Paid Services
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623 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Looking for some feedback: In the past, VA Solutions developed ACARS for clients on an individual basis, starting from scratch each time. In order to reduce cost, we've written our standard "in-house" ACARS, which we intend to offer customized versions of at monthly or one-time pricing plans. With so many "free" ACARS out there, I'd like to know if anyone would be interested in the release of a free version? It would be generic, branded, and non-customizable like most free ACARS. With so many choices existing already, I'd like to gauge the community interest in releasing this. The goal of our ACARS is lightweight. This keeps crashing to a minimal. No in flight radios, n…
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 8 replies
-> BUY HERE <- Description: New module for systems based on phpVMS. This module is to display the Virtual Airline routes on a map. To display the routes you must enter the ICAO airport of departure and he exhibited routes inserting a marker at the airports of arrival. It also inserts a polyline for each airport. Clicking on any marker it displays a list with the names of all destination airports. There will be future updates of this map, and updates will be free to buy this module. You can view the live map here. PS.: On live map some routes in my virtual airline are: SBGL SBGR TNCM SBGO SBMO
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 8 replies
Hello: I open this post, because I read about an ACARS called smartCARS which costs $69,99 for an airline, and the premium costs 3,99/month to the pilot. I think they´re too expensive especially the smartCARS premium. So since I have lot of experience programming in C#(in fact I´m "RallyeAir Software Development Department Director"). I decided to start doing custom, for airlines which are(in my opinion) affordable and better than smartCARS. These ACARS are programmed exclusively for each airline. It costs $35(just one time of course) the Windows Versions(MFSX, P3D, X-Plane), and everything is free for the pilot(he will have free features like automatic save of your fl…
Last reply by ctabuyo, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I am looking for a developer to work on our airline to introduce a custom briefing package for our pilots. We have an API key for simbrief and would like to use this service. We would like to include a package which creates a flight plan such as how PFPX outputs theirs. Any input from the developer would be appreciated. We use real schedule lite for our flight booking. Future projects in mind so looking to build a relationship with the coder to implement future paid services. Thanks Martin -
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 8 replies
Hello my name is James. I am based on the island of Lanzarote. I'm looking to recreate my favourite airline in the world. Binter - Canary Based. I'm looking for someone to help me set up my airline. I have purchased my domain and hosting and installed phpvms, as well as aircraft and scheduling. I'm looking for someone to help me develop a skin that is top of the line. Thank you for your time.
Last reply by VectoringDesigns, -
- 7 replies
i was wondering if there were anybody out that that knows the system like the back of there hand and could help me out with a mod of the system...basicly what i want to do is use it for anther game.....i am starting up a virtual Trucking Company and would like to try and convert this from being used for FS to being used for my Trucking Company..if anybody wants to have a go at it please post here or get in touch with me in a pm or msn and yahoo...thanks
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 7 replies
- 3.4k views 0843 2893 108 phpVMS Members, "Speedytech is an online support group offering various types of support to both company and personal projects that are based online" Speedytech provides technical support and general support to all types of companies/projects large or small HOW WE DO IT We have a dedicated staff team who all have experience in running and maintaining projects/companies and are ready to lend a hand to those who need it We have solutions to the most common queries and issues relating to the making of companies/projects and their websites For information on more services we provide visit our websi…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 7 replies
Hello my virtual airline needs someone to make us a custom Kacars for our virtual airline. We are willing to pay for it i needed please contact me at
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 7 replies
FSPremier is happy to announce that after a week of renovations, hosting changes, and management changes, we now offer website hosting! FSPremier offers affordable hosting with plans starting at $5.00, $8.00, and $12.00 per month. Our plans are cheaper, and provide a lot more "bang for your buck" than comparable hosting plans online. Transfers are easy, and can be completed usually within 24 hours! Head on over to today to get started! We are also developing a whole new website and client panel where updates can be easily posted/viewed, and where items can be downloaded easily! While this site is being built, we are still taking orders via the contac…
Last reply by hollinst, -
Need Custom ACARS
by Guest- 7 replies
Hey, Ryan Here... I am interested in a Custom ACARS application, sort of like USACARS From im willing to pay a bit of money for this and was just curious if it was possible. Thanks PM Me if you interested..
Last reply by JustinRomaine, -
- 7 replies
Hi Guys, Thought Id post here about the company I've been using to do my livery's ( ) They Called Pixel Express ( ) They have been really good to me in doing my fleet paints and graphics for my web site. Regards
Last reply by FlyAfrica, -
- 7 replies
Hello, My name is Austin and i am going to give you my testimonial of my experience with Jeff Kobus (The KACARS guy!) I had initially went with another ACARS developer which name i will not mention, Then i had switched back to Jeff as i felt his products were tons more reliable and a bit more user friendly. Jeff had provided a great experience to not only the customer but with the pilots too. He provided all of us a great system, fast and speedy support and most importantly great updates of the product in its development stages! Jeff is one of the best ACARS developers out there, i highly suggest you go with him because of his user friendly product, great support, beara…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 7 replies
Did vasolutions go under or what I need some work from there. But when I try going to there site its blank. Thanks
Last reply by JustinRomaine, -
- 7 replies
Right guys and girls I have a mission for you all... The mission is for a custom module that allows me to send data from one website to another. Similar to that of VA Central but instead to another VA... Any takers?
Last reply by Strider, -
FS-Products Announcement - New Option & Christmas Sale
by Guest lorathon- 7 replies
Newest Option Flight Mapping - This new option allows the pilot to watch his/her progress. It will display the route (based on the navdata table in phpVMS - this should be at least updated with the FREE FS-Products navdata table SQL) The map will also display the flown route of the aircraft. A pilot many then watch as the flown route moves along with the route. See screenshots below. Customizing As always, if you ever need anything special or anything that I currently do not offer, all you need to do is ask. I have now written over 150+ custom ACARS systems. Many of my long term customers have added many new and interesting features to their own custom system. I…
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 7 replies
Hi, I want to receive a quote on how much you charge for a full Emirates schedule (without code shares) , which is up to date. Also how much would you charge for an updated version in the future. Thanks Zishan B
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi guys, Is there someone provide services for creating a custom pilot dashboards for my VA Thanks. Regards,
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello, How much would people charge too build me a separate live dispatch system? Regards
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 7 replies
Hello everyone, The American Airlines Virtual staff and I have envisioned a program called Amerivision, an idea that I believe is new to the virtual aviation community, and we will need some help making this become a reality. Below is what we conceive Amerivision to be: The idea is making an animated 3-D program built into ACARS where a pilot could "walk" through virtual terminals, maybe even interacting with other animated users and/or AI characters. The pilot walks through the terminal of the city that he is currently virtually in. For example, if a pilot lands in KDFW, he can walk through the virtual KDFW terminal, out through security, and to his virtual hotel room…
Last reply by B77W, -
- 7 replies
Hello there Looking for experienced programmer with experience who would be able to code and integrate a fully functioning dispatch center into the American Virtual ( flow! In the dispatch center for the persons flight which they would be able to access fairly easily they would be able to plan and get the following information: Cost Index, Flight Time, Required Fuel, NOTAMS, NAT tracks if crossing the pond (updated daily), Gate Information, printable or viewable OFP (PDF format), up-to-date WX information. It would have tabs to switch between the various sections of information for example Flight Information | Flight Planning | OFP | Weather & NOTAMS …
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 7 replies
Hello repainters, I am looking for someone to bring a design I have for a repaint to life. I know what I want the aircraft to look like. I just need someone to paint the fleet. If you would be interested in the project, contact me at and we can discuss the design and pricing if necesssary. Thank you Anthony Edwards
Last reply by MooneyPilot99, -
- 7 replies
Hello Everyone, Over the past 4 years or so, it has been an interesting road in virtual aviation. I have had the privilege to collaborate on many different projects and meet various people. Over the past year or so, I have lost interest in the community as I move into larger business endeavors in IT. As a result, many of your emails requesting schedules have fallen on dead ears, as I simply haven't had the time to reply. With this being said, as many people can attest to, I have provided many members of this forum with schedule pulls for phpVMS, and I am one of very few with the knowledge to provide these services. As I have no future plans to retu…
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 6 replies
To anyone interested. I am currently looking for a website for my airline, of course using phpvms is part of it, but to anyone experienced in webdesign, if you could lend a hand that would be appreciated! The link below is the site template, but i've hit a dead end and need help completing it. Thank You, Jeremy B CEO Cirrus Air
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 6 replies
Hi All, Would like a skin designed for my new VA, Futura, here is what we are looking for - Custom Pilot Centre - Custom Public Pilot Profile - Integration with a few of Sim Pilots Addons Would like to see examples of work done previous and a rough quote for the job please Would like it done before the end of March Kind regards Connor
Last reply by Connor1994, -
- 6 replies
Trying to see if there is someone who can help me fix up my website to look more professional. . If you can help me out please email me at or pm me... Thank you Brian
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I'm offering service such as developing your website. Helping you in the admin panel, this could be doing routes for you or anything else. About developing the website,unfortunately I do not make skins but lets say you have a skin and you don't gave time to set everything up I can at a low price. If you would like a quote, please message me I don't charge allot and I really need money to help my family.
Last reply by Sava, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys, I'm looking for somebody that has experience and talent with video production. I'm interested in creating a YouTube video promo for Fly Star Alliance and would like to get some quotes. Thanks Will
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 6 replies
This used to be a post about needing someone for an aircraft repainting, but it was made 2~3 years ago. Somehow it found it's way back to the top of the Paid Services Section. Disregard Content
Last reply by officerharris, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I am looking for someone who knows PHP to create a script for me. My VA uses an online server, away from PHPVMS, which is FSD based. I need an online map creating in PHP that reads the flat text file created by the server, and plots the aircraft posiitions etc on a map. Anyone?
Last reply by josh90,