This organization houses any published phpVMS Addons
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147 topics in this forum
- 30 replies
Airport lookup update to work with same API as used by phpVMS v7. Restores ability to lookup airports for airport table. Adds additional fields to airport table for use in your templates. I've been sitting on these files for a while to be sure the beta testers didn't have any issues. Read the README_1ST.txt file for info. Works with phpVMS 5.5.2 and - not tested with phpVMS 2.x - will not work with phpVMS v7. You will need to manually update each existing airport in you database after installing this mod to get all the new data in the airports table - use EDIT from airport page, click LOOK UP, click Edit Airport. It will not au…
Last reply by cfitz619, -
Unless otherwise indicated, all addons fall under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License A quick summary: You can sell addons you've created, but do not sell add-ons which are not wholly yours, or you've gotten community input on. That's in bad taste, and is not good! You can however charge to setup an install, and customize. If add-ons are included in that 'customization', ask the addon author first and get their permission for being able to include their customization in your service. Remember the license is non-commercial and can only be waived with express permission of the author. So to recap You…
Last reply by stuartpb, -
- 1 reply
We have quite a few addons, which is great, but the problem starts happening with keeping the latest versions, and sometimes people have stuff uploaded to different places, and then hosts go down or change, and some of the stuff is lost. I ask everyone who is writing an add-on to please go down this route. I would like addons to be uploaded to Github or Bitbucket (whichever you prefer, though Github is better for reasons you'll see), as a public repository. It's not too much extra effort, but it ensures that: Your code is available (especially after the forum crash) If people want to improve your code, or help fix a bug, it's easy Every knows what the latest v…
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 355 replies
Hello finaly i finished it and sharing witht he comunity Are tired of accepting or even rejecting pireps ? Then do not worry Auto Accept/Reject Pirep is here to help you It has a admin interface so you will be able to add 1. The VA's admin pilot admin that declines the PIREP 2. Function that searches the pirep log for custom criteria and decline the pirep 3. Functionality that adds the reason why it was declined in the PIREP's Comments. 4. Custom Reason why the pirep was decliened For Example Your Pirep has been rejected because you " Custom Text" 5. Function that send an e-mail to admin and or to pilot when pirep rejected 6. I…
Last reply by masmas, -
- 290 replies
I know that many of you where waiting for it, i would like to thank Ashley Jones from virtualthomson - TuiVirtual for the motivitation to make it. You are free to download it at What it does is adding a button to your briefing template and fetch all the info from the simbrief to your website. In order to use it you have to contact with simbrief via email at in order to get an API key for free. Also your pilots need to be registered with simbrief in order to use their services. As it is free please consider buying me a coffee with the donate button Any questions will be answered throught the forum Download …
Last reply by swaluver480, -
VAForum 2 For updates included see changelog below. Update from VAForum1/VAForum2 Pre-release: - Import "update.sql" file to database - Upload all files provided in core/ folder (necessary changes to all templates) - Add the following somewhere between your <head> and </head> tags in layout.tpl: <? Template::Show('forum_style.tpl'); ?> Fresh install: - Import "install.sql" file to database - Upload all files provided in core/ folder - Add the following somewhere between your <head> and </head> tags in layout.tpl: <? Template::Show('forum_style.tpl'); ?> Credit to simpilot for the VAForum original on which this (and f…
Last reply by miniarma, -
Step 1 Aircraft buying Mod Version 1.00: You need only a beta PHPVMS version! Now all Features are fully functional!!!! Buying/ Repairing/ Landingdamage and many ohters... It was a dream - now it is reality. When u have Questions... ask here. And thanx for many help here! By the way i started a openoffice calc database for prices, we can update it altogether?!? And post it here. Rename it as *.xls and open it with openoffice or similar. When you insert a plane or correct one please upload with a new date in the name 2013.04.19 Aircraft Databasexls.txt Step1 Aircraft buying Mod
Last reply by Melli, -
- 155 replies
