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7149 topics in this forum
- 84 replies
EDIT - Only use if your hosting does not support PHP 8.1 or higher. If your host supports PHP 8.1 or higher, use phpVMS v7. Present users of phpVMS v2/v5 should use the legacy import feature of phpVMS v7. New VAs should install phpVMS v7. After much time and effort fixing errors, I now have phpVMS 5.5.2 working successfully on PHP 7.2. My live site has been running this for over 3 months. The installation program has now been updated to be able to install under PHP 7.2 as well. After much testing, including by several members here, I decided to release this version to the community. Here's a link to the program at github:…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 72 replies
Hi all, This has gone through a couple of rounds of testing, and seems to be working. The instructions are here: Make sure to make the changes in the skin that you're currently using. Luckily, changes aren't too bad or complicated.
Last reply by YusufBudi, -
- 0 replies
Thanks to @DisposableHero Github master file has been changed to accommodate IPv6 IP addresses. New installs after the date/time of this post will be set up for IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses. Previous installs can update to allow IPv6 addresses by running the SQL queries below. Both are needed. 25 chars will not be enough to store v6 addresses. It should be at least 45 chars to avoid errors. So during install, setting ip related column length as varchar(45) may solve future issues with new members using ipv6. Also for current users of your release, running simple sql queries may help to sol…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 34 replies
Hi guys... PHP 5.x series has been deprecated as we all know, and with cPanel now dropping support as of Jan 2018, that is going to put a lot into a bind. So I've been working on bringing up that compatibility level. First step is making sure that everything is backwards compatible, so it would be great if people can test and report back issues. I recommend creating a duplicate of your site, and applying updates. I'm trying to make as few changes as possible for now to make diffs easier. The branch is here: It'll be easier to just keep updates and notes to this thread here. Thanks!
Last reply by carzzpeter, -
- 1 follower
- 41 replies
These instructions should work Note: Make sure to make the changes in the skin you're currently using.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Howdy! So I was actually going through the Forums... Went through some posts discussing about SSL Certificates for phpVMS. You don't actually need any Module to force SSL. Just need to edit some lines of Codes So I'll tell you how to use phpVMS 5.5.x with SSL so that your Login Data is Secured. Please NOTE I have divided this Tutorial into two Parts, One for New Installers and another for the who are already using phpVMS. FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE INSTALLING PHPVMS FOR THE FIRST TIME 1) Install SSL on Domain (First Things First) 2) Install phpVMS in root, subfolder (You can even make it a Subdomain Like 3) Trig…
Last reply by Yash, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Some sites are not working because of doing on PHP 5.4+. There are some changes that need to be made, luckily pretty simple. If you haven't modified anything, look at: The php70 branch (default, download here: is updated to support PHP 7+ If you're on the 5.x version, you should be fine. action.php Find ~Line 46: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); Change to: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT); core/local.config.php Find (~L139): Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); Change to: Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Hello all, i am doing something in my VA and i need to add new column \ filed in current table example table phpvms_pilot i am already new filed for example total_daily_flights i need to show the result of this filed in profile_main.tpl like <?php echo $userinfo->totalflights?> when i change totalflight to = total_daily_flights , there is NO Change ! please i know i should add new line in some files can you teach me like $this->set('total_daily_flights', $totaldailyflights); but where should be to add ? this is an example to be clear
Last reply by alyousufi, -
- 15 replies
Ok people, i am unable to install phpvms on our server. I have read the forums and i have redownloaded,reuploaded and changed the apropriate permissions 4 times now. I get the same error everytime i access the install.php file : "The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. The script had an error or it did not produce any output. If there was an error, you should be able to see it in the error log. " Here are my server stats: "Platform Type Debian MySQL Version MySQL Version 5.0.45 Perl Version Perl 5.8.8 PHP Version PHP 5.2.2 Path to SendMail Sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail Path to Perl Perl Path /u…
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 1 follower
- 142 replies
The third party Open Flash Chart script that is used within phpVMS has an exploit that has been used recently and often to deface and/or alter sites using the phpVMS software. I have cleaned 11 of my client's sites in the last 36 hours. Although some sites have been obviously defaced with homepages replaced, some have had advertising scripts uploaded to redirect users to various companies. An example of a defacement today -> The exploit is explained here -> http://www.exploit-d...exploits/10532/ WHAT TO LOOK FOR; if you have a folder in /core/lib/ that is called "tmp-upload-images" your site has been compromised. Inside that fold…
Last reply by gio1961, -
Roster list 1 2
by Danny- 37 replies
Hi.. I want to customize my roster so it doesnt show all the hubs and teh pilots under it. Just the List of pilots and next to the names and hours a collum saying Hub. Is this easily done?
