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167 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hello, If anyone may be able to help with this issue then that would be greatly appreciated. So as for the issue we have Recaptcha working but some bots/spam users keep registering with the same email types from russia. Emails that keep signing up: Ive also attached an image showing that our recaptcha is indeed working, but all the green passes in the image are the spambots. So these bots are either able to get through the tests or they are not actually bots and its people just spamming the site. Is there any way to block specific emails from signing up to mitigate the problem. Also added in an image of some of the accou…
Last reply by Vetrro, -
- 8 replies
Some time ago I created my own program to bulk generate flight information (for VABase) - and have been thinking about doing the same for phpVMS - to work out for a given aircraft on a given direct route, how long it would take - which can then be used to auto-populate scheduled flights in one go (e.g. with 5 airlines, 10 fleet groups,100 aircraft, and 50 airports around the world, generate the thousands of sensible looking flights taking off and landing within sensible hours, with fairly accurate time calculations based on aircraft performance. I just wondered if anybody else has done this - to save re-inventing the wheel.
Last reply by jonbeckett, -
- 5 replies
When importing a flight will the flight distance be calculated during the import? I tried both a 0 in the field and also leaving it blank in the import file, but the distance was not calculated when viewing the flight on the admin page after the import. Thanks, Bryan
Last reply by nobleord, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Just installed, running build 180223-dd144c and I just can't bid in any flight. I got no message at all... any suggestions? Thanks for your help! *edit - sorry, posted in the wrong category.
Last reply by Junior, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello! I have setup a cargo flight with the Boeing 377, but it loses money. What is the best way or the right way to setup my cargo fleet? Thank you.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I managed to use phpvms 7 and it works great! As already written in other posts, my company will be flying on xbox so no flight recording software will be used. So I ask you, is there the possibility to change the live map with a route map or a map of the last pireps? thanks for everything.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone. As far as I know we have the ability to set the fares by flight or by a specific subfleet. I´m still using VAM until we can switch to phpvms7 and there I´ve implemented a formula like "(PAX) x (Distance) x (specific variable)" for those flights that aren´t schedule flights. That means, that a pilot that would like to do a charter flight to a destination that isn´t a regular one can do it and the comoany still will have benefit from that flight aplying that formula. Could something like that possible to do here as well? Or maybe to implement the FsAirlines system. They set a specific price until a specific distance and from a specific weight (scr…
Last reply by AirNubeiro, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys Finally managed to get everything working, big change coming from VAM to phpVMS I must say, but before I start bringing all my flights etc over, a quick question. How easy is it to add my Logo to the site, and to change all the blue colour to something else?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hey everyone So, I am trying to install Phpvms 7 and following the directions is confusing me. It says I need to install composer "git clone cd phpvms composer install " I dont know what this is and where to put it. Any help would be appreciate it. Thank you.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Dear Nabeelio, I don't know if should i report this and from here but, when you add many airlines form admin they are seen on registration page even you mark them inactive. Image 1 Image 2
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
I posted this in the older phpVMS thread. It would be sweet if we can connect flights using the same flight number. For example, Sun Country does a flight to PANC but stops as KSEA and continues on under the same number.... or did. I have not looked lately. The fatal TWA Flight 800 was a trip to Rome leaving new york but had a layover in between and carrying on to Rome under the 800 flight number. The way it is now, we have to screw schedules completely up and make up random numbers. I know it is possible to do. I ahve a VAM site setup and running and it works there fine. hoping we can do the same here.
Last reply by PikoSim, -
- 1 reply
Hello, We are in need of contact, something they are not providing on their website. Since phpvms is referred as an official affiliation, this contact was triggered. Best Regards, Pedro Sousa
Last reply by PaintSplasher, -
- 5 replies
Is this going to be a standard thing built in to it?
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi after reading V7 Guide How to set up fares I would like to set up my fares using the simbrief default profiles and 4 fares similar to the guide Economy,Business, First Class and Cargo. Does anyone know how we can programatically retrieve the simbrief default profiles aircrafts data so I can build de fares by the aircraft ICAO. Each subfleet maps to a default simbrief profile by the aircraft ICAO. Any Freighter aircraft would have its own subfleet. I just want to avoid doing this one by one. 😬 Thanks for the assistance.
