The forum for the kACARS application
347 topics in this forum
kACARS Free v1.0.1.4
by Guest lorathon- 13 replies
New Version Released Uses .NET 4.0 Connects to Prepar3D v4 using FSUIPC5. http://www.fs-products.net
Last reply by Jiko, -
phpVMS7 Support
by Guest lorathon- 1 follower
- 2 replies
For the past few weeks I have been working with Nabeel to integrate phpVMS7 into kACARS. As of right now I will be able to integrate with phpVMS7. Once phpVMS7 is in a BETA stage I will release a kACARS Free version for testing. There is no point in releasing anything at this time since phpVMS7 is only in ALPHA and things are changing daily. I just wanted all to know that I am on top of it and which direction I am moving in.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
kACARS Free v1.0.1.5
by Guest lorathon- 4 replies
New Version Released Uses .NET 4.0 Connects to Prepar3D v4 using FSUIPC5. Support for https secure sites using TLS 1.2 http://www.fs-products.net
Last reply by Heritage1, -
by Guest lorathon- 5 replies
The kACARSII demo is now available. If you have any issues please email me directly at jeffrey.kobus@fs-products.net. There are also links for the new site files that are required to run kACARSII on your phpVMS site. It is suggested that you run phpVMS 5.52. Also please use the LINKS to FS-Products Forum for any program issues. I will be checking all issues as they come in. Thank you for all of your support. Jeff NOTE: I have also added a new forum at FS-Products. forum.fs-products.net
- 18 replies
I have created a PDF to setup the kACARS-Free. Just follow the instructions on the PDF and you should be fine. Cheers kACARS-Free.pdf
Last reply by TennShadow, -
Before Asking a Question of kACARS
by Guest lorathon- 0 replies
I will try and keep this as up to date with problems that come up all of the time. 1. This forum should be for VA owners to ask questions. If you are a member of a VA and are having a problem please contact your VA staff and ask them for your support first. If the VA staff can not answer the question then they should ask it here. 2. Custom kACARS questions should be asked to my email account. Since these are custom a lot of times a fix for one VA's custom version may not work for another VA's. 3. Always ensure that you have the latest FSUIPC downloaded and installed! 4. Always ensure that you have the .exe file set to "Run as Administrator" in Vista and Win 7 …
- 1 reply
Hi All, We have been running kAcars_Free V1.0.1.5 with our VA for some time now and it works as it should. However we have 1 pilot running Windows 11 that seems to have some sort of bug only on his machine and we have struggled to figure out where the issue is. Here are the synopsis of the error: When he starts up the program he clicks the Log In button and it connects to our VA normally. He has already bid on a flight in our system (BTW we are using PHPVMS 5.5.2) and then proceeds to press the Get Flight Bid Info button. When he presses the button he gets the following error per the attached screenshot. He can click OK to go p…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 11 replies
kACARS_Free: phpVMS: PHP: 7.2 MariaDB: 10.2.44 Hosted at: vmshost "No Flight Found!" when attempting to retrieve a schedule. Can log in fine and connect to FS. This is at a friends site that I have full access to. I can log into kACARS_Free but not retrieve the flight data. receive.xml shows flightStatus 2 - which triggers the "No Flight Found!" in kACARS. The schedule is in the DB and enabled. The aircraft is in the DB and it's ID shown in the schedule. Aircraft is enabled. The airline is in the DB and enabled. The airports are in the DB. This same version…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello. I have a member that has a new PC with Win11 on it. He installed kACARS v1.0.11, the version we use. I have win10, so I have no experience with Win11. I know kACARS uses one of the C++ packages, I don't remember which, don't know if that's the issue, or something else. I don't have any experience with Win11, so that makes it hard to diagnose the problem. Here's the error message he's getting when he launches kACARS "Unhandled exception has occurred in you application" Does anyone here have kACARS working on Windows 11? If so, were there any issues with getting kACARS working? Thank you fo…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 0 replies
Good Day all, Hope everyone is doing well. Anyways, just got back to flightsim/FSX-SE, and was wondering if anyone of you can provide me a working link to obtain Kacars Free version? Please help. Thanks guys/gals. Tac
Last reply by Tac01, -
- 1 reply
Originally a problem that I ended up sorting myself. Please delete
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
I am having errors with all acars tools that have been working before perfect. kacars free and Kacarsi are the two most used. And I have the issue about year and cannot find a solution. Kacars Free and the paid version of this give me a Connection error. And the paid version I receive an connection closed. For reference I have been using ccftracker. And I receive nearly the same error message. Login error - The connection to the VA site has timed out! Is that because something has changed either in Windows (previously using win 7) or on the host part? It is on shared hosting/ Ofcourse I run all as admin. Host is on PH…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 14 replies
hello, Yesterday during a flight I noticed that kacars suddenly showed "connection error". This sometimes happens but usually goes away after a short while. This time, even after landing, 8 hours later, it was still there. I started a new instance and when I tried to log in I get the switch=verify error. Now, Im absolutely sure the url is correct. After all, I logged in yesterday morning and started a flight, without changing it! Also, it's not my PC: i switched off the windows firewall and AV, just in case, and also installed it on another machine. It doesn't work on either machines. I'm suspecting my service provider tinkered with some settings, …