- 3 replies
Hi, I have a problem. When a new pilot go to the register page, show this error. Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/a7845853/public_html//lib/skins/vairline/<h3>Registration</h3> <p>Welcome to the registration form for Nueva LAV. After you register, you will be notified by a staff member about your membership.</p> <form method="post" action=""> <dl> <dt>First Name: *</dt> <dd><input type="text" name="firstname" value="" /> </dd> <dt>Last Name: *</dt> <dd><input type="text" name="…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I have been trying to get the pilot's bids to show up on the side bar when they are logged in but having no luck, wonder if anyone could possibly help out? an example would be: AMC548 - LMML - EGLL AMC549 - EGLL - LMML Or You have not bid on any flights. Thanks!
Last reply by amcpilot, -
- 30 replies
I am helping someone with their site. He has this error file_exists(): File name is longer than the maximum allowed path length on this platform (4096) On the index page and the profile pages. We thought it was the skin, I uploaded a different skin to test that theory. Same error. phpVMS 5.5.2 php 5.4. We have also tried it with php 5.5 and 5.6 There is a route, airplane, and two airports in the database. There is some data. Any hekp would be appreciated.
Last reply by FlyingMachine, -
- 9 replies
Hello gents, I have followed all the instructions for updating to recaptcha v2 but it keeps me giving that ERROR for site owner: Invalid key type in this registration page. What might be the problem ? Thanks in advance .
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
- 11 replies
Hello there, If anyone of you is using latest php version with phpvms you are exposed to Strict Standards error(E_STRICT error level). Errors you will get are: Strict Standards: Accessing static property Contact::$post as non static in server:\phpvms\core\classes\CodonModule.class.php on line 69 Strict Standards: Accessing static property Contact::$get as non static in server:\phpvms\core\classes\CodonModule.class.php on line 70 Strict Standards: Accessing static property Contact::$controller as non static in server:\phpvms\core\classes\CodonModule.class.php on line 72 Strict Standards: Accessing static property Contact::$activeModule as non static in server:\phpvms…
Last reply by Caporrella, -
- 1 follower
- 25 replies
Hi All, I felt this would benefit a lot of people! Lets get started... 1. Choose hosting company and register your domain. Download phpVMS and extract it to somewhere where you can find it later. Recommendations: Paid Hosting: - Free Hosting: NOTE: FREE WEB HOSTING MAY NOT WORK. Domain Registration: You can get a free domain with a free hosting company or just google free domains. 2. Download FTP client Recommendation: 3. Log into cPanel on your chosen web hosting's website. 4. Navigate to view FTP details or something similar E.G.…
Last reply by Tummi, -
- 1 reply
Evening chaps, Our VAM site is toast and due to bad or better said no support at all anymore our website is hacked and gone. We looked at various options (hosted and none hosted) and we think phpVMS is the best for us. As I am not sure how much longer it will take for 7 to complete I was wondering if you lot could give me a few guidelines. 1. Which version to start with phpVMS v2 or v5? 2. What is the best Acars? 3. Is there a fix for the Google maps in v5? 4. Is there a fix for the finding airports in v5? 5. Are there things I need to know before I start working with phpVMS? I know a lot of questions but I don't wan…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 24 replies
Warning! This section is very long and may contain elements only developers understand! Please be prepared to have to search through elements for answers! I have tried my best to make this as organized as possible. It is a lively updated topic. (Warning added on 11/12/14 at 10:03 PM) ===Introduction Letter=== Dear fellow pilots, airline managers, airline owners, whomever you are that leads you astray here, In this maybe somewhat long thread, I will be discussing and helping you figure the most common issues of phpVMS found during installation. These issues are quite frustarating, for PHP is a very confusing language sometimes, and you'll need some help out there to ge…
Last reply by alblua, -
- 16 replies
Promote it wherever you talk about flight sim! I want phpVMS to be the best VA tool out there!Just link back to http://www.phpvms.netThanks!