Hello fellow VA Admins, I am taking a very great pleasure to announce that iCrew LITE is finally hitting the arena. I initially planned to have this as a payware release, but i wanted to give back something to the community which helped me gain alot of knowledge in coding. Seriously, i owe you guys big time That is why i have released this as a freeware release. This Crew Center was designed using the Twitter Bootstrap framework, by far the best platform which works spectacularly on all your devices, and such devices include your PC, Tablet, iPad, iPhone, Android mobile phone etc. I have tried my best to make sure this Crew center is dynamic, which means everything…
Last reply by Killerp51, -
- 151 replies
Cleaned up the code in fsbuildparse.php so it works better This is an updated version of Nabeel's code for navdata update which is avaliable by search in forums -All intersections uploaded with a lat/lng -All VOR / NDB correctly labeled -Intersections all go in instead of hanging up Works with fsbuild airac Used 1310 myself Loading airways segments...91220 airway segments loaded... Loading VORs...965 VORs added, 2834 updated Loading NDBs...2202 NDBs added, 1800 updated Loading INTs...93944 INTs added, 54743 bypassed already in DB Completed! -Would recommend backing up navdata table in database before running -Program deletes all previous data in phpvms_navdat…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 follower
- 142 replies
I have created another module, but this time for displaying the hubs you have in your VA. It uses Tom Sterritt's HubStats addon which will need to be downloaded and installed if you do not already have it.You can get it here. This module is currently at Version 1.0. To view what it does, click here. If you are wondering why the roster for the hub looks shorter then the amount of pilots in the hub, that is because there is code to hide all pilots with 0 flight hours. Once they filed a pirep and it is accepted they will show. I have now since added a gcmap to show the location of the hub. You can download this module here Enjoy it.
Last reply by Strider, -
- 138 replies
Leave of Absence v1.0 (Updated April 13th 2013) Note: Update v0.9 - > v1.0 (view changelog: ) about: phpVMS addon for pilots to submit a LoA request that is stored in a database and an option for staff to view, delete and edit all the LoA requests through the admin panel. The addon checks if the requested leave lenght is longer than the specified number of days. It uses the date of submission as a start date. When the LoA requests are submitted, both the users and the admin will get an email. Developed by: Sava Markovic Developed on: phpVMS v2.1.934 stable php 5.3.1 mysql …
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 138 replies
Hello New Version is up Curent Version of APVacars is and module version is --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to present you APVacars. APVacars is an opensource Log/Acars System for PHPvms. APVA is created in Visual Basic 2010 and uses FSUIPC Client DLL for .NET By Paul Henty for the comunication between APVA and Flight Simulator software. Also APVA uses a modified module created by for the comunication with PHPvms . Below i have some screenshots Main Form Flight Information Weather Briefing If you are an admin at your V.A and something h…
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 follower
- 133 replies
To display various stats per hub: Readme + File available on GitHub: I think that pretty much covers everything? Enjoy
Last reply by jrodosu, -
Charter Flight System (Using PHP-VMS defult Temps and Modules) [updated V1.1.0] By Reza Farzam Hello dear webmaster; To be honest, just noticed that this madule is a developed version of the PHP-VMS defult temps and madules which used in order to add and edit SCHEDULES from the Admin Panel . So first of all I am going to admire the PHP-VMS Board! We all know that there is already a pay-module owned by PHP-VMS Board that worths more than any charter modules! But I believe this Charter Module is the Best Free-Module ever! I think this module covers 80 precent of your demands! This module works by giving access to your pilots to add and edit t…
Last reply by mikaelartur, -
Fleet Table 1 2 3 4
- 117 replies
Version 1.0 Outdated A table which contains your full fleet information. Preview: 1. Add the folder 'Fleet' to your core/modules folder 2. Add fleet_main.tpl to your coretemplate folder 3. Go to: (Replacing with your site URL of course) Download Link: (only download link as earlier version) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.1 Released 1.1 Features: All previous 1.0 information Total Hours Total Flights Custom SQL (FleetInfo) 1.1 Will come …
Last reply by chilemugriento, -
CAVacars is acars/log software for phpVMS. CAVacars is heavily modified and improved version of APVacars. It uses modified module of kACARS_Free, It enables you to fly charter flights. More detalis and download on Any feedback is wellcome. If you like it and want your VA logo in it, send me picture in dimension HxW-230x185 px and i'll put it in and send you installer for it.
