Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 17 replies
So a competitor has came out with a system much like phpVMS in it's own kind of new way. They claim they are superior to phpVMS because phpVMS is all full of bugs. Here is my take on it. 1. I love their software has a bootstrap template. 2. They have some awesome features that are integrated in or being worked on that others here are charging for. 3. It is actively being developed. Their cons: 1. No one is developing templates for it or modules. 2. It has a few bugs it self. Not even going to lie. 3. Their support forum is .... Well, meh. Great if you speak Spanish. If you are speaking fluent English, forget about it. 4. Typos galore! As far as it being superior…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
by atlanticva- 23 replies
Hi, Will Xplane work with phpVMS? My VA is considering to add xplane to the operation due to Microsoft issues. Thanks
Last reply by maxwaldorf, -
- 10 replies
Quick question, Im making a repaint (project opensky 737 paintkit) and in photoshop it looks good but once i put it into fsx it looks blurry! Its ment to be saved in a .bmp format but how do i make them good quality? Thanks - IF you need images of it, ask and ill upload them and give the link EDIT: Never mind, i was saving it as a dxt3 file..
Last reply by joeri, -
- 18 replies
I'd like to setup a chat server so our pilots can talk to each other. Can anyone guide me on how to learn more about this. Two criteria. #1 it has to be free #2 I'd like to be able to integrate it somehow with phpVMS Thanks
Last reply by StartVM, -
I know I know, someone's sure to say I'm asking too many questions :-P Anyhow, is there a way to integrate or add in the SMF forums ssi? I'd rather post news in the forums and have them show up on the website (instead of the built in news). I've tried and I get a ssi error. Go ahead and yell at me for it, but I added the require ssi.php to the htmlhead.tpl and the code for the board on the frontpagemain.tpl . I'm not going to run it, cause as I said, it throws an error and I'd really like my website up instead of the error. Thanks ya'll.
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 9 replies
For those who want to flash up their site a bit, but don't know much about php I found a nice website with some basic stuff that can help out a bit flashen up your site There are probably numerous of those sites, but i found this one worth mentioning
Last reply by edmundk, -
so does anybody play dayZ im lucking for someone i can trust to roll with
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 1 reply
is there a way where I can mark a topic as solved for my self?
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself around here, so off we go! My name is Stefan, and currently I'm doing an IT Management study, and next to that I'm doing my PPL course. I was looking for software that would allow me to manage a virtual airline convienently, but also be able to costumize it to my preferences. Well, I have to say that PhpVMS looks rather daunting at first, but fortunatly I've got the rest of this week still off so I've got plenty of time on my hands to bite into it. But I do like to ask if anyone around here has a couple tips for a newcomer like me. I do have experience with basic HTML, but none with PHP. So every tip, ever…
Last reply by TheFlyingDutchman, -
- 10 replies
I've seen a few people making and distributing IFE systems for VA's to offer to their pilots, but I don't buy into the concept. I understand that a long haul flight can be boring, but I don't see a need for an IFE. Those I've seen being advertised here are just glorified iframes with media being streamed from external sources inside them. There is no integration with the flight sim software, so it's just as easy to run the sim in a window, and watch media stored on the PC in another window. costs nothing, and almost certainly works better than some of these IFE's. Another thing to consider if the media being streamed is stored on the VA's server, is that streaming media i…
Last reply by mischka, -
- 20 replies
Me and my COO were sitting in our teamspeak earlier discussing things when a random user named Colin Woody popped in. We have never given anything about our website or teamspeak out. He claimed to be a web designer working for Boeing and Mcdonald Douglas and coded a majority of their website. He claims to have done a lot of work with PHPVMS and actually had a fair amount of knowledge about the system. Now he wants to be a web designer for my VA. What should I do? He also has a VATSIM ID. Should I let him join or is he a little too suspicious? Cody
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 11 replies
Could someone help me get my date picker working? Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 19 replies
Currently I'm on shared hosting and so far it is working fine but I know as my airline grows I may need to move over to a dedicated server. I'm asking any who have dedicated hosting plans what they would recommend. Thanks!
- 9 replies
This was in the news when I woke up this morning and is quite interesting. It would appear Mr.Stelios is planning the launch of his own airline in competition to Easyjet. Fastjet it's called and the website says coming soon: Read it here: Good luck to anyone asking permission to start a virtual airline under that name!