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 2 replies
Hi Nabeel, Today I did an update to the latest beta, cause I really would like to have the Twitter connection. I did the update as described and had no errors, but after a test flight I was unable to file my PIREP with FSFK. The files had been uploaded to the folder and Flight keeper Said the the flight was send succesfully, but It came with the webpage saying: "Schedule does not exist. Please update this manually." Also the email of a PIREP had been send, was in my inbox too. Ok, I thought maybe something wrong between the Beta and FSFK, so I tried to connect with kACARS v., but then after trying to connect, I got the error: "kACARS_Free can not continue, Co…
Last reply by WT Air, -
- 22 replies
I am able to connect to Flight Sim. I run into trouble when I try to connect with Live ACARS Server. I get the error pictured below. I have everything filled out. Any Ideas? Below is my VA Template, it is placed in the correct place. [VA_CONFIG] DOWNLOADURL = DOWNLOADURL_LIVEACARS_TEMPLATE = DOWNLOADURL_PIREP_TEMPLATE = DOWNLOADURL_EMAL_TEMPLATE = DOWNLOADURL_AIRTV_TEMPLATE = EVENT_LOG_MODE = FULLP…
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 36 replies
Hello I have some errors with XACARS. At first, when I start XACARS, it shows me a message which says that it is not possible to have the live acars on the website. There was an error connecting to the LiveACARS server: [Connection to ACARS erver failed: [Check URL.]] ACARS tracking continues without sending LiveACARS messages. When I tryed to send the pirep, it is impossible to send it. It shows me a message which say that the wabside did not reply with an error 403. Here is a summary of the message : Sendinf PIREP returned an ERROR condition: [Connection to PIREP server failed: [Check URL]] You may retry sending the PIERP. How can I solve them ? Thanks …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 45 replies
Hello all, I know lots of you have been annoyed with the absence of the airport lookup function in PHPvms.. well at least I was! So, in a bid to save time not just for myself but also for you, I've recreated a service that provides the same functionality with minimal changes but some extra data All you have to do is this: 1) Go to your local.config.php / app.config.php to change your phpvms_api_server to .. if you haven't already 2) Go to /admin/lib/phpvmsadmin.js and scroll to line 250 where it says: url = phpvms_api_server + "/airport/get/" + icao + "&callback=?"; replace it with: url = phpvms_api_server …
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 1 follower
- 46 replies
hey folks! im working rnw on the new Virtual Airline System for FSCloud. I want to build in web541 Version of his FLTbook System. I moved al the files created the all entries. Page is working but when i try to book a flight the window where you can chose the plane pops up but always close immediately. I didn't changed the code or styled anything.. Im using the php branch ( ) and phpvms 5.5.2 Hope you can help! ps: is this fltbooking system working with smartCARS ?
Last reply by Mickey, -
- 27 replies
Whenever I try to bid on a flight, it says: No route passed. It didn't used to do this, but I have changed my skin. Could this have something to do with it? Once FsPaintShop get's his skin back up, I'm going to edit it to one of those.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Out of memory 1 2
by asunyer90- 1 follower
- 34 replies
Hi! I have in my hosting the last stable phpvms 2.1.934 and when I try to update the pilot's profile it shows me Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 149684224) (tried to allocate 11780 bytes) in/home/cargoita/public_html/xxx/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 277 The most strange thing is that in another folder of my hosting, I have installed the last phpvms-dev and it doesn't give me this error on that page. Is so wierd because I tried to update some files ( Like in the PIREP list from Admin center, I had the same problem of memory, but when I updated pireps_list and some others the problem was solved.) and it works. Can someone explain me what or whi…
Last reply by gio1961, -
- 72 replies
Hi My sidebar on brilliance skin is being showed under the mainarea. Please kindly help. Thanks
Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
Actual AIRAC 1 2
by mseiwald- 42 replies
hey guys, what is the easiest way to update my navdata table with the latest AIRAC? As we are updating our routes regulary we also would need the actual airac cycle database to show the routes correctly? I don`t mind paying for it because i know that it costs money getting the AIRAC`s so would be great to get some help here. kind regards Manuel EDIT: there a way to display the waypoints in the pilot briefing like
Last reply by hurkulez, -
- 27 replies
Hey guys this may seem odd but in the settings page of admin (/admin/index.php/settings) there should be a place to input your google maps api key, on the dev version my field is missing, can i add this in to the local congig directly or where does it go. By the way google maps work fine never had an issue but there is an error in the console of chrome stating about the api Cheers.
Last reply by OzFlyer,