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623 topics in this forum
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Hi everyone, I need an ACARS tracker for my VA, what ACARS trackers or people to buy custom ACARS from. I was going to use cACARS from Crazycreatives but it had a huge surge in clients so he is no longer offering it. Does anyone know of some complex ACARS trackers like Thanks in advance, Chris
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 reply
Looking for a painter to start with the PMDG 777-300ER and PMDG 737-800WL. I already have a design, and logos. PM me with an offer and a link to some examples of paints you have done.
Last reply by Adelen, -
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Hi, Haven't been on here in ages and not sure if this is the right place exactly... I'm in need of a custom ACARS by a developer with experience. I'm aiming for something that can be used without bugs interfering, in addition to it having a nice interface and good features/functionality. The catch is: We use a custom system very similar to PHPvms and if you're a good coder then it should be as easy to accomplish it. Don't criticize because I don't use it, there is nowhere else to find someone experienced to do it and I need it soon. Give me a price, I'll pay it, you make it, and we'll be done. (be reasonable, money doesn't grow on trees )
Last reply by Shepred, -
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Hello All, would anyone be willing to make me a live flights board and customized acars map to go on the frontpage of my website. PM if interested
Last reply by Zach, -
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Hello all, Looking for someone to create a skin. Willing to pay. I have an PSD designed but need someone to make it into a good phpvms skin. Regards, Kyle W
Last reply by Kyle Watkins, -
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Dear users I would have posted in the forums a few months ago about some guys out there who are just plain dishonest. For those who missed the first post I have copied it to the bottom of this post for your viewing pleasure. In the first incident I refused to name the parties involved because I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and a chance to redeem themselves. However, this seems to be a growing trend and I am forced to take drastic measures because the same thing occurs again. In the first incident I would have contracted the group STARTMYVA with Ryan Palmer being the head developer to redesign my website, he subsequently has disabled the client area of …
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 reply
Webdesigner / Coder needed ASAP i have already got the skin but just need help adding stuff to it and changing some stuff pm me or email to work out a price EMAIL
Last reply by tweatherford, -
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Hi! I am looking for someone who can help me with a VA. Please PM me Thanks!
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
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-> BUY HERE <- Hi folks, I'm here again, For skin based on phpVMS systems. This skin is a low cost, so that it can be accessible to all users phpVMS. You can view the skin live HERE. This skin has a great acarsmap suspended on top. The intention of the acarsmap at the top of the page that the user is already entering the site will see the flights available at the time. Therefore, when using this skin you must remove the link live map of your phpvms. On live map link, you will not see the aircraft in flight, since this is an inactive section of my site. If you find any error in the script should, if possible, take your questions to the forum so everyone can bene…
Last reply by simpilot, -
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Hello, I would like someone to design a website for my Flybe Virtual Airline. Roughly between £10 and £40 (at the most) Need someone to be trustworthy and able to keep me updated on the progress. I have had issues with people starting my work and not finishing it. Please PM me. Thanks
Last reply by StartVM, -
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I am offering to build VA fleet tables for them for as little as £10 thats all correct information on the type of aircraft and for the correct type of routing as well with all real life registrations too PM me for details i can also do routing as well
Last reply by simpilot, -
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Zumeweb is a design agency that focuses on the modern era of the online world, in which ease of use, accessibility, and minimalism are our top design qualities. Click here to view our pricing
Last reply by magicflyer, -
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Hello all, I'm in need of someone who has extensive PHP/MySQL experience who would be willing to create a notification aspect of our site. To provide example: We would use Gritter jQuery framework for the notification and calling of the notification itself: We would use it for example if an administrator approves your PIREP and you're on the site (no matter where on the site) a small fading Gritter notification pops up stating "Your PIREP has been approved". We're looking for a programmer with experience who can achieve such a thing for our virtual airline a short amount of time. So to sum it all up: …
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 1 reply
I have started a Delta Virtual Airline, and am looking for someone to build me a customized pilot centre. The rest of the site is complete, just need a good pilot center. If someone would be willing to give me a quote, that would be awesome! -Chase
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 1 reply
Does anyone know who makes the Dynife In Flight Entertainment system. If so may I have a web address or email to contact him. Thanks!
Last reply by simpilot, -
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Hello sir, My name is Simone Catalano I have purchase the module Award System, but i have BIG problem with installation. Please Help Me: In Skype I am avaible , my name is : simone25112 Thank You for help Best Regards
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 reply
I'm looking for somebody who could create my virtual airline a couple of liveries for Majestic Dash 8-Q400 & Aerosoft A318, A319, A320 & A321. Please PM me and we can negotiate about exact design & price.