Last reply by SmarticleCo, -
- 112 replies
I am releasing the codeshare module that will show all flights in your schedules that you are codesharing on. You are able to include an image of the airline, to do so you must change the img link in the codeshare.tpl file. change the skin_name to your skin name. This modules uses a modified simpilots events module admin side. This update has the following additions: -ajax controls to the flight number. You can download the module here Demo of the front of the module: http://malaysiava.or...x.php/codeshare
Last reply by Strider, -
- 90 replies
[move]New version being released this weekend on: 02-13-2010[/move] Current Un-stable Version: V.0.1 Latest Commit: 014 as of 02-04-2010 Nightly build: Click here Stable download: Click here Feature list: -add, edit, remove types -add, edit, remove shops -add, edit, remove products -full featured admin module -user side plugin -buy and list products -and more! Requested features: -associate downloads [ added ] -e-commerce -edit, remove purchases -sell products from user to user -simplified interface and functionality [ preview for the user side here] Do you have a bug? Well then, report that sucker to me at! …
Last reply by flyalaska, -
Random Itineray Builder 1 2 3
by Guest lorathon- 2 followers
- 84 replies
This module will build a random itinerary of 5,10 or 15 flights in length. Starting from the pilots current location and linking each flight from the arrival airport. Once the itinerary is built it can then be bid on in whole. The entire itinerary add to the pilots current bids in the correct order. Options included are Skip over schedules that have disabled aircraft Skip over schedules with an aircraft of higher minrank than the searching pilot Download from my site
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 81 replies
Hub Transfer Request v1.0 about: phpVMS Module for pilots to submit a Hub Transfer request that is stored in a database and an option for staff to view all the requests through the admin panel and decide to reject/approve the request. When the requests are submitted, both the users and the admin will get an email. Once the request is handled, a secon email is sent to the user. You can change the pilot's hub from inside the addon. Developed by: Sava Markovic Developed on: phpVMS v2.1.934 stable php 5.3.1 mysql 5.0.5 apache 2.2.14 License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Installation…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 67 replies
Okay, finally the script is running like it should... Instructions: 1. Put the fuel.tpl file into your /core/templates/ folder. 2. Put this line somewhere into your schedules_briefing.tpl: <?php include('fuel.tpl'); ?> 3. Customize the fuel.tpl file. I used the aircraft name which you can see in your adminpanel under "Airline Operations" -> "Add & Edit Fleet" -> "Name/Type". Just change my existing fleet in the fuel.tpl with your fleet and delete what you dont need. This requires some knowledge of php. (Just watch the code until you notice how it works Also, i included automatic extra fuel for mid/long range flights. You can edit the values in line …
Last reply by OWA001, -
- 1 follower
- 64 replies
This id a little module you could use to calculate fuel for your trip base on distance you're flying. Try it out and let me know if there is any problems. Install: 1- Download the zip file 2- Unzip and place the files in the order. (You need to make the folders in the specified roots exactly the same name or it won't work) 3- Create link to the module like this <!--?php echo url('FuelCalculator) ;?--> 4- Enjoy Pix: Download at Github: >>>>>>>>>>MODIFIED<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 56 replies
Afternoon Gents, Im stuck in a delma and I just dont know how Im going to go about solving it. Is there anyone with a complete SQL database for the airports by any chance? I could go in manually and add EVERY airport because Im just going to have a universal Flight number that everyone will use. But I REALLY dont feel like adding all the airports in but If thats what needs to happen I will but if anyone can contribute the file I would be GRATEFUL! Best Regards, Greg
Last reply by eliezerazevedo, -
- 56 replies
