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623 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello Can someone help me solving the no route passed error. I can't find the error. Website Kindly regards Rick
Last reply by LeonardIGO4036, -
- 3 replies
Greetings virtual airlines/virtual airline owners this is an advertisement to virtual airlines who realistically operate based on the operations of a real world counterpart. I'm thinking of doing a premium scheduling service to airlines who wish to operate real world schedules, registration, fleet, etc. that the real world airline uses. But before I can do that I need a virtual airline to test on. If you'd like to BETA test these schedules, feel free to inboX me or message me at No significant website data or admin access will be needed however your va must run via Phpvms.
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 2 replies
Hello everybody, does anyone do web designing cheaply? I mean for like £10-25. PM me and we'll talk further. Cheers, Myles
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 4 replies
I know that DeltaVA has bascially the most advanced acars system out there but I have seen others that record exact positions of flights like this and a line that tracks where the plane actually was even on the ground like the shot here on this Delta VA pirep. So my question is can Kacars track exact position updates and show them in the pirep for all to see instead of just a straight line from departure to arrival like it currently depicts.
- 1 reply
Hello my name is Dexter and I currently run the YouTube channel Dexter Aviation. I specialize in creating promotional videos/content for companies and virtual airlines. Link to my channel: If you are interested feel free to contact me via the email: or message me on here Some of my latest work:
Last reply by Britishroyal, -
- 2 replies
I am looking for a developer familiar with the FlightAware data service ( ) and can integrate the flight schedules data into phpVMS.
Last reply by jeffking, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, I'm after someone who can code a PSD web layout into PHPVMS. I tried doing It myself but it ended up looking like a Picasso painting. Cheers, Chily
Last reply by chilly, -
- 1 reply
We are now accepting requests for modules/skins/acars. The prices are listed below: Modules - Start at $10.00 ( depending on complexity ) Skins - Start at $25.00 ( depending on complexity ) ACARS - $60.00 Base ( extra features are $10.00/per feature ) Take a look. at our past sites: Thank you! Orriginal post made by tylerj (just to get it open again without the other posts in there)
Last reply by tylerj, -
- 1 reply
The airline we model, releases the complete seasonal program in excel spreadsheet. These are for the hole seasons, and we want to try make a script to extract flights for a given week/period within the season, for example, 1 week in May, 1 week in July, 1 week in September. This would save us a great deal of manual labour, and would free up time to do other stuff with our airline. For the season we are in now, I manualy removed duplicates, adjusted for active/inactive within the season etc. I want to make this more effective. Anyway, the format for the spreadsheet is like this: FltNo From To Freq STC ACT DEP STD ARR STA Config DY118 30MAR12 30MAR12 5 J 73H BGO 18…
Last reply by MBrown, -
- 3 replies
Hey, I had this idea some months ago: A virtual Stock market for pilots of your VA. The pilots can spend their money and all pilots are in a competition, who is the best trader (of the month, of the year...). You can add virtual stocks and they are randomly generated or you are able to use an API like Yahoo Finance to get real values. As an option you can add your own VA into the stock market and it depends on the flights and revenue if the share rises or fall. We can code this script together, but my knowledge in php is not the best. I can make the conent and the layout or design.
Last reply by CedGauche, -
- 0 replies
Hello Everyone, I would like to take this opportunity to give you a great offer! If you are looking to start a Virtual Airline, and need Web Hosting then this could be for you. WebHosting for many people is quite daunting and we can help to give you the support that you need. If you order our basic, standard or advanced hosting then we can also install and configure phpVMS for you as well, we can also assist with things such as installing templates, editing the code and helping you to succeed in running a Virtual Airline, Flying Group or Virtual Military! The most basic package that is hosted in a UK datacentre, is only £3.50 GBP. We are an english company but can al…
Last reply by WillMorgan0711, -
- 2 replies
Hi, Atlantic International Virtual Airlines are looking for someone to repaint our fleet. Here is list of aircraft that we will be using : E170 (E-Jet/Wilco) B737-800 (PMDG/ifly) B757-200 (Sim Capt/QWings) B767-300 (LevelD) And Course if we can get a freeware of the above aircraft's as well, may be Project Opensky for the Boeing a/c? If you are interested, please email me at Thanks Robert
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 2 replies
Hello. I would like to see what it would cost to someone upgrade my phpVMS website from simpilot 5.5.2 to the latest version of phpVMS. Thank you, Kenny.
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello, we are looking for an ACARS developer. We're not asking for a full job, however - we only request that you remake the core part of our existing custom ACARS program to add more features. The skin and all that is already made. It should be pretty easy. Please, everyone under $60 step forward and take this offer! We're not in a hurry, either. We hope there are many ACARS developers out there that meet these requirements! Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I'm looking for up to date airline schedules as the company that we had used in the past is no longer around. Please PM me! Thank you.
