Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
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- 1 reply
So I am messing with some code to bring it up to snuff with php 7 needs. I have pretty :much got it all good to go but 1 line. Literally, 1 line. $message .= str_replace('\"', '"', substr(preg_replace('#(\>(((?>([^><]+|(?R)))*)\<))#se', "preg_replace(\$orig, \$repl, '\\0')", '>' . $seg . '<'), 1, -1)); This code as we know just by looking at it is a pile of errors waiting to happen.I get the following error exactly as I had suspected I should. Now I have used the callback and everything in between and I get errors no matter what. The odd part is I have fixed no less than 25 of these in this code i am working on. However, this one is jus…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 13 replies
Ok sorry I did that to get your attention ;D Offering free beer and not following through is just plain wrong. Anyone here good at graphics? I need a simple fix to my sig background. All I need is some text put on it that would look ok. I'm not picky at all and would be very greatful. All it needs is my VA name but every time I try it, I jack it up. Graphics and Ray do not belong in the same sentence together If not that's cool too. I can live with it for now. Thanks for Reading.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 8 replies
Im curious as to what web design program everyone is using? I am getting tired of my web design program since it lacks power to build larger and more safisticated web sites. Thanks in advance for the responses.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 0 replies
Web Tip #1: Use PHP to display the copyright year on your webpage, don't use plain html you will forget to update it. Replace © 2014 Redwood Virtual With © <?php echo date ('Y'); ?> Redwood Virtual Remember, if this is on an static .html page, you must rename the extension to .php. .tpl in phpVMS is fine because you are displaying content within a module created with a .php extension.
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 3 replies
Hey, i'm working on the one website for a friend. I installed some forum software called Xenforo on the X10hosting server. Now that its installed i tested it out and when i posted something i got a javascript error: ( Now i'm not sure how to fix this, anyone on here know how to fix Javascript errors? Thanks
Last reply by Tom, -
- 9 replies
Hey everyone here at phpVMS, HAPPY NEW YEAR OF 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last reply by piot757, -
I started a web design company with my friend now we are both amateurs at it and I was hoping I could get some answers here or something basiclly this is what I want to know: Should we have all our sites from CMSs like joomla and drupal? Or should we just have static websites were everything is basic and has to be done manually? If we do it manually is making a simple admin panel hard?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Trying to source some payware paints for my A330. There are so many models and a few are quite inaccurate looking, like Wilco. I'd like to know what models everyone offers repaints for (A330 only).
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 3 replies
Does anybody know where I could get free TS3 hosting? Or if someone here could make me one? Thanks!
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 8 replies
I am getting really frustrated with FSACARS. I am thinking of getting FSFK. Anyone use FSFK with phpVMS with success? Would you recommend FSFK?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
I really like the new forums a lot. I think Dave has been wanting to update the forums for some time. I just want to thank Nabeel , David, all the mods and admins on phpVMS and the community here that helps answer my questions. Once again love the fresh new look. Hopefully other NEW things will come in the future
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 6 replies
Hey guysm I was wondering to make real airline virtual but to make it far away as possible for example: Monarch Airlines, Wanted to make a virtual, called it MCH Virtual and has used fs pictures of the aircrafts and no logos. Had no word of monarch in my va but had the same schedules and fleet.. If i were to do this, and had no permission, Would i be allowed to do something like this?? Please give me your thought..
