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623 topics in this forum
- 17 replies
Hello Everyone...! I am delighted to announce my new website for repaints help and requests for virtual airlines. About us Irfan Design, aims to host all Pakistani flight simulation related materials in one place we offer aircraft repainting services only for Virtual Airlines if you are a re painter and wanted to submit your work with people around the world its the right place for you. Contributors We are extremely thankful to Almighty Allah for his help and guidance in enabling us to reach this far. We feel its necessary to mention the names of our friends who helped us in this journey: Umair Ayaz Edward Cox Hiroshi Igami Enigma Simulations Aziz Palas…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 17 replies
Hello all, I have been a repainter for some time and have pretty much repainted everything out there. If you want to get in contact with me please view this website: Thanks looking forward to working together! I have previous work and everything you need to know listed on there.
Last reply by flightsimcreator, -
- 17 replies
Last reply by Stealthbird97, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
I would like to see a facebook pluging. Would like to show when a pilot finish a flight and display Pilot ID, Departure & Arrival airport and others can be added... I would be interested in paying someone for this!! Let me know if anyone is interested Regards,
Last reply by Allan, -
- 17 replies
Greetings Everyone, I have made a CrewCenter which is compatible with phpVMS, called the iCrew v4 (by iCrewSystems). iCrew's speciality is that, it is pure plug and play type approach towards VA Crewcenters. Whether your VA is fully established, or on its roots towards the wings, We can just add our magic touch to your CrewCenter. Currently we provide Sleek, Modern and Fully responsive Crew Centers, Attractive rather tempting Front End Websites, Custom iCons, Graphics & UI Design. Below you can find screenshots of my recent work. Behold, the iCrew v4. That's not it Boys This is just the Profile Pag…
Last reply by BinterVirtual, -
Hello phpVMS, I would like to take a few minutes to let everyone know about the new and improved FSPremier! A while back we were in operation and became very backed up with orders, our lead designer also started having RW problems that created even more backups in the system than before. After this, one of our staff members deleted all of the content and files from the FSPremier site and email center then began posting fraudulent topics on various forums bashing FSPremier (We are still in "battle" with them trying to get all of the wrong sorted out in court). Since then we have totally rebuilt ourselves and the way we operate. Two orders have been received and filled si…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 16 replies
--I didn't know where to post this ad, because I have a server that doesn't have much stuff ran so this isn't technically paid services..-- I'll be giving away free 24/7 teamspeak servers to anyone who wants them, as long as its used for vatsim stuff. 5 servers will be up for grabs, anyone who wants one just reply and/or go to port 9987) You can pick the port and have the server adminship. Just leave a reply! (I have a non-profit license)
Last reply by Beastt, -
- 15 replies
Virtual Airline Consulting is a new organization dedicated to helping clients who are not quite sure how to get the framework of their Virtual Airline going. We work to ensure that a structure is in place for each client to help with their success in the Virtual Airline industry. We work with each client to do the following: * Create a structural support for their Virtual Airline * Ensure that they have the proper tools to run a successful Virtual Airline * Ensure a proper flow of the website Are you still confused? Here is a breakdown. Many Virtual Airlines start up with no structure, and sometimes with poor flowing websites. We work to ensure that each client has a…
Last reply by SubyDriver, -
- 15 replies
Hi All, I have created a simple Status Badge Script. If you want it PM me. I made if for a VA and feel that I should release it. Thanks
Last reply by SouthwestVA, -
- 15 replies
VAScroll is a Virtual Airlines Ads Management tool for Virtual Airlines looking to advertise their websites to gain traffic as well as users. Not only is it for administrators were here for the pilots as well, we make ourself useful as a blog as well showing members the greatest deals on new packages for FSX, Prepar3D, & X-Plane. Our site includes use of posting your Virtual Airline in our Ads Listings and having members vote to gain higher rankings. Our free features include Youtube Video Posting, Social Links, Desciption of airline, a catchy phrase, votes, hits, user analytics, shareable links, comments, blogs, & more join with your free account today ! We…