Last reply by FScamp, -
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Hello! I am looking for a skilled person who can make me a good website for my VA, and who can also do a custom ACARS system. I am not expecting anyone to do this for 5$, but i have a price limit. So please, if you can do this, contact me and we'll see if we can reach an agreement on the price. Cheers, Kim.
Last reply by hollinst, -
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Hello Captains, we -a group of enthusiasts- decided to create a VA. But it looks like a hard job to create a amazing and functional site. Now its your turn. I need someone to install, configure and create a custom design for phpVMS. You should be able to create also a menu like here: If someone is in the position to do it he should PN me. Thank you. Greetings from Germany.
Last reply by william89, -
- 1 follower
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Hi, I need a custom acars. I already sent e-mail to the kacars and vangelis but till now no response. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
Last reply by Vangelis, -
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Hello everyone, I'm looking for someone who can help me in this terrible task which is getting my website customized and also (eventually) customize my SmartCARS aswell. I am willing to paid and price is open for discussion. If interested, Please contact me here or on Thanks for reading ! Cheers Mates !
Last reply by Heritage1, -
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Hey, looking for some help with skinning my website for virgin atlantic virtual airlines. I have absoluely no idea what I am doing. Please help me, I'm looking for a quote. -would like the site to stand out and represent the actual airline if possible. -looking for cool features like things to do for the pilots to keep them enjoying the experience. I have the website up and running just need someone to help with skinning it. and pulling it all together. I'm not good with making websites and such. Thanks. CJ
Last reply by servetas, -
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Hi guys, for all people owning virtual airline, I offer my real schedule research tool. What it does? it grabs all live and real flights for your company from the flightaware database. . I'm not selling my script, I run the script all week long at least to be sure that I get everything then send you file as CSV If you are interested, send me message Price is: $14.95 (1-2000) $18.95 (2001-5000) $24.95 (5000-10000) Regards,
Last reply by elfrost, -
- 1 reply
I am offering basic html5 template conversion to phpVMS for 2 client's ONLY. If you are new to phpVMS and have no idea how too or don't want to convert a template to phpVMS for your virtual airline, or don't want to use a free template, so your airline will look unique, than this offer is for you. This is a very BASIC conversion and will only contain the default phpVMS pages. No custom pilot center, etc... Make sure your template has drop down menu's if you want them, and a left or right sidebar, for normal look of a virtual airline. I will give you 2 custom page modules, like About Us, Team, etc... If you have a logo or get one done, I will install it. I do not do Phot…
Last reply by in2tech, -
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Good evening gentlemen, We look for people who make phpvms modules for our va. what do we want and how much we want to spend: Wewant live north atlantic tracks on our livemap. We want an modules that we can use jumpseat and if you fly into something that you stand there. We want flightpoints and flight percentage. We want Flight Assignments. and then for about 50 euros i hope you can help me guys
Last reply by TennShadow, -
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Hello guys, there will be a free update for all customers of my Flight Position Tracker module soon which will finally store the flown flight path with the pirep so that you can view your pilots flown paths on the pirep map. It will now also delete recent positions from the position report table immediately when the pirep is filed to prevent seeing the old track on the map if a pilot flies the same flight twice on the same day. To test this new features i need a couple of VAs who must currently own my Flight Position Tracker module and are willing to try this new feature on their site. Since its a Beta Test you have to be aware that there could still be some bugs wit…
Last reply by mark1million, -
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Hello guys, I am once again looking for someone to create a website for my VA. As the last guy i hired, turns out to have been a scam, i am trying again. I am looking for a high quality website, and can pay up to 250$. I will not be paying anything until website is complete, because as i said, the last guy i hired was a scam. And i would also like to see a portfolio before i hire you. Please send me a PM if you are interested.
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 1 follower
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I'm interested in getting a new pilot center for my VA. I've reached out to a couple well known PHPVMS skin designers but unfortunately, they don't do just a single page. If you are interested, please send me a PM. Thanks, Keith
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 reply
Hello All, I have a VA and i am looking for some one to skin it. I have asked 2 people so far and they are good and have proven to be good but one was way to much money and one was just a template. If any one would do a free template or get to me with a quote for a skin. To make the skin cheaper if you want to post a Template of the skin i get i am happy for you to do that. I would be looking for mainly: 1. Drop down menus 2. Looks Nice 3. A Fleet page 4. Photo's one main page Thanks For reading Heartsfield Airlines
Last reply by dinometal24, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, I have released a pilot center with a sliding door effect. If you would like this there is a small charge of £10 and it can be downloaded from https://ajcwebservic...php?_url=/login You will have to register if not registered. Registration is free and payment for the Pilot centre is via paypal Unzip the folder and copy the css into your style.css file. Place the profile_main.php in your active skin folder Enjoy
Last reply by flyalaska,