Last reply by a7c12a5, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I have four subfleets A320-200 B738-800 A350-900 B787-10 In each Flight that I register, I assign the four subfleets. Then I export the Flights in CSV to see how the table looks and I observe that it only assigns one subfleets. The other Fleets he placed inside custom fields and fares
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but I went to edit the .css file it was a single file and hard to follow for this newbie. I wanted to share a site that would clean it up and make it a multi line and more understandable for the less knowledgable. Just wanted to share.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 13 replies
I know that the version 7 is still being worked on, and have no idea when it will be ready for wide release but I have been learning the basic's of Blade Templating and converting an existing Bootstrap & HTML template to phpVMS v7. I am also trying to learn the basic's of Laravel for v7. I am not a coder by any mean's just enjoy making template's for the old version's of phpVMS and also learning how to make them or customize them for v7. I am making video's and was wondering if anyone is interested, while I work on them. My way is just the simple old school way similar to the older version's. Still have to learn SASS, Laravel, etc... but the basic's of the look of the…
Last reply by GodalphGames, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I'm very apprehensive about eventually moving from 5.5.2 to v7. Although after playing with the demo version I'm really enjoying the new features. I did have a concern however. At least in the current state, I don't see many cargo/freight specific options as most everything looks to more for a passenger airline. How would we set the fares for freighters? Would we have a single fare class for general freight to the max payload of the aircraft? I don't know if this would have any advantages, but I guess we could set multiple fare categories for main deck cargo and belly cargo for dedicated freighter aircraft. Any thoughts or guidance about cargo only VA's running phpvms v7?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
I'd like the ability to be able to delete things instead of just disabling them. Delete Pilots: I know you can delete pilots already but it also removes all their PIREPs. I'd like the ability to delete the pilot but an option to keep all their data. Delete Aircraft: It would be nice to be able to delete aircraft that are no longer in service. I know that PIREPs are tied to the aircraft but if there is a way to change the PIREPs to use a "dummy" entry so we can remove the aircraft. My hanger has over 100 disabled aircraft and I'd love to delete and keep it clean.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 40 replies
Is there a demo on the new version that I can view and explore before upgrading? Thanks Adam
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I tried to put this ID on the Domain but it wouldn't let me. Now I can't even get on for support ticket help. Can support put this ID to replace the current one? If done, this content can be deleted. Thanks, Tim Farrell, FDC1601
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
I like the division by tabs of the downloads section but I would like to make some suggestions as to what could be done to give a sub-division of the section like Aircraft Having all the Aircraft you can download from the Virtual Airline on what amounts to one page gives rise to fragmentation as repaints get done. You can start with an A320 repaint and do other types and then come back to another A320. It would be nice to be able to have subdirectories so that you can slot your aircraft into the same place as all the other A320's. As a precursor to this many Virtual Airlines support different simulators as does PHPVMS so it seems logical to have a major tab for each…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 6 replies
We all can agree that HTTP is not secure and anytime you login your username and password is sent in clear text. There have been several people try to add SSL to PHPVMS but have had alots of issues. I'm not sure what can be done to make SSL easier to use in the next gen version of PHPVMS but I an for it. I would go SSL if I could.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
G'day guys, May I ask if it is possible to do any sort of processing on basemap colors for the map used in phpvms/vmsacars? I have read the following documentation: The default OSM.Mapnik is great especially since it shows taxiway designations at many airports - useful as a mini-EFB for aerodrome navigation. However we also like maps like Stadia.Dark with a dark gray theme which goes very well with vmsacars dark mode. However it doesn't contain airport data. Ideally we'd like to tweak the colors of OSM.Mapnik into something like Stadia.Dark, even a simple invert seems like it would suffic…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
If someone want export the phpvms7 flights to volanta, can be done exporting database data to csv with the next sql script. NOTE: If you have flights currently in volanta and are the same of phpvms7 this isn't overwrite, so you will have duplicate flights in Volanta (Volanta + phpvms7 flights) SELECT dpt_airport_id AS Origin, arr_airport_id AS Destination, block_off_time AS DepartureTime, pireps.flight_time AS Duration, AS Airline, flight_number AS FlightNumber, aircraft.icao AS AircraftType, registration AS AircraftRegistration, route AS Route, block_on_time AS ArrivalTime, distance AS Distance, fuel_used AS Fuel FROM `pireps`, `aircraft`, `airlines…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Would it be possible to add Departure and Arrival gates to the Flights and have them show when you place a bid on the flight.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Is there a way I can have a map like the live map on a page showing all flights that I've done with a red line?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 2 replies
When a comment is added to a PIREP. Have it display the flight number. So the pilot knows which flight the comment is regarding. Good option if the pilot flies more than one flight in a session.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 4 replies
Is there any way to change the order that the flight cards appear on the flights page. By default it orders them by the flight number but I'd like to change that so it orders them by the departure time. I'm assuming it's part of the code in the "table.blade.php" file. I did try to amend: <a class="text-c" href="{{ route('', [$flight->id]) }}"> to: <a class="text-c" href="{{ route('', [$flight->dep_time]) }}"> but that doesn't appear to work.
Last reply by KnightAviation, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi everyone Is there any possibility of STOP pilots doing unnecessary holdings which only purpose is to be AFK, nothing against with that, but question here is that such holding time ( in some cases of 1 & 2 hours ) are counting as flying hours which is not fare in my opinion. regards
Last reply by DisposableHero,