Last reply by smokey68, -
- 14 replies
WEBSITE URL: Hello, My name is Trevor and I am the CEO of Your cPanel Hosting. Your cPanel started planning in 2010 and opened about 4 months later in 2011. Your cPanel offers some of the fastest Web hosting servers around. Your cPanel uses the Very popular cPanel Software. Your cPanel offers Web Hosting, and very soon to come will be selling Teamspeak 3 Servers in about 2 months from now. Below are some features of Your cPanel. Fast Servers 24/7 Support Live Help Desk 45% OFF First Month Multiple Domain Hosting Many more! PACKAGES: BRONZE PLAN 1GB of Disk Space 10GB of Bandwidth 24/7 Live Support 45% OFF First Month using pr…
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 14 replies
VA Solutions is now accepting clients. - After having sucessfully provided reliable hosting for two distinct virtual airlines, and receving lots of feedback, and thoroughly tested the user experience, I am announcing VA Solutions, an organization custom tailored to virtual airlines. VA solutions draws from my years of technology experience in order to provide the most turnkey solutions for anyone wishing to host, create, or customize a virtual airline. We will discuss your project with you, big or small, and offer a free quote and time estimates. Hosting, custom ACARS, PHP/Ruby on Rails development, we can handle it all. Our main product is offering a 100% turnkey techno…
Last reply by atulumello, -
- 14 replies
Hello All, Thanks for your comments on my previous posts. Due to a shortfall in sales on the fresh template we have decided to focus on creating templates to order rather than just put a template out and hope for the best. If any of you are interested in the fresh template you can view it at And you could own this skin for a small fee of £9.99. We have now put a price structure in place that we think is reasonable. You can see what we offer at Please note that our current site is a holding page while our new site is under development. If you require a quote for a bespoke design please contact …
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 14 replies
A phpVMS website Of Your Dreams A professional phpVMS virtual airline website, that's fully repsonsive and unique. Starting from just £250.00/$354.18 Fully Responsive A fully responsive web design with all our phpVMS website designs. No need for expensive apps. SEO Included Basic SEO is included with our phpVMS website designs to help get you started. Unique Design Every phpVMS web design is unique to each project, so you know your getting something unique for your virtual airline. 30 Day Support You get 30 Day unlimited support with all our phpVMS web design packages. Crew Essential - £1…
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 14 replies
Hi there! My name's Luke and I'm a PHP Developer, Graphic Designer & Marketing Enthusiast from the United Kingdom. In 2018 I established as a freelancer, building sites using the phpVMS software, and completing numerous pieces of work for Virtual Airlines, and now have setup 'Altitude Web'; A complete solution for Virtual Airlines including Web Development, Customisation, Design & Marketing services. Services & Offers I offer a range of services including: Website Development- Including phpVMS installation, plugin & theme installation, complete phpVMS development including custom themes and customisations, and custom feature de…
Last reply by SplitJetVA, -
- 13 replies
Ok so here is what im trying to achieve. I want a events booking calendar, Insert in to existing vms database defined table. Admin section, To be able to create, edit or delete content / event To be able to create an event with time restrictions(ie, event bookings open from 15:00 to 22:00) Pilot section, To be able to book a time slot and edit their slot Overview page of bookings Seems simple but i just don't have the knowledge in php to design this hence why im posting in paid services, please contact me if you think you can design what im after and we can talk cash Thanks,
Last reply by selwynorren, -
- 13 replies
I am now offering skins for phpVMS skin services for people that are on a low budget but would like a nice slick website. If interested please PM me until our site is set up. -Price Special = $15 Usually 25 Time frame is approx up to 7 - 14 days depending on the complexity of the site. We make all our sites from scratch and of course your skins would never be resold. You paid for it, its yours. Few sites we have made skins for, -Website is coming soon...