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 0 replies
Hello friends, maybe some here already know my modules, I stopped a while to develop modules because I started work on a game development project, I am here again to return to my work, and I would deichar here also some modules that I'veI had done, so that you can enjoy or buy. For those who first buy will be selling at a cheap price because I need a certain amount of money to re-start my shop, and who can colcaborar me I thank you. Below the list of modules, those who wish to buy, please send inbox to negotiate. DATA ROUTES -> (This module displays all available routes in your Virtual Airline from the desired airport!); BADGE ON/OFF PILOT ->…
Last reply by levicosta201, -
Hello Phpvms users! I am now able to get extremely accurate flight schedules for most airlines around the whole world! This is a great service for Virtual Airline CEO's that don't have the time to sit there any put in them one by one. Once purchased you will receive them in CSV format for easy import into the Phpvms service. If you have any questions, or would like to inquire on a price. Please do not hesitate to PM me! Thanks, Edmund K.
- 2 replies
Looking for someone to help me install phpvms so that everything works without problem against payment. not serious refrain , contact me by MP
Last reply by flybywire054, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, I need an ACARS tracker for my VA, what ACARS trackers or people to buy custom ACARS from. I was going to use cACARS from Crazycreatives but it had a huge surge in clients so he is no longer offering it. Does anyone know of some complex ACARS trackers like Thanks in advance, Chris
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 0 replies
- 1.9k views With PHPVMS installed... there is some one who would for us to do the shik? Please include the price in your message. Thanks
Last reply by fcolirf, -
- 0 replies
Are you tired of searching all over for templates, or website designers? Look no further! Our premier web designers will create the perfect website for you, at an affordable price too! Some of our work is: vUPS Cargo, and growing! And dont forget to check out or site at You know you need that new site, and we are the designers that can make it happen. Leave me a PM, and we'll get started! Enjoy, David Web Designer - BluSpektrum Media
Last reply by Talisman57, -
- 3 replies
Hi All, Short story long...UPSVAC needs a new Developer/Programmer to help maintain the site. I have had the site re-done in the last couple of years...still have some code issues that need to be addressed. I am looking to move the site to a different server as soon as possible...need some assistance with that. UPSVAC is coming up on 18 years old...We have 290 active pilots. Much more to discuss at a later time. Thanks Preston B. CEO
Last reply by LeonardIGO4036, -
- 2 replies
Hello Everyone! I am starting a VPS company that will offer budget and premium VPS. I was hoping to get some input from the phpVMS community about this. I've set up a poll for part of the information I'd like to gather. I'm planning to open servers for VPS hosting in the US and all around the world. Budget VPS 10GB Disk Space 256MB Memory 100GB Bandwidth 1 IP Address Starts from $4.99 Premium VPS 20GB Disk Space 256MB Memory 200GB Bandwidth 1 IP Address Starts from $14.99 These aren't the only VPS packages offered but they're the first package of each stage. Let me know what you think. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
- 1 reply
Hello All, I have a VA and i am looking for some one to skin it. I have asked 2 people so far and they are good and have proven to be good but one was way to much money and one was just a template. If any one would do a free template or get to me with a quote for a skin. To make the skin cheaper if you want to post a Template of the skin i get i am happy for you to do that. I would be looking for mainly: 1. Drop down menus 2. Looks Nice 3. A Fleet page 4. Photo's one main page Thanks For reading Heartsfield Airlines
Last reply by dinometal24, -
- 2 replies
Ok Im looking for a repait for my aerosoft airbus a319 using this as the paint different and will pay extra for the added stuff lol I know its for the 737 but rather it for the airbus thanks I can send repaint kit if needed
Last reply by jusromaine, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by DoverEightMike, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys, for all people owning virtual airline, I offer my real schedule research tool. What it does? it grabs all live and real flights for your company from the flightaware database. . I'm not selling my script, I run the script all week long at least to be sure that I get everything then send you file as CSV If you are interested, send me message Price is: $14.95 (1-2000) $18.95 (2001-5000) $24.95 (5000-10000) Regards,
Last reply by elfrost, -
- 4 replies
Hello Guys, We are looking for someone who is able to create a new ACARS program for my virtual airline. I know about kAcars but i am trying to make a market research . Thanks in advance...
Last reply by Stealthbird97, -
- 2 replies
Good morning gents, I've an HTML responsive template i would like someone to convert it to phpVMS, if anyone interest PM please. Yours,
Last reply by FlyingMachine, -
- 3 replies
Hi Community We are looking for a partner who (2 Virtual Airlines) a Common Pilot Center created us plus a custom ACARS system. Details can be discussed via Skype or PM.
Last reply by LukeW,