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 7 replies
So I spent a few hours designing a website for a new project I'm thinking of starting. This morning I started with the repaint but after a couple of hours, the design I thought looked great in photoshop: Turned out to be rubbish in FSX: Would anyone have any ideas/tips on how I can make the repaint more realistic? Thanks :-) James
Last reply by James142, -
- 8 replies
HiWhen can we aspect a new update (or maybe already the definitive version) of phpvms? Anthony
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 9 replies
Another U.S. Merger.....Its going to be interesting New United Airlines
Last reply by Matthew Talbot, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone Hopefully a few of you will remember who I am. I'm James and I disappeared from these forums a few months back just before releasing with another member. Anyway's I'm glad to see that phpVMS is still going strong and I love the new forum layout! I am thinking of creating a brand new project over the coming months and I wanted it to be a free service that could be provided to Virtual Airlines using phpVMS. For those of you who may have remembered Fs-Magazine launching, you would probably already know that it was far off from a success and is now in the process of being shut down by the original creator I believe. After a few hours of thi…
Last reply by James142, -
- 7 replies
I need to get a good c++ beginner book so if anyone has some suggestions it would be appreciated. Thanks
Last reply by Paul, -
- 5 replies
I started advertising for positions with my VA last week, and I've had a steady trickle of applications for those positions so far. One thing I've noticed from most of these applicants is that they seem to be more after the staff jobs, purely because of the status of staff jobs, and aren't really interested in helping running a VA. Some even seem to be not interested in taking advantage of the flights and everything else that the VA offers. It's a shame really, because the positions available offer up the chance for those who take them to have a real say in how the VA develops. I would have jumped at that chance when I started getting into VA flying. I've now stated that …
Last reply by Capt. Ho747, -
- 6 replies
Hi,I've tested the latest build, and I have following remarks/problems:ADMIN CENTER- add airlines -> options: no entries show up in the box- add schedules: lay-out is still not clear at my pc- add flight schedules: an extra notes field should be handy. Customizable fields as the pirep fields even more!- add flight schedules: distance calculator could be handy, this site is easy and appropriate for it: (Where the icao codes in bold should every time be changed by the system, just a button next to th…
Last reply by eurobelgian, -
- 0 replies
Hello fellas! Hope the skies are blue and the winds are fair! Have not had much of an opportunity to get on lately and do any web work or flying for that matter. I hope to change that soon as soon as I get the college schedule worked out and in action. Being 44 and going to school kind of sucks lol Anyhow, hope all is well and I can not wait for phpVMS 3 to come out. I am looking forward to seeing some awesome VA websites when it does come out. Take fellas and keep the blue side up! Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 11 replies
Post any problems or feedback about the new site here! Known problems - Tutorials aren't up yet - I'm reorganizing on the backend Docs aren't up yet either, debugging as to why the rewrite rules aren't working
Last reply by CTB001, -
- 0 replies
Sorry for asking this question again.. Do you guys have any module ideas? I have some free time at the moment and would be interested in helping out the phpVMS community! Please feel free to post your suggestions!
Last reply by edmundk, -
I wanted to suggest a pilot pay module, I think this would be a popular add on or module. It would be nice to assign pay by rank. What do you think??
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, I'm having some problems. I'm trying to create a repaint for a virtual airline. I'm using Photoshop CS6 to create the repaint, I've been following youtube videos on how to repaint aircrafts. I seem to be doing really well, Creating textures, converting to DDS, creating the correct files on fsx. The problem starts when opening the repainted aircraft in fsx. Take a look at the attached images to see what the problem is. Any ideas on what is wrong, please contact me. Thanks.
Last reply by vcal, -
- 12 replies
Ok, when i am on FS2004 and when i am at CYYZ and i was taxiing or landing and taxiing or while i am at CYYZ, then what happened is my Video Card stopped working and it recovered, but it still stops working again while i'm at CYYZ. But it does not do that to me at any other airports. My FS2004 version is 9.1 And my video card is a ATI 2040HD XT I do not have anything downloaded or add-on secnerys in my FS2004. Any solutions for this?
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 3 replies
Something that might be quick and easy: (I hope it is) Is there a way to group awards ( or add groups) to later sort them out?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 9 replies
I am having issues with XAcars. Well I am not but a pilot helping me test site is. First, I notice it has a server password in the setup. Do we need to put pilot info from our website in here like pilot ID and email used to register on site? I am not real sure how to use this thing. I went to the website and viewed their documentation and all it shows is how to setup to use their test server. Lots of good that does me for my website ;D Other then that, I guess it is pretty cut and dry on how to use. Also, when this guy used XAcars it auto filed a pirep like it should have, but it did not add any pilot pay, nor did it have a place to add any pilot pay to the pirpe or a…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, as we are a business va we don't need a scheduling system in which you have to fill in a detailed departure and arrival time. Our pilots should be free in their choice of day and time. Is there any module which solves the problem that you have to fill in the date and time? All we need is a date on which the flight should at the latest be done. Hope you know what I mean! And is it possible that our pilots can create a schedule on their own, so that the pilots can book exactly the flights they wanna fly? Thanks!
Last reply by Sascha (DCS299), -
- 2 replies
I just bought this app called Textastic for my iPad and heck! I gotta say it's freaking awesome app to code on the iPad on the go! Now I don't have to sit at my computer and code! I can code on my iPad anywhere now! It's well for the price! Only $9.99! You can code in many different languages, upload your files via FTP, Webdav, or see your HTML work locally on the iPad (I think but haven't tired). More info ->
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 7 replies
I was wondering if anyone has created custom AI aircraft of their VA for flightsim? I've only seen one VA do this and I thought that was a really neat idea. Their AI followed their schedules. I wonder how hard it would be to make this happen?
Last reply by Strider,