeps, I have created a new VA called Robin Hood Airlines. It can be found here: Robin Hood Airlines It is in its infancy but I am looking for new members. Within the airport database there is 1,100 airports that you are able to fly to. The flight schedules will be getting added to on a daily basis. Also the fleet will improve over time. The look of the website is getting there, however it does need improving which I am doing but learning phpvms from scratch is not easy. The actual workings within the website is up and running, everything works that you can see, however the actual layout does need some work. I also have a Teamspeak 3 server for you to us…
Last reply by dale0404, -
New Thief on the block -
by Guest lorathon- 13 replies
Keep one hand on your hat and the other on your wallet. Jeff - His Site - Has stolen not only images from Phoenix Virtual Airways but also our schedules. I do not write this lightly. We are consulting with a lawyer and are planning legal action for infringement of our intellectual property. Evidence His Rank Images - Our Rank Images - Schedules His Flight BP1 - Our Flight BP1 - His Flight AC1 - Our Flight AC1 - I could go on and on......... look for yourself Not only this b…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 8 replies
(6/6) – Dallas, TX It brings me great pride and joy to finally publicly announce our secret project to the Virtual Community today! I have been working hard with COO Brandon Reeves to bring a new, fresh, and fast VA to this community to fill one of the major gaps. I am proud to announce vWN Airlines to you, and give you some of the details about what will set us apart from other virtual representations of SWA on the web today. The idea of vWN Airlines was hatched mid-April of 2013 as both myself and COO Brandon Reeves were searching for a new VA home in the name of Southwest Airlines. The search rendered a few major VAs, who all had some really strong points of o…
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi there! Im helping in a va airline, to webpage, and other techical cuestions, with the help of phpvms forums people too. Recently we move to pay hosting, and some pilots have issues with send log database error, others not. Then, what is the advantages and disadvantages of: Fsacars: Old, send in live flight status data, detailed report, Kacars: Customizable, pay or free version, favorite of phpvms comunity, send in live flight status data Smartacars: Customizable, pay version, "features like the playing of the safety demonstration at pushback, global and airline chat, plus a more in depth flight log." Xacars: Xplane compatible, FSFK: FspassengerX: creates atmos…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 22 replies
I haven't advertised my VA on here as i know its more for VA owners. I was just wondering what you guys think of my site, layout etc? Thanks
Last reply by Mike, -
- 13 replies
Anyone make good promo videos for free or know anyone who does? Don't give me a link to VA Hosting by the way...
Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
- 9 replies
Hello! I want to invite everyone to come and check out Midsouth Virtual Air! We a re a VA out of Memphis (KMEM) with a mission to promote Midsouth flying. Our site is top knotch and is always being updated. We are looking for new pilots, so get your application in now! Website: Chase Freeman, CEO Midsouth Virtual Air
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 16 replies
So who ever is the CEO of Southwest Virtual really? You Could NOT find any better template but had to copy a custom template of You guys can see for your self. Regards, Ada
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 12 replies
Hello, Corporate Virtual is back and with a bang, paid hosting, completely new up-to-date designed website with many new and upcoming features. Website: Email(s): CEO - VCEO - HR - Admin - Skype: CorporateVirtual Hope to see you all soon! Please leave comments below! Best Reagrds, Daniel Cormack CEO
Last reply by VirtualBMI, -
- 13 replies
Hi All, Our team will build a Virtual Airline, but we vacillate between two options, using the server host or the web host. Roughly how the best? We think the number of member will be great and we will also provide teamspeak3 for this VA. Give me the specification minimum and maximum for build the VA. King Regrads.
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 17 replies
I will be taking over as the CEO. We will be replication the operations of what was SkyEurope using a relistic fleet and airports. keep checking back for the latest information Christopher Morton - SkyEurope Virtual CEO
Last reply by chris2, -
- 11 replies
Hey phpVMS Community, I figured that i would give everyone a preview of the vDAL new ACARS system... (image is a bit blurry, click for a better view.) The errors are simply there because that part has not been coded yet. This is a completely custom ACARS system that was created in C++ Coding. Thanks and let me know what you think, Ryan Palmer
Last reply by MrAmsterdam,