Last reply by joeri, -
- 13 replies
I have been working on a new message system for php-vms that will include Boostrap pop-up alerts. Filtering Emails between ones that have or have not been read. New modern & Responsive Layout. Notams for only Administration. Sticky Messages at top of messages screen. CKEditor within reply or new message. Ability to send one message to multiple users. Avatar images for incoming messages from other users. Accurate Time and date of the message being sent. Folder Creation & Deletion ****NEW **** WILL UPDATE ON REGULAR BASIS UNTIL ALL FEATURES HAVE BEEN ADDED FROM REQUESTS ONCE PURCHASED YOU WIL…
Last reply by smokey68, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi there, I have my API key from flightaware and i'm wondering if t can be possibe to have a search form using that for my Va. I mean, be able to search any real flights in the flightware database I know that I will need to pay per search or something like that. Or I could have a script using my API to download one time the actual flight scheduling and then, I 'll upate it in my admin panel . Thank you
Last reply by elfrost, -
- 12 replies
Hello all you simmers! We are offering a $5 a month hosting plan,it offers unlimited everything(Email accounts,Storage,Bandwith...etc) And we will help you setup Phpvms for free! If you would like to sign up Please P.M me. Thanks!
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 12 replies
Good Morning all I have tried to make myself I have not managed Repaints, unfortunately, this. With pleasure I is to be paid ready a little bit for it. We use currently the C206Stationair of Carenado for we a Livery need Of course(Naturally) also for a Freeware machine. The Paints are needed for Fs9 and FSX Maybe somebody is also found for us makes and would like to have nothing.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 12 replies
I need someone to creat a flight table for me to import to phpvms using I thing the cvs template thanks work alot
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 12 replies
Hi, We are in the process to renew and re-upload our Fleet and we need some help. We are talking about several aircrafts, anywhere from 12 to 25 at least and we are willing to contract a fixed price per repaint. Please contact me if interested at to further discuss timeframe and details. Thanks William M.
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 12 replies
App development has been mentioned before and I'd really like to do some more iOS work, so I wanted to gauge the interest for phpVMS VA apps on iOS. So far the best ways I see of going about this are: Generic phpVMS utility/administration application which gives access to standard functions, this would be free to the VA but probably have to carry a small cost on the app store White-label application which can be customised (based on pre-built modules determined by demand) to the VA style, with an up-front cost to the VA but free on the app store. What do people think to these ideas? Which method would be most appealing to you guys? Also, any and all ideas for what …
Last reply by Tom, -
- 12 replies
-> BUY HERE <- The module: Route Generator; aims to create random schedules for your virtual airline based phpvms. You no longer need to create one by one Schedules. Main features of this module: You can replace the "Schedules" from phpVMS module; Eliminates the error "no route passed.". You no longer have problems with incompatible javascript; Automatically calculates the distance between the airports; Automatically calculates the arrival time at the destination airport; Automatically calculates the flight time; ​Updates to this module will be available to the customer for free.Recalling that the module is limited to routes DCT. For I have not had tim…
Last reply by levicosta201, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi everyone, I am looking for a skin that is supported by phpvms 7. Apparently, my host isn't able to support 5 anymore. (at least that's what i think I am just looking for a basic skin. It doesn't have to be anything overly fancy and complicated. Bootstrap would be a plus though. Anyway, please PM me with any info. Thank you. -Matthew
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
- 11 replies
Hello, My name is Tory Hollins and I am the proud CEO/Executive President of Legend Air. I have recently created FSPremier as a "hub" for Virtual Airline CEO's for help with certain services, the main one being Aircraft Repainting. I am the lead designer at FSP having much experience with repainting aircraft for MSFSX and 2004. I have worked with WeeHee Industries in the past and have recently sent in my work to Captainsim in hopes of becoming a part of their team. The FSPremier site will be launched mid August once the store system has been completed and activated and my orders slow down a little more. I am currently on a mobile device for the next few weeks so I am…
Last reply by angle, -
- 11 replies
Hey Everyone! Jon
Last reply by MBrown, -
- 11 replies
Software is discontinued Hey Guys! It is finally Complete, tested, and better than ever! Dynife is now available for your virtual airline. What is Dynife? Dynife stands for Dynamic Inflight Entertainment. Fully Customized to your virtual airline, the IFE allows a new level of realism. Automated PA announcements is only one of its distinct feature. Along with a library of Movies, Music, and Games all editable through the admin panel eliminating the need of complicated programming. Also follow your flight Live as it happens with the new Inflight Flightshow. Also included are 2 of the skies favorite radio stations(Skyhigh & Skyblue)! I need screenshots! Virgin Amer…
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 11 replies
Hello all. I re opened FsPaintShop this week. I will be ready to take orders very soon. Check out the new site here.
Last reply by Dalvin121,