Firstly, thank you to Vangelis for all the great work and support he gives to the community. I only wish I were half as capable! I have been using the community for a long time now and I am not often in the position to offer much back other than comments on posts. Hopefully, this will make up for it. Like many, I am using Vangelis' SimBrief addon, which creates a button that allows you to generate a SimBrief OFP. This worked great for a while on my airline site, but having used SimBrief itself, I wanted more control over the information used in my flight planning. I wanted something a little more like the Dispatch System used on SimBrief's website. I set about creating…
Last reply by xrb936, -
- 47 replies
After receiving several requests by PM, I am releasing the addon I use to show the airports in the phpVMS database, with a separate page for each airport with various bits of data. First though I would like to attribute the work which I did not complete and is part of this addon. The Airport Table Page - This was originally created by Adamm, and I just removed some of the columns and added the link to the seperate webpage for the detailed airport info. The Last Arrival and Last Departure Fields - I asked for help on this forum, and Jeff (Lorathon) gave me the code to enable this feature. The Flight Counts - Simpilot posted some code to show the flight count. I exp…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 46 replies
Hey, I noticed that the "demand" for this thing seems to be quite "high". I created a tool that pulls data from flightaware's api and stores them into a csv file which phpvms can accept There is still plenty to do (I need to add so you can quickly change airline to pull data from). You need to create an account at fligthtaware and then change the variables in the index.php file, then you're good to go! How does it work? Well, unlike some other services, it doesn't use AirlineFlightSchedules query in the api since that is a paid service, we want to keep it completely free. It uses AirportBoards and then adds the parameter of only including t…
Last reply by bbuske, -
- 1 follower
- 44 replies
Hey guys, I have now released v1.00 of the cACARS Free flight tracking client. The module and client can be downloaded here: Also the first pack of custom options are available. You can find prices and available options here: Further options will be added in the future.
Last reply by mseiwald, -
- 40 replies
- 20.4k views is proud to release Extended Fleet v1.0 to the community, 100% Free. Extended Fleet is a module that goes beyond phpvms's capabilities to render a full fleet description page for each aircraft in your fleet, from the aircraft's physical characteristics to it's financial capabilities. The current available details of the aircrafts are available below: Type, weight, cargo, range, passengers, and cruise altitude. Fuel data incl. Average fuel use per flight, total fuel used, and fuel consumption rate. Average flight distance per flight, and total distance traveled. Listings of most recent flights with the aircraft Listings of routes the aircraft serves A ne…
Last reply by CFVA, -
- 39 replies
Hello every one ! I don 't know if someone got it but i figure it and i like to share with you Ok the basic idea was to display a list of all rank of the company and a list of all the awards of the company to separated pages: test/develop and works with phpvms version 2.1.934 Download the attachments To install: 1) upload the contents of modules to your phpvms module file on server 2) upload the contents of templates to your templates folder on phpvms server 3)to view your rank list make a link to 4)to view your awards list make a link to thats it ! you are ready ! How it …
Last reply by servetas, -
- 39 replies
Hey guys! I've made a Weather module that shows you real time and instant weather informations of the current airport where the logged in pilot is. DEMO VIDEO: #########INSTALLATION######### 1. Copy the "core/modules/InstantWeather"-folder into your "core/modules"-folder of your va 2. Copy the "core/templates/instantweather"-folder into your "core/templates"-folder of your va 3. To show the module in the navigation: <li><a href="<?php echo url('/instantweather'); ?>">InstantWeather</a></li> USE INFORMATION ON OTHER PAGES (v 1.9) --> More on github project U…
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel,