Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
You can post your feature requests here. Check out the about page (link above), those are the basic features that will be included.FSACARs and potentially FSPassengers support will also be included, as add-ons.Thanks!
Last reply by TAV1702, -
I think it would be really cool to get postcards from phpVMS users - I can post them up on the site. I know there's a worldwide user base, it'd be cool to see it, though It can be from your country or your town or whatever. I'll make a giant mural and post them online! This project is coming up on 5 years almost! Anyone interested? I'll post an address to send them to!
Last reply by tgycgijoes, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hey y'all, I created a Discord channel for people who just wanna hang out or whatever. I'd request that support stay in the forums.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 72 replies
According to site referrals, it seems as though there about 60+ VAs now using phpVMS in one form or another. I would like to build a list, but make it voluntary to add your VA to the mix. This list will be automatically aggregated on another page. Put your entry as: No other comments please, just the name and address
Last reply by jantorre, -
Merger Email? 1 2 3
by wrenchca- 64 replies
Hi Folks, I was just wondering if anyone else received an email from another Virtual Airline offering a merger deal. I recently received and email offering a merger deal with benefits. It was stated that there was an extreme lack of activity at our airline....hmmm, over 4,000 flights and heading for 7,000 hours logged.... I emailed back wondering where he came up with this idea that we were failing...his reply was that since we used a free source pirep solution, we must be on our last legs and ripe for the picking. It is not my intent to turn this forum into a bashing session against another VA so I will not post the person's name or VA. If anyone were to pm me ask…
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 50 replies
Ok, Let's start this post off by stating this post is only covering the law in england and wales (UK). This post has come about after an interesting post meeting discussion with my company lawyer regarding virtual airlines copying real world counterparts. I showed the lawyer several UK virtual airlines that mirror real world counterparts (some part of VA central, some not) and whilst he had no idea that these things existed (he has little interest in FS) he was actually extremely suprised that they were there at all. The crux of the matter, as he explained it, is simple business protection. Now lets say Airline A is a succesful british airline doing well and is prima…
Last reply by cloudsurferuk, -
- 50 replies
Hello community, I been thinking of build an IFS or in flight entertainment system for pilots, which can be used to view videos listen to music and chat. I wanted to see what would be the demand for it if any. So am starting this topic to see how many of you would actually use something like that or how many would like to have it. Feedback is most appreciated.
Last reply by Dalvin121, -
- 1 follower
- 47 replies
What does your Pilot Center look like? I need some inspiration.... Thanks, Edmund K.
Last reply by Jayanth, -
- 37 replies
Hi guys, I am just wondering which fs you use and what kind of systems you use to fly fs2004/fsx? My system: Intel core 2 duo E6750 P5K SE 2GB memory (i know.. sigh) Geforce 8800GTS (256MB) 1TB Samsung 7200rpm 32mb HDD WIN 7 FS2004
Last reply by bunoire14, -
Just a tease 1 2
by Nabeel- 3 followers
- 37 replies
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 35 replies
Hello guys, I have just opened a new online network called BlueSkyFly Online Network at please feel free to leave a comment and reply. Regards!
Last reply by Cor, -
phpVMS Fully Custom ACARS *Beta Release* 1 2
by Guest N402KC- 34 replies
LAST EDITED: 2/28/2010 @ 3:50 AM CST. Message: ACARS Is doing good, Hoping for a evening Sunday Release. We shall see
Why do people copy things? Changing a few colors and the header doesn't hide what has been done here. - compare the css file to - All you have to do is ask for help around here and usually someone will be more than happy to lend a hand.....
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 follower
- 33 replies
Is anyone using ArrowChat, and able to get it to use the phpvms database? -
Last reply by Vangelis, -
Windows 8? 1 2
by Kyle- 31 replies
Anyone thinking about using Windows 8? http://windowsteambl...ailable-on.aspx Still dodgy on my choices here. But what I see, I don't really think it's worth it, since it's different... and not even really almost the next Windows in sequence.
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 30 replies
If you're using, or planning on using phpVMS, send me your airline logos, and a link to your site!I'm going to post them up on a logo board. As for the size, something decent, which I can size down if I need to. Email them to nabeel at phpvms dot netThanks!
