Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 11 replies
Does anyone know how to remove the site name in the page title? Thanks
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 reply
I am new to phpvms and I am having a hard time installing a skin. I have setup the database, and I am hosting it through a LocalHost, so that is basically my PC through Visual Studio Code The Instructions say to create a SubDomain but I am confused since I do not have a domain yet. - Instructions to install the skin Discord - Kimba#2859
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 14 replies
Ok folks, one last good one for today and then I believe I am going to be done for today. We all know to hide a sidebar area or anything else for that matter we can use the following <?php if($_GET['module'] == 'frontpage') { ?> CONTENT CODE PLACED HERE WILL ONLY SHOW UP ON FRONTPAGE NOW <?php } ?> I have 1 page that on my whole site that I do not wish for the sidebar to show up on. That is the Timetable module page. On the time tables to go 2 wide is just not good looking. I would rather it be pull page width. So how would I use the above code to hide the sidebar area ONLY on the Timetable page? If I plac…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 14 replies
Hey gents. I have a forum up for FsPaintShop. I have decided that I am going to revamp ObsessBlue, I shall make it easier to edit, going to rehash the pilot center, and pilot public profile. From there I am going to make a new skin with the help of Daniel.
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 0 replies
In the old version of the site I had muiltiple airline icons showing on the live map. I've since updated to V2 and now its using different maps. Is there anyone who can help recode to have the multiple inair icons working again. Reference to this code how would it be implemented for Openstreet maps ? var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); flightMarkers[flightMarkers.length] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pos, map: map, icon: url+"/lib/images/inair/"+data[i].code+"/"+data[i].heading+".png", flightdetails: data[i], infowindow_content: detailed_bubble }); I've tried just replacing the following code but hasnt worked. iconUrl: url+"/lib/images…
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 17 replies
Hello, I have been working on a skin conversion and was wondering if you guys could take a look for me and tell me what you think. It's still a work in progress, so go easy on me! kind regards Scot
Last reply by Kyle, -
New VA Skin
by llju1- 13 replies
My skin is kinda busy but I have read all your post and gotten many great Ideas from every one. Let me know what ya'll think ;D Lloyd Mendenhall
Last reply by llju1, -
- 1 reply
Please help! My Problem is Slider no working left right. Mi code my code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title><?php echo $page_title ?></title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="description" content="Aerolinea Virtual sin fines de lucro"> <meta name="keywords" content="Aeronaves, TSM, DC9, CARGA, VIRTUAL, Airlines, Simulation,"> <meta name="author" content=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/argoplus/css/style.css"> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/argoplus/js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> &l…
Last reply by Fernando, -
- 0 replies
G’day all! Let me start by saying I just picked up phpVMS a day ago because my web developer left the team so I had to start from scratch. I managed to get phpVMS installed on my subdomain ( and subsequently installed Mark Swan’s CrewCenter (which is absolutely beautiful I might add). The issue now is that I’m trying to play around and set up a colour scheme that my VA will use but I’m unable to do so. I would appreciate if someone could point out where I could edit the values so the menu bar, background etc. colors can be customized. Another question is how I can customise the layout of the CrewCenter. I figured editing the layou…
Last reply by SilverJet, -
- 8 replies
Within the next few days MyVADesigns will be releasing another free public skin available to the phpVMS community! Be sure to keep checking http://www.myvadesig...t/downloads.php for when its available we will also make a post covering what is in the skin.
Last reply by TaylorWelka, -
- 16 replies
Hello, I have been fiddling around with phpvms for quite some time, for my new va. It is a nice tool. And I have created my own template. In which I succeeded. I would like to change the frontpage. In a way where the news is replaced by a static page. And that I have a link to the news module. Anybody an idea, how to do that? I have been working my way through the documentations, but I could not find how to do it. My php knowledge is nearly zero. But I have some knowledge Here is a link to my site: Greetings, RobB
Last reply by aarbee, -
- 20 replies
First off, Happy Thanksgiving to anyone on the boards that is celebrating today. Hope you have a safe and happy holiday. Now on to the question. I bought the jNewsBar script for $3. it is a nifty little script. Issue is I can't make it work for my new bootstrap skin I am working on. Has anyone here used it and if so were you able to get it working? And if so, how? I worked on it last night for 2 hours before I gave up. the author of said script says it is a phpVMS thing not a script thing. When i activate it, it is on the page and showing up, but no css and no animation or form. it is just a non styled list on top of my website. Any help would be great. take care guys.…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 18 replies
Ok so don't laugh at me. ;D ;D I am trying to break each section up into blocks like I have on the left, but each time I try and add a new div or anything, it busts up my template real bad like. I know it is uglier than ape right now. I figure once I get functional worked out, I work on pretty later. This is my first attempt at a skin for phpVMS. Can anyone tell me how to add extra stuff on the sides in blocks without busting up my template.? If needs be I can take a screen shot of what it looks like busted up and show the code so you know what I am up to. Also, notice the links for new pilots and such, they are blue and purple. …
