Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 49 replies
Last modified 10/10/13 1. Choosing a template First, you need to choose the template you want to use for your site. There are hundreds of thousands of free CSS templates on the internet available for download, so choosing the right one can be difficult. I recommend this site for templates. Many sites also offer premium templates too, but these often cost you. When looking for a suitable template, you have to look at it and think to yourself; can I see this being my site? Does it suit? Don't worry about the colours, they can all be changed. It's the layout that matters. Even if there's something that you don't quite like, remember that they are fully customisable, so yo…
- 49 replies
Folks, there are hundreds, if not thousands of sites offering code to create drop down menus. Some places to start.... css drop down menus and my favorite for js type menus and if all else fails Drop Down Menu Search
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 2 replies
Do's: Specific questions Suggestions Tutorial questions Design questions If you're willing to pay for a service, make it known Be nice and civil Don'ts: "Can you do ___ for me"? - people are also trying to build their own sites Don't be rude or demanding
Last reply by Angello, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I am trying to get skins on my website but all I seem to be getting is white screens with writing. Even with the most basic to install like deep blue. I am using Phpvms 5.5.2. Can anyone help please? Much appreciated below is the example of StislaSkin skin. I have tried clear blue also with the same results. whej trying deep blue I was able to get other pages to work like pilots page but not the home page
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 reply
Ciao ragazzi, ho anche questo errore durante l'installazione della chiarezza della pelle per PHPVMS 5 Il file modello /home/ta3xnt1x/public_html/phpvms5//lib/skins/clarity/footer.tpl non esiste in /home/ta3xnt1x/public_html/phpvms5/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php alla riga 248 Non sono super esperto e non riesco a trovare nulla per poterlo risolvere Grazie mille per l'aiuto
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 0 replies
hello all ive just uploaded the admin skin by @web541 from his github here >> ive the php version it works perfectly just a small but serious problem the pilots list and schedules list is missing ( see image ) really nice theme and would like to use it anyway i can get this fixed quickly i have backed up the original files from the admin page just incase things went pear shaped ive went back to the default admin page until this is fixed as i need the pilots and schecdule lists regards Michael
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
- 1 reply
Ive had a nice skin for a few years now for one of my VAs and the original author is now gone. I am looking for someone who can do a new skin for me to freshen the look of the VA. I value usability and a 'clean' look over bombardment Thanks in advance Topher
Last reply by topher2880, -
- 0 replies
Hi, am looking for someone who can do skinning and customized an VA Award page with this module . thanks
Last reply by blue3294, -
- 1 reply
Hi My name is Amir hossein, I'm CEO of Iran Airtour virtual airline based on phpvms I'm ready to skin for your vAirline you can order your custom skin by email me : All skins price is only 20$ You can visit my virtual airline with my custom skin which designed by me from here : Regards,
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 10 replies
Good Evening All, I am proud to announce within the next few weeks the release of the RedHat Skin , and you are free to join our discord for further infos, feedback and support
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 19 replies
Good Evening All, I am proud to announce within the next few weeks the release of the RedHat Skin , and you are free to join our discord for further infos, feedback and support
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 22 replies
Hello to you, phpVMS member, who is reading this. My name is Carlos, I'm a programmer and creator of the ElaAdmin skin. For me, ElaSkin had a large number of downloads, which makes me VERY happy, every time I look at the numbers I open a big smile, even though I don't know if people are enjoying it or not. I've been absent for the last months / year, but I came back and due to the large number of downloads from ElaSkin, I will be making a new skin. This time, I want to do something special, something bigger and for that I need some suggestions and ideas. Observations: The Skin will be made for phpVMS 5.5 (Being more specific: by @Pro…
Last reply by DDm, -
Hi there I use the "Blueice" skin. How can I change the color of the Navbar? I've searched every CSS, but I'm not getting smart.
Last reply by Firebird, -
- 5 replies
How can i change the color scheme of crew center skin?
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 1 reply
I am new to phpvms and I am having a hard time installing a skin. I have setup the database, and I am hosting it through a LocalHost, so that is basically my PC through Visual Studio Code The Instructions say to create a SubDomain but I am confused since I do not have a domain yet. - Instructions to install the skin Discord - Kimba#2859
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Hello together, here some Pictures of my new created CREW CENTER. It will be a Free Theme for anyone. Greetings. Current status: HTML / CSS - Work Completed Next Step: Adaptation to phpvms 5.x
Last reply by Bwallnut, -
- 14 replies
Introducing my admin skin V1 For more information please feel free to contact me. Dashboard Menu section with quick menu Note: Package cost includes a personal license to any base template required for your custom package. Client will be provided with the license terms prior to files being transferred. License will be included in final package.
Last reply by VectoringDesigns, -
- 6 replies
Hello Everyone, I have currently been working on a admin skin for the backend of PHPvms for my virtual Airline. I have attached an image to show that is it is still in early stages. I am just wondering if people would be interested in this skin once finished for their on Virtual Airlines free of charge. Regards Michael Note: Package cost includes a personal license to any base template required for your custom package. Client will be provided with the license terms prior to files being transferred. License will be included in final package.
Last reply by YusufBudi, -
- 2 replies
Thanks, FlyAlaska. Can please tell me how to change the all blue buttons ?? I upload the images And i see folder name slider ?? this skin have header slider ?? if have how it's work ?? And my last thing any update news about the blueIce skin for new Version ?? Best Regards, EDIT: Moderator moved to Skinning forum as this relates to changing something in this skin, not a new skin release.
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 15 replies
Gday gentlemen, I have a small issue with applying skins. First some essential information: php 7.2, phpvms The problem is every time I upload a new skin, it generates an error very similar to this: Notice: The template file "/home/singap08/public_html/operations//lib/skins/OceanBluev3/header.php" doesn't exist in /home/singap08/public_html/operations/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231 Initially I thought this was just the theme being outdated or generally problematic (as evidenced by the number of posts on the release thread asking for help). Today I tried OceanBlue which is close enough to what I'm looking for and also the thre…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 8 replies
Gday gents, I'm quite new to skinning so please be patient. Have tried googling for this issue but nothing concrete came up. Right after install and having setup the config file, this following error is shown at the site's header. Notice: The template file "/home/singap08/public_html/operations//lib/skins/iCrewLITE/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/singap08/public_html/operations/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Can someone advise please? Thank you.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 4 replies
Hi, A bit new to the PHPVMS realm, unfortunately I inherited the task to maintain and overhaul our systems after our CIO left and I haven’t found a replacement yet. We are currently using iCrew lite, which I personally like. But it doesn’t seem like many updates and support are happening for it. are there any good skins worth considering with good support and updates? We use the bid system in iCrew, so any skin we consider needs to have something like it. A few things I don’t like about iCrew: the search route function is a drop down menu of all my airports rather than a field I can type the ICAO on, this would save a lot of time.
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I am trying different skins. I installed the Ocean Blue and was trying to figure out how to add modules such as fleet under the Corporate Menu or add other menu buttons and different modules, documents, and etc. Where can I find a fleet module or string to add it to the Ocean Blue skin? I have found that things can added to the core_navigation.php Thanks Perry
Last reply by perryfincher, -
- 3 replies
I purchased the Crazy Creatives Skin called JetSet Basic. I have it installed and have my home page setup for the most part. Was wondering if anyone has used this skin. I cannot figure out how to add more menu names to the navigation bar as well as create additional pages. Can this be done on this skin or do you have to buy there modules? Been waiting to become a verified member for their forum to ask these questions, but haven't heard anything back. Any help and/or ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Perry Fincher
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 0 replies
G’day all! Let me start by saying I just picked up phpVMS a day ago because my web developer left the team so I had to start from scratch. I managed to get phpVMS installed on my subdomain ( and subsequently installed Mark Swan’s CrewCenter (which is absolutely beautiful I might add). The issue now is that I’m trying to play around and set up a colour scheme that my VA will use but I’m unable to do so. I would appreciate if someone could point out where I could edit the values so the menu bar, background etc. colors can be customized. Another question is how I can customise the layout of the CrewCenter. I figured editing the layou…
Last reply by SilverJet, -
- 0 replies
In the old version of the site I had muiltiple airline icons showing on the live map. I've since updated to V2 and now its using different maps. Is there anyone who can help recode to have the multiple inair icons working again. Reference to this code how would it be implemented for Openstreet maps ? var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); flightMarkers[flightMarkers.length] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pos, map: map, icon: url+"/lib/images/inair/"+data[i].code+"/"+data[i].heading+".png", flightdetails: data[i], infowindow_content: detailed_bubble }); I've tried just replacing the following code but hasnt worked. iconUrl: url+"/lib/images…
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 5 replies
I just settled on a website control panel on my VPS. However, after uploading my website's files, I discovered a problem. The CrewCenter profile page doesn't load any of the CSS or anything in the layout.php. All other pages work. Here is a screenshot: Does anyone know of a way I could fix this issue?
Last reply by Benjamin5896, -
- 5 replies
I just got done getting SkyBlue setup and so far so good. I went to do some trial review (incognito browser) and was surprised to discover the site looked completely different. IMGUR link of site when authenticated - IMGUR link of site when un-authenticated - URL of VA - I've clearly setup something incorrectly but I'm unsure what I did, followed the documentation to the letter.
Last reply by seatbackpocket, -
- 8 replies
Hello I installed both version of phpvms (5.5 and v2) but I have problem when i want to install a skin on them. when I install any of skins which are free like ela skin or icrew lite , after installing and activation my crew site is code and error ! Does anyone help me or install it for me please? :((( I paid if need Regards
Last reply by Amirmahdioun, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, Am looking for someone who can design a VA website for me from scratch. Thanks
Last reply by ncd200,