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Dose anyone know where I can download kACARS free. I have tried this - http://www.fs-products.net/index.php/kacars-free/downloads-2/category/2-kacars-free but the download button just refreshes the page. Dose anyone have a link to the download? Regards
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 3 replies
Hola, mi sitio web está alojado en Hostinger. El servidor y mi sitio web han pasado de ser HTTP a HTTPS. Dado que este cambio, kACARS no funciona porque no se conecta a la web. Intenté cambiar la dirección en Configuración, pero no solucionó el problema. Tengo la versión comprada Francisco
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Whenever i interract with kACARS, Such as test sound or click anything prty much, It gets smaller. Before After
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
Want to add the aircraft being flown in the Live ACARS map page. ACARS.PHP says variable <%=flight.aircraftname%> Gives the full name So I added that in ACARS.PHP: So I have <tr> <td><b>Pilot</b></td> <td><b>Flight Number</b></td> <td><b>Departure</b></td> <td><b>Arrival</b></td> <td><b>Aircraft</b></td> <td><b>Status</b></td> <td><b>Altitude</b></td> <td><b>Speed<…
Last reply by CFVA, -
- 2 replies
https://www.dropbox.com/s/rhp95v910r7kzr3/problem.JPG?dl=0 Access to the path "C\Program Files {x86}\FSProducts\kACARS_FREE\send.xml" is denied Not sure what I did to cause this. Need help please. Jim
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Hello! after searching on this forum i cannot find where to put the kACARS Free - Module I am on the last phpvms 7. On my folder at the base of the website i get the folder modules but not core/modules (i try to put the kACARS_Free folder insode the modules folder, no succeed) When i trying to use kACARS i get this logs on my webserver : POST /action.php/kACARS_Free HTTP/1.1" 404 4697 "-" "kACARS" Any idea where to put the folder kACARS_Free with the kACARS_Free.php? Thank you in advance for your help :).
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 3 replies
Hi We've setup a test site for our airline as we are making the move to a new provider. Our worldAcars doesnt work on the test site. Ive edited the URLs in settings to our new URL. I can login, get my flight bid, start my flight, end it, however i cant file my PIREP. I just get "Try Again" in red where it usually reads "PIREP Filed". I also don't show up on the map or flight board while im flying. We are using a customized version of ACARS (by FS-Products). IEverything was copied from the old cpanel to the new. Is this even supported anymore? Thanks, Robbie
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 7 replies
Hello I've moved my website www.atlasvirtualairlines.com to a new host because haphost (formerly host1plus) was just a nightmare to deal with. Now, everything seems to be working, including xacars. but not kacars! I get a switch=verify error when I try to log in. I made sure I have no / at the end of my url and that the version number of the client and the module is the same at (by the way does the latest kacars version work with module I also made sure the permissions on the file is correct and yes, the new host is a regular paid one! Unfortunately, I don't get any php errors in my log! I did some extensive searching on th…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 7 replies
Hi, someone know how fix this error messages? Thank you!
Last reply by ProAvia, -
Hi All, Does anyone have any ideas what the following errors are? [17-Feb-2019 16:39:54 UTC] PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::addChild() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /home/*****/public_html/crew/core/common/CentralData.class.php on line 198 [17-Feb-2019 16:39:55 UTC] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/*****/public_html/crew/core/common/CentralData.class.php:198) in /home/*****/public_html/crew/core/modules/kACARSII/kACARSII.php on line 644 Phpvms 5.5.2 CentralData.class.php 195 # Add any children who might exist... 196 …
Last reply by Mickey, -
by sayedzaafir- 1 follower
- 2 replies
which port is kacar using to connect the host servers ?
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 reply
So i have already installed phpvms on my site. Whats next for me is to allow kacars to connect to my website and file pirep. Is there any instruction or anyone free to guide me?
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 5 replies
http://www.fs-products.net/ is down, any idea whats cooking there ? Jan
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
Hey, We're looking at possibly purchasing a custom kACARS II but I can't register on the forums. The captcha needs to be updated as it's still on V1.
Last reply by t_bergman, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I downloaded kACARS_Free.php module, droped that file to the core/modules/kACARS_Free, but when I try to login in Kacars I have this error: https://imgur.com/a/c5dLd site name: http://balticvagroup.eu/smartlynxvirtual Help me please, thank you!
Last reply by Maksim, -
- 7 replies
Hi everyone! I'm having problems logging into my PHPVMS through kACARS, it just simply won't login. Here's what I tried: 1. Replacing modules. Some came up with compatibility issue. 2. Setting the permissions of the PHPVMS site. 3. Tried various existing pilot IDs: instead of TST0002 wrote 2 and then 0002 and none worked. 4. Tried editing the schedule's flight number. I've been searching for 2 days and none helped The website is I will provide the login details through PM. BTW I'm using PHPVMS v2 since it works best.
Last reply by spkier, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
when phpvms v7 will be compatible with kAcars or smartCARS? Also in phpvms v7? there is still a problem with the connection.? I do not really know where to upload kACARSII files - Site Files, to which folder in phpvms v7?
Last reply by mark1million,