Last reply by Cor, -
- 2 replies
Hello guys! I am now trying to paint the ifly for fsx but i just noticed that i will have to make the alpha channels on my own. Unfortunately, as a new repaints, i do not know to to make them... Does anyone have any ready aplha channels for the ifly 737 and 738? Today, i finished my first repaint for the ifly 737-800WL for FS2004 and i think that it is pretty good . Thanks in advance...
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Had an email from Jeff today he was building me a custom Kacars he gave me a full refund and this post is not a post to slag him off or anything. But anyway this is his auto response to a email i sent him to see if the tracker would be ready and this is what it said AUTO-RESPONSE At this time I am not accepting any orders. I am extremely busy with personal items and do not have the time to devote to coding at this time. I will only be handling support at this time. Support emails will be handled but may be handled slowly. Please be patient. I will get to them. Any email regarding orders will not be responded to at this time. As soon as I get some time I will be…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 11 replies
I have IPB and not many use it, is there a way to get pilots to use the forum? If so what is it?
Last reply by Strider, -
- 11 replies
- 5.5k views We are live and filling up Thanks Nabeel
Last reply by Adam., -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I have been trying to install Teamspeak 3 (its on a vps) to a mysql server where i can manage the settings in mysql and automatically create privlage keys for new pilots). The current tutorials i have seen online are a bit confusing. Has anyone else done this?
Last reply by TAV1702, -
So taking a break from Dreamweaver and decided to give the VHHX scenery a run for its money while fogged in. i noticed though the fog layer is not what fog should look like, yes i know its a game and there is rex to make it look real but my computer is not the best in world but is somewhat decent but flytampa, JF-757-200 and REX just don't get along very well on my graphics card so with that said can anybody recommend me to a fog add on that would replace the fsx hase if so that would be great.
Last reply by nabpp, -
by Guest chikolol- 5 replies
Hello mates, i write to you today to announce my duty into battle the 17 of November. For my first tour in IRAQ. I have always followed up on this project and will do when i get back in 2011 maybe it will be so much more advanced. I want to thank simpilot for his great effort in providing us with all this useful modules that many of you are already using! Thank him! he deserves it. Well guys i wish all of you the best, on your virtual airlines and good bye from Miami. PVT. Carlos Almonte Alpha Company
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 18 replies
Anyone know of any Virtual Stock websites that can be used for my VA?
Last reply by OA01, -
- 11 replies
Would it be helpful to have a full table dump of every airport? Over 6000 airports, which you can just use phpMyAdmin to import them?
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 17 replies
Just wondering what is your favourite airlines. post them here!
Last reply by James142, -
- 14 replies
Fellas, I am in a world of hurt here. I am taking a class on VB and personally I hate it. I have a project to do that has to do with using constants, functions and sub procedures. It is due by tonight (Tuesday) at 11:59 pm EST If there is anyone at all who knows VB and would not mind helping me out, I would REALLLLLLLY appreciate it. The project is all over the net, but the code to me is useless because I do not know if it is right or wrong and if I do not name my buttons and such exactly like they did, the code will not work anyhow. I am in a real bind here and rarely to never ask for help doing my school work. Taking this course on VB made me realise something REAL …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 27 replies
As the title says, Im starting on a project on PHPVMS and make a very good website as i can... Any intrests reply or add my msn: Thanks
Last reply by truemo9, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello, Are there any plans to create tutorials for the tutorials page on the website? If not, I would be more than willing to start a video tutorial series for phpVMS! I wouldn't mind help from others if you so would want to!
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 4 replies
Hi, i wondered if anyone knows of any good dash 8 q400 add ons for fs9. Can be payware or freeware but preferably has a virtual cockpit. Thanks
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 18 replies
I was wondering if anyone out there could teach me how to paint aircraft. My graphics skills have never been good and I am not real good at images. I do have adobe photoshop 8 and adobe photoshop elements as well as paint shop pro 9. I have tried to do aircraft before but never could figure it out. If anyone wished to teach me that would be awesome. Oh I also have some converter that you have to have to do it as well. I even tried to follow along with the tutorials at Not sure what I could ever do to return the favor as I am a broke college man with 3 kids to take care of, but I am always good for something. Let me know. If not that's cool too.
Last reply by James142, -
- 13 replies
Just wondering can we do something with the spam posts?
Last reply by flyalaska,