Last reply by fsx, -
I had my provider run a malware scan on my site, they found nothing. I joined a malware site that my host uses and they are saying much of phpvms code is malware.....Anyone else run into this?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 28 replies
Hey guys, I'm new to most of this stuff I am really starting to enjoy website creation. I've been learning CSS and the use of Divs. to me I love the designing without tables. I drew a website up tonight the background is a slight gradient and I'm trying to have a transparent content box. My problem is the gradient It cant Repeat-Y because the backgrounds wont match. And I tried making a .Gif but it didn't work, and I hear some browsers do not support .png's right now. Here is the start of my design, what is the best way to make content boxes like I am attempting to do? I've seen it don't with 5 Divs, top, bottom, left, right and center. Mine only had 3 top center and…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 28 replies
I've been thinking for some time now about making a search engine for virtual airlines, but before starting development I'd like to have some feedback what I have in mind is a phpvms based site where VA's can register and upload their schedules file. From this the site then knows where the VA flies and with which aircraft. Apart of this there would be a small questionnaire to fill out about the features they provide eg is there a jumpseat system, type of simulator, cargo or pax, how many minimum hours, free to fly any aircraft or restricted by rank... you know, the kind of stuff that really matters to a pilot who chooses an airline I haven't found anything like this …
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 27 replies
As the title says, Im starting on a project on PHPVMS and make a very good website as i can... Any intrests reply or add my msn: Thanks
Last reply by truemo9, -
- 26 replies
Ok So, I am assuming this is an adolescent as I suspect a mature person would think first! This was received in my company email inbox not even the email for the VA! Seem's we have som enew kids on the block. Anyone else had anything like this? Just makes you wanna join doesnt it?
Last reply by MAT, -
- 26 replies
Dear phpVMS users. It is my great pleasure to announce the official launch of! Several times throughout the year, we will release a free flight simulation magazine for every registered member. It is free for anyone to join our website and receive this free magazine each time its released. Some of our features are listed below. Virtual airline List As well as a free magazine, we also offer a list of virtual airlines. Any member has the ability to add their virtual airline and like or dislike any three virtual airlines at any one time! You can view our complete list of virtual airlines here. Teamspeak 3 server Fs-Magazine provides a free teamspeak 3 ser…
Last reply by James142, -
- 25 replies
Anyone know of any good pushback utilities? Where you can set the angle and distance, perhaps multiple segments of a pushback?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 24 replies
I have a quick question. Not really support or bug related...I do not think at least so I enquire in general. If a pilot transfers say 50 hours of time to the VA, does that effect his/her rank too? Or does it just give time credit per profile and NOT count towards rank?
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Hello Nabeel Somewhere in the forum i was reading that you wanted to put all the airports in the dropdowns for filing a pirep. Is this done or not because the error I am having ( Won’t let me upload the schedules to vacentral. And I think this error is because we did some charters using xacars flights that aren’t in the database(airports). So if all the airports would be in the dropdown or so I could put them all in the database. Gr joeri
Last reply by joeri, -
by atlanticva- 23 replies
Hi, Will Xplane work with phpVMS? My VA is considering to add xplane to the operation due to Microsoft issues. Thanks
Last reply by maxwaldorf, -
- 22 replies
I see the new version of phpVMS works with FS Flight Keeper. Is there any benefit to using FSFK rather than FSACARS or FSPAX?
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 22 replies
Hello all i was woundering what are your hobby's outside the flightsim world. mine is keeping snakes i currently have 2 young Boa constrictors. when they are old enouph they will be bred and then i will get myself some more constrictors
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
- 22 replies
Anyone know what happened to ? It looked like a great VA and now it seems like there is no one running it. Searched online - found nothing. James
Last reply by avdesigns, -
2nd Attack
by RogerB- 21 replies
Kesuk was attacked again yesterday evening by the same code. I talked to a gentleman yesterday and he thinks the registration and contact forms could possibly have vulnerabilities, what do you guys think. Would anyone be interested in helping me check my site? I really could use it.
Last reply by RogerB,