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, So I'm new to skinning, and am basically needing assitance! Can anybody tell me the code/provide me with a snippet for the login link? I've got a screenshot to put it into context - basically, if pilot is logged out, display login button, if logged in display logout button etc etc. I assume the principle for an Admin Centre Link is the same too.. I've already added the buttons, I'm working on menu bar before I add it to the main "template" file as I always do, hence the lack of a detailed screenie! Thanks in advance! Regards, Damon
Last reply by servetas, -
- 0 replies
Hi, am looking for someone who can do skinning and customized an VA Award page with this module . thanks
Last reply by blue3294, -
- 1 reply
Ive had a nice skin for a few years now for one of my VAs and the original author is now gone. I am looking for someone who can do a new skin for me to freshen the look of the VA. I value usability and a 'clean' look over bombardment Thanks in advance Topher
Last reply by topher2880, -
- 18 replies
i am a New person to this and i don't know hoe to do this skinning thing and i did reaf the tutorial and didn't understand. so if anyone that knows how to can skinn one for me please also teach me on how to do it. thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
The downloads page, when you click on a download goes into an infinite loop situation and the page just sits there clicking at you as it continuously reloads. I know this has to do with a loop function in the code, but Iive not been able to resolve it. Anyone else expreience this or have an idea? thanks in adv ------------------------------------------- SOLVED: I discovered I had an error in my download link : [embarassed lol]
Last reply by 5SA CEO, -
- 5 replies
respected forum members i would like to ask here can i change skins to meet the criteria of my own VA or do i have to install them and use them as it is in other words asking permissions from respected authors. Thanks James Andy
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 8 replies
Hello can anyone give me a teamplate for the pilot center or make me a custom pilot center? Thanks Edmundk
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, I'm about to start the template on my site but I need to find out what theme I'll use, dark or light. My COO wants it to be a dark website similar to but I want it to be light colored. Dark theme would consist of black, grey, and maybe a dark red. Light theme would consist of blue, white, and red. Which attracts more pilots? Thanks Cody
Last reply by vader21, -
- 10 replies
Good Evening All, I am proud to announce within the next few weeks the release of the RedHat Skin , and you are free to join our discord for further infos, feedback and support
Last reply by ProAvia, -
First Time Skinning - I've missed something...
by Guest itrobb- 17 replies
OK, I have a template downloaded and I've got all the appropriate files in the skin's folder. But when I view my site, all I get is the CSS. I've missed something, and it's going to be stupidly funny to all of those who've done this hundreds of times , but this is my first try. Is it in layout.tpl? How do I edit the navigation bar?
Last reply by Jon, -
- 11 replies
This may have been answered somewhere but I couldn't find it Is there a way to divide the pilots list into hubs and put just the pilot list for that hub into a page created for that hub In other words, I made a hub page "KCLT". Is there a way of taking just the pilots that are in KCLT and displaying them in a table on that page?
Last reply by NAdams, -
- 11 replies
Hello folks on my way to a new skin and after countless changes of "ObsessBlue" now you can see first results here: ! This is not the final result - it´s only work in progress to learn skinning!
Last reply by volkerjacob, -
- 5 replies
I'd like to view the current flights on the frontpage in a box like the "Recent Pilots" & "Recent Pireps" Boxes, shown as "Flight number - Dep - Arr." I guess i have to get the code from the /acars page and simply exclude the map and all the stats (name, status, speed, dist/time remaining) i don't want to show .. ? If yes, where to get that code from ? And if no, where's my mistake ?
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
New Skin by your Very Own CableGuy!
by Guest N402KC- 17 replies
Hello Gents, Once again, I have a new and fabulous design i have created and am now Integrating phpVMS in. It will be intended for a UPS Cargo VA. Link is below; Comment Please!
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys, I was looking at this site and like the fact that certain areas have borders. But how do I go about it, I looked at 3school css pages but they were not really helpful as the code I wanted to use did not work when I put it on the site. This is the code I have been looking at but I am guessing that it goes in the style.css but where? <style type="text/css"> <head> { border-style:ridge; border-color:#82A3CE; } </style> </head> Do I have to add one for each area I want to have the border or what? I have attached an image for what I am looking to do, but the border/boxes would stand out with a colou…
Last reply by 5SA CEO, -
Good day folks, in search for briefing for europe, I came across this page: + Rain&Iceing page. Weather info posted as gif/png mostly, and could be used if youre airline flies in europe. I think the links are relativly stable aswell.(filenames etc) I tried it on the page im working on and it seems good.(now I have to learn how to resize external images using php...) Now for the airport maps issue. Im going to try making some snapshots of different aiport diagrams and linking them to aip of the specific airport. Though I guess it will have to be in a database or something because they are not centralized on one…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 9 replies
Hi, my name is shervin and i am the founder of iranair virtual airlines real related (, firstly i want to sincerely thanks the phpvms team, that allow me to create my VA. This is my short story This is the website that i created with phpvms in 2009, six months ago: Now with the release of the new phpVMS i decided to make a new skin for my VA, and this is the link, the website is yet in construction. This is the link Please comments! and thank you again phpVMS team and forum members (this forum help me a lot